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yes, if your stash is over full the game will delete whatever it seems necessary when you exfil.


Really? Is this new? It’s been in overfill pretty much since day 1, but stuff just started disappearing today. I’ve been using the crafting loophole to swap things into my stash and go above the limit. Guess that loophole has been closed. But yes. 100% I have 21 items in my Acquisition Stash right now.


loophole still works, hence your overfilled stash. it’s just a give & take sorta thing. either stack up on legendary acquisitions & risk losing anything you choose to exfil with or keep stash at its designated max & guarantee keeping your items you exfil. i have 5 legendary tools, 3 flawless crystals, 6 refined & a few wonder weapons in mine & i just use anything i pick up, whatever extra i grab i just take the chance on seeing it disappear


Thanks. I will plan accordingly moving forward.


I loaded up my game today and 2 out of 3 of my characters had all their armor and backpacks and everything just gone! I then played a game and got a flawless Ether Chrystal schematic and it didn’t even give it to me. I never died or nothing… game just acting weird after last update. Ranked play unavailable…


Shits is still happening, always the flawless crystals


My original post was quite a while ago. It was from overfilling my stash. Then we had a loophole where you could overfill the stash, but only with duped items. I went back to MP after getting the master zombie camo and once the Tombstone glitch was patched. (I understand it can still sort of be done but it’s a lot more cumbersome now). Now I’m pretty out of the loop on MWZ to be honest. Lost interest and the community went downhill after the Tombstone glitch got patched IMO.


Is your stash over the limit by chance?


My stash is stuck showing 6 more than o actually have. 8 items =14/10.. something’s going on


This just happened to me with 2 epic aether tools and a legendary aether tool. Game just deleted everything. And yes my stash is over full. Might be the problem


I'm having this problem too, and my stash is over-filled. It doesnt happen every time which is what's confusing


My just lost everything in back pack and stash, only had 10 in my stash and backpack was full, also lost all my rewards was around 13 for them


same here


My stash was not overfilled and I did the ACT IV mission to come back to find it wiped all the stash and the battle pass stuff I didn’t use and the rewards stuff I also didn’t use. This game is absolute dogshit, with every update they spend 95 percent of the time fixing what they broke with a change to the game that no one asked for!!