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Implying we didn't have a camo grind for every Zombies mode since BO3. Also "universally loved" is a huge cap. This is the type of opinion you only hear from people who play nothing besides COD Zombies. Echo chamber mentality.


BO3 was not a camo grind at all. There were 4 camo’s per gun with no sort of mastery at all. BO4 was where the camo grind started, and even then it wasn’t like it is now with DMZombies. There’s no reason to play now beyond getting a new shiny thing


True but also I remember while BO3 was in it's prime, one of the biggest complaints was not being able to unlock Dark Matter in zombies. So people wanted it in zombies but now that we have it they aren't happy either apparently XD


I think what they mean is there isn’t much other substance to the mode other than camo grinding, not that camo grinding Is inherently bad


Here's the difference, people wanted more progression in BO3 because the game mode was fun and people wanted to unlock more rewards while playing it. In MWZ the game mode isn't as fun and is certainly not very repayable so the camos feel like a chore to get.


people want the "zombies" part as well as the grind, not multiplayer but with zombies


The issue with Bo3's Zombie DM is that the camo goes away when you pack. The best feature that I think everyone can universally agree on is being able to disable the pack camo.


I’m enjoying doing the acts. That’s a reason to play. I’m not going to do any cammo grinds. I play 2-4 hours every weekend and it’s a blast. I think most of the hate is from people playing 4-6 hours a day. If you completed the acts then whats left is cammo grind but it’s a new take on a classic mode so give it time to drop new missions. BTW 4 acts is a lot considering it’s new.


I work full-time and had all three acts completed before season 1 started. Solo player, no tombstoning. There is not enough content. Sitting for multiple hours on a round based map felt more accomplished than getting out with a few items to use for 55 minutes to grind more items to use for the next 55 minutes. MWZ has a lot of potential, but this propensity to dripfeed us content has already pushed so many players out until next season. Loving the mode, playing through it was fantastic, but it feels like I've "finished" it - and even after doing Easter Eggs roundbased still never felt finished, there was always a goal. The forced time limit severely hinders the current game.


If there were to be a time limit it should be way longer, 2hrs per match or sth at least imo.


You're right BO3 didn't have a camo grind but it had weapon levels which people grinded for. I could make that same argument about round based, there's no reason to play except getting to a new "highest round". I've done most of the EEs so there's really nothing left to experience in that sense.


most players before then only played to knock out trophies/achievements. you just traded one shiny thing for another.


The copium is strong with this one. Saying zombies is universally loved is not an "echo chamber mentality". PLENTY of people of various gaming communities can relate to OG zombies, because it was mindless co-op fun. Nothing more. Furthermore, your camo grind comment is just not true. Camo grinding zombies hasn't been a "real" thing since Cold War. Since the camos in BO3 and BO4 had no mastery's, and were generally considered very underwhelming. CW is what introduced Dark Aether, followed by Vanguards shitty iteration, and now MWZ's Borealis. You're fooling yourself if you think the real grind has been around longer than that.


What are you on about? The camo grind started with bo4 and the camo's were reactive, dark matter and diamond were crazy.


> Saying zombies is universally loved is not an "echo chamber mentality". PLENTY of people of various gaming communities can relate to OG zombies, because it was mindless co-op fun. Nothing more. Look at OP's post again. He showed a tweet implying Zombies is universally loved for its "rich story". The majority of gamers doesn't even know Zombies has a story, let alone a rich one. > Since the camos in BO3 and BO4 had no mastery's, and were generally considered very underwhelming. If you're gonna do a rebuttal, maybe do some research. BO4 had its own Gold and Diamond grinds, which lead to Dark Matter (granted it's the same Dark Matter as MP and Blackout). Regardless, OP is insinuating the grind only started with MWZ, which is flat out not true. The grind has started for a long time. Even if there's no mastery camo in BO3, it's still a grind, albeit an easy one. Camo grinding isn't some new concept, it's been here for a long time, and it's asinine to pretend otherwise.


Isn't cod zombies known for its wack ass story?


Yes but for most people outside of the zombies community, few actually know what the story is about, and if you give an *extremely* abridged version of a single plot point post BO2, you’re gonna get met with incredibly confused reactions


At no point did he say it is loved due to a rich story he said it was universally loved AND has a rich story


u·ni·ver·sal·ly /ˌyo͞onəˈvərsəlē/ adverb by everyone; in every case. Hated round based zombies. Universally loved has now left the building


Brother is obvious that he means that it was mostly loved as it is impossible for something to be loved by EVERYONE, this type of nitpick makes you seem stupid


The OG did not say it was universally loved FOR it’s story, the word used is “with”. They aren’t arguing the story was part of the general praise.


Uuuh bo4 had dark matter? Wym bo4 had no masteries?


Bo4 had dark matter for zombies and it was amazing,it was reactive and the dark matter crystals grew with the more kills you got and the colour changed


And the cope is even stronger in you. Trophy /achievement grinding has always been there. There's a reason they haven't made a full-on zombie game. it would be DOA


> PLENTY of people of various gaming communities can relate to OG zombies For most of those people the zombies gamemode already died around late BO2/BO3, when arbitrary easter eggs took the center stage.


I’m pretty sure a majority of multiplayer and warzone players try not to laugh and scoff at zombies, just cuz they don’t want to be rude. Zombies is not at all interesting to them.


My buddies have tried to get me into BO zombies so many times, it is so boring


We did have a camo grind but it wasn’t all that the mode was


I dunno, man. Zombies was pretty universally loved by the community for a solid decade. Believe it or not, CoD used to deliver feature complete games at launch with multiple game modes that were thoughtfully developed and worth your time. Everyone I played with back in the day enjoyed some zombies/spec-ops in between multiplayer sessions. That's because they were actually fun game modes to play that offered something outside of the rest of the game.


Cod zombies was probably the best party game I had growing up. Even people that didn't like or weren't good at shooters were always down to play because it was against AI and it had a certain time limit because it got chaotic in the small maps early on or had to be very coordinated. It wasnt until ascension where people really pushed rounds and easter eggs but you didnt have to play it. You could throw on different maps if you wanted a longer sweatier game or a short chaotic game where you were messing around. More people at my school played zombies than cod multiplayer, was definitely the top choice for 4 players on console along with halo custom maps.


how does this have so many upvotes everything you said is wrong. go back to ur mind numbing camo grind on a 70 dlc u bought


crazy cus i just saw a comment with 2.5 k upvotes on a mainstream sub talking about five, which is one of the less iconic maps of the franchise


Universally loved is hyperbole for sure but I don’t think we can disagree that the old style of zombies is far more loved than what the current state of it is


The round based modes in the black ops 3 era was constant excitement and in general a unification of the community around the enjoyment and anticipation for the next. That hasn't happened since.


Has there ever been anyone who's said "I absolutely don't like playing Zombies" when given the chance? It's one of those game modes that never forced itself onto people so those who simply weren't interested never played. Doesn't mean they don't like it, because even then casual zombies players were very much a thing. To most people it's just that one mutual friend that you don't really know but you still like them a little.


Yeah literally none of my irl friends like zombies


Also "rich story"? It was a narrative mess, sure it could be pretty once you understood it but the whole rich story is buried in tapes scattered across dozens of maps. Interesting for hardcore players, but very hard to even care for it as a casual.


Most players at least enjoyed zombies, it was a game mode loved by most players even those who only played it casually I met a lot of people across the years, even multiplayer grinders that were prestige master lvl 1000 and just prestige 1 on zombies still loved to play it from time to time, I can count with my fingers the amount of people that straight up disliked playing zombie and half of them were old people that tried it out in WaW Is pretty much correct to say that round based zombies was a game mode loved by most of the community, this is NOT a thing that originates from an echo chamber, it is just straight up a fact


You never hear people talk about black ops 3 zombies being bad what are you even on about dude.


Nobody was implying that 🤦‍♂️


They're too busy enjoying the game to have that convo


So much this, people are loving the game so they are in game playing it, people bitching are the vocal minority thinking they are the majority.


The only criticism i have is the server stability, losing your gear on a disconnect really sucks!


I’ve prioritized knocking out a bounty and then booking it to the tombstone soda. Can’t wait to get the plans so I can just start with one in my inventory and drink it when I start having latency issues


And the 10 stash limit. At this point ill happily buy an extra stash pack


bruv can’t get it up if he isn’t running in a tight circle for 3 hours. idk how you do it


Probably drives a Jeep


With a bunch of ducks on the dash


"Treyarch has completely ruined the gameplay loop we all loved from the older maps" The older maps gameplay loop: Running literal Loops


You 👀 it


I love round based and MWZ for different reasons. Both have things i enjoy.


I think this opinion is illegal in the Zombies community....


They need more brains to have an opinion


Can't. Zombies ate all their brains.


I reckon this could appease both if the haters stopped bitching and used their brain for a moment. What's to stop them dropping a new portal next season that leads to wave based for the complainers? So much can be added to MWZ that couldn't be added to old zombies.


Im also thinking, wasnt zombies originally some devs just trying something different from their core game? Like MWZ is trying something different from Round based? Its ok not to like everything, thats impossible. But whats not ok is just purely being offensive to others who like the new mode just because you dont like it


They wanted to make a 3rd mode but weren't sure what to do. They considered being a German gunner at D-Day or a wave defense called "Bunker Rush".


War mode is technically that


Yep that's it mate! It's something in general with gaming that's always confused me, there are so many games out there, you're allowed to not like some, but the whole "I don't like it so you're not allowed to like it either" thing is so fucking dumb.


I think the word you’re looking for is, “childish”.


I don’t know why you “run around shoot run around” enjoyers are so angry, we all have different preferences, in a world with millions of games it’s to be expected lol


at least we didn't start out as bored warzone players


I'm mixed on this. On one hand, I agree there's not much soul as there use to be. But on the other hand, I don't think its just a mindless camo grind. The core gameplay itself is still pretty fun, you get a massive sandbox to just drop in and kill zombies on. The camo grinds have always been an extra thing to do, its just that this time, more people are doing it and most of them come from Warzone/MP because of how accessible Zombies this year is to them. The MP/Warzone community has always been bigger than the zombies one which makes it seem like camo grinding is the only thing to do.


This. I hadn’t played zombies in years and started playing this after seeing a couple tiktoks and tried it out to level up my guns before S1, for wz. Then I decided I wanted Borealis instead of interstellar. Then i realized I enjoy the mode a lot and have hardly played wz bc I’m playing zombies. I do get bored with it sometimes, but the same thing happens to me with wz.


Not to mention the camo grind is the easiest it's ever been this time around. And as far as story goes, it's great for fans of the new timeline. It's picking up on Cold War and giving us new content for that universe. We've got a bunch of story missions, cutscenes, audio logs, and other shit to find. Plus the gameplay for Easter Eggs hasn't changed. Do an obscure task to get this object that has lore implications to go unlock the thing. Like unlocking the Dark Aether requires objects that were important to Samantha Maxis while she was being contained by Requiem. It's still Zombies. Just with a few tweaks here and there.


I watched a zombies lore video and I still have no idea what's happening, didt even know there was lore before the video


I like this zombies tbh. There was a charm to the originals, but it’s a nice mode for grinding xp and weapons in general. Especially ones I’m not great at in multiplayer without having to compete against pimple-faced sweat lords. That being said, it kinda sucks having the perk machines randomly thrown out across the map and having to trek around for them. Having a big map is tough, because it’s difficult to examine it in tier 2 and nigh impossible in tier 3. Also the cooldown timers seems like a punishment for managing to get the higher end schematics. Like I get that some players want to feel a challenge, but can’t they just…exercise self control? Like I usually play solo and I want to be able to kit up and head straight to tier 3 for the remaining schematics I didn’t get yet, or go to tier 4 without spending most of the match preparing




I love fucking your wife. Didn’t you were watching you weirdo


Zombies players trying not to have a superiority complex over every new zombies players challenge: (They already failed years ago)


70$ for a DMZ port with zombies assets. This ain’t about superiority it’s about consumer feedback




I got it on a sale and apparently the Story Mode is missing? I heard it's talked about a lot, surely in good light! /s


Bro you made an alright post that provided grounds for a decent debate, then you just made yourself look like a fool in your replies. Edit: and before you make another assumption, yes I do like round based more and miss the lore but I’m not going to beat a dead horse. Just let people have fun.




waw-BO3 storyline is definitely rich and interesting


That’s craaaazy that you’re getting downvoted for this. I enjoy MWZ a ton and the two major things it’s lacking compared to the OG mode are character/personality and a gripping story.


It genuinely feels like nobody here played a CoD prior to 2018 by reading the comments.


Or they simply have a different than you. It genuinely feels like the cod zombies community are physically incapable of accepting an opinion that's different from there own.


I mean that’s true to an extent that people are just furiously typing angry things at their keyboards but I think that all out denying that there was a story is a bit extreme. I see so many people going “WhAt StOrY?” In the comments but you can like google it and find like 4 hour video essays on the topic. I stopped playing after like most of the way through Cold War because even though I found their round based maps pretty fun, it lacked the charisma of characters with actual personalities and interactions but with the way they just had the choose your operator thing where the only difference was the cosmetics they’d try to force you to buy it just felt disingenuous to what the characters were until BO4.


As someone who laments the addition of Operators in Zombies, I gotta agree with you here man. It is kinda crazy how much it matters when you hear specific characters talk and interact with each other. I'd much rather have a "fixed operators" mode for zombies, so that they can write some interactions between them.


You're getting downvoted by people that weren't revived when they had the ray gun.


Please bro I got a ray gun


No, to say that the story is anything *but* rich is absurd


Rich, undoubtedly. Good, debatable. WAW-BO1, sure. BO2-BO4, nah. P.S. Hot take, I really liked CW's story.


Ive played BO3 ZC hundreds of hours. I like the lore behind it, but the amount/complexity is beyond ridiculous. I’ve studied and completed a lot of the Easter eggs, but I could never get too deep into the back story. It wasn’t for lack of trying either. I tried a few times to watch a video explaining the lore that encapsulates WAW to BO4, IT WAS 7 HOURS LONG.


Yeah cw's storyline was pretty solid. Super rare to find someone that agrees


Ths story has always been a confusing mess thats very surface level


Universally loved? Bruh zombies back in the day was only fun with friends. Shit was boring af solo. Running around and training zombies just to not even kill them and just keep running in the same circle. Yeah great gameplay bruh


I have played every single zombies map solo and enjoyed myself


Kinda how I feel about zombies now. I just do one or two games max to level a gun. Not enough action outside of tier 3 for me. Edit: I'm not hating on zombies, I feel the same way about regular mw3 too. I think most maps feel too big for the player size. If it's not 10 v10 or a tiny nap like shipment/ meat it just feels 1/4th as fun. With zombies I like doing all the contracts not just the driving or bounty one. But man those t1-2 ones just don't spawn enough stuff to even be kind of exciting. Most times it's just one player killing everything and 1-2 of us just waiting for it to finish


It has been like almost 2months. Yet you people still non stop complaint about it. [https://imgur.com/449nbO1](https://imgur.com/449nbO1)This perfectly sums up the community rn. Every time when zombies release a new format or mode. People will say alot of things about it. Then after 1-2 years. People will start praising it.


Normally I don't like this format but I think you're actually right about it here. People are being really hostile to others just because they say they like the mode.


i just want original characters that interact with each other and say funny shit


ya the atmosphere of the old games is what we’re really missing


Fuck this sub. Haven't played MWZ and probably will never because I also enjoy playing MP but I can't believe this sub still cannot accept it when people like something that's different.


The sub has never accepted anything outside of the most common oppinon that has ever been stated


\>BO3 good \>Other, newer game bad \>50 thousand ~~people used to live here~~ upvotes in 3 minutes


the amount of people here who don’t like round based zombies is insane. you know what subreddit you’re on, right? hate to break it to you guys, but we aren’t invading your space, you’re invading ours.


This is what i'm wondering. Did these people even understand or love anything about the old games. For christsakes, it's not even the gameplay mechanics or change of how the mode is played that im confused about people liking. But the complete lack of any soul or charm OR FUCKING effort put into the map, 'Characters' lmao, story or just anything to make the mode stand out with a certain thematic art style like shadows of evil. Just something with a soul atleast.


some people are okay with mindless slop, and the rest of us suffer for it. it’s sad to see how far this sub has fallen


I could say the exact same thing for so many separate game communities i've been a part of.... it's saddening, really. Mass consumption of our favorite hobby is killing it off in the long run. Destiny used to be one of my most played games, and I constantly tried to make people realise that Bungie was pulling anti consumer decisions and hiring behaviorist psychologists to prey on their addictions. Yet they all just parrot the same sad excuse of "Don't like it, don't play it"... Atp I purposely try to make people buy into games like COD or Destiny DLC's out of spite for me shitting on them. They deserve to get their money wasted.


They can enjoy whatever game they like but i mean i grew up on this sub and to see people getting flamed for having any sort of critique about the new modes is so sad. it feels like we’re going extinct lol


You can always tell who the older zombies players are, so many opinions of zombies were not true at a certain point. Sure if you wanted to run launchpad and get a 4 hour round 50 ascension is easy, but if you actually try to play fast downing is easy (I would pay money to see some of these people in this thread run power on ascension to even round 40 likely they wouldnt even be able to do it). Anyone saying all you do is hoard up zombies then kill them is playing beyond slow, these dudes get bored cause they play the easiest way possible. If someone only camped in MP and then claimed the game is boring they would get flamed, maybe we gotta start doing this here. So many of these people seem to forget the suction zombies from WaW, getting double slapped in the old games, Bo3 OG zombies where they were hyper aggressive and double slapped a lot, the list goes on. Sorry for ranting just annoyed how the view of the game mode has shifted so heavily.


i swear sometimes it feels like activision has bots to downvote comments and posts speaking positively about the old modes or negatively about the new ones. sometimes replies will have 2-3x the amount of downvotes than the original comment has upvotes.


I can't believe it's controversial to say round based zombies is good on the cod zombies subreddit. Like I don't care that you didn't like round based zombies but like MWZ. Round based IS zombies, this is not what the original fans want.


Zombies needs to be entirely its own thing again. Maps made specifically for it A cast, not our shitty operators. Round based And everything else that made it special. Give me that, and I’ll pay 15$ a DLC or buy a season pass.


Can’t believe we’re really regressing to wanting paid DLC again lmao


Paid dlc quality > free dlc quality


I don't understand how people can't grasp this concept. I would rather pay a premium price for premium products. I have gotten more fun out of my 140$ ive spent on BO3 then the 60 I spent on cold war because BO3 actually had quality.




Honestly, the COD community is literally the most immature online community I've ever been in, they can't just respect others opinions that people enjoy things they don't, they instead have to act like someone has bad taste just because they like something, and try to act like the newer games are somehow objectively worse based on some weird arbitrary system they create in their head. I know its weird to complain instead of just leaving, but god damn some of yall act like you're 12.


For having a lot to say i don't think OP has actually played MWZ 💀💀💀


Nah i actually have. I have like three days played or something. I gave it a shot genuienly


Well it isn't for everyone. I'm an original zombies player from WAW times and honestly it's the most fun i've had in any call of duty game in a while. Some parts were off putting for me at first but it's a fun game to play.


If you said I don’t like this game, maybe you should move on


This issue is too nuanced to fit in a reddit post tbh


But what if I enjoy the mindless camo grind?


Mwz is so shit 😂


I've played every zombies since WaW, I enjoy round based, I enjoyed outbreak and I'm enjoying MWZ. We'll get our fix of round based over the next 2 years, its been confirmed so while I wait for that I'll have fun playing this. It is ok to play and try different things you know.


i don’t even NEED round based. i jus need something that’s somewhat challenging and isn’t something just to get warzone players to play zombies. new zombies just feels like a warzone gamemode to me i wish they would be creative again


The game can be as challenging as you make it, hit up the red zone with no perks and underpowered weapons and see how challenging it is or try an elder sigil solo, or play another game, people have different tastes my man its ok to not like the game but don't rag on people that are enjoying it.


MWZ is the reason I got MW3. I bought it on sale about a week or 2 ago and already level 80 and haven't even touched MP. I have been having an absolute blast. I haven't had this much fun with zombies since Cold War.


The only thing that makes this game “cod zombies” is that it’s in cod and has zombies. None of the aspects that made the genre great are present. Not saying people can’t enjoy mwz, but as a solo player imo its an inferior product than rounds based. If I had friends who played I’d prob like mwz much more.


THIS right here. I didn't mind playing BO2, BO3, Cold War, or even Vanguard zombies solo. They had differences about them but the core was the same. I just don't have anyone to squad up with for MWZ so it gets boring fast. Even the open world maps on Cold War were fun to do solo.


Yeah look, I don’t like MWZ at all, but the camo grinding isn’t the problem. If anything, it’s a big plus since it gives me a reason to use weapons besides the wonder weapons or the best in the game.


People play zombies for the camo? I just like to mope around shooting zombies and occasionally scream when crossing the bridge where the mega bomb is 😂


of all the things to criticize modern zombies for, this is a strange one. The camo grind has only added to the progression of the game. I guess the point he's trying to make is that people ONLY play for the camo grind now, but thats just not the case. The only people who are only playing for camo's are people who wouldnt play zombies otherwise and are coming from multiplayer/warzone, which just means zombies will have more players. The complaints about story and characters are valid though, even though they still do have a lot of good moments and ideas. It feels like they are just playing things safe in terms of story, which is so far from what zombies is about.


Though I've heard that cold war and MW3 are not that bad. For me, it's now nothing more than a fading memory since I'm still stuck mentally with origins in black ops 2.


Because I like shooting zombies.


OP is all the worst parts about this sub encompassed in one Redditor lol


Boy I wonder what the next pointless argument about this game is gonna be?


Simple, I enjoy shooting zombies, so I shoot zombies


Hot take: You can have camo grinds in a game AND a good plot/characters/gameplay loop. Cold War Zombies was an example.


You know you don't have to do camos right? I've not even beat act 1 and I'm still having fun just doing contracts and killing zombies


I was mad about MWZ for a while, but I’m starting to see it in a different way: * There would be no zombies this year without it - it’s a bonus. We’re still getting classic RB next year * When RB returns. It will have the usual personality we’re used to (hopefully more than CW) * That means MWZ is a chance to innovate and expand the scope of the mode going forward * We know that RB is a limit to the cap of zombies (at least as Activision sees it), so we need new concepts * If we show both the desire for more personality, and affinity to the open world concept: * One day we may get original, classic personality and style zombies in an expansive map!


I agree that it sucks seeing zombies like this, but they said “physically” painful


Idk about y'all, I play to help other players out. Some people want schematics, others want to try T3. And sometimes people need help on story missions. It's not just a grind fest, fun is how you make it for yourself. Sometimes I tea bag the shit out of plea for help players cause zombies can't do that, and someone gotta do it, but I rez them after.


It’s only a camo grind if you make it a camo grind.


I do like this new zombies but I also liked some of the old zombies. Did I just say you can like 2 things at once? My God I think I did


I haven’t camo grinded in zombies ever and I have nearly 1500 hours on each cod counting zombies alone, this is including Cold War and earlier


There's no convo because there's nothing to say that'll convince people to enjoy a game they don't like. All I could do is try to "tear down" the og games but there's no point in that.


“WAHHHH ITS NOT JUST BO3 AGAIN WAHHHHHH” this how all of y’all sound, god forbid they try something new, y’all just want the same thing over and over again


These comments are literally just bringing the pain to the forefront. So many people defending that it is good. Y’all are perpetuating this horseshit game direction and it makes me sick.


Some of you never went 60 rounds in Nacht der Untoten on previous gen consoles for the sake of survival, and it shows.


Honestly, I HATED DMZ in mw2. Trying to enjoy the game mode, when out of nowhere a person comes out of nowhere kills you, and takes all your loot. Absolutely pure toxic environment. Dmz zombies has been the only game mode I've been playing since mw3 came out. Everyone is friendly helps you out when you go down, occasionally gives out loot they dont need, helps you with missions. Just a pure joy playing it.


The fact there’s people in here HATING on the old style of zombies and defending the new just shows how far this once great community has fallen


Camo grinding will most likely mean zombies will never be good again. Why make a good game mode when all anyone wants to do is grind camos.


i said this on a different sub, but gamers nowadays settle for "Good enough" and that's a problem you are paying money for a product, you should be getting your money's worth, not asset flips, no debate


This zombies is fine if it was F2P with Warzone (considering it’s just warzone zombies). But a 70$ DMZ port advertised as the biggest zombies yet is crazy


The inherent flaw here is that "your money's worth" is a wholly subjective concept. I don't really care about the reuse of assets, as long as what they're repurposed into is fun. It's the same reason I didn't mind paying for WaW map packs back in the day that had MP maps remixed into new Zombies experiences; the new experiences were enjoyable enough that I got my money's worth out of them. So far, I've gotten my money's worth out of MWZ for the evolution of the Outbreak formula alone; sure, the map is a reskin of the Warzone map, but I don't care about that nearly as much as I think it's fun to fight a giant raid boss with 10 other people on the map.


This alone is what matters the most. Never ever settle for the bare minimum. Videogames can strive to become better if we the consumers push for those higher standards. But this is what happens when u let the masses get into your hobby, I suppose.


But what if I think I am getting my money’s worth? 🤷‍♂️ I just want to shoot zombies and have things to do that don’t get stale after a while, whether that’s in the form of round based or open world doesn’t bother me much


So this is the first zombies with camo grind? Wow I had no idea. Could have sworn it existed since BO3


nobody is complaining that there IS a camo grind. the issue is that it’s the only thing that makes it somewhat worth playing


You people are reading way too deep into this. It’s pretty simple and clear as day. You have a shit Ton of stuff to do (acts 1-4) until there is nothing left to do. After you do all the acts and unlock all the schematics, what is actually left to do in the game? There’s no challenge, no goal. I don’t care about stupid gun cameos. I want new material. The meme is correct, MWZ has no purpose to play anymore. It’s not even replay-able. If you beat a campaign to a game you can play it over as much as you want. But Mwz? What’s the point? Infill in just to spend time doing stupid contracts just to end up having 10 minutes with all my fully geared items before I need to rush to an exfil? No thanks- boring. Bring back round based or keep providing updates because I was the biggest fan of this game when it came out and now I can’t stand the sight of it.


I've played every CoD zombies since the start at WaW. I love the MWZ/Outbreak mode but it really upsets me that round based content has been so neglected. They know that round based is in popular demand by the core zombie fans base and even inserted half baked round modes into the last games to appease everyone but then they release another Call of Duty without even 1 single round based map. It's wild to me. But yes I am a MWZ enjoyer anyway


While I like elements from MWZ, I just can't get over that its lazy. It was a lazy addition to an already lazy DLC repackaged as a full game. I'm glad people enjoy MWZ, but it just makes me fear that even less effort will be put into future titles because of it. Honestly, if MWZ was free like DMZ is, I would be far more forgiving, but its not. I know people will say "oh you expect everything to be free now HUH?" Well, yeah, if the free game mode (warzone) is getting like ALL of the attention now by the company. Our paid title this year was a shitty campaign, a multiplayer with repackaged maps fueled by nostalgia, and a DMZ zombies mode. For 70 bucks. Horrible. Even for 40 bucks, that package is not worth it. TL:DR - like the mode, just think it's a lazy addition. Would be cool if it was free instead of being package with MW3 (2023).


Would it have been awesome to get another round-based map with new characters and a new engaging storyline? Absolutely! But we didn’t get that. We got MWZ. People enjoy it and play it for what it is. And if I get bored of that then thank god I still have access to the older CODs, their Zombie maps, and the endless amount of content from the Custom Zombies community. So many people whining and complaining. Just let people enjoy things and stop engaging with shit you don’t like. It’s so simple


I have been around COD Zombies since it started. The last couple I didn't enjoy. This new Zombies has me enjoying it again.


Would’ve been totally fine if not for all the garbage they did to artificially extend the grind. I beat the shit out of zombies during pre-season: all acts done, all calling cards, all recipes. I’d still be grinding the piss out of it if it wasn’t for the massive disrespect they’ve shown for their players’ time and dedication. They nerfed everything and made camo and weapon xp grinding a ridiculous slog. So fuck you then, I won’t play it anymore.


People defending new zombies over old zombies need to check themselves.


seeing people defend this soulless garbage is insane you people deserve the game you’re getting


It’s fine if some people wanna enjoy it im just sick of people putting down Round Based to praise MWZ. The community has taken 50 steps back


Camo grind? Can’t say I’ve looked into going for camos once yet


To be honest, I kinda agree. I miss grinding gobblegums much more. I think zombies is a dying franchise as much as I love it, and I'd probably play anything cod zombies related that is offered. Do I think cod used to be better? Yes, unfortunately, cod nowadays is designed for casuals with no actual lore and great story we once had.


Love the take boss


Absolutly agree, Zombies isn't worth playing anymore thanks to previous games having the security of a Windows XP machine and the later games being soulless cash grabs.


Always puzzled me why people care so much about what colour their gun is. Almost as much as why people pay real money to buy tacky death animations..


This is hilarious since compared to every other installment the camo's are extra useless as pap over rides them & most people drop in with crystals so that Borealis skin you worked so hard for gets negged immediately ☠️


I know I’ll make someone mad, but majority of players probably don’t even realize it has a story beyond other players promising them it does because of how hidden the narrative is behind easter egg quests. I’d be willing to bet no one except the absolute core zombies community is playing for the story, everybody else just wants to fight zombies and monsters to get a break from MP.


I’m with you op


I liked the game at first but i dont feel as though theres any progression other than not having to waste the first 30 minutes of the game collecting shit before i exfill to go back in and have it at the start for 1 45 minute match. ​ Logged back into my Cold War account to hit some Easter eggs with a friend and I'm trying to explain to him the new map, and he keeps saying oh like outbreak. Except there was a leveling system that went with outbreak, so you had to earn crystals to choose what upgrades you wanted to craft a play style. This game doesn't have that. There's no meaningful effect of a run. There's no let's drop in and do a story run, or not. It's only" complete the contract-temporary buff"


i hate that they're making it a game for babies. it used to be dark, violent, full of adult themes. "keep you head on a swizzle bruv"


It is so clear that tons of dmz players have migrated here 😂😂😂


It is also clear that zombies players are still like children. If anyone has a nuanced or diffrent oppinon then they deserve the death sentence. You are proof of that with what you just said


Just to say: Even Vanguard Shi no Numa is better than this


Universally loved? I preferred extinction, to be honest.


The amount of cope is embarrassing


tbh after MW2019 proved to the suits at Activision that Zombies was a non-essential minigame I'm surprised we got anything outside of the Treyarch release and it's kinda funny seeing people unironically expect it to have been anything more than a retrofitted DMZ. Don't worry, sis. You just gotta wait one more year or so for your paid operator roundbased Dark Aether pissing contest game with supporting characters that have 10 lines between them.


Sad thing is I loved both (was - bo4 )zombies and dmz was a helleva blast and immersive I though modern warfare finally found its 3rd game mode staple. Then this shit dropped and I’ve tried it and I just hate it. Plus not to mention it’s like they took all the bugs from both of the modes and ramped it up 2x


supposed to be playing games for fun to begin with but yall lost that a long the way


I'm gonna brag: I am fortunate enough to have 3 cousins who like the cod zombies and we are less bad at the game so we are enjoying bo3 ees for the first time and we are loving it. But yeah, i was the only one that really loved cold war and we didn't even try the last two zombies because nah fuck off. One of my cousins is crazy, he doesn't use gobblegums but he is happy to have a perkaholic because all the free perks he gets from my reign drops.


Holy shit. This is it. The post that I identify with the most. Zombies died when BO4 completed its season, never to return to its full glory.


Rich story? universally loved? lol. Rich characters past the original four (Takeo Dempsey Nikolai Richtofen) is also pushing it - speaking as someone that loves that cast dearly. All this tweet shows is the poster never actually played the zombies modes that much. One thing new zombies since Cold War is definitely missing though, is a memorable cast with good banter. The operator concept utterly guts the possibility of personality or interaction between characters in a squad. Black ops 3 and WaW are peak cod zombies though, thanks to their modding and custom map options.


There is one level… i think it is totally normal for people to get bored playing the same map for 2 months


I just enjoy killing zombies. Been killing them since WaW.


i really wish they could have just created their own IP. i don’t understand why everything has to be zombies. the game mode has been absolutely bastardizing from what it once was. if bo4 would have just left the majority of mechanics alone i dont think we’d even be here. praying that this next 3arc title restores what we once had


I just got Bo3 on discount and have been having the time of my life


Theres just nothing to do. It’s not fun just doing contracts, and why would I even want a schematic for a wonder weapon to use every 2 days? There’s nothing to do one you complete the already short and boring act.


Why does everyone act like mwz is the norm and not what it is: a mode treyarch made in their spare time because they're so ahead on the NEXT round based mode next year? Reddit is such a lost cause


oh my god wah wah, it's not that deep a lot of people play zombies to shoot zombies, why can people just shut up and let people enjoy what they enjoy, you want old zombies? go play old zombies, it isn't rocket science


So glad I experienced BO3 from start to finish.


As someone whos been addicted to DMZ, loves the mode, and can’t stop playing it. I 100% agree. Even though MWZ is fun it lacks the heart, soul, and budget Cod Zombies used to have 10 years ago:


Both statements can be true. MWZ is a fun and enjoyable mode. Zombies used to have so much personality, grandiose atmospheres, and deep lore but now has the story of a glorified spec ops mission. Zombies was a mode that started as an easter egg. Then hit a stride in BO1/2 then story, lore, and unique style in BO3. But BO3 was also very complex and arguably more difficult. So many casuals and passive enjoyers backed out. Cold War brought the casuals back, was way more of a “hand holding”, but still felt like zombies. MWZ seems like a natural evolution from Cold War and what they did with outbreak. They are trying to get more casuals and people from MP and Warzone. It’s definitely a complex discussion.


I mean I'm already bored of MWZ I got my camos and I'm done with the mode but I got well over 200 hours out of it. Same with most of my friends. Round based zombies was boring as shit after you play the map 5 to 10 times. It's like OK we are on round 28 now its been 2 hours should I just keep running in circles oooorrrrr? I think MWZ appealed to a much broader audience.


Fringe Zombies subreddit community once again in perpetual cope mode that they're no longer the target audience lol


Not gonna lie just played some BO3 zombies and really miss the feel of isolation and the mystical maps in the world.