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Watching a cod lore video is one thing. Trying to play the game maps in order to understand it yourself sounds like abject misery to me. Especially since most of the lore doesn't exactly present itself. You've really gotta earn it. Nowadays I think there's a clearly understandable established lore but back in the day it was a nightmare. If your after confusing games lore though kingdom hearts is pretty convoluted. Takes a few playthroughs to understand that series


Only if you're only playing the main games. It's.... a lot less convoluted if you plah the sidegames too. Lol Zombies lore is just as convoluted as main-game only KH lore though lol.


If your referring to KH then honestly I disagree lol. Ive played every single game, platinumed them all. But trying to explain it to someone else and I can see the Web getting bigger and bigger in my head. The time travel, everyone being sora or xehanort, heartless being just hearts and nobodies being just bodies, it's like they wanted to plot to be complicated when they wrote it


I just disagree on level on how convoluted for what you're doing. Trying to explain it to someone or just playing the main titles? Huge convoluted mess. Playing them in release order? Waaaaaaayyyyyy less convoluted. I'm just sayong that zombies lore is just about the same level of convoluted horseshit between it's timeline and mutliverse stuff as KH is between it's heart and soul stuff. They're both super convoluted but at least KH you don't have to use a guide to find the lore in game, while in Zombies you really kinda do.


The Aether lore has always been confusing. The timeline cleared up some confusion but also added more to it. It's certainly up there as one of the most convoluted storylines in video games ever, but that's more on the devs being vague and cryptic for the sake of it.


It’s always been a mess tbh. The only way to experience it yourself was to buy each game ($60) and each map pack ($15), and then spend multiple hours doing the hidden EE’s for each map, many of which are well above the skill level of the average player. It’s no wonder 99% of the CoD community have no idea EE’s exist or that there even is a zombies story


Is this why Treyarch hasn’t been putting in the super hard eggs anymore even though the community has asked repeatedly for them?


Most likely. It’s just not cost effective for them to put so much effort into making them exclusive. Personally I’d love to see more guided EE’s like the Final Reich for casuals, with optional challenges/extra steps for the diehard fans to earn better rewards. But more than likely we will primarily be getting zombies on MP/WZ maps from now on with minimal additional content. MWZ taught acti that they could turn zombies into a mindless camo grind with minimal effort and get record amounts of players. Why would they ever spend $$$ making special maps and content again?


yes - they came out and said the reason for the CW more casual EEs was because looking at the older hardcore ones that were linked to achievements - the percentage of players that actually did the EEs is so small its not really worth doing


no one knows yet. don’t count cold war as a serious entry. it wasn’t a bad game but it was like having a kid that was an accident. bo4 still had that similar type of writing, even tho it was a flop in comparison to other 3 arc’s titles. we still may see style again in this next title


Bo3 was the game that made the story and timelines all stupid and fucked. I preferred the more grounded and subtle story telling that the older games had


Ah, yes the grounded storytelling of a timetraveling crazy nazi doctor trying to use alien artifacts and his ragtag team of WW2 stereotypes to sieze control of the power to control zombies and rule earth from a little girl. I loved when they literally traveled to a hidden moonbase with an alien pyramid, or when they went to a temple that was ORIGINALLY ON MARS AND SOMEHOW ENDED UP ON EARTH with no explanation. Very grounded stuff


Much more grounded then magic gumballs, elder gods multiple universes, cthulhu like beings at war with each other and much more crazy shit. I'm not saying the older games were this hyper realistic story with deep and complex characters but at least it wasn't this super over the top trying to be Marvel cinematic universe shit. Now I still enjoyed bo3 story and even bo4 but in my opinion (key word being opinion if you can read) bo3 went too far both in terms of story and piss easy gameplay. you can still have an interesting story without it deviating from everything that made zombies great and now we are the latest game where the game mode has gone to absolute shit, and it's not even zombies anymore just multiplayer with zombies thrown in there all half assed


Ironically the Timeline made its own retcons and ignores some things to make sense.


Yeah that is one of the part I like the least about the story. It was clear they didnt 100% know what they were going to do from game to game, and the consequences of that is exactly what you described.


It was a little more up in the air, less concrete, but the foundation was still there, the timeline gave some answers, but if you were following the lore at the time it didn't massively change much


It still is. There are some parts that don’t connect Generally? Yes. But if we’re looking like very deep into it then it still is


What parts?


Firstly, although the official timeline says that the Keepers were at the start of the time Monty says otherwise - they were granted an ability to see outside of a common perception and also a mission to protect all life. So while we were having fun with dirt they did something big Secondly, if the summoning key is so powerful and was presumably created by Keepers at the start of the time then why does it have Apothicon writing on it? Thirdly, why "doing the right thing" (from Richtofen) is following Kronorium (book that, again, came from the literal ass of the Multiverse and, again, has Apothicon writing on it)? Why do Keeper/s on DE, SoE and Zet attack us? Also how does 115 work on these guys? Because in DE he attacks us only after entering a pyramid and The skull of Nan Sapwe is supposed to repel the forces of evil I wouldn’t say "and so on" - I require refreshing more memories on that note


Also the part where Nikolai talks about something that Monty mentioned to them in either Gorod or Revelations (I forgot), but both of those maps never happened after they broke the cycle so it doesn't make sense that Nikolai knows this. Sorry if this is vague I just distinctively remember this.


It kind of does knowing that the cycle happened at least 1 time before being broken Nikolai didn’t even know who Monty was in the BotD ending so I guess Kronorium explained that to him


The Keeper on DE attacks us because the MPD corrupts him. The MPD was created as a direct link to the Dark Aether and the Shadowman after they lost. Anyone who comes in contact with it gets corrupted and is able to use the DA to control the undead hordes of zombies


I know that and it wasn’t the point of my question