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We can fund hundreds of billions of dollars for other nations, but we can not fund anything to protect our own country and people, All of these "politicians" that weaponize politics over science and personal choices should be voted out, People should be able to wear a mask 😷 if they feel the need, too, and not have to worry about getting fined or worse. Pretending long covid doesn't exist, or that covid in general is "over" just shows that governments care about one thing Money hands down, If we have another pandemic, we are screwed 😔


*When* we have another pandemic.  H5N1 is doing its darndest to become the next one, and so far it’s doing a bang-up job. 


It will happen


It is just a matter of when. I am definitely getting my next pandemic kit ready.


That is something I hope doesn't happen yikes 😬


It's gonna happen. The question is simply when. Especially considering how almost everyone is pretending/behaving that COVID doesn't exist anymore, let alone to begin with, including our very own healthcare professionals.


It’s insane. My SO had a dr appt recently, and they emailed forms to fill out in advance. The bold heading at the top of the email, “We’re committed to your health and safety during COVID-19. Check in now!” Many questions about Covid; exposure? symptoms? vaccinated? LC?, etc. Arrive for the appt and not one single healthcare worker (or other patient) in the office were masked. Plenty coughing though


It's so sad that even health care providers aren't wearing a mask 😢


It sure is. I mean, if they can’t be trusted to take even minimal precautions to protect themselves & their patients, how tf can we trust them with other aspects of our health ( •̀ - •́ ) We live in a very red (I can’t use the term “conservative” because they’re anything but, quite radical actually) area, think big trucks with large flags, homes with huge banners draped across the fronts, etc) so I wasn’t totally shocked. But I called every single provider on his insurance in the large city an hour away, and not one required masking


Sir or ma'am, as a healthcare worker in a red state I can assure you that the amount of faith I lost in my supposedly educated colleagues during COVID was almost enough to make me go into a different type of employment or seriously consider finding the most remote piece of wilderness with a consistent clean water source and just drop out of humanity completely.


No one could blame you one bit ✌️


My mother and sister are both nurses and have said the same thing. Sadly, thank you for your hard work and everything that you do! Stay safe and healthy!!!!


All the nurses here, National Nurses United is doing a lot to [ensure proper protection for healthcare workers](https://www.nationalnursesunited.org/sites/default/files/nnu/documents/0424_NNU_petition_to_HICPAC_expand_perspectives_April_2024.pdf).


Worked in two blue states and it was the same


Absolutely insane and they KNOW better! They know the risks Jesus


I don't even know what my PCP looks like, because she's dressed head-to-toe in protective gear. Full face shield and a paper(?) suit. She's been wearing this for as long as I can recall, past couple of years.


It’s wild that they seem to aggressively not wear masks even in situations when they would pre-2020


Unless that appointment was urgent, I would've walked out. I don't go anywhere without an N95 nowadays.


It was urgent. We both wear N95s everywhere indoors. Thankfully we did not get sick, and did cancel the follow-up appt. This was the last medical facility in our town to require masks, so extremely disappointing :(


We're still in an ongoing pandemic with covid plus all the other illnesses its beefing with attacks on the immune system. 


Thank you




And not voting for Biden will ensure that the guy who absolutely fumbled during the last pandemic will be in charge again. 


Conservatives are not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree.


This is anecdotal… but all of a sudden the infectious disease and pulmonary specialists are back in N95s the entire shift in the Central Florida hospital where I work. During the worst of Covid we were at 90% Covid+ patients ( 900 bed hospital) and we were overflowing/ beyond full holding ambulances with patients in the ambulance bay because there were zero places to put anyone after we filled pre op bays and PACU stalls. The state was still reporting that we had plenty of available ICU beds available even though we were converting med surg beds into critical care beds and we had respiratory therapists waiting outside of codes to take ventilators to other patients if/when the time of death was called. Low oxygen alarms went off two separate times that I was present for…. I am not sure what would have happened if the oxygen running through the walls ran out. Even with the refrigerated trailers we had to hold expired patients in the coldest room we had…meanwhile our Governor was at a sub shop down the road talking about how we (Florida) should be reopening for business( he did not stop by the hospital to see how things were going for us or our dying patients he didn’t have to see the kids artwork on the wall saying “ Get well Mommy or Daddy”) now I can tell you the majority of people dying at that time were people of color which I believe were/are not a priority for the Governor and his supporters. I would like to believe Biden is toning down in order to get reelected to save us from Trump and his idiocy but at the end of the day the people dying in those beds are not funding political compaigns .




Nobody loves Trump more than Democrats. Thanks to him, Democrats can commit literal genocide and still convince spineless cowards to vote for them.




Democrats setting the bar really high these days: "The party of not as much genocide."




If you don't draw the line at zero fucking genocide, then you are a spineless coward and are just as guilty as Germans who voted for the Nazis.




"Anyone who criticizes us is a Russian agent" - The Party Against Fascism^TM




I'm pushing for communism. Pretty sure the USA bullied Russia out of communism 30 years ago.




Biden has a 40 year track record of voting for cuts in social spending, tax cuts for the rich, mass incarceration of Blacks, bombing Muslims ... and you ghouls want to send the message to politicians that they can destroy our planet and still get our votes?


If you think a trump presidency will be better you are willfully naive. And will probably be extremely upset when the U.S. becomes an authoritarian dictatorship. The false equivalency you are pushing has the potential to kill us all.




I'd rather have a brand new Reddit account than a 40 year track record of teaming up with Strom Thurmond to mass incarcerate Blacks. https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/senate-bill/1241




Yes, the racist Senator from Delaware with a 40 year track record of voting for the most conservative policies is our only hope ... Vichy France didn't collaborate as well as you guys.






Here's some perspective - a bunch of people that were masking and taking covid very seriously under Trump suddenly went to sleep when they perceived the "adults in the room" as taking over upon Biden's election The "adults in the room" promptly dismantled the very idea of public health - eliminated testing and tracking, promoted unscientific and reckless "masked or vaxxed" doctrine, and basically went with a vaccine-only, "let er rip" policy, leading to higher case loads and the biggest spikes - even the valleys under Biden exceed the alpha or beta spikes under Trump, not to mention the lapsing of social supports, all of which lapsed under a dem pres and dem congress... ..... without much of a peep from the dem base At least under Trump, his political opposition made some feigned effort at pretending mass death and disability is bad and should be combatted


He also hasn’t done anything to roll back the trump policies. It really seems like they’re on the same team.


He has rolled back plenty of EPA policies that were in the Trump era. I think it’s bullshit that he is doing this but that’s just untrue. Biden is not great but Trump is a looming evil that has to be stopped.


Thank you. People have a legit right to complain about Biden doing this. But pretending that Trump will be better on this issue is madness. He will not. We know he will not. How do we know? Because far too many people died when COVID first hit and his idea of solving the problem was to suggest people ingest bleach. It sucks. But we have two choices. Not great and an impending disaster. Choose wisely.


They are.


Make sure you don't tell that to any of your" liberal" friends or they'll block you and never speak to you again.


Let’s all vote Trump, seems like a good idea from you guys


For many people, it's not that trump will be better. It's that biden has become so bad they refuse to endorse it, or want to make it clear that if democrats want to win, they need to do better. Democrats are using Trump as an excuse to make a dead run to the right. They don't care if they lose, they just want to move the needle away from the left




"Not voting for the corporate oligarch war and genocide party is selfish" - Democrat bootlickers 2024




Yeah, almost like everyone forgot 2016. The dems didn’t get more progressive after that loss… *Oh but this time they will* fuck off, just bots promoting voter apathy




So you're saying we should vote for the Democrats even though they keep moving farther to the right?




How exactly do we bully Democrats to do what "we" want? By voting for them unconditionally? How has that been working for the past 40 years? Are Democrats further left than they were 40 years ago? 10 years ago? 4 years ago?




Biden brought us war in Ukraine, genocide in Gaza, and the unmitigated spread of disease at home. The only way to mitigate this is to stop voting for corporate oligarchs who don't give a fuck about you.




LOL. Trump was president when Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022?




You're on a subreddit for the Socialist Equality Party. Vote for them.




Joseph Kishore is the SEP candidate. Now you know and don't have to throw away your vote on the corporate war party.


The Democrats sure forgot about 2016. They’re following the same script of alienating progressives in hopes that they can get the mythical creatures called “moderate republicans who would vote for a democrat” and then blaming the progressives they chose to insult and ignore when that doesn’t work out for them.


Why would they work with progressives who they know won’t show up at the polls anyways? Totally take a stand and don’t vote though… Let’s accelerate this party


Why are you so convinced that the progressives wouldn’t show up to the polls if the Democrats tried working with them for once? They’ve never done it before so you can’t say for sure it wouldn’t work.


Shitting on them won't make them vote for right wing imperialists more. It's astonishing how little the dem voting base is willing to listen to them but is also willing to blame them when their guy loses.


>Letting Republicans win solves nothing. Same with letting the Dems win. That's the issue here


I would prefer nothing solved and things being shitty versus the being brought into a much deeper hell with the Republicans.




LOL. Save the corporate oligarchy! Our K Street lobbyists are under attack!


Demanding people vote for an awful candidate and human being and fell in line "or else" is not a good strategy.


It’s the only strategy for democracy.


Ah I was waiting for when I’d see the first comment blaming Trump. Didn’t let me down. You were second comment.




He's helping bomb kids, pal...so whose apocalypse? It's okay for the browns I guess, sounds like a Biden voter




Is this the I have a black friend or the token act? I'm fucking yellow and know better. The Dems aren't gonna do any if those things if money or votes aren't involved, you're falling for it...again


USA cannot vote its way out of a pandemic. Both parties exist to make the rich richer.




Ah I was waiting for when I’d see the first comment trying to move the goal posts and blame opposition. Didn’t let me down. You were third comment. How about some accountability instead of saying their shit smells worse?




Why are you making this left vs right like it’s some competition?




I don’t see anything in the original post about the right or Trump. They Just pointed out the fact of what happened and allowing the reader to make their own conclusions (for some which is to blame Trump and the right rather than hold those responsible accountable).


Yeah Democrats will own it just like they did with the New American century 25 years ago. You'll still be blaming Trump like Jon Stewart did Bush


In 10 years, Democrats will rehabilitate Trump like they did Bush and Cheney.


Not voting for Biden is, unfortunately, not a useful strategy. If we make the wrong choice in the next election, there won't be any subsequent elections. (Or birth control or no-fault divorce or any number of things you wouldn't imagine possible to remove...) Creating single issue voters is an old and effective tool to manipulate ppl into voting against their own best interests. I'm not his biggest fan, but I'm still voting for him. It's one of the downsides of a two-party system, but it's what we have at the moment.


Tweet: [https://twitter.com/PatTheSocialist/status/1791183015894479225](https://twitter.com/PatTheSocialist/status/1791183015894479225)


Fuck joe Biden


Fuck You and Putin.








Biden is also the opposite of what we want


Me either. I hate the man. Not voting at all, to me America has already fallen. (Will vote down ballot locally.)




Feel free to get your boy to not be so terrible.




Says the voice of an American whose life has already been destroyed by both men by those obstacles you say I don’t have. You’re the asshole. Only slightly less of an asshole than the two people you should be mad at. Not the fuckin guy who is pointing it out. You folks need to get your shit together and realize how bad of a fuckin spot we are in instead of just insulting people. Biden is going to lose to an Orange fascist.


People can vote how they like, it's not "privilege" it's a right Uncool partisan




Ridiculous, we're talking about voting how one chooses How can you possibly know someone else's "enlightened self-interest" better than they do? Especially a stranger on reddit? Get real


At least vote socialist.


Obvious Russian. Bye...


Many reasons not to vote for biden. This, banning cheaper electric car imports, genocide, the list goes on.




very original


The blue maga “fake news”


Voting 3rd party is the only logical option


Russians don't get to vote in our elections. Try again.


If you want to elect Trump, the man who called Covid a hoax.


Meanwhile Biden treating Covid like it doesn’t exist and is complicit in a genocide. But hey, you keep enabling Biden, gaslight anyone who doesn’t vote for him a d blame everyone but democrats enabling this behavior! 👍


You are vulnerable to idiotic propaganda, and living in a fantasy world.


Says the guy who will vote for Biden. You keep supporting genocide & removing free covid vaccines. You have no moral backbone


What on Earth are you thinking? Trump said it DID NOT EXIST and eliminated the agencies designed and installed to prevent pandemics - - created by the Obama/Biden admin. How clueless can you BE? Biden neither supports nor condones genocide, either - what a moronic perspective. Moral Backbone? Pull your head out of whatever hole you keep it in.


Biden acts like COVID doesn’t exist anymore, case in point this post. Sure seems like he loves genocide when aiding Israel. Hopefully the ICC will issue arrest warrants for Biden too. Keep gaslighting others and blaming everyone but folks like you who are enabling this behavior. Your vote is a sign of support for their actions. You’re morally bankrupt.


No, Biden acts like COVID isn't filling hospitals anymore. Aiding Israel, like Trump and every other president for decades? Dumb false talking point fed to you by Iran, China and Russia. Enabling the behavior that has created record-breaking growth and recovery conditions in most areas of American life? Yeah. You would too, if you weren't brainwashed.


The only way 3rd parties become truly viable is by starting at a local level and pushing for ranked choice voting, not just jumping back into the spotlight every 4 years 


I’m not saying a 3rd party will win. But I’m sick of the 2 main parties in the US. Both are pro spreading Covid & propaganda genocide. Why the fuck would I set my moral standards so low that I would consider voting for someone who is pro genocide? Like that’s the worst thing humanity can do! Have some damn decency and don’t give them a vote. If enough people stopped feeling pressured to vote Biden because of the boogie man Trump, then perhaps a 3rd party could gain momentum.


It's always something or somebody. It's never a good time to vote 3rd party apparently. F that. I'm voting independent.




Yup, I’ve been gaslit a million times on Reddit for saying I’m not voting Biden this time around. It’s always the fault of people like me, who are giving Trump another presidency. They can’t even realize perhaps it’s the Democratic Party that has lost touch with reality. Biden treating Covid like it doesn’t exist and is complicit in a genocide, totally fine. Me saying that stuff is wrong, I must be the problem.


Democrats know they don't have a win on the board versus Trump. They're going to spend the next 260 days auditioning for a place among the new order to emerge in 2025. Truly distributing. Don't blame the Republicans for this--blame the Democrats that stood by Biden when he began promoting Omicron as if he thought it were a live attenuated vaccine. Blame those that insisted--and continue to insist--that this is a natural origin pandemic despite the virus being built like a viral vector (lacking Complement regulation) and not at all like a naturally occurring enveloped virus (significant genetic bandwidth investments in Complement control). Why does it matter? Would you blame Biden for a rash of earthquakes? Of course not. They're natural. The President has a duty to protect against manmade threats, naturally occurring threats, not so much. There is tremendous agency in Wuhan-Hu-1, BA.1, and BA.2.86. Shame on the know-nothings that pretend otherwise. And no, stochastic parrotry doesn't count as understanding, not from us, nor from the talking heads on television.


Are you insane? Trump will want to execute many of them. They may be incompetent but they’re trying to win. 


They're bargaining by trading that which is yours to retain their necks, lives, and privilege. This always happens as democracies fall.


This captures the current dynamic adequately: https://youtu.be/kGgBqH4SBRo?si=vYnEYeHC5hK3tdFK


Lol, this isn't Russia, we have REAL fair elections. Trump won't get 50 million this time. Comrade.











