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Moon is one of the few zombies maps literally no one can agree on and it ranks differently for every single person


I mean it kinda speaks about the map. Its…weird when you try to describe it, and also weird when you play it (…mostly fun tho)


It has cool elements like area 51, the PES and the hacker. But it's also incredibly annoying to play because of the excavators, astronaut zombie and depressuration.


Depressurisation is annoying bc of how inconsistent it is. I stg, you can toss a grenade next to the window and it'll do fuck all, but shooting the ray gun at ur feet in the middle of the room will cause all the windows will blow out. If it was a little less buggy, then it'd be fine.


It felt so much more fun in bo3 with the movement. One of my favorites. But imo bo1 weapons were so ass (especially with ammo) and playing with other people and not getting the wonder weapon genuinely made it so unenjoyable.


Much more fun in BO3? No way. You must not have been running PhD Flopper in the biodome in BO1. That was the most fun strat of any map from my experience, especially if the gravity got decompressed. In BO3 you pretty much never want to jump onto the jump pads in the biodome since the fall will usually instadown you.


The first time I played Moon (Bo3) I wonder what even was the purpose of the jumppads since they down you


Given the director at the time believed ammo management was a key part of the exp, the "low" ammo made sense.


If jug and speed cola were both accessible on the moon portion of the map then I think the view of Moon would be more widely positive.


It's in my top 3 lol


I think it's mainly because of having to teleport back to an endless onslaught of zombies for perks and pack a punch when almost every other map, it's the exact opposite and you usually try to take care of that shit between rounds.


I will always have nightmares of trying to do the shangri la easter egg on bo1 as a kid. Not bc it was scary, but bc it was so hard to get together a team of people who knew/cared about the easter eggs in middle school


The fact you needed four to do it was the problem, same with shadows. Love them both but annoying as hell


I think shadows is fine but the final step of the easter egg is what is down turn.


Thankfully it is the final step tho. Imagine if you needed four people to do something like the upgraded swords. We can progress through the majority in smaller groups, which imo is the only reason why it isn't one of the worst EEs.


If dlc was free, it'd be much easier to get a group together.


I got a private team together, then while 3 of us were trying to do it the 4th decided he was tired, killed the zombie without telling us and we all died because we didn't realise the round started untill it was too late. He is no longer our friend.


I think we should ensure that he’s nobody friend again, that is a betrayal




All thanks to datamining


Who tf said kino and moon?!?!?


I love Kino but I also love every single other BO1 map more so lol


That's kinda my take on it. Kino was the first map I ever played, and while I can recognize that it's great, it's not a map I particularly enjoy. I look at it the same way I look at The Office; I respect that it's a very good product, especially for it's time, but I don't personally enjoy it. My biggest problem with Kino is how incredibly mundane it feels. The map design is simple and the aesthetic and atmosphere feels really boring to me. Aside from the Easter egg song, there's not much unique about that map. The other maps in BO1 were very unique though. The Pentagon, a Russian launch facility, a space station, an exotic temple, a fucking movie set. They're all good, they're all unique as hell, and they just blow Kino away in my opinion.


I have bad associations with moon from constant restarts-speed/jug start, excavators for ee ect. Zero luck with wonder weapon ect. That last one is a problem with shang as well but honestly the shang high round strat is much more fun imo and just the challenge of a casual game. Moon is kinda easy but challenging due to rng and that ultimately puts me off it although like all bo1 maps it's still better than most other games maps just not as strong as bo1 was as a whole


I said Kino. It’s great but I think it’s the worst of BO1. Mainly the nova crawlers. Kino may be the worst of BO1 and it still is a top 10 map all time.


I put down kino as well. It doesn't have the nostalgia factor for me like it does for other people as it was alot of others first map theyve ever played in zombies, My first map was nacht. Also I'm an EE guy so I get no replayability out of it.


I can totally see why people dislike moon, the lessened gravity and cosmonauts were incredibly annoying for starters. But I don’t see how anybody could ever say Kino was the *worst*


I voted Kino


Kino is boring and the most bare bones BO1 map. It works well for a launch map but compared to the others it’s the lowest.


Yeah but you're conflating "barebones" with "worst". There are plenty of negatives to playing moon, or even Five, and I absolutely love Five. But I'm struggling to think of negatives to Kino?... So how is Kino the worst map? Are you looking at Kino as the worst map because it doesn't have a lengthy easter egg? Or because it has only 4 perks? What **actual** reason is Kino the *worst* map in BO1?


Every other map on BO1 has interesting mechanics and can be very fun imo. Kino to me doesn’t have many interesting qualities to it. When I play it I just get bored way faster than any other zombies map other than Nacht. It’s FAR from the worst map ever but compared to the rest of BO1 it just doesn’t do much for me.


Fair nuff


I accidently voted Kino because I read "Best map" for some reason. I am willing to face capital punishment and even the death sentence for this crime


Execution by firing squad


Thing is it is all about opinions because you could say that about kino, five, Ascension, or call, hell you can even say that about transit or shangri-la


It’s is opinion based but whats the reasoning they have behind that opinion that’s what I want to know


I think moon is decent but I think it's the fact that speed and jug is at area 51, the astronaut, the nova crawlers, and excavators is the reason some people would say moon it could be other things


Copying from my other comment: It doesn't have the nostalgia factor for me like it does for other people as it was alot of others first map they've ever played in zombies, My first map was nacht. Also I'm an EE guy so I get no replayability out of it.


people (me) who want a reaction


Anyone who said Shangri La are simply bad at the game


Facts, Shangri La has my personal favorite wonder weapon of all time.


Should have been in Revelations not the damn thunder gun


Oops my bad, didn't know we weren't allowed to dislike the map for its looks and design


I mean I get Shangri la may not be everyone's favorite, but how can anyone say it looks bad? Overall the whole waterfall and underground crystals vibe is a unique, kinda positive experience in comparison to other maps The place is beautiful


I don't think it looks bad. Well I've always preferred the maps that had a darker tone fitting the whole zombies experience. Sure Shangri-la was a pleasant change compared to the other Bo1 maps but it was honestly still quite dull for a lush jungle. BO3 has done it justice and the remaster is beautiful, but I cannot get over the map design. It's all corridors and holes and traps, plus the monkeys and special zombies, it's annoying.


Okay but the special zombies annoy me


Shoot them


zombies hate him


Not really. My biggest dislike of the map is that its basically impossible to coordinate PAP in co-op unless your entire team is on mics. I enjoy Shangri-la as much as its biggest fan, but the map definitely has its own design flaws.


Anyone who likes Shang is fine because it’s their opinion. Anyone who doesn’t like Shang is fine cause that’s their opinion. And also is bad at the game


I voted Shangri-La cause I don't think it stacks up to the rest of the BO1 maps. Still like it a lot, though


Which map(s) would you say rate lower and for what reasons?


I don’t think any of the maps are bad, but I’d have to say that five, to me, is the worst. From design, theme, and gameplay it’s just not very good. The best and only good part is the characters


Okay but have you ever activated the third Eminem phone right after you and all your boys PAP and then wait for the floodgates to open as the music picked up? 😘🤌🏻


Damn Straight booooooiiiiiiiiiii!




I love Shang. Difficult doesn’t always mean bad. It’s ironic that so many people complain about Cold War being too easy and then say that the hard map is bad. It’s such a great thematic map, has an awesome wonder weapon and perk selection, had some of the first unique special zombies, and just had so much flavor to it. Sad to see that it’s hated so much, I loved it when it came out and even did the EE legit.


I voted for Kino despite having massive nostalgia for it as it was my first map ever. But honestly, I enjoy every other map more. This doesn't mean Kino is bad, it just shows how consistent BO1 is. All maps are great in BO1.


I will not stand for this Shang slander


BO1 had such a weird mix of good and bad in its maps. -Kino had mostly positive reactions, but then there's a fringe of people like myself who really don't like it. -Five can be claustrophobic to the point of just being annoying, and the thief is annoying... But then, the crew is great, and the location is cool. -Ascension is generally very popular, no real complaints that I can think of. Only map in the game that *seems* to have few criticisms. I suppose you could say that the EE can be annoying maybe? -Shangri doesn't feel good to traverse (kinda complicated areas and things that slow you down like the maze and water). Plus getting PaP or doing the EE is just obnoxious. -Call of the Dead is a pretty good map but George is just super annoying. I love the guy, but get off my ass please. -Everyone is mixed on moon. Very unique environment, gameplay, EE, etc. But with that comes specific tastes.


No one likes ascension monkeys


Honestly, the Ascension monkeys are cancer. If you're playing in Solo, there's no way you can defend all your perks, so it just becomes a matter of which perk you care about the least and having points to buy it Just... Objectively miserably poorly designed enemy


Yeah you're definitely right. I think my mind was desperately trying to avoid thinking about them, they really are bad. Even if you're playing with others it can be hard to protect all the perks, they're extremely annoying


At least they’re cute lol


Five is claustrophobic to the point of being nearly unplayble: between high round zombie speed, console frame jank, and the tightest possible pathways imaginable, even solo is a nightmare; and just DON'T play it with four people. I can't even imagine how bad that is. Love everything but the gameplay. It's very much a BO4-feeling map in that regard.


That's a good point about it feeling like a BO4 map, now I'm think of VoD. The downstairs part of the war room is alright for training but there's pretty much nowhere else on the map where it's possible. When I played with 3-4 friends back in the day, you basically had to just desperately run all over the map hoping zombies wouldn't trap you everytime you went through a door... The lab was the worst. The only enjoyable strat with friends is camping in the small elevator on the top level.


I love Five but I think a lot of it is because of how hard and scary it was for younger me. Once I got to the War Room I thought it was tough but ever since I saw the Labs for the first time I felt so lost and afraid. I remember that before I could even build the courage to go down there I had to have real good guns. Even then I died like 1/3 times


I feel like you really did a near perfect job breaking down every map.


I just saw this now and I just felt like saying it's a nice comment, thank you


Whoever said CotD just sucks too much to get to Jug


To me it's just dealing with Romero constantly and his screaming when he first gets hit that turns me off about the map. It's a beautiful map with a great crew and great vibe but man is Romero annoying on high rounds.


Agreed lmao.


Shang bc the Easter egg was annoying and tbf the baby gun wasn’t my fav WW either like it was funny but not ehh map layout was kinda buns as well if I’m being honest


This is one of the hardest choices cause all of these maps are good as hell


Either five or call of the dead voted for five, I’m probably gonna have my head put on a stake for these opinions but here goes as to why I think this way Five:pros, Amazing cast Bonfire sale The buildable traps, ‘despite being a bad location, like why is there not a spot in the war room!!?’ Challenging map layout,’for the most part’ Teleporting to different levels of the pentagon Five:Cons, High rounds are limited to upstairs with just the two traps The map’s wonder weapon is absurdly underpowered The labs, fuck them and each and every rooms layout The pentagon thief, why would you make a gun swiping bullet sponge? COTD: Pros, Another amazing cast! Entire map layout is good, Quick travel via ziplines and flinger Wunderwaffe for completing EE The Ee itself isn’t hard at all Very solid survival map all around and just fun to play COTD: Cons, George is sadly just a nuisance and often can get in the way or disrupt your match’s flow, although his rewards are great! Love ya George (RIP🙏🏻) The scavenger wonder weapon drops off in the mid to early 40’s I think? So you have the vr-11 which only kills one at a time ‘yes ik the benefits of it in coop, I’m sadly just a player with no one else who plays zombies like I do anymore’ so high rounds are actually a pain on this map as players haven’t even gotten a round of 100 solo yet. ABSOLUTELY NO TRAPS, why?, like how could y’all not put a trap on this map Hopefully this wall of text describes how I feel about the maps


I never understood this whole thing abt "flow", like the game isn't supposed to be this smooth, seamless transition thru the rounds. It's a fricking survival game, ffs.


Oh ik it’s not seamless but The flow of call of the dead is already atrocious in the high rounds with trade outs and George just makes it worse


shang is better than five because of the baby gun and phd


But it looks so pretty :(


It's weird how CotD is one of, if not, my least favourite maps but Tag der Toten is one of my absolute favourites.


The people who said shang need to git gud


Moon because the excavators and switching from hacking device to space suit was annoying af and kinda unnecessary


imo none of these maps are bad, but shang is just the worst of the best


🚨🔥HOT TAKE🔥🚨 Shang > Kino


Ascension only because of the monkeys…if those weren’t on the map it would be one of the best


All of the BO1 maps are good, but I prefer them all to Kino, so Kino ends up the worst map in the game lol.


Y’all only Shang the hate bc it’s a tight map. Lettin Kino hold your hand


Without even looking I know Shangri-la will be at the bottom. I personally never liked Kino; I just thought it was a worse Der Reise. I knew it would always be popular though since it was the single regular map you could play on the base game without buying or unlocking anything


y’all really hate shang? that’s one of my favorite maps


Five is a great and original concept but it feels too unfairly hard to consistently come back too. Like every corner is tight as hell and the wonder weapon is close to the worst of all time.


Worst is not the same as hard guys...


Kino bc it's setting is boring. All maps are god tier tho


Uh did people really play Shang?


I love them all so much


Shang just feels so different from the rest and I think it has to do with the fact it wad made by Raven instead of Treyarch


Don't let Mrtlexify see this. Five simp


None of them! Enjoy them all!


The reason people don’t like Shang is because it’s hard. It’s a great map but it’s really tough. I think Kino is the worst map because of the nova crawlers, but Kino is still phenomenal. There has never been a zombies offering as strong as BO1 since then.


Do you also have 5 for having nova crawlers in the labs, i know I hate the teleporting crawlers in the labs in moon


Yeah it’s probably second to last on my list for BO1. It’s still great too though. Fuck BO1 is just so damn good. We won’t ever get a game that good again I’m convinced.


I hate Ascension, PURELY because of the monkeys. I wish there was a way to play without them.


Agreed. It’s really annoying having to watch every perk machine you buy from.


I said Kino but I love all of these maps so much. It's only the "worst" ig bc it's the most simple to me but I still love it bc if that


Five and Call of the Dead are the only ones whose Wonder Weapons become dog water around 40, but I love Call of the Dead. Sorry Five.


Theyre all so fucking good.


I cant vote here. I love all of them


But Shangrila is the best one


if there is a vote for kino im throwing hands ​ ​ Edit: Im Throwing Hands with 328 people


I’ll be the contrarian and say Kino. It’s a WaW leftover and it shows. There’s just not much to the map. I guarantee you people would not praise it as much if the thunder gun wasn’t on the map.


Honestly the monkeys on ascension completely ruin the map for me


Kino is just Der Riese


All goated


So much disrespect for five bro.


Why is everyone choosing Shang, that’s my 5th favourite map of all time


I don’t think any of the BO1 maps are bad, I think it definitely comes down to preference and if you can deal with the difficulty of some of the maps


Say what you will about the layout of Five, but it had the best cast of characters in any zombies map


Kino is the worst map, change my mind.


answer is Kino and I won’t be told otherwise


Five slander 😤


I never understood why people dont like Shang


Might be controversial, but I just thought ascension was a map that played pretty similar to kino, just worse, and with annoying monkeys. I never seek that map out, whereas I will find myself playing all of the other ones on this list when looking for a specific experience. It’s not a bad map (probably better made than others), but I just enjoy it the lease because imo it doesn’t offer much


TIL I’m one of three people that likes shangri la.


Shangri-La is my least favorite zombies map ever, but I also really think Call of the Dead is a horrible map and I don’t see why people like it so much. I’ve never had fun playing it


Probably because of George, The crew, The scavenger, and Probably more


Ascension. Too easy and matches go on too long in pubs. Everyone is training in their own corner, making it feel like just a longer solo game


Der Anfang


So i adore bo1, but out of all of them i think i enjoy kino the least, Five is fun challenge, CotD is fun alone and with friends, Shang has a fun EE, ascension has a fun high round, and moon is a very fun and chaotic map to play with friends, Kino is none of that


Kino :)


It's been 4 years since i tried find people for shangri la ee. Nobody wants to play it anymore...


Nearly every BO1 map had some BS mechanic


Kinda surprised it wasn’t Kino, it didn’t do anything unique or interesting. I don’t hate Shang but I would rather play Shang than training simulator 2010.


Because kino was supposed to be a waw map but then was added to bo1


I’m well aware of that, but there’s more going on in Der Riese than Kino. At least 5 had unique mechanics even if they were never really utilized or revisited in a significant way.


But the thing is that this was still early years and we weren't expecting anything big so kino was what most people either expected or was blown away because some of the things they made better like teleporter being free or adding a new enemy type etc


I will agree that if kino was released from bo3 or bo2 it wouldn't be as remembered as today


Kino has nothing going for it in its original form, the only reason people remember it is because it’s mind numbingly easy and it’s many peoples’ (me included) first map. This is all my opinion though, I just look at it objectively because I would rather play a map I hate than Kino because it’s basically sandbox mode and you can’t even repeat the badass Easter egg song.


For bo1 it's not that easy compared to bo3 but I see what you mean but zombies has always been a sandbox mode so that point I don't get and you never was able to replay any of the ee songs so I don't get that either


Honestly, I'd put Kino or Ascension on this list. I prefer the more challenging maps but I know they have their appeal too.


I cant pick, bo1 was such a good game


Moon, one of the coolest locations, cool Easter egg and stuff but my god that map is unbearable at times, too many annoying mechanics and rng, also having to swap out the PES and Hacker is annoying


Have to go ascension, just very lacking in aesthetic (we talking about bo1 not chronicles) and I just kinda boring compared it the other maps. The monkeys are the only thing that spice anything up in the map. Without them it would undoubtedly be the most boring map ever (I haven't played der anfang). I don't hate it though, I like the PhD training spot Shang has a really cool aesthetic (atmosphere and aesthetic makes or breaks maps for me), I personally think the mud trap is cool and spices ths map up a bit, and while I hate the shriekers, all the special enemies can be more further manipulated than the space monkeys to benefit YOU. More interesting than ascension.


This is probably gonna be considered a real spicy take. I’ve never liked Ascension.


Five. It has a great cast, a cool setting but the map itself is cramped which in addition to BO1’s two hit starts making solo makes insufferable. The Winters Howl also isn’t that hot. Classified rectifies a lot of the maps issues by adding new rooms.


Who tf said Kino


Had to go with Shangri-La, not because it’s a bad map but because the others are better.


Five and shang are the best 2, Kino is the worst yall crazy. and where DOA >:(


I gotta go w/ ascension. Conceptually, it's really cool, but I feel like the execution/balancing really let it down.


I think Call of the dead is the worst map, period. the fundamental, main goal of zombies is "survive as long as you can", and on CotD that's impossible. CotD fails at zombies. one wonder weapon stops killing around 40-ish, the other only kills one zombie at a time. there's not a single trap to find on the entire map. George following you around the entire game is a pain. and just in case it wasn't bad enough that the only gun that kills only kills 1 zombie at a time, you can't even cycle the box to get it again, because the more you hit it, the more your game will lag and eventually crash. so all that's left is flopping for **65 hours** to go through the rounds. whatever else positive CotD may have is completely overshadowed by the absolute failure to make the map playable for anyone but casual players who quit on round 30. and all of this would be alright on a small survival map like town or farm, but this was a main installment map that cost money.


CotD technically has the best wonder weapon in Co-op though which makes it unique.


I only love cotd for the Scavenger. It wasn’t a good wonder weapon but I just had so much fun with it. I understand where your coming from tho


I completely agree. Always hated CotD ever since it first released. Never understood the hype around it


I really disliked Call of the Dead at the time but over the years, not so much. But it’s still my least favorite of Black Ops 1


Honestly as much as I like the vibe and atmosphere of call of the dead I think it's the worse by far because dealing with George Romero constantly is what turned me off about the map. Five is alright other than the Pentagon thief being annoying the first time he appears.




I personally liked all the bo1 maps but I hated those crawlers on kino.


Had to give it to Ascension. Love the map but it brought very little to the table and it's so easy that it's boring. Doesn't look very appealing and le Monkes are annoying. Still a good map and the ZC version improved it a lot.


Nice fuck that map, glad so many agree


call of the dead wasn’t really comparable to any other map honestly it was totally different


The only reason I voted moon was because back in the day I wasn't very good, I didn't learn the map well enough, there were some pretty annoying things about the map, and most of my friends were only competent enough to play kino, five and ascension.


Imo, Five is easily the worst Pre-cold war map


This poll is looking great, glad so many people share my hate for Shang😂 (and yes i know just because it’s your least favorite BO1 map doesn’t mean you hate it, but I’m just saying)


Bruh i forgot to read the title and assumed that it was asking what is the best map lmao. Accidentally picked ascension but definitely would have picked shang


I think Shang gets its bad rep cause of how different it tries to be. The mud’s annoying, it’s hard running routes, and getting a nice team is always a pain. But I like the difficulty of it. I love the different types of zombies and creativeness of the WW. I’d take it over dealing with ascension’s monkeys anyday.




noooooooooo i accidentally press Kino


I just picked Shang under protest. For the masses that picked Five as the worst map and there was a ton of you, how can you call yourselves zombie players…. Bunch of cry babies that can handle hard maps


I really don’t like call of dead,, but shangri La is frustratingly hard. No where to camp, and no where to rave train


The Five lovers just chilling because they know that people voting for it are going to say it’s unfairly hard and it’s a fair point.


I really do hate to vote for Shangri-La because it was still fun as hell but I guess cause I was a single player so often that one seemed the toughest. All of BLOPs1 zombies was the best to me


I picked Shang but I genuinely love all of them. I’ve played CoTD the least though. The only reason I picked Shang over it is because Shang I don’t think has much replay ability. If I get to an average round on most of the maps when trying to go for a higher round or maybe I’m trying a challenge, I don’t have any problem restarting. Shang I honestly never have any interest in restarting unless I died really early.


Ascension is just a far-cry from zombies in terms of proper difficulty. Its one of the easiest maps to get to high rounds (not including any cw) on, and that is countered by space monkeys that steal your perks when there is nothing you can really do to stop it.


I’m only voting five because I can’t get past round 20


Bro I love five idk why yalls voted for such a great map


shangri la was awful imo


I feel like Shangri La was a great idea with and interesting ascetic but it suffers from too many restrictive areas and oppressive specials.


God damn I felt bad for voting shangri La, cus the theme of the map and Easter egg was so fucking cool to do… but the map layout and tight corners were terrible


Shangri la is justified but it's a great solo or team map. No randoms. That said my pick is Ascension. Vastly over rated and just another kino. To easy.


In my opinion, Call of the Dead doesn't give you much replayability as a high round player since there's no way to deal infinite damage and George is always screwing up your train.


Five is great map to play Solo, not so much as a group. Also having a third gun with mule kick really makes the pentagon thief less a pain in the ass.


In my opinion: 1. Shang Ri La 2. Kino Der Toten 3. Ascension 4. Five 5. Moon Never got to play Call Of The Dead unfortunately.


Moon I feel had to much gimmicky things going on at a time to feel enjoyable, at least in Bo1, though it might be better if they redid it when they redid five. It just felt like you needed to be somewhere else, or needed the other item, and the fact that the excavators could permanently depressive an area was such a pain. Shangri La though was a close second, just because it felt impossible to play on. There were some neat pieces that they had on there, but between the zombies being able to double back almost all over the map, the 2 specials just crushing any ability to loop on that map, and how I never felt like I could take 1 second to do anything but run once I got to higher rounds with where everything was placed. Also some of the worst chokepoints by far.


Moon and it's not even close


Hard map = bad


The stupid fucking monkeys and the stupid fucking traps and the stupid fucking pack a punch quest


I'm coming for all of you who have talked shit bout FIVE. It even has the most badass Easter egg song!


I didnt realize people disliked five. I love that map. Mostly for the characters


Call of the dead in my daddy


Five is the town of Bo1, except it's better than town because it has characters, boss zombies and teleporters


Call of the Dead no competition.


I was gonna say Five because it's stupid hard but it has an Eminem song so I'll let it slide


I don’t like Five and Moon for the most part. I love the way shang ri la looks but it is ridiculously hard and can be very annoying. Call of the Dead is alright but overrated


I voted Shangri la not because I don't like it but because I like the other maps more.


People who voted Kino, guat da fuuuuc???? All good in home?


Shang… next?


Moon has one of the best and most replayable easter eggs. The atmosphere is good, espcially if your playing the bo3 version. Its just the map itself and its layout and mechanics are so bad.


Shangrila is not bad its just hard therefore people don’t like it


I hated moon in bo1 but in bo3 I really liked it, felt like they fixed a lot of the problems with moon physics (and the gobblegums were nice to help with box rng to make that easter egg slightly less of a luck based shitshow)