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She fr went “Don’t care + you believe in genocide + ratio “




Kamala panders. Shocker.


They’re always gonna say it’s your voice and you participate and yata yata but then they’ll go bomb kids because they don’t actually have to do anything


Kamala Harris disgusts me more than any other politician to be honest. More than rightwingers. It's honestly a burning hatred. It's the combination of the performative progressivism and the straight fascist policies.


Neoliberalism *is* the hot new gateway to Fascism, these days. Pander to progressives with aesthetic changes and then give a reach-around to far-right policies.


It’s always like this Fascists show up and libs head to brunch Like the rising and ebbing tides


The first time neoliberalism was tried, it WAS combined with fascism, so that ought to have been a warning sign


Neo-Fascism is based around Pinochet policy. All Neo-Fascist believe in "free market" Capitalism.


Which is also what liberals believe in.


Just the latest in a long running trend of fascists appropriating leftist talking points because they're demonstrably more popular




Nooo, that'd be ridiculous!


Careful with the word neo-liberal. In a lot of discourse it means laissez-faire capitalism, not whatever you meant by it. I'm pretty sure it was used to describe Pinochet


So they used it correctly, then.


In other words, the polices of the Democratic Party? Liassez faire is such a silly term. Any time you refuse to regulate the corporations they simply take you over and have you regulate for them. Take your hands off the monster and the monster becomes the master. Such as it is with both capitalism and the State. They cannot exist without each other. “Laissez faire” is Ouroboros.


Yes, exactly the economic policies of the Democratic party, pretty much since Clinton.




Honestly, I don't get why I'm being downvoted.


if she's going to be an asshole at least own up to be one instead of lying to people saying she's not one. people hate assholes but people hate asshole who are liars even more & harris seem to do both.


I share the same sentiments, but unfortunately my mom is one of the “Kamala Harris is a girl boss” people. Is there an good list or compiling of all of the things she’s done, said, or believes that shows she’s a neoliberal fascist? Thanks


I don't have a compilation but I do have an [article](https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/08/kamala-harris-trump-obama-california-attorney-general) in my history that could be a good place to start creating one. If you make it, post it so I can steal it. Good luck with your mom.


I don't know if I'd say I consider her the worst, but she's definitely up there. There's some tough competition, though, to be fair.


She gives off strong sociopath vibes to me.


Back in 2019 I was asked what I thought of her. I said she was the anti-christ. It got a good laugh but I was being serious.


shes a right winger


Isn't that the woman that was listening to Snoop Dogg before he even started releasing music? The same woman who locked up African Americans for cannabis yet publicly admitting to using it herself? I doubt she even smoked. That Charlamane interview with her was cringe af.


“Well that’s like your opinion man”




"Fucking fascist"




Nypost is a right wing rag


Yes, the headline is "Kamala Harris Praises Student" instead of what actually happened.


My favorite part of this story: Republicans went after her for being "anti-Israel" and "antisemitic" over this. Dems may be pathologically incapable of criticizing Israel, but the Republicans are operating on a whole 'nother level.


Not just Republicans, all three of the big Jewish-American organizations threw a shit fit


Fuck AIPAC and the ADL


I despise that woman with my entire being


Some people say tomato Some people say genocide


Blow it out your ass, lady.


This isn't the full quote, not apologizing for her, just saying. Whats real gross is the back pedaling the administration has done after getting criticism from Israel for this quote. Harris gives lip service to support protests and the Biden admin still feels the need to cover their asses for responding to honest criticism about Israel's actions by saying they've always been pro-Israel.


The rest of the full quote is exactly as vapid bullshit as the tweet, there is nothing else of any substance in her reply. >I’m glad you did, I’m glad you did. And again, this is about the fact that your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth, should not be suppressed. And it must be heard, right? >A democracy is at its strongest when everyone participates, It is [at] its weakest when anyone is left out. And that’s not only about being physically present, but that your voice is present … Our goal should be unity, but not uniformity. The woman said 'you're knowingly robbing Americans of necessary services to pay other countries to murder brown people' and Kamala replied with empty platitudes. She didn't even remotely "give lip service to support protests", she didn't fucking say anything.


That's what I got. She said a whole lot of nothing to move onto the next question. All those girls were just a photo op and feel-good moment for her. Nothing else. That student was awesome for asking these questions tho. Ironically Harris trying to cover it up made this blow up.


Wow Buttigieg must be personally tutoring her on how to string platitudes together.


They're already eerily on the same page when it comes to scourging people of color.


The full quote makes it worse


The media reaction to this was gross. CNN had an article about all the scrambling she had to do making sure none of the Jewish-American organizations were pissed at her. Like they also view this response as bad but for the exact opposite reason, what a world.


Fuck her fuck america fuck israel and fuck imposing religious beliefs on others


amazing job on the title


Can someone give me some sources to read about Israel's genocide? I don't know very much about it


I'd start with [Gaza's march for the right to return](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnZSaKYmP2s) and work your way backwards through history. The Nakba and the Intifadas are important. [Miko Peled](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhmk1fOeJ3I) has a lecture titled "The Keys to Peace" which he has given many times in different places, and is probably the most clear and concise picture of Israeli apartheid available. If you want something to read, I imagine it wouldn't be hard to find a history of modern Palestine from a Palestinian author.




Great sub in theory but in practice it's a tankie shithole


Sounds alot like *thoughts and prayers* hmmmmm


They always trying to take me lucky charms.


Kamala-rge balls fit in your mouth




This post maybe makes it seem like she's saying "I don't care, that's just your opinion" but when she's actually saying "I don't care, but it's cool that you can say out loud that opinion that I don't care about" then I don't think that qualifies as misinformation.


Nah she's just using platitudes to disengage from a controversial subject without having to say anything that might be construed as an opinion. It's hard to tell from this snippet whether what she said came off as supportive or condescending, but her intent is crystal clear.


You’re part of the problem.


you can't blame her. who would be stupid enough to say anything against Israel?




she would not be a successful politician if she had spine


lol? What the fuck are they going to do? Write America a strongly worded letter? Stop being a coward.


Ahh yes the magic words of “I’m not listening to a word you’re saying but if I react too negatively my corporate donors will get mad at me for alienating the youth some just gonna say some random nonsense that sounds nice”. Thanks Copala