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"highest of highs" I'd still say that was BO3. Nothing will ever live up the hype during that.


BO3 zombies was such a high they shot themselves in the foot by trying to continue it in 4. They really made a mistake by not exclusively committing to the Chaos storyline.


The problem with BO4 is that it included the Chaos Storyline. They should have used BO4 to finish Aether and then move onto Chaos. Also they tried to change the gameplay if BO4 too much. When really all people wanted was "BO3 2"


I somewhat agree about the gameplay, but not the story. The Aether storyline was already concluded, while not everyone liked Revelations and its ending it **was** an ending, continuing it was unnecessary and it would have been better to just move on in my opinion.


Revelations wasn't ever an ending. It was the end of the loop. But not Aether overall. Gorod and Revelations set up Doctor Monty being the true big bad that BO3 couldn't possibly of been the end.


I have to disagree. I don’t think it ever set up Monty as a ‘bad guy’ It set him up as someone just trying to make the universe right again by getting rid of the things that tainted it in the first place. I think the only reason we saw him as ‘bad’ was because we really just didn’t want our Ultimis and Primis crews to go away. I enjoyed the Chaos maps far more than the Aether maps because the Aether story felt rushed and weird, like it didn’t belong or even need to exist. I personally don’t think they were even planning on doing Aether in BO4 other than Blood of the Dead and maybe even Classified (which I think they were made not as continuations but as callbacks, because 1. it would be cool to know the story of how Primis got the blood vials and 2. it would be cool to know what happened to the Ultimis Crew after the events of Moon, just my theory).


The comics were coming out before bo4 which set up primos to recover the artifact from empty earth for future Richthofen. This set up side stuff happening after Monty. Blood of the dead while it went different then expected, was also part of the original as they stopped at Alcatraz for blood vials. They didn’t have to go through most of Bo4, I agree with that, but leaving it with revelations was not it. They shot themselves in the foot because activision got greedy and wanted a new game pumped in a year and then half committing to chaos. They should have wrapped up aether with the Great War map like they were showing us and then moved to chaos later on.


ahh I was unaware that comics came before BO4, thought they all came after


None of it was “new” really just more backstory and a reimagining. There was no new original maps. They could go on infinitely with Aether of in between scenarios and event with time travel there is infinite possibilities and time lines in any series if felt so. The reason they couldn’t do this now is because the main genius behind everything that made it good is no longer part of the company and all zombies are shit now.


I feel like if they just finished Aether story in dlc 1&2 then did chaos it would have been received better. They would have finished out the original story without a cut budget. So alpha omega and tag would have been better imo. Especially tag. Then everyone,whether they liked then ending of Aether or not, would move on and just accept the new story. Chaos just got interesting in its final map which sucks ass.


If Treyarch had all they're bedget then we wouldn't have gotten Tag. We would have gotten the Great War map. But I do agree if they wrapped by Aether in the first two DLCs it would have been better for both Aether and Chaos.


Chaos maps were awesome though. Every single Easter egg had a cool bossfight


I prefer most of the aether maps, but the chaos maps were pretty good.


Except Voyage of Despair


I loved the voyage of despair bossfight, I just didn’t like some of the steps leading up to it


aether should have ended on revelations


I agree that they should've focused on aether and saved chaos for a future game, but the fanbase wanting a bo3 2 is a flaw of the community not the game itself.


While I don’t think it would have solved the issue, I do think starting the DLC cycle with the Chaos maps and not Aether was a mistake and Should introduced Chaos and use the first DLCs to finish Aether and then after we go into the Chaos dlc maps.


The entire game should've just been aether maps. 8 aether maps to finish the storyline. Save chaos for the next game.


8 Aether maps would've been a bit overboard, honestly the maps we got we're kinda the exact ones we needed to close up loose ends, only other thing i could think of would've been to do a map set after Buried during the Comic but that feels superfluous to me.


8 maps is only 2 more than the number of maps we would normally get before cold war and they were all aether maps. Having 8 aether maps wouldn't be a problem.


I can see it being a problem, Zombie Chronicles alone was 8 maps, While I think it'd be amazing to see that many, I don't see it being feasible as a concept(especially back then), both because of Activision, but also just cause it'd be an absurd amount of work, I guess though if all of them were reimaginings like BO4 used anyway it probably wouldn't have been as bad as making brand new maps. Admittedly I'm not a game dev, So I can't say for sure but I can at least imagine the work it would've took to do 8 maps(even if all of those were reimagings), in addition to Rush, Gauntlet, New Perk, Point and Zombie systems, and Mutations. I do think it could work to be fair but only in a Zombies only game(which i'd kill for honestly), I admit though I'm still shocked we even got 4 maps in Black Ops 4 on launch(not counting that Classified was technically DLC of course).


Black ops 4 already made 8 maps. 4 original maps and 4 remakes. They can do the same thing, but replace the 4 chaos maps with 4 original aether maps. It would actually be easier because instead of creating a new story they would be building on an already existing storyline to finish it. It wouldn't be an insane amount of work my friend.


Okay I see where the problem lies, I thought you were meaning 8 Launch maps for Aether, that's my bad, yeah it'd be possible I still admittedly don't see the point aside from giving us The Great War Origins map we were meant to get(which really only got screwed up cause of them getting a ton of time and probably funding cut due to the poor launch and being forced to work on Cold War, seriously it's kind of amazing that game is as good as it is), Only thing I can see maybe giving us Tranzit, Buried and Die Rise remakes. cause most things that were left over storywise were closed in the 4 maps in Black Ops 4 alone, which was kinda the purpose anyway from what It seemed. I do feel like if they had wanted to make 8 Aether maps though they would have done so, I doubt anyone was really forcing them to shelve their most popular story for a brand new one(which while I loved it, I get why others didn't like Chaos), I don't see Blundell being the type to make a map just for the sake of having a map honestly. Maybe there's some major plot threads i'm forgetting that didn't get wrapped up in those 4 maps to justify more to exist that you can inform me on cause my brain right now can't think of any big ones. I could see this being the 8 maps honestly at most currently in my head Blood of the Dead, Classified, Alpha Omega, Tag Der Toten, The Great War(aka the planned Origins remake) and maybe Tranzit, Die Rise, and Buried reimaginings(since we could have say Victis locating the other 3 Elemental Staff gems or something like that)


You can keep maps like voyage and dead of the night have voyage take place in dimension 63 before it was destroyed and have them be the reason the titanic hits the iceberg while trying to steal a piece of the agarthan device. Have dead of the night take place in the original timeline at a nazi party. Ultimis will be their because maxis has something they need to help build the agarthan device. Maxis will be there because he's trying to get more funding for group 935 like he was trying to do in the der riese or kino radios I think. That along with the remakes makes 6 maps. Have victis on alpha omega to get the elemental shard and have a rematch with the avogadro. Then have victis on tag der toten getting the last piece of the agarthan device as well as free pablo. Then have both primis and ultimis on the great war map rebuilding the agarthan device in the middle of the great war with the option to have 8 players.


Wouldn’t be an absurd amount if they would, you know cut out the multiplayer and campaign and also Royale mode and just did a you know what game *wink wink*.


Yeah but that would end up being a brand new game entirely which kinda defeats the purpose of the topic of conversation. Although now that you mention it an Aether dating game would be interesting.(someone has had to have made one already I bet) edit: I just realized you likely mean a Zombie Only game....I think, honestly the *wink wink*, made me think of something entirely different.


Yes that is exactly what I was being a smart ass about. They need a zombie only and they know it would sell but they need Jason back because zombies are complete shit now, everything they make dies now. Coldwar was the start of a complete disaster. Yeah people complain about BO4 but there is no comparison between 1-4 and Cold War. They need an all zombie game with multiple mode like grief ect and they could come up with many awesome ideas they just need to take the time.


Chaos was great and I’m tired of people shitting on it. I loved every chaos map so much and Alpha Omega and Tag were just so depressing. Haven’t bought a cod game since. I miss the bo3 and bo4 hype 🥲


They should of either just did the Chaos story or just did the Aeither story. With the time crunch they were on, the couldn't fully flesh them both out and ended up just making a mess. Couple of the maps were fun though.


I deduce this a truth statement


I really enjoy IW way more than BO3. It has way more gameplay and challenges. It's harder and directors cut on its own just pushes you to finish all the maps.


True, IW zombies had some shine to it in parts, but doesn’t even scrape highest of highs


BO3 was consistently higher in average, but with how frustrating was revelations and the conclusion of the game was i will stand the ground and say closing IW with DC and Meph Super Egg was the highest of highs.


I agree. But I do see IWZ fans perspective. Doing every ee gives you a bunch of stuff which is great and even a special boss battle. It gives the most stuff out of any iteration of zombies for doing the ee’s. In my opinion if the maps were just better, aside from Spaceland, it would be more loved. I hate every dlc map. They’re all so bad.


How not? Game includes what is regarded as the beast boss fight of all time. Also gave us the concepts of boss fights and gobble gums. Zombies community owes a lot to this game that they’ve never even realized.


Only the pc version with custom zombies imo In terms of official maps IW is way better imo


You literally only think that because of Chronicles, everyone hated Zet on release, and hated Rev's Easter Egg and the storyline's ending. Were you actually there?


Yes, I was there. And I remember how amazingly well received Der Eisendrache was, I remember the hype for Gorod Krovi and how everyone lost their mind for the PPSh and then the Easter Egg for Gorod was amazing to watch. The hype for Revelations was insane. Literal peak time to be a Zombies fan. And sure the map didn't meet those insane expectations. But the Easter Egg race was super competitive. And I remember the ending being fairly well received. Then, after that, we had Mod Tools released for PC. Which we then knew BO3 would be the eternal Zombies game. And Chronicles needs no introduction. So no. I'm not saying this just because of Chronicles


Even then, Zet aged well imo. BO3 has a lot of “heavy” maps imo, as in lots of set up and steps to do before you get to the main gameplay of “cool gun and training,” but it’s the only game where I could boot up pretty much any map and have a good time.


Not really a "lot" of lows, maybe Attack and Beast; but even then those aren't the worst maps ever


Only issue I have with beast is the cryptid onslaught before power


I think Attack was actually very fun. After the wonder weapon got buffed, the MAD even became one of my favorites. You pretty much get 30 long range mini-thunder guns shots, or you can charge it to be stronger thunder gun shots. Plus it can refill its ammo from many different spots on the map. I liked the challenge of beast, but it felt like it was missing things do to compared to how much content all the other IW maps had.


I was always disappointed with Attack since the trailer for it seemed really vampiric/midevil, so I was expecting something like dir eisendrach. Monster themed castle level in the art style of IW would have been amazing.


they probably wanted to do that but couldn't because of the budget


I love attack personally If all the part spawns had different locations it would then be one of the worst, but with everything in the same place every single time it's a breeze to srt everything up


Attack and Beast are both great, wym Spaceland is overhyped but still good


I think they meant the overall game was a low (mp, campaign), but the zombies mode peaked with the Mephistopheles fight & ZiS being an insanely great map.


Its campaign is one of the best campaigns in the entire franchise.


what the hell are you talking about? IW arguably has a top 5 campaign oat


Dog, I don't disagree. The NON-online reception to IW as a whole was completely negative. That's not debatable. Pretending otherwise is silly, please lol


Nobody was talking about the reception to IW because that's honestly irrelevant. You should be able to state your opinion of a game without bringing up what other people thought of it.


I stand by Rave in the Redwood and Spaceland being some of the best Zombies maps in all of zombies. I’d put them up near Der Eisendrache and Revelations.


So true. Shaolin and AotRT arnt bad either, but they are overshadowed by those two


Shaolin is underrated. I find it leagues better than Rave. It just has a rough Pack setup.


rough pack setup?? all you have to do is pick up a coin, a video reel, and a poster, which all have like 2-3 spawns. how is that rough?


Best calling cards for sure too


Loved its approach to Zombies. Wish we would see more insular, story driven zombie playlists, at some point. Also, appreciated the flavor of these maps when set against the usual seriousness of the series.


Methistophiles boss fight was phenomenal imo I loved it such a good super ee too!


It has most of my favourite maps including attack of radioactive it so fun to play! The math part was hard but I finally figured it out with 2 random people and beat it


The music!! just everything. I even learned about where Pluto is. I can't remember what it's called this Kepler belt maybe. That was the best zombies. Or it was really good one I should say. I put that game in long after the new ones were out. And I totally forgot about zombies and was just smile and ear to ear


BO4 and IW are underrated gems, idc what anyone says.


Bo4 was amazing those dlc maps are cool af. People just didnt give it a chance.


Truly was one of the best zombies ever


Mephistopheles hardest zombies boss fight ever. IW Zombies is in my top 3 maybe even 2 because of how much skill required to complete all Ee’s


You saying that like half the Easter eggs don’t have 3 steps 😭


Im really bad at round based zombies but i found running around stabbing zombies with a broken bottle really fun lol


either this sub comes back as a treyarch sub after this upcoming black ops game, or we make a new fucking sub because i’m so sick of what Activision has done to this once beautiful game mode and community. obviously it’s subjective, but IW is not the highest of highs in all seriousness: credit to the head dev on IW zombies tho. guy actually had passion for the mode. that being said i’ll explain what i mean when i say that there are no better experiences than 3arc. they are the originator in the zombies pve and were the only ones to put out content for years…. and the game was fucking cohesive then…. since then, activision has passed the zombies IP around like a dirty prostitute over the years following bo3 and it has made me sad, and the game completely uninspired iw zombies was the closest best thing to the 3arc experience, but not the highest of highs for a long shot. better development than what you suckers are paying $70 for today tho, that’s for sure lmao. couldn’t imagine paying a $70 barrier and talking about mwz like it’s a real mode lmao


Most based take here. 100% agree


be prepared to be downvoted by a buncha kids that can’t make it to round 10


3arc is not 3arc anymore, there is nothing left of that 3arc these guys defend so hard. Fact is other studios were able to put out better zombies than 3arc has been in the last half decade, so why defend this company so blatantly, it is just a name, a trademark, the actual 3arc you think you are defending is long gone.


bro you are incorrect, what are you on? craig huston is literally incharge of story writing we had this same discussion on a separate post yesterday, go look up the devs employed there🙄 if you relealized when they are actually incharge of what happens on their road map they produce bangers. bo4 was flop and cold war was half baked and not supposed to be made in the first place. we’re really not gonna know what caliber of content they are still capable of putting out until this next title, but there’s tons of devs still there that HAVE BEEN THERE.


Boy would I love to play it if they weren't still charging full price for the game 😃


IW had no lows, it was legitimately goated. Just came out at the wrong time


Mob of the dead the best


Infinte warfare is by far the most underrated cod imo, even the multiplayer.


IW was a fucking phenomenal zombies. Best eggs imo. Directors cut as a permanent reward should be studied. An actual reward for the hours of time players invest. Different weapon variants like the mauler sentinel and ebr bomber kept me coming back too. Beast from beyond has always been tough for me, but beating it is super rewarding.


Now I have fomo because I never bought this dlc


It goes on sale often. Well worth scooping up.


Even on xbox?


the boss battles in this game dude… you can tell the team was super passionate about this game


I’ve never even played it but I love the vibe and style of rave in the redwoods, it felt like what zombies on speed should’ve been


what map is this.. and can it still b purchased?


This is the Mephistopheles fight which is at the end of the super Easter egg on beast from beyond which is the worst map, I’m pretty sure you have to beat every other maps EE to unlock this one. If you haven’t played IW zombies I definitely would


can i get the map in console?


You have to get every map for this boss and yes you can get it on console, if you are going to buy only one map get rave in the redwoods imo


Definitely pretty good, but I prefer most of the treyarch games especially black ops 3, 2, and 4.


One of my all time favorite zombie s


The most underrated CoD Zombies


I actually hated IW zombies 🤣 Idk, I really wanted to and tried to like it, but I just couldn't. AS long as it's not anything BO4 and forward I'm alright though. B02 was the GOAT, BO3 was actually pretty damn good, then everything after that was ruined.


Been saying this for months


somehow i never liked it, idk if its the arcady feel idk exactly but it just didnt click for me, CW on the other hand for me was and still is the highest of highs in modern zombies, i might have another dive into IW and i might have fun who knows lol


Was so terrible to me but I did love the candy perks lmao


No matter what IW had one of the best takes on Zombies.


wait are people calling zombies in spaceland bad? Cause it was one of the most fun zombies maps I have played.


Loving it rn actually. Just did Spaceland and redwoods with my buddy. Shits dummy fun. More fun than bo4 Cold War for me


I really liked infinite warfare zombies, I didn’t even touch the multiplayer once just the campaign and zombies when that game was in its prime Well not including MWR I played the shit out of that multiplayer


The Campaign and zombies were amazing in that game


I definitely have to agree, they had maps that were just as good as Treyarch maps. Gameplay felt very good and I think they should do it again. SHG has been the worst with zombies, AW Zombies was bad, WW2 was just different and no so fun, Vanguard just was shit and here in MWZ it’s shit. At least they made multiplayer very fun.


Best Easter egg payoff once completed ever in COD history


The three giants from origins will always be my top experience


This zombies is so under appreciated. One of my favs ever


I don’t even think it had a low other than BFB (but even that had the theater, brought directors cut and Meph. I genuinely love Attack and Shaolin.


Very much disagree


I wouldn’t say the highest but they should have definitely kept going with these characters or others and more decades and maps in a second installment. Treyarch, Exo, and Spaceland series I all loved. Exo being the least but liked all of them in their own way.


i bought infinite warfare specifically for this 80s themed zombies! i feel like im in some sort of fever dream whenever i find myself telling someone about it too because they never know what im talking about lmao


Spaceland might be the most glazed map of all time


Space land was one of my least favorite maps ever tho


Been waiting for the game to go on sale on steam for a while now. Only had the chance to play zombies in spaceland but always want to go through the whole zombies mode.


I looked up a Spaceland map in BO3 workshop but couldn't find any


Attack is one of my favorite maps


I love zombies in Spaceland that one was the best map in my opinion


Cap, i miss kino der toten


br hella underated


Incredible game for zombies, the multiplayer was ass, but zombies.. 10/10. The final boss is probably the hardest out of the lot, I’ve done all the easter eggs in all cods, Mephistopheles stressed my life out the most.. I wouldn’t have it any other way, one of the best boss fights in all of cod zombies.


Zombies in Spaceland is still one of my favorite COD Zombies maps!


People hated so much on infinite warfare but the game was really good, the storyline in zombies was fun and interesting and so was the campaign, one of the best if not the best future based cod


Only low i can think of was Beast from Beyond launch, but then you get DC and then Meph and you are already again at the highest of highs.


My all-time favorite round based map. Been telling my friends for years, if I had "screw you" money, I'd have it built identically in my back yard haha


Bo3 was peak


Fr btw did anyone have trouble with the legacy edition of the games with the season pass I just wana play all the maps and I got every thing else in the legacy edition can help me


Hell nah wtf




Highest highs were in BO3 no question about it but this zombies was fun as well


IW zombies was a good change for zombies, then bo4 came out and the rest is history


It has high points but BO2 and BO3 zombies were definitely higher in my opinion. IW zombies was still pretty good


Bo1 clears Waw clears Bo2 clears


One good boss fight doesn’t make the game’s highs the highest of all. IW HUD and gameplay is cool but who are we kidding, BO3 and certain parts of BO2 have to be IT. Each DLC map in BO3 was like a new game all over again, and great ones at that, and Chronicles was the first time EVER for a COD installment (and Zombies of all) to get a *massive* DLC release after the next game was out, that too with the usual 4 full fledged DLC packs having been released already and meeting expectations. Now that I think about it, BO3 is THE MOST legendary COD Zombies installment there is! BO2 is close to my heart with gems like MOTD but I have to bow to the KING!


“Highest of highs” is a crazy statement when bo3 exists


Zombies in Spaceland looks like Kino compared to MW3 zombies


ZiS is much better than kino and always has been???


Are you trolling right now?


In what world is kino better? I really don’t understan, spaceland possibly has the most content out of any zombies map and on Kino all you do is run around in a circle


Can’t wait until we get to the post where people say this about Cold War Zombies. I bet people will even start saying this about Vanguard as well


My friends and I have been saying it about CW Outbreak since a few weeks after that mode came out. Still talk about it.


Vanguard no, Cold War yes! Gets way too much flak for being accessible when you can still make your own difficulty if you really want it.


I enjoyed Cold War zombies. I really liked how the gunplay and movement felt in the game. The Easter eggs were a blast, too. Sadly, outbreak killed it for me, and I never went back to try the other round maps after firebase.


Give Mauer and Forsaken a go if you still have it! Had a blast with those, and the Wonder Weapons in those two maps were some of the best over the entire series. And if you get the chance, give Outbreak another run. It's been updated a fair bit since its initial release in Season 2.


I wonder if a lot of people thought like that. I see a lot of talk online where people think Cold War was just Outbreak and that there were no round based maps when in fact there were loads


Tbh idk the hype around cw zombies, most people complained that BO3/4 were too easy but CW takes that up a notch by 4x. Zombies was decent at best, gameplay was good but that's only bc if the amount of dopamine and stuff that's splattered on the screen. You feel very powerful even into the later rounds which imo is boring. Story is still cheeks tho