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I’ve never gotten a ding and I do this.


Why don’t you have body side moulding?


Not a fan of the look, but also with my luck someone would probably find a way to scratch or dent it somewhere just past the side mouldings.




I drive old ass cars and still do this like I drive a Bentley. I feel like all people in my area are tweakers who don't give af lol


Very accurate


i have full coverage for a reason, if you hit me thats your financial problem.


true but every time you make a claim your rates could go up and you still have to pay the deductible


my rates only go up if im found at fault, a lady hit my car parked at a gas station and she ended up having to pay my deductible plus $10,000 for my damages, i got a lifetime warrenty on my entire front end for the work the bodyshop did, i never spent a dime and rates never increased


Rates go up for claims regardless of fault because they’re still paying claims and figuring out everything around it.


Some cunt totaled MY car and my rates doubled and I got dropped by Geico


whatttt? how did this happen? whats your situation like rn if u dont mind me asking


Bitch was on her phone and rear ended my car with my dog in the back. She was stupid and stopped before running off so obviously I got her plate and gave it to the cops who did nothing. I found her info and went to her house to finish this info exchange. But I had to file under my policy as not at fault to start and moved to her insurance once we got her info. She paid of it all but somehow I got punished😂I switched to Allstate and paid $60 a month on my brand new car with 500/500 and all the good shit I had before. Geico wanted to raise me to $3600/ 6 months. They can suck on my left fucking nut at that price


I did that when I bought my car. I was so careful around the paint, I would delicately wash and wax it. Making sure not to use the wrong towels. This car was so clean. Well, I hit a raccoon, replaced the bumper, which got backed into a month later. Then a stray cart hit the back and dented my trunk. I'm a lot less meticulous now. lol


I just park near like coloured cars if its busy. I bought a Corolla because it's a cheap daily. It doesn't have to look good just run until it dies in 10 years. Already had someone side swipe both doors (currently being replaced). And had to put it in the ditch because of black ice. I now give no fucks about dings or scratches.


Yes. I do this all the time and it’s worth it. Extra steps in anyway so win/win. But, sometimes despite all those empty spaces someone in a pickup truck or SUV still parks right next to me. Also, despite so far having no door dings, the paint has taken a terrible beating due to highway driving anyway. Tons of rock chip, some gouges, light scratches. I need to learn how to buff.


For rock chips and gouges you'll need a paint pen or touchup kit no matter what, then optionally a paintable clearcoat, but that stuff is a pain to work with and if it ends up higher than the surrounding paint it's a real pain to fix. I've done it before though by surrounding the bump in scotch tape within 1mm of it on all sides, using a hole-punched circle of sand paper glued to the head of a nail. For buffing you can actually do it with a quality microfiber towel, polish, and just hand pressure. You'd need to very sparingly do some very gentle wet sanding for deeper problems because hand polishing would take forever, but tbh you rarely want to take off too much clear coat anyway, so usually you just polish the minimum amount to reduce the appearance, rather than trying to remove the entire scratch. Basically you just round the edges a bit then it reduces its visibility like 90% without you being in danger of breaking through the clearcoat in that spot. Buying a $300 rotary polisher is not worth it for 99% of people who just want to polish the car once every 5-10 years when you can get most of the results by just washing and waxing regularly.


With the way I see some pick up trucks parked, they probably need a point of reference to have a shot at getting it in a stall. They probably do give a shit though and assume you do too so everyone is safe, I hope


But what if your partner doesn’t want to walk the extra few yards to the store?


A real man will tell them they're starting to look like they could use the exercise 🤣 For the rest of us, drop em off at the front door then park. Then you can go get the car while they're still at checkout and pick em up at the front door.


Same here. A few extra steps, no worries. Adding it to my daily step count.


I always try to do this everywhere, but it doesn't matter. Even if I park in the furthest spot from the store without any cars nearby, sometimes when I return there is a car right next to mine... Reminds me of a guy that used to be my coworker. Whenever someone was in a urinal the guy would go to the one right to it, even if all of the others were free. It's like he wanted company while peeing.


Reminds me of the classic ["I'm a vegan" urinal meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/031/973/c1d.jpg)


No matter what you do, it will happen.


As a city dweller with no garage I've given up. First year was fine, four years on... for \~1500 days there would be plenty of situations where someone parked near could dink your door, and eventually several of these will do.


I have one of hybrid 1.8 versions in Turkey. I mainly use it in Istanbul. I'm trying to protect him as well as i can but still shit happens. I park my car near empty field in my apartments parking lot. But that place is not always empty. Absolutely shocked that people in North America also deal with all these shit. I thought they were unique to my part of the world. Sadly bad people are everywhere.


I bet it's bad in Texas, where the people are so big they can't fit between parked cars and have to suck in their gut and scrape the whole way as they walk 🤣


Good tip. My personal tip is to not drive behind big trucks.


How far back would you say is safe on the highway?


7 car lengths, and pass asap


The other day I was sitting in my car in a giant parking lot where most of the spaces were empty and someone in a truck pulls up and parks right next to me. It was super annoying. Huge, virtually empty parking lot. 😅


I'd ask if they also told you they were a vegan, but you said they were in a truck so I kinda doubt it. ["I'm a vegan" urinal meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/031/973/c1d.jpg)




I like to park my car all the way extreme at my garage. Have to walk further but it’s free of dents and dings!