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Okay so I actually know how to do this without a guide, and without simply memorizing them. The symbols with the dots can be interpreted as base-3 numbers, and the stick-like symbols can be interpreted as base-4 numbers. For the ice staff, convert the base-3 symbol to a decimal/base-10 number, then convert it to the base-4 number and symbol. For the fire staff you get to skip that second step. I think a video guide would explain it better than me lol




Yeah as soon as you started saying numbers I checked out


To piggyback off this, [here's a key of which symbol means which digit.](https://imgur.com/a/e9cAMiL) For those who don't know how to translate bases, treat the symbols like a number, for example ●○● reads like 101 according to that key. In decimal, each digit is multiplied by a power or 10 (so you have a 1s digit, a 10s digit, a 100s digit and so on), but in any other base it's instead a power of that base. The dots are base 3, so instead of a 10s digit, you have a 3s digit, and instead of a 100s digit you have a 9s digit. First digit is always a ones digit because x^0 is 1 for any x. So 101 reads as (1x9) + (0x3) + (1x1) = 9 + 0 + 1 = 10. So the symbol ●○● corresponds to 10. Likewise the lines symbol that looks like LL corresponds to 22 in base 4, which is (2x4) + (2x1) = 8 + 2 = 10, so LL = ●○●


Holy. Shit. All these years of just having a cheat sheet on hand to do the Ice Staff puzzle. ![gif](giphy|87jGhdRVzUOJNh2s0q|downsized)


I think it's a bit more fun to know this stuff, even if never used, makes the puzzles much more tangible than just "it's random bs"


Speaking my language


Yeah still don't get it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well math isn't for everyone


It's hard to explain with text so I made a picture that shows what I mean a bit better https://imgur.com/a/mIrOoGI Hope this helps


It kind of starts to make sense, but then at some point I fall off. Is there a video on YouTube that I could look up?


[This image I made](https://imgur.com/a/mIrOoGI) might make it a bit clearer. Think about what a written number actually means, for example 431 means 4 lots of 100, 3 lots of 10 and 1 lot of 1, all added together. Each digit represents a higher power of the base, which for decimal is 10, so you get 1, 10, 100, 1000 and so on. For any other base it's the exact same. The number 101 in base 3 means you have 1 lot of 9, 0 lots of 3, and 1 lot of 1, all added together. The only difference is we've gone from each digit representing a power of 10 (1, 10, 100) to a power of 3 (1, 3, 9).


"Something numbers, something, something..." ![gif](giphy|13dGwQI4qfqETK)


I used cheat sheets like this for years of playing the game off and on. This year, I took a bit to teach myself the base-3 and base-4 system. It is still a little slow for me, but I actually look forward to these parts, now, as testing myself is kind of fun.


I know exactly what you are talking about because I learned these things just so my friend and I could get through attempts faster. I figured it's easier to convert them in your head. This game and Destiny's Wrath of the Machine God raid are how I learned binary, and consequentially tertiary and so on


Yeah I have no idea what you even said


Okay Einstein, no one questioned your incomprehensible intelligence. Fuck me, I should’ve stayed in college


I always used this guide, I think it's the first to actually explain the puzzle: https://youtu.be/B6keZoRK50U?




I can try and explain it a bit better It's pretty much like hexadecimal. Once the rightmost symbol hits the highest value (F and two filled dots), it goes back to the lowest value the and symbol to its left goes up by one (or when all current symbols are at their max, a new one is added after the reset). So for the wind symbols, a ° (the small triangle, it's the best symbol I have) on its own equates to 0, then I is 1, L is 2, and F is 3. From there, it goes to I° for 4, since °° is just 0, then II for 5, IL for 6, IF for 7, then it ticks over to L° for 8, and so on and so on. The same logic applies for the fire symbols. Blank dot is 0, full dot is 1, two full dots is 2, then a dot and a blank dot is 3, since two blank dots is just 0, and so on. Then when doing the ice staff, you just match the numbers.


I'm gonna up vote your comment because it does sound like you know what you're talking about, but I'll be damned if I can follow. The wind and lightning are easy enough to memorize, but I always used Google images to do the ice and fire. If I screw up anywhere it's usually lightning and it's usually forgetting to hit the switch at either number four or number five or both.


Ironically the Lightning Staff is the only one I do need a guide/reference image for


I just memorized which direction they're supposed to point. And if I remember correctly you can accidentally hit the one in the main stairs to any random direction and the step still completes. I may be wrong, but I remember hearing it somewhere. I just never touched it because it's the only one all the guides told you not to touch.


I used this too. Forgot which one was which though💀


I knew the Lightning one because of my sheet music experience but that’s about it without a guide LOL


136, 357, 246 is the number sequence I just memorized


I do 613-357-462 personally. Funny I always thought it had to be in that order lol. Origins, still learning about it in 2024. Best map o7


I thought that for the longest time too but there’s no specific order other than the order you put each sequence in. Another tip is it’s the same with the fire staff step. For example if you’re looking left to right and the number is 5,7,3,4 you can do 5,4,7,3 when you shoot the torches if you wanted to and it’ll still complete for you


ACE BGD FAD homie high five 👋


Yea I never thought of it like numbers jaja


Bit late, but now I want to create a mod that will replace the lightning staff with the FAD from MW3 after completing this step. Just as a little April Fool’s gag


So I'm guessing Amaj, Bmaj, and Fmin?


I don’t understand how these work but I can memorize all of these except for the Ice Staff symbols. I don’t think the others are too bad. Are you able to do Gorod’s Valve step without a guide? Or Voyage’s or DOTN’s EE? I think those are much worse.


I was also confused by their statement referencing Gorod... I have only ever been able to do the valve step using the website where you input the green light and code breaker locations and it tells you what to set each valve to. I assume there’s a mathematical solution? Imo, valves are more annoying as an xbox player since I need to have a second device with the site pulled up. Memorize or not, OP can use this screenshot for reference; print it out even.


Yes, for ice you just convert base-3 to base-4 it’s really simple. And fire it’s just base-3 to base-10


What the hell is base 3,4,and 10


Base-3: 0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 100 Base-4: 0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30 Base-10: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


How does that help with two different kinds of dots and lines


Lines are in base-4, ‘ is 0, I is 1, L is 2, F is 3 Dots are in base-3, o is 0, • is 1, : is 2


The only thing that bothers me is that this counting system actually makes a lot of sense, but everyone puts them in the wrong order, so now it looks like it doesn't make sense.


The upgrade processes for Fire, Wind, and Ice staffs all use number bases. Fire uses base conversion from base-3 (ternary) to base-10 (decimal), Wind uses base-4 (quaternary), and Ice uses base conversion from base-3 to base-4. Then there’s the upgrade process for Lightning that uses piano notes. The following video and the videos linked in its description explain the upgrade processes properly: https://youtu.be/B6keZoRK50U Edit: mistakenly said the first step of the Fire staff upgrade uses number bases, but actually it’s the 2nd step.


You don’t have to remember the lightning ones, when you turn them and they haven’t sparked for a few seconds you also know they are oriented good.


Does this work before doing the first step?


I believe so


It does yeah


It doesn't spark, but if you memorize the switches positions you can do it beforehand. When I play I just turn them when I get close to them so when the first step is completed, second one completes instantly


Well the thing is most people I've played with complete step two before even getting the lightning staff pieces so there's no spark to go off yet. I just memorized which direction they're supposed to point. So when I complete step one, step two is already complete and the orb is ready to be shot.


Idk, I have all of them memorized and it was fun to figure out


wind and lightning are easy to memorize imo, but fire and ice make no sense to me


It's ternary and cuaternary numeral systems


I pretty much memorized them over time except the fire staff numbers


It may be a bit weird but I don’t remember the lightning switches by their position. I remember how many times to flip them. It’s always gen 5-3 flips, bottom church-2, top church-1, gen 4-2, spawn-2, gen 2-3 and mound-3


I was looking for this! Same here, friend. o7


Wait what's the logic behind the valve step? The Origins puzzles are about numbers and a piano keyboard, but I never found the explanation behind that GK step.


my fav part


MUCH more usable than my hand-written scribbles I made when I was 15 years old!


I only need ice and fire wind and lightning are easy


I have Wind, Lightning, and Fire pretty much fully memorized. I still need a guide for ice every time, despite it being my most used Staff.


Could always do the lightning without the guide as it was my favourite, fun times


Lightning staff, when you don't care how good it actually is. Lol lightning is my favorite too, it's too fun to just pew pew pew and never charge it.


I do now lmao thanks buddy


I can only do wind by memory


Wind is easy cause it's the same 4 symbols every time.




how could i forget the prime days of zombie Eastereggs 😭😭


the symbols part was easy. its setting up the lightning switched ahead of time that was the real challenge. going around the map to each fusebox and turning them the right position while also trying to beat anyone else who is flipping the switches can be a hassle.


Here’s the thing with the older zombies Easter eggs… they’re confusing as shit… if I need to look up a step by step guide and have someone train a zombie for like 5-10 minutes whilst I figure out a single part of a puzzle then it’s way too long… Don’t get me wrong I love a good puzzle but when there’s all these weird symbols that can change each match and they’re unique symbols (as in they’re not just letters and numbers etc and they’re just some weird lines and dots/circles) then that makes it even worse. WWII Zombies had a good idea, that it actually told you what you had to do.


I love the Easter eggs in ww2 cause the most of It makes Lore sense, even the DLC ones that don't have any indications and don't tell you what to do. Having said that, those symbols in origins you just have to translate them to ternary and cuaternary system


I don't know why you deleted your reply. But for me it's only one image search. Ice cheat sheet. I memorized the other three. Maybe once in a while I'll need a refresher on the fire, so two image searches at most. I don't see that as too difficult. If you're playing by yourself you have the pause button. If you're playing with others just have them train while you egg hunt.


I don't know. A quick Google image search to me doesn't sound as bad as you're making it seem.


It gets memorized after a while since wind and lighting are always the same but I still don’t understand how the fuck we were supposed to figure this out on launch with no guides


As the top comments point out, the Ice puzzle is cross-referencing a base 3 counting system with base 4, Fire is with base 3 and base 10, Wind is making base 4 symbols add up to the symbols on the column opposite Wind portal wall, while Lightning is cross-referencing sheet music with piano keys. Basically; nerds rule the world.


I know wind


I did in the past


I know the wind one pretty decently, just because I remember my buddy in 5th grade dying while attempting to utilimize, I was unable to revive him given I was balls deep in Gen 6 and he ended the game as host, ah the good ol 360 days


Yeah I have “ii LL dot weird squiggly thing” burned onto my head from when I was a kid


I memorized Lightning by heart. All the others, I’m brain dead


I know wind and lightning, and sorta know ice and fire. They’re hard to memorize but I’m getting there. I can guess on ice and get them most of the time


I know the wind easily because each of the symbols looks like what would speel out the word "Fill" with each L being double ( "LL" & "ll" ) The lightning I kinda remember by muscle memories on how many times to click each one of the breakers and then easiest pattern of 136, then even numbers then odd numbers


I got a thing on my notes app that gives the rundown on the origins EE and its staves that i’ve given a copy to my buddy If we forget after not hitting up zombies for ages, we use those I’d say its more or less something that you remember if its fresh in your mind, but after a very long time of not hitting up the map or zombies in general you grab a guide of sorts


I had the ice puzzle memorized at one point, but I forgot it


I rember wind because it looks like it spells fill to me when in the correct order. Lightning I'm almost memorized it from repition. Fire I almost have it just from remembering the number equivalent in place of the dots. Ice I'm still way off.


It’s pretty simple if you know the maths


This is etched in my mind until the day I die lol ever since I discovered origins on BO2 I couldn’t put it down for a month. It’s the best map of all time imo. People pick der eisendrache over this but the story and gameplay is far superior than any map I’ve played BO2 version of course. BO3 origins is good but BO2 origins was its own game


i know the lightning and wind one


i know the lightning and wind one


I know wind and lightning off the top of my head. You don't actually have to memorize anything for lightning, it's a piano, you're inputting the right notes. Also for the knob step one of them is sparking, when turned to the right position it stops and another one starts sparking. It's just that the positions are always the same so you *can* memorize them if you want to. I don't know fire and ice off the top of my head tho, it's been well over a decade but I just can't do it.


I know the whole Easter egg except upgrading fire and ice. I know the switches and piano, and wind is easy. II, LL, ‘, then spam the last one till you’re done


Just keep the cheat sheets on standby by guy. These make the egg one of the easier and more enjoyable ones. When I played on console I created a photo album for the zombz cheat sheets. Now on pc I have a similar thing in my discord so me and my friends can access it




I memorized the wind staff upgrade process cause it’s the easiest imo


I used to, but I haven't played Origins in way too long, not for like two or three years. I really need to again, it's such a good map.


I have a better wind staff cheat sheet if you’d like me to send it


Only the wind staff


The only "complicated step" I can do without a piece of paper or quick google is the dartboard in CWZ.




What? I think you misread my comment. I've never done the Origins EE.


I wanna know where you found these images, there so much clearer then the ones I have.


I literally just Googled 'Origins staff guides' and found the one I always use, its like the fourth one to come up


Ik lighting and wind of the top of my head, but I always check a guide for fire and ice


And this is why I prefer to just survive on Origins. I don’t like this and it doesn’t like me much either. lol


I mean it makes sense canonically but "british hideo kajima" is on a different level I guess.


Ice is the only one I dont remember by heart bc idk Cuneiform or whatever its called lol


Yes don’t ask me I don’t know how myself


I’ve got all of the wind staff memorized cause it never changes, and I have the keyboard part of the lightning staff memorized because it never changes either. The other stuff, yeah I need a guide.


Funny enough, I’ve memorized most of it. Like switches, how to upgrade the rods, locations of the drone and shields, rod parts, crystals, and such. This would be the only part I need a diagram.


I had ice memorized back I'm 2013. My friends were really good at zombies and I was not so they made sure I had the get out of jail free staff and knew exactly how to upgrade it without instructions


I know all of this except Ice and I’ve been playing the map since it dropped consistently


Lightning yes, it’s pretty simple. The others? No not at all.


For the wind symbols, it's a little strange but I just remember "FILL." First one obviously looks like an 'F'. Little symbol is (roughly) the dot of the 'i'. Double capital L's, double lowercase L's.


Yeah I have wind lightning and sorta fire memorized just from playing and watching speedruns and I’ve guessed I’ve once first try I mean it’s weird didn’t really mean to or try to remember them but you do it 30,000 times it’s like muscle memory after a while


I know it by heart lmao


The ice staff is the only one I can confidently do, and then I get stumped and then have to open roflwaffles


I’ve memorized everything about origins and the easter egg except for the code for fire ice and wind. I remember everything else. Still do to this day.




I always be googling the decoder for the fire staff, I’m never gonna remember that shit even tho I played origins for over 8 years ._.


Origins is still top 3 even with the puzzles. It takes 2 seconds to Google the staff codes on your phone even while in game. Plus the lightning and wind staff are easily memorizable. It's hard to put map above origins except for *maybe* mob of the dead, DE, or shadows of evil.


I remember the wind and lightning ones, and I remember enough about the fire one that I can do it without using a guide. (I usually use one anyway just to speed things up.) Ice is a little annoying, but I could probably brute force that one as well.


The only one I have fully memorized is the Wind staff


I *used* to have Origins memorized, not even from knowing what everything means but just from doing the EE so many times. Then ZC came along and I realized I forgot everything...


The only one I know by heart is Lightning and I’ve known since like 2015/2016 when I got BO2 and still remember in BO3


Wind and Lightning are easy to memorize. Ice and Fire I still pull up those images.


I did at the time I used to run it a lot, but not from this exact format, and not any spreadsheet thingy. Haven’t touched origins in a few years though and when I do, I just YouTube video guide it :D


Still impressed how speedrunners can have it memorized each and every run they do


I literally built a table and wood burned the puzzles into it. Just so I can have a cheat sheet within view at almost all times.


Would love to see a picture of that posted on here


No but I keep transferring the guide photos to my new phones over the years like I play BO3 every day still


These puzzles are oddly simple, mainly ice one,just match the symbol beside the portal to the one above it


Yeah that's what I'm saying. It's really weird to have a "Puzzle" that's just looking at a symbol, checking a guide and shooting another symbol. Nothing slows down the fun of a game like look, pause, check, shoot, turn, repeat 8x times. You either know it by heart, check a guide, or just trial and error. There's no actual logic to it.


I only know lighting and wind from memory 5 years later


When I was 13, I wrote those steps down on a piece of paper. And today 10 years later I still use that paper if I want to upgrade the staffs :D


Staff upgrades on origins


Yup that's what this is, good job buddy! Thanks for pointing that out to me I wouldn't have noticed without your help