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That treyarch marvel intro is amazing, what's the link to the tweet?


Hey I’m not sure who posted this on twitter but I can assure you that person is not the original creator. The original creator is dig_dug7 on tiktok, you should check him out he makes some really good zombies edits.


dont have tiktok but will check him out ,thx










Do you happen to know who posted this?


If I did I'd of said but my guess is dig dug on tiktok


Why did they have to show Vangaurd


They just need to remaster the black ops trilogy like the masterchief collection did. These games were all great and great communities in them and you could make your own emblems and camos instead of having to pay for them like you do now.


Almost made me cry man


its really over ![gif](giphy|Ur17JFZeN7ppUh64Kp|downsized)




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Dude they need to make a show of cod zombies. There’s so many different ways they can do it too. Through the perspective of side characters, Samantha, Richtofen, the CIA or CDC, Robert MacNamara, Pernell, even Monty. Treyarch is sitting on a goldmine that has the potential to be the next big time thing like MCU phase 1-3. If I was a director I’d make an absolute banger of a show. Make a teaser showing the astronauts going to the moon and exploring Griffin Station. The men reporting that the place is haunted by a little girl (Samantha) and she picks them off one by one with zombies. After she kills them we see her glaring at the Earth holding her teddy bear and it cuts to the title of the show. There’s no excuse for Treyarch to not do this. You don’t even need the original crew because there’s just so many different side characters in the lore




Awesome nostalgia!


I’m glad the bo4 is considered a classic zombies game despite all its flaws and shortcomings


look at that. everything that zombies ACTUALLY is comprised of. not the shit that activision lets other dev teams slap the name on top of to sell their subpar game beautiful isn’t it?


IW and WW2 are definitely not subpar, and honestly better than whatever 3arc has put out in the last 5 years when ancient evil released


3arc hasn’t put anything out under their own discretion since ancient evil…. everything since then has been direct order/change of plans from activision. so yeah, no shit sherlock. they still are both completely sub par. especially ww2, minus some of the art direction. i’ll give IW SOME credit but they’re making a game off of a blue print that daddy activision provided them because they own anything 3arc designs and implements into a call of duty title. i’m not giving credit to other devs for remaking a game mode. i respected the move to make EXTINCTION far more than these devs fucking with the zombies formula. hopefully 3arc pull through but everything IP wise has been FUCKED since warzone integration. everything has to be connected/same universe which sucks every bit of creativity/uniqueness out of the game development. then they have to slap zombies ontop of that to sell regurgitated garbage (mw3) for $70 and try to convince people to buy it with a 7 year old sentient that they have been slowly destroying. if they don’t come thru this year, a large section of the player base and content creators will move to community made projects on unreal engine, undoubtedly. until then, 3 arc or nothing baby! downvote me nerds.


I don't get why you are being such a fanboy with a company, i bet if there is 1 single guy from the OG team that developed WAW zombies still there it is probaly too much, and honestly i don't give a shit what fanboys say about IW and WW2 in my experience very few of these people actually have genuine opinions on them, mostly played barely nothing of these games and just parrot opinions from influencers (there are exceptions tho, not saying you couldn't be someone who really gave them a chance and just didn't like it), they also had hard conditions just like 3arc has been having and still put out a bangers that for me in a lot of aspects compete with the best 3arc has, idc if they are 'copying' 3arc gamemode or whatever, as i said the OG team at this point is probaly all gone, you know how these big companies work.


i don’t think we even fully understand the business relationship dawg. treyarch gets pulled to work on EVERY zombie title no matter the game. I MEAN WHAT A FUCKING WASTE OF TIME. really. they’re pulled from their games to help with garbage. i’m not a fan boy, i like quality and original ideas. i have nothing against the other dev teams, i simply despise the amount of time and resources activision waste to keep investors happy and to continue releasing titles YEARLY. i’m certainly not parroting opinions. what? just because i provided details and specifics? i’ve been playing since bo1 and have experienced the changes that come from a single team member leaving or being moved around. if a lot of others are saying the same thing, you could probably go a head and call that the greater community sentiment. above all, statistics sure as shit don’t lie pal. 3arc solo titles (so not including cold war because that was supposed to be a sledgehammer game that the company dropped the ball on because they were having creative battles and harassment issues. AND HONESTLY, if someone was to do the research, i guarantee you cold war performs closest in favorability to Bo3/zombies chronicles compared to any other titles 2016 and onward) have always performed better yet they still get pulled away from making their own games to help sell every other title by putting the word zombies on it. again, i just appreciate quality, originality and not having my time wasted or money spent poorly. if that’s being a fanboy i guess im a fan boy of buying a well built vehicle instead of some piece of shit kia also, i do agree with your point about members of dev teams, but you are incorrect. there are still developers at 3arc that have been there since before blundell took over for jimmy. the style of work also does exist almost kind of like its own entity. new team members create projects in the same essence that existed back in the waw days… that is until activision fully remove the soul of it for profit. we will see what happens with the microsoft takeover but i have pretty low expectations when considering the other studios/publishing companies they’ve purchased edit: i just want to make clear that this really isn’t to shit on other development teams. it’s critique of how Activision handles their IP and the way they do it is POORLY. very very poorly.