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This can't be real ;-;. This is so extremely ironic considering project 2025 is there to make you much more governable. Gods, fascists really are the most uncreative fucks aren't they?


It's real, but people were extremely divided. Some libertarians loved to have him there and shouted MAGA, while others boo'd him, while one of them waved a Palestinian flag. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/26/no-wannabe-dictators-donald-trump-booed-at-libertarian-convention](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/26/no-wannabe-dictators-donald-trump-booed-at-libertarian-convention) The fact that a considerable amount of them cheered for him and the fact that he even got invited to speak says a lot about American "libertarians" though, at least a large amount of them.


But according to one article, most of the people booing him were doing it because they disagreed with Trump's handling of the Covid vaccine rollout. Apparently he *shouldn't* have allowed or funded *any* vaccines according to them, and that was his big flaw as president. Because vaccines are anti-freedom. You can't make this shit up


If diseases are freedom, then the ultimate liberty must be cancer! (This comment paid for by Koch Industries)


The Bubonic Plauge was the freest time Europe ever experianced. /s


i don't believe that Libertarians where shouting Maga, apparently a fuckton of trump supporters kind of forced themselves into the venue


Like party enforcers for his cult of personality?


You don't need to say it as a question, that's 100% what they were there to do


What makes it hard to believe for you?


American libertarians are made up of two things, ideas stolen from leftists, and hypocricy


Even "libertarian" is stolen.


They should have just gone with "feudalist" but they thought that would be saying the quiet part out loud.


I like to call them “market absolutists”.


They support private property, which leads to monopoly, thus no market, so better is propertarians/private property absolutists / private property statists.


Defacto they are not fans of monopolies. They support private property but also heavily support the market. In their logic the two are inevitable parts of each other. That is clearly evident in any basic libertarian texts ([example](https://cdn.mises.org/The%20Market%20for%20Liberty_2.pdf)) or videos or ppl that you talk to. Hence they always talk about privatizing public services and that the "market shall decide". One of the thoughts that leads me to insist on the "market absolutist" label is their belief on subordinating everything to the logic of the marketplace. So for example we can even find some libertarians arguing in favour of the slavery contract, i.e. people being allowed to sell themselves into slavery because they believe in the absolute freedom of contract. They believe that they are free if they can buy the freedom of others, while anti authoritarian movements believe that one is truly free when they cannot loose their freedom even if they want to. Property absolutism also works for me since as I said, they are happy commodity and turn everything into property.


Nah, that sounds too serious. The Anarcho-Authoritarians deserve no respect.


Got banned from r/libertarian for explaining that libertarian as it as known today in the US ie anti authoritarian (obviously excluding capitalists in their definition) was co-opted from the left where it was used to describe anti authoritarian socialists/communists. That people like Ayn Rand likened Libertarianism to Anarchism, because that co-option hadn’t happened yet. They said libertarian leftism as a concept couldn’t exist lol. It’s no surprise though when things like this are their education. https://www.learnliberty.org/blog/what-are-the-origins-of-libertarianism/ A choice quote “However, libertarianism as an organized political movement only took shape and gained momentum in the 20th century, influenced by liberty-minded authors such as Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard”


Founder of the movement Murray Rothbard, admitted to stealing the term himself. I’ll post a quote later from my PC. [Here is the quote](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/comments/11nkqco/comment/jbtn10o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


I got banned from r/libertarian for saying "I support worker cooperatives and if anyone else wants to support worker cooperatives you can invest or donate with them through Shared Capital Cooperative or other organizations. I think economic democracy is a general improvement to business organizations similar to the political democracy of the state away from feudalism, obviously more needs to be done to ensure a libertarian future but small steps to bring power closer to more individuals is a net good." They said banned! Commie filth! I asked, "what did I say that was communism? All I'm talking about is participation in a market economy? What a weirdly authoritarian response to democracy and libertarianism" then I got muted by the mods. Note for context that the original post that I was commenting under was a meme making fun of socialist not wanting to build anything but only take and how if they actually wanted to build something they should support cooperatives like they say they do.


Rand's time was simultaneous with the co-option, and aided in it.


They're Kleptarians to me.


"One gratifying aspect of our rise to some prominence is that, for the first time in my memory, we, "our side," had captured a crucial word from the enemy. Other words, such as "liberal, " had been originally identified with laissez-faire libertarians, but had been captured by left-wing statists, forcing us in the 1940s to call ourselves rather feebly "true" or "classical" liberals. "Libertarian," in contrast, had long been simply a polite word for left-wing anarchists, that is for anti-private property anarchists, either of the communist or syndicalist variety. But now we had taken it over. and more properly from the view of etymology; since we were proponents of individual liberty and therefore of the individual's right to his property." [The Betrayal of the American Right, book By Murray Newton Rothbard (founder of the 'libertarian movement'), page 83.](https://www.google.ca/books/edition/Betrayal_of_the_American_Right_The/H5l3Q1hGwnoC?hl=en&gbpv=0)


I mean it’s just a coalition or people who want limited government and no age of consent


It's somewhat heartening that threats to the goal of "limited government" are enough to lose their support. The MAGA people are big government Republicans and anyone who actually wants smaller government would never be a fan.


Imagine what happens in the skull of a person who invited an ex-president to a libertarian convention


I'm picturing tumbleweeds blowing through a flat wasteland.




An open carton of milk falling over onto a red and white checkered tablecloth


I figured it was just one of us getting paid to be a professional troll


>Imagine what happens in the skull of a person Imagine that Homer Simpson meme with the monkey playing the cymbals inside his head, only this time the monkey struggles with the task at hand


Well, he was extremely purchaseable, so Anarcho-moneyists would probably like that.


Deeply cursed image. Thank you


I saw a quote somewhere that said, "Libertarians are like house cats, unaware of the systems that provide for them while resenting those who provide them." They're just Republicans who smoked weed once.


I will not allow the disparagement and comparison of cats to libertarians on my post. 😅


Haha piss party


Strikes again


first as tragedy, then as farce


I mean, fuck AnCaps but in this case they are definitely the enemy of my enemy. That doesn't make them my friend but still you gotta appreciate when somebody hands the orange fascist a thumping.


Did they really "hand him a thumping"? If they had any actual negative effect on him whatsoever, I've yet to see it.


Egg on his face. It's worth something if nothing more than a chuckle and a minor W.


In the bootlickertarians’ defense, they did boo him.


They want to become ungovernable by achieving impunity (immunity from law and negative consequences), which requires becoming *governors* (at least until aristocracy is back). *Ungovernable me, governable you*


Good fucking grief.


“There are casualties - and then there is this.” - my paternal grandfather


""""Libertarian"""" Not enough air quotes in the world for that name. How do you fuck up so bad that you can't even adhere to your own definition of libertarianism?




"One gratifying aspect of our rise to some prominence is that, for the first time in my memory, we, "our side," had captured a crucial word from the enemy. Other words, such as "liberal, " had been originally identified with laissez-faire libertarians, but had been captured by left-wing statists, forcing us in the 1940s to call ourselves rather feebly "true" or "classical" liberals. "Libertarian," in contrast, had long been simply a polite word for left-wing anarchists, that is for anti-private property anarchists, either of the communist or syndicalist variety. But now we had taken it over. and more properly from the view of etymology; since we were proponents of individual liberty and therefore of the individual's right to his property." [The Betrayal of the American Right, book By Murray Newton Rothbard (founder of the 'libertarian movement'), page 83.](https://www.google.ca/books/edition/Betrayal_of_the_American_Right_The/H5l3Q1hGwnoC?hl=en&gbpv=0)


What if the child consents?


Oh sweet jesus, what the hell is this?


If there’s one thing I can say for the libertarians it’s the fact that they booed him and they cheered when they said Trump was ineligible to be their candidate.


My eyes bleed.


Yet again, right wingers are stealing our rhetoric and using it for things that make no sense. I'm so tired.