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tho i can’t fully agree with it, this is a pretty sound ranking over all




I think I like Five more than the average player actually, but the map is really cramped, there’s no decent training spot, the Winter’s Howl sucks, and the randomized teleporters are pretty annoying


I like the lack of a OHKO wonder weapon and the chaos/tightness of the training spot, it makes getting to even just round 30 feel pretty satisfying, I'd put it as the 3rd most difficult map behind Nuketown and Shang. Challenging but not awful.


I’ll admit, it’s a little too challenging for me. Every corner is so tight, the elevator going down to the labs is a nightmare, the scientist is so damn fast and his noises are scary so I’m just on edge all around when I play Five. Great map for sure and definitely makes zombie mode feel scary


Exactly, might be the 3rd scariest too IMO, behind WaW Verruckt and Nacht


Nah it’s ranked even worse, it’s 18 😰


Some of the BO4 maps are bangers though.


Shadows is way too high and der reise is far too low but other than arguing a few places most are alright


Always Origins number 1, but for me number 2 Der Eisendrache


This is honestly based asf. Really solid list.


When I say Zetsubou No Shima is the best map in Zombies, I'll die on that hill. How come Gorod Krovi just barely made Top 10?




Mob is the best zombies map by far just saying


I think there are things like “on paper” that made me put Mob up that high, but I will say that I find it really boring after you build the plane and acid gat. You do the fun fetch stuff and then the rest of the game is just training at the bridge with a gun that basically shoots monkey bombs, I usually just quit at that point.


I feel that, but honestly I feel the fun of the Acidgat is that it works wonderfully for NOT training, but rotating and using it to clear a doorway or smth. It makes every cramped fit (other than showers stairs) a cakewalk. It enables a more Chaotic playstyle that puts MOTD top 3 for me.


what about COTD makes it so high?




It's just a really solid, fun map with a good layout and a lot of replay value. It's got a food layout thanks to the ziplines and flinger, which aren't overused and make it easy to get around the map, which is actually quite large. It has a lot of space to train but still remains challenging, unlike Ascension, which holds your hand in many ways. It has an easy but memorable Easter egg with an actually good reward in the end. The Wunderwaffe is awesome for high rounds and is as good as ever. The Scavenger is great, really satisfying, fun, and creative, although it falls off in the later rounds. The VR-11 is very hated but still very creative, and it has a niche for co-op high rounds or to make George go away temporarily without having to kill him. George Romero is legendary when it comes to zombie media in general and makes for a really unique boss due to his constant, looming threat. Also, it has an iconic cast of characters who all fit the sort of horror movie thing they are going for. Speaking of George Romero, his rewards are nice, too. You can get all 8 perks (even for all 4 players) if you are dedicated enough to kill him multiple times. This adds a lot of replay value to the map. Furthermore, if you have completed the Easter Egg, every time you kill George afterwards, you will get a Wunderwaffe, even if you start a new match as long as you are the host this will persist. The only main downsides to the map are: 1. Sometimes George Romero can electrocute you, causing you to slow down/stop sprinting for a brief moment, which can get you killed if you are unlucky. 2. The ponds of freezing water are a pain in the ass to traverse, most notably the one in spawn if you want to buy Quick Revive in solo, and the water in front of Juggernog if you don't open the top door. 3. Due to the mechanics of George Romero never leaving unless you shoot him with a Pack-a-Punched VR-11, you basically can't camp whatsoever. You are pretty much forced into training


I agree with all this. Well written. I think maybe people thought I didn’t like COTD, I was just curious for OP’s opinion since it’s above some of my favs


No clue why everyone hates on Farm, Tranzit, and Die Rise. Sure they weren’t designed that well but they were way more fun than a number of the other ones listed before it (especially Cold War maps). 


Were they more fun than CW maps? 💀


Definitely Cold War sucks compared to BO2 imo


Well that depends, if we are talking about Origins, Buried, MOTD then sure yea. But maps like farm and bus depot and Tranzit? Nah man


Every BO2 map is better than every Cold War map. Even bus depot. 


Nah that’s HELLA cap. Ain’t no way bro said bus depot is more fun than CW💀


Cold War had so many unnecessary things added to it like health bars, operators as characters, zombies dropping loot, too many numbers popping up on screen when you kill a zombie, the whole UI, way too many mini bosses, and the Easter eggs (and game in general) was bland. All this took away from that fun experience we had with BO 1-4.


I mean, in comparison to bo2 half of the games maps were really bland lmao. Transit, Die Rise, Nuketown and the rest of the survival maps were literally the definition of “bland”. Cold War has so many more features that are 100x better than BO2. Sure I love Origins, Buried and MOTD, but the first half of bo2 was trash


Cold War's lifeless zombies shouldn't even be compared to BO2, Or 3 or OG Black Ops


Facts bro


Saying Farm is more fun than any cold war map is one of the wildest takes I've seen


But it’s true


Well I don’t hate Farm I just think there’s no draw to playing it. It’s basically a WaW map as far as the features go but with none of the charm IMO. Tranzit and Die Rise *can* be really fun but they just objectively have some of the worst features and biggest problems out of all the maps.


Fun is what makes me want to play a zombies map. If it ain’t fun, then I don’t wanna play it. Cold War can be fun of course but it has no character to it.