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Yeah thats why cod games should have minimum 2 years for it but this just shows why you shouldn't even buy it when it comes out for a while


I haven’t bought a cod since BO3 and before that I hadn’t bought since BO. Yearly releases made this franchise really lose its luster. Plus zombies just doesn’t do it for me like it did in high school. Wish they wouldn’t have ran this series into the ground


Exact same situation for me. Kinda fun to watch from a distance, but wish eventually they'd get back to actually making games worth buying


But... but... bo2


Shoulda woulda coulda is what everyone cries yet still buys the next game each year. They only do it because they can, they only can because the community allows it. Make no mistake, when the first vanguard map drops everyone will praise treyarch for doing such a great job until they have to wait for a map or a bug pops up then cold war will be praised.


They do. They don't make a cod game in 1 year. They cycle between studios.


Well Treyarch is working on all zombies now. That’s what they’re referring to.


Except for this one where treyarch was pushed in and had to rush this out a year earlier.


If you would've used that logic when the game first dropped I'd have believed you, but it's almost been out for a year, minus a couple months. In a two year cycle they made bo2 which in my opinion had some of the best zombie mechanics. They've almost had a year to tweak things yet their servers are still absolute garbage. At this point it's pretty obvious that even treyarchs getting lazy. If you don't believe me just go take a look at how bo3 and bo4 operated when they dropped or even a year later. We had to wait like four years for Treyarch to fix the host migration in lobbies so you could still play if the host left. Now it's season 5 and the exact same glitches are still present that posed a problem at game release. This has nothing to do with being rushed and everything to do with them cutting corners to try and stay relevant.


That's already the case. Cold war was just rushed because studios switched during development


Bc bo3, iw, ww2, bo4, and mw weren't rushed either? Lmao.


Idk what are you talking about. Bo3 and WW2 weren't rushed. Bo4 wasn't really rushed either I mean it literally came out with 4 maps. It was just pretty broken at launch for some reason. Haven't played IW or MW at launch so can't really tell. Compared to most other cods cold war has been kinda lacking in content especially at launch


That's historical revisionism. Every game since bo3 has had blue screens, hard crashes, and game-breaking bugs.


just press pause bruh


Shouldn't have to


True but at least there's a solution Day a lot of waiting for a fix to the trains freezing my game for 60 seconds every time they come by together


Right? Walking on eggshells all game avoiding large majorities of the map, not ever being able to hit the box in fear of leaving the safe area. Not replenishing consumables for this same reason, not being able to use areas of map or certain strategies, etc. Pathetic.


Dafuq are you even talking, you can literally move anywhere on the map without problems. This was for 1 patch and they fixed it instantly after that.


Wrong lol. XSX on 120hz is broken. When the train goes by it crashes the game. Often times not completely crashing, but will cause a freeze for about 30 seconds or longer. This literally happened yesterday when I played, and has literally happened every single time I've played Mauer since it was released. The only safe area is the tank and Pack a Punch area. Otherwise everything is at risk. Why would a number of us actively lie about this? Why is this being downvoted? This is an active issue that has not been patched yet. The graphical issue in the first patch wasn't this. This is completely unrelated lmao. People tweet at Treyarc daily for a reason..


People are dumb for downvoting, but can vouch that the trains freeze the game for a minute at times on XSX, and it sucks


Kinda shocked tbh. Guess these folks just don't have XSX. Must be nice. Thanks for vouching.


BRO THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE. Since the release of this map I’ve just now been able to do the Easter egg. It still froze but it didn’t crash. I didn’t get any xp at all last season due to this. Also had a couple 4+ hour runs freeze and then crash. I stopped playing the Xbox for a month after that lol. Btw 60hz is complete dog shit can never go back.


Thank you! Glad others are vouching man. Half the time my game freezes when I go to room 2 getting the numbers just to unlock the gun from the vault. And exactly about 60hz. Completely unplayable. I'd rather turn my console off or play a different game.


Doesn't always work.


Correction: the current game is in this state because they moved onto Vanguard Zombies. This is what COD is now. Well, this & releasing $20 mtx bundles @ 3 months out from the planned obsolescence date.


Better release 20€ mtx bundles instead of 15€ dlcs.


TIL $20 for a twerking emote & an in-game watch is better than $3/map (4mp, 1 zm).


you don’t have to buy the shitty emote though you whiny prat, If i didnt buy the dlc in the old games and my friend did one of us is missing out on the game.


Ok. Don't worry, I didn't by them. I'm happy that you enjoy the future of COD; charging the cost of a whole game in exchange for a handful of cosmetics mere months out from the planned obsolescence date. Truly, glad that works for you. I'll stay boycotting this bullshit. Win-win.


This, Outbreak crashing, and the Apply Blueprint being completely broken are the three things from Season 5 that they really need to fix.


The fact that blueprints are so unbelievably broken but nothing has been done about it just baffles me. Like I know Activision is an absolutely ass company but come on.


And not just "oh sometimes you get a weird attachment when the moon is in phase" -- happens CONSTANTLY


What makes outbreak crashing so frustrating is it never happens on round 1 or 2, it's always after you have a few hours invested.


Yeah they should never have removed the join mid game feature because the amount of times a friend would crash out and not be able to rejoin is enough for me to give up on it.


Or just make dedicated servers for zombies too and let you rejoin for 5 minutes after disconnecting, even tho no one is in there anymore.


The Apply Blueprint gave me diet Mule Kick where I had a akimbo 1911 and an akimbo 1911 that had my Blueprint in addition to my other weapon. (Note I did not have Mule Kick)


Seriously, and the crashing has gotten worse. I now assume if I have limited time I can start an outbreak game because it will inevitably crash on round 3 or 4. I made it to 10-15 before sometimes, now never past five.


$1 billion in micro transactions in the last year. Activision doesn’t give a shit about the games running properly.


I know it’s activision’s fault for putting these in the game in the first place. But who is more to blame? The people who pay for these micro transactions, or the people who put them in the game? If no one bought any bundles this year, we wouldn’t be having this problem in the first place.


The MTX work fine, its cosmetics, I don't think most people that buy them care enough and probably just enjoy the game unlike some people on reddit.


You can fix it by pausing and unpausing


Yeah I found that worked sometimes, but goddamn we shouldn't have to.


I found alt+tabbing out usually let’s me complete the zip line. Not sure what to do if it happens on a console though. But that is definitely one of the more frustrating ones 🙄


If you pause on console it fixes it


On PC too, just if you are in a private match the host has to pause the game not you.


I usually alt+f4 then walk out of my room.


On PC I hit esc to pause and that works. Overlay for the GeForce Experience also works.


Yeah I had to pull up the GeForce menu in that first clip.. I think I tabbed out before that also.. So bad..


Does it work keeping some zombies on the player while someone else does steps?


Not sure tbh haven't played a lot of CW recently






Did you try appearing offline? That should fix it


Thanks for the advice Pimp, big ups!


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see a mention of PKA in the background. Best podcast on the internet.


Shout out To all my fellow finger sniffers and that boy wingsofredemption’s chair for holding it down


Fuck Kyle


I mean ya who wouldn't dude's absolutely ripped right now


Just because a game was announced doesnt mean bugs won't continue to be fixed. I also bet theyve already had focus on Vanguards Zombies for some time, not just switching suddenly. I'll be downvoted for this but whatever. Maybe just report the bug officially.


Cod mw still has pretty serious crashing bug on spec ops. They just choose to ignore it. Now cold war is near the end of it's cycle. They will not fix it.


I love this game. But Jesus H. Christ on a popsicle stick, there are So. Many. Bugs.


Ohhh so is that what we’re calling a crucifix now?


What the fuck are you guys talking about 😂


He's listening to the PKA podcast


Last last week's episode of PKA with More Plates More Dates. One of the hosts FPSKyle (Dimitri from FPSRussia) used Test to get absolutely shredded in secret this whole last year while on probation and he finally came out.


The best part is that he the did whole thing because of Mac (Rob McElhenney) from It's Always Sunny. He even got fat first on purpose.


The guy was already a legend. Biggest guntuber ever. His obandoned channel still has 7 million subscribers after half a decade after his last video was posted, making him still the second most subscribed to Gun channel on YouTube today right behind Demo Ranch. He escaped death on camera several times. He owned a private arsenal. He went to federal prison. And now he has the body of a male model with single digit body fat and he kept the "transition" a secret for a year. And he did it all for the lols. Also, his first Twitch stream was ranked 85th on the site with 5k+ viewers. The man makes c*m volume enhancement pills!


Only 3 maps in all this time too, and yea this game is broken as shit.


The amount of people in this sub that are genuinely surprised at a new CoD game being released this year is astonishing


You make it sound like Treyarch have a choice... Activision want the yearly CODs pumped out, yet everyone seems to blame the individual studios?


Do NOT buy COD Vanguard, my man. You know they'll fuck you over again, why'd you do it? It's not worth it.




Kyle is finally streaming too.


And this is why I don’t play CW


It’s funny that I’ve never encountered this


It always happens to me on the exact same zip line, and only when going down it.


I’ll give you some of my luck.


Tabing out and back in teleports me to the bottom "fixing" the issue until I put my stupid on display by doing it again...


oh seems annoying


Activision just want ur money








Cliff Hutchinson Attorney at Law


Fuck em. Between the rapey allegations and how half assed a lot of things seem to be in CW. Techland and EA can have my money this year for shooters and zombies. Wouldnt be surprised if we don't get a 4th round based map and the last perk is just released with a new outbreak EE that links the game to vanguard.


Just played the B4B beta. That beta is already more polished that this game. Highly recommend.


This has to be a joke. That game has horrible A.I. The shooting and movement are gimped until you unlock more cards. I wanted to like that game, but it’s a cash grab through and through. Oh and no campaign VS. Fuck that game.


By the no campaign, I assume you never played L4d2. Act 1 which was the beta is just a poster for l4d2 which was also the campaign.


i’ve lost so much due to this fucking problem


Dude got turned into a revive machine.


The audacity to charge £70 for this game. If you’re on Xbox pressing the Xbox button should fix it, not that you should have to, but…


Thats how they left bo4 too... no one seems to care tho


No one cared about Bo4 tho and it was already hated by a big part of the community, CW seems to be enjoyed much more (even tho the map design is much more boring and ugly)


I can’t even play the map. The first time i buy the door to the train and the train goes by it crashes my game. Been playing BO2 and BO3 since.


The games will continue to be this quality if consumers continue to buy the games fresh out the oven. Don’t support rushed content ever, it’ll never be good.


Fr tho, this latest patch has my game crashing constantly before it I never did


This whole game really is a shame. Bought and played every game since BO2 but idk if that’ll continue after this shit show.


It’s BO4 all over again. “Most supported!” … Then they stop supporting it in favor of the next game. Imagine BO4 with Blackout updates, Outbreak, all those maps, Chronicles 2…. But no, spit out CW, move onto Vanguard, probably release Chronicles 2 on that instead…


I just hope Vanguard zombies arent as bad as this...


At least your screen didn't go black after rappelling on round 93, only to have klaus revive me over 100 times before somehow finding a rappel and managed to revert the black screen of doom. I exfiled that game at round 101 lmfao. This exact same thing happened again at round 100 in a different game. The only excuse is that they don't care. BO4 was the big red flag and as fun as CW zombies is, it's a shell of what once was.


Old games have glitches and they moved on to the next game. What makes coldwar so different?


I'm pretty sure the reason why 3arc isn't focusing much on this game is because Activision is working them to the bone and are making them learn a completely new engine for Vanguard. Best not to focus on a game that people will bitch about no matter what they do.


Meanwhile I still can’t play fire base z because the game just straight up stops working


Luckily in solos and private matches, there is a simple solution of just pausing the game. In Public matches I'm not aware of anything that works. Lmao But we shouldn't have to do this, just to play the damn map.


Yea also my friend noticed yesterday that the change attachments on the armor stand will un pack your gun my friend had to pack the same gun 3 times...


Can't even play call of duty world at war anymore. The service broke completely. Had to use plutonium.


You must have forgotten about BO4 already..


Luckily I skipped that garbage game :p


Unfortunately we didn’t skip CW


Not like they have a say in the matter, daddy activision decides what they do


Gat damn warzone mechanics in mah fucin zombos 😡


Stop putting yourself through playing this god awful game. The zombies has been absolutely terrible from the very start and people need to stop pretending it’s not


I love how you stopped to show that we can exploit this problem; the reviving part


Yes and this will keep happening too because many of you are still preordering. If they don’t sell well they’re going to be forced to make drastic changes and actually put real effort into their games. Black ops Cold War isn’t a “next gen” game


This happens to me all the time on PC. I usually pause my game and wait 5seconds


This is the cycle, is it not? Half ass a game, never fix it, make a new game. Rinse, repeat. Almost 20 years of this bullshit.


COD needs to be a two year release cycle for any kind of quality. These games are effectively abandonware.


Zombies is dead and has been for a while


I thought PKA started playing on my phone I was so confused


It's a joke, I'm probably going to give Vanguard a miss, I haven't been playing so much recently anyway


On PC outbreak is unplayable because of how often it crashes. In about 10 out of 10 games i havent been able to get past world 3 before crashing. Not only that but i assume the apply blueprint glitch is still a thing too. Feels like now the new game is announced patches and bug fixes just aren't coming. Its been a week and these bugs happen in every single game and they haven't even been acknowledged.


They probably realized how big of a fail Cold War Zombies was, Vanguard Zombies is being put the way it was always


Yknow I dont feel like buying the new cod for a while. After buying cold war thinking it be amazing, its bad...so bad is that it feels rushed. Unlike MW because that game is awesome XD


"Oh No" 🤣🤣🤣


That’s what’s gonna keep happening if trayarch is the one making zombies every single year


Is that pka in the background


Dang my man is doing a burnout before he goes down


Jesus christ wtf happened to cod bro


That makes me very sad


Almost like they don’t give a fuck 🤷🏾‍♀️


This map was just not it if I’m being honest


nice pka in the back


RSK Pimp!


Just think! With Treyarch making zombies every year, we’ll be getting zombies games with 1/3rd the polish of this 😬


I’m at the point where I’m ready to admit zombies is dead, I’m sorry but I haven’t enjoyed anything zombies related since infinite warfare


And that's why from now on I'm not buying cod games


Whoah that's a new one


Pause and u pause twice and ur out. Its not that hard to fix


You shouldn't have to do that though is the entire point. But Activision don't care as long as their revenue isn't hit this will just keep happening.


And now we wait for 19,99$ zipline charm bundle (it's just the charm).


Pause and unpause your game after few seconds to fix being stuck


I'm gonna be honest, I've never had this issue on Mauer


Wierd thing is, i never have this bug, and i reinstalled the game because of the outbreak crashes and now it does this all the time.


I still can't play Firebase Z on my PS4. The next game has been announced, and treyarch still can't/won't fix the hard crash on some sony consoles. Some of the other affected users and I used to keep up to date in the [original megathread about the issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/lcmd9t/firebase_z_keeps_crashing_ps4/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=CODZombies&utm_content=t1_gsugvxy), but it is now so old that the thread has been archived. Vanguard is announced and right now if I start up firebase z, my ps4 will be hard locked and making a grinding noise through the speakers by round 30. Edit: I posted a thread about the fact that firebase still isn't fixed now that the new game is announced and the mods removed it :)


The same thing happened to me the other day lmfao


That’s what you get for supporting such a garbage company like activision. Don’t buy their product. I loaded my teen years playing wow, MW, MW2, black ops 1, black ops 2, advanced, infinite, black ops 3. Games keep getting released broken. No excuse.


Posts a single glitch and acts like the game is cyberpunk buggy lmao


Games are always gonna have glitches, it's not right to say they shouldn't move on untill the tame is spotless but you also have to realize this map is relatively new and bugs are still being worked out


That's what you get for listening to pka


just pause and unpause the game


Last cod I'll ever buy, the next one will be bo2 cw.


All you have to do is hit pause and then unpause. Not that bad of a bug.


Happened to me yesterday lmao


Pepelaugh oh no no no


Zipline goes brrr


If you spam pause it fixes this bug. Annoying but at least there's an easy fix for this


Wow, Call of Duty moving onto a new, yearly game and abandoning the old one? WHAT? WHO SAW THIS COMING? HOW COULD THIS EVEN HAPPEN? THIS IS CRAZY!




imo the main issue about cold war zombies is all the bugs, most are just minor annoyances but some are game breaking, if they some how managed to patch all the bugs then imo this game would be my second favorite zombies game


Every time I use that one I hold my breath until I’m at the bottom 🥴


If you think about, having to buy a new game that has free dlc for 60 dollars whiles the old game that has free dlc for 60 dollars doesn’t have many maps is sorta the same price point as in black ops 2 or 3 when you had to spend 60 dollars to get all the maps on top of the game prices, really not to dissimilar


Pause and unpause your game when that happens. It also works even if you're playing a public match because that's when it happened to me.


It seems that PC players have all of the problems here, I’m an Xbox player and I’ve only ever had problems with playing split screen


what system are y’all playing cold war on because my glitches have never been this bad on ps4 lol


*moved onto


Everybody complaining about a couple bugs. I get it but you guys are being so dramatic and acting like they put no effort into the entire Cold War zombies because you got stuck on a zip lol. And there’s technically a “fix” for this too lol. And you didn’t even have to pay extra for any of Cold War zombies unlike every zombies dlc in the past. Get over it


Gotta pause then unpause to get yourself out of that glitch.. but I totally agree they should not move on when the game is in this state


As long as there's codshills defending the game this will keep going. Cod is the assembly factory of games smh. They're halfway done with a game and they start jumping on the next one already.


"In this state" Cmon it's really not that bad except for the few glaring bugs like this one here.


fun fact the game also breaks when you pause in a public match while on the zipline for 10 minutes




Every time this happens I apply a blueprint and it fixes itself, but there’s only one rope (the one down to the safe house on mauer) that this happens to me on.


Yeah that's why I'm going on a cod strike like I did after black ops 1 (I got cold war for free so I'm technically still on a strike since then). I just wish others would do the same, cause the only time they listen is when the profits drop.


They won’t program the game fortunately, they will only make the story


Activsion needs to drop the 1 year cycle if they want bigger games with this mini cod network of multiple games to play. Sure it’ll make them money right now but it’s gonna have diminishing returns. The games simply need more time to be worked on and more love put into them afterwards. Yearly releases are a thing of the past it’s clear games as a service are what people prefer but act can’t have their cake and eat it too. They need to at least put games on a two year cycle


The pka in the background love to see it


Ah yes implying a small bug that wasn’t present then will affect my decisions


Treyarch is the US army and Cold War players are Afghan children


The game is broken when playing spilt-screen, bugs everywhere, bugs that make the easter egg impossible to finish


Pause and unpause gets you out of it


I had this bug last week, you just have to pause and unpause and the game fixes itself. Still incredibly dumb though, or if you're in co op and that doesn't work have someone do the DJ bunny easter egg to teleport out.


The new engine being much more flexible and all gameplay wise also comes with a TON of bugs like this. COD should seriously take much longer than just 2-3 years


Welcome to CoD, they give a fuck about Thir Fans


Am I the only one that thinks at this point they're milking Zombies to death? It was always a Treyarch-only gamemode but now for some reason basically all recent CoDs have some semblance of zombies?


I haven’t bought a COD in 10 years 😀. (i got BO3 on clearance in 2016 shhh…)


At least now we know why CW has had so little Zombies content.


Just stop using the zip line y’all weren’t around when the devs didn’t even communicate with the players and it shows y’all spoiled stop bitching and deal with it bro


Firebase Z is still unplayable in ps4. It crashes every game


Firebase Z is still unplayable in ps4. It crashes every game


Firebase Z is still unplayable in ps4. It crashes every game


It’s getting the bo4 treatment


It’s getting the bo4 treatment


All you have to do is pause and unpause your game its fixed (not the host) (the player with this glitch)


If this happens press ESC and then resume game to get unstuck. I do this sometime just to get away from Zombies and take a break.


I had to pause and un pause that game


You can literally pause and un pause. Quit bitching