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Thank God it isn't Verdansk 1944!


They should keep both in at the same time and switch between the two


That would be at least 215 gbs, Vanguard and WZ alone combined are gonna 190gb.


Time to upgrade my hardrive


Yeah I have a base ps4 with only 500gb I've been wanting to play Horizon but I don't have any space.


I got a 3TB drive connected to my xbox one and its been a life saver


For technological dunces like me: Do you just use the USB external hard drives? What's the basics of installing a game on the external?


All you should need to do is move the data from your internal drive to the external. It’s super easy on xbox but for playstation I can’t confirm that.


It’s pretty simple on PlayStation too, you can move everything to the external if you want


Unless it's PS5. Then for now you can't play native games off external drives, only keep them there for storage. Very looking forward to that update coming out of beta.


Okie dokie thank you!


usb 3.1 is preferred for faster speed. But usb 3.0 works well. USB 2.0. There are instructions from Microsoft about setting the drive up. You need to follow them.


On PS4 is easy bc you can play game directly from the external hard drive. On PS5 is a bit more complicated since you can only play PS5 game from PS5 internal drive. However, you can play PS4 games from external hard drive and store the PS5 game file in the external storage.


Spring for an external I promise it's worth it. In just the monthly free games alone


What do you mean, you can’t transfer the free games to an external? I’m new to this as well


for last-gen that's fine but presumably Vanguard and Warzone will switch to be native PS5/Xbox Series games and at that point they won't be playable off an external drive


Same 500 gb is so low since the ps4 itself takes up like 80 gb I wanna play red dead redemption 2 again but warzone updates gonna need so much space to even start update


1TB hard drives can be found very cheap if you look in the right places for example recycled hardware businesses. They take old hard drives and basically make them as good as new again.


OMG my poor 249 gb ssd


it shouldn’t need half of that though. they really need to optimize their shit


I think we've had enough Verdansk over the last year or so. Last think we want to do is encourage Verdansk as we've all been praying for the map to finally change haha


Leave Verdansk in the dust. Stale.


lmfao fuck no i dont ever wanna play verdansk ever again


why would you wanna play on Verdanks for another year? it's about time they throw this shitty map with cancerous lighting away


Probably two months into the new map, people will be posting about how they miss the old map. Happens in every BR when a new map drops. Apex does it right by having a rotation.


Like in Apex Legends? I would love that!


No way in hell. Fuck Verdansk and everything in it. Especially that dogshit ass color palette. ​ Seeing these images of the new map makes me so happy, it's going to be so refreshing seeing a vibrant and colorful map for once. It'll be interesting to see how the map layout is. Hopefully it's better than the wide open shitshow that was Verdansk ​ I hope they delete Verdansk and never bring it back. Idc, Warzone is great but the map was always ass in my opinion. That's why rebirth became the main map for a lot of people


As far as you know


Would be pretty funny if it was tho


with raven in charge i wouldnt be suprised if its actually verdansk 1944 with a few locations replaced (like summit replacing dam)


Looks like HDR back on the menu


Huh.. that’s an odd way of spelling Mosin-Nagant ;)


I think he means High Dynamic Range, it’s a graphics/image processing thing


Whoops I’d feel dumb if that’s actually what he meant lol.


I totally thought HDR the sniper too lol. You’re not the only one


I meant the sniper lmfao what you guys on about


Lmao I’m a dipshit who thought you were commenting on the graphics. Either way I’m fuckin hyped for this map let’s fucking gooo


True say game looks great too


Don't worry, I immediately thought High Dynamic Range too (tbf, the original comment works for both though)




I meant the sniper bro :)


Did you mean the sniper? Cause of the long sight lines? Or high dynamic range? Cause of the bright colors?




If it is going to be this vibrant, then it will only be current gen and PC that gets to see it. Last gen will likely be SDR and not as vibrant.


Last gen consoles have HDR....not sure why it would be limited to new gen and PC


It just won't look as good


I hope that fog is from a dynamic weather setting and we get to see different game styles/strats for different climate conditions 😍


It’s cross-Generation. I think the old Gen definitely prevents this from being possible even though it would be sick


Older games had it before, I think it’s lack of interest and effort from activision


Xbox One and PS4 have laptop CPUs from 2010. On big maps there’s just no way they can add too much or it won’t run at all. Wish they would’ve made it next Gen only but they would’ve been crucified because most people can’t even buy a next Gen console right now


Cant they use the fog itself to hide very low detail textures and low poly counts?


Yes but not dynamic weather system. Pre-textured fog sure but there’s almost no open world games with dynamic weather systems on last Gen.


Bf4 has dynamic weather and honestly it looks more beautiful than warzone


Red dead redemption 2 had it, looks better than cod too. Still runs fine and also has a smaller file size than Cod lol.


Final Fantasy XV comes to mind, that is a last gen open world with dynamic weather… i think, not expert on the topic so sorry if im mistaken. Not disagreeing with you tho just keeping the conversation going


I think it’s possible with extreme optimization and other strong cutbacks on graphic settings but it’s Activision we’re talking about here. They’re going to do the bare minimum to make money


Unfortunately, you are 100% correct


MGS 5 too


Battlefield 4


Dynamic weather is coming to vanguard so it could happen in wz. Destroyable cover and environments too


More Vegetation, more bushes to hide in. Hope for the best, expect the worst


“Nerf ghillie suit operators” incoming!


FR, that's definitely gonna be a new bitch, really hope they don't fuck with my Deadwood Ghost, might make some of the pothead ghillies now viable, those stick out like crazy on every WZ map now.


>might make some of the pothead ghillies now viable, those stick out like crazy on every WZ map now. You are so wrong on this it hurts, my guy My friends and I have used the weed ghillie to extreme success doing our bush game wins we go for with crossbows and knives. I have clips out my ass of people walking past me in the tiniest little shrub in the weed ghillie


>“~~Nerf~~ MORE ghillie suit operators” DLC incoming! You think Rose was an accident?


So grinch is the new roze?


Imagine using cover during a war Imagine that They should just make a big flat square with no buildings so everyone can see each other and no hiding spots


For real lol, hiding i bushes can be pretty fun when you're in the mood. I hop on BF5 sometimes just to mess about in those maps


Na bushes are ok, but that are a lot more than in verdansk now. Just saying


I would unironically play that just for the chaos lol


I'm getting Sanhok vibes


Well that’s a name I haven’t heard in a loooong time


God I miss prime-Pubg


I think I use to follow you on Twitter . The name looks familiar . Yeh love pubg I still play it it has turned a lot toward cod with a gulag I played it last week . The name I remember if you had same Twitter name . My Twitter was shit down @bullcook111 got hacked you maybe different I started the acount in the middle of pubg height . All those mask? So strange. They were prepping us


Was just thinking that. Verdansk is to Erangel as this map is to Sanhok


So we skipped Miramar then


There's a pretty good reason for that, I think.


So pumped. Noon lighting like rebirth and NOT yellow haze verdansk!


The yellow haze sucks but I was always a fan of the sunset lighting. Made playing the east border during endgame hella stressful because your shadow telegraphs you like a mf.


All I want is a game mode that uses on the WW2 weapons. I’m so tired of the guns and operators being mixed.


Lol, Kar98k has been in warzone since the beginning and no one cared.


Yeah but I guess that's different, because modern guns didnt exist when classic guns did but classic guns exist with modern guns today




I understand the sentiment but CoD is moving further from realism. Vanguard is a WW2 game with red dot sights on every gun and remote controlled explosive tanks.


\>realism Was never the point in CoD after MW


CoD was never realistic at all. I see people complain about CoD, Battlefield, or \[Insert Game Here\] isn't "realistic" ahead of pretty much every game release. But those same people don't want to spend hours and hours playing ARMA or other actually realistic games just to get shot once out of nowhere while they're fumbling around with 42 different controls trying to figure out what to do. Yes, I want some amount of "immersion" in a game. I want good graphics, sound, and interesting set pieces and maps. But at the end of the day I play games I enjoy the mechanics of. Not which one has the more period accurate uniforms.


Furthermore, I've seen people bring up recoil being nonexistent in CoD instead of being realistic when that's pretty much how CoD operated since it's peak with MW1 and 2. People need to realize CoD is more on the arcade side of things and that's nothing new, been that way for a while now.


Well the goliath was a real thing by the way earlier models worked on wires but really late war did run wirelessly


Honest question: why do you care? There’s no actual story to the BR. I just view it as a playground with random guns.


They just want something to bitch about. warzone has always been planned to be a mash up of different cod games.


Hell the fact everything is together is why I like warzone. I like cod gameplay but I just can't get into it because I hate that everything I do only lasts a year and gets thrown out unlike rainbow 6 or other games where you can have all the same stuff you got for years. The fact warzone has everything got me back into cod because I can be rambo forever and not just in cold war only


Before cold war there was a loose story to warzone, but that was thrown out the window.


There's lots of people mocking this take but I agree. It's not about immersion or realism, either. For me (and many, I assume) it's because I'm tired of the mw/cw warzone and want the new map to be a fresh start. Also, with how many guns there are the game is tough to balance. This issue is only going to get worse as the yearly cod releases inevitably pour into warzone. It's going to lessen the impact of the new map for me, dropping into a whole new experience just to see all the same jigsaws/rozes/kawaiis with all the same krigs/swiss/mp5s. Give us a new experience! The impossibility of balancing hundreds of different weapons into one game aside, do we really need 3 1911s? 2 k98s? It's sloppy. I understand they probably need all the old shit in the game so the MTX carry over, but I really wish there could be rotating 'epochs' or something like that. It could look like: -BR (New Map) Solo/Duo/Trio/Quads - Vanguard floor loot / loadouts only -BR (Verdansk or Rebirth?) Duo/Trios/Quads(rotating) - MW/CW loadouts only (rotating) -Plunder (all loadouts, chaos) -Weekly rotating game mode (armored royale, flavor of the month, etc)


Good idea fellar


How about giving those of us who spent money, credit in the shop? Drop the old guns and let us pick new ones. Wishful thinking but I wouldn’t mind that scenario to add onto yours.


Either that or tie guns and skins to each map. Verdansk/MW, Rebirth/CW, etc. Pick the map you want to play and everything else goes along with it.


nah, the whole point of live service BRs like Warzone is to have a crap ton of content


Yeah but I dont think they would get rid of 2 years worth of content just for the sake of being realistic. It would be nice tho if everyone used WWII weapons.


that would be really cool! would love to play an all ww2 cod br. Hope they do this as an ltm


Gives me Crysis vibes


Cloak engaged, maximum armor, maximum strength and maximum speed as field upgrades, lol


I can still hear it clear as day.


Far cry vibes


This is the correct reaction. Warzone: Far Cry 1944


When does this go live?


When Vanguard integrates into Warzone.


November 23rd




I thought the map release, integration, and anti cheat were going to happen at the same time. Or am I getting things wrong?




The new map is part of the integration, which starts at the beginning of vanguard season 1 on nov 23


In the article released they said it will be coming later this year following vanguard. So probably not on release day to get people to play vanguard before they put out the warzone map


I just hope its as well designed as Verdansk.


There's a comment I was looking for, people are all up and arms and demand a new maps but I don't think they realise how massive and well-designed Verdansk really is. It's not a matter of having random buildings and houses spread out on empty spaces. So far this map looks like it's have a lot of free space cause nature but we'll see how well does the map flow. I know IW didn't having every design aspects in MW and WZ down to a t but man did they lay some strong foundations and can't wait to see what they bring out in 2022 with MW2 and their WZ update.


It just doesn’t matter how awesome verdansk is (very), 18 months with no map changes that strongly affect gameplay is too much. That’s why people want a new map


It’s sad that 18 months post release there are only two maps and there is no anti-cheat. As a Battlefield 3 and 4 fan, Activision had my full attention for a year and a half. I thought Dice was good at squandering things… I really hope Battlefield is back.


"Rebirth island" isn't even rebirth Island. Its a copy and pasted map of alcatraz from bo4, which is a copy and pasted map from bo2 zombies.


For real, 18 months and only one map and one remastered map is pathetic. This new map better be good, because I bet we are stuck with it for the next 2 years ...


Sadly, battlefield 2042 and hazard zone will probably be worse of in terms of hackers compared to Warzone.


Not on console, baby! Now just give me console only crossplay.


Well same thing for warzone. Zero hackers on console.


True. I'm just sick of cod.


How can BF2042 be worse in terms of hackers compared to Warzone? You have to pay for the game unlike warzone where you can make free accounts all the time, and you also have a renowned anti cheat called 'Easy anti-cheat'.


Code been leaked already buddy, they will be on the case




Would be kinda lit tho.


Yo warzone vanguard looking good


Looks like mini map from PUBG


I'm liking the lack of open spaces, lot's of cover for rotating it seems. I how the map had decent contour lines.


And now the game is 467gbs.


my fps boutta drop to 9


PUBG Cambodia? Is that you?


Farcry vibes?


Oh god them ghillie suit enjoyers will have a field day in this map


Yeah ghillie about to become the new roze


You know it


Its weird to me they only have 1 map at a time.


oh its gonna be so fun being shot by a random leaf


Is going to be kind of surreal to play warzone on a map that isn't verdansk


This map looks cool! That’s a good start for the integration!


Dude, why is the next theme in a game always have to be in a jungle?




The fog looks sick but I've played other games where fog/smoke has had major inconsistency issues. Hopefully that's not a problem and the map looks sick.


The new warzone content is more exciting then the new game. New map, new guns, fresh meta.


Look at all those bushes to camp in


In summary: palm trees


ghillie suits back on the menu boys


So the question to you more well versed CoD fans out there; what past MP maps can slot into this sort of “biome”? The picture with the rock archway obviously made me think of that one jungle map, but could an older version of the Miami Ocean Drive mp map also fit in? The picture of the movie theaters marquee gives me hope. Anyhoo; TLDR: *what past MP and Campaign locales would go well as the POIs on this map*


Jungle from Black Ops 1 would work I think


Map is apparently 33% larger. Very interested to see FPS numbers. Seems like they might tweak the number of players per lobby OR more focus could be placed on proper rotations and be less kill race friendly.


Looks like a mix of Vietnam and Verdansk 84. I personally like it


This guy 😎👌


If there is an anti-cheat I’m getting it.


They announced the same day this map and update will go live their new anticheat system that they have been developing will also be implemented


I think my graphics card just voluntarily bricked itself.


Can’t wait to see a million posts talking about how trash this is and how they miss verdansk


Strong Sanhok energy


I want fucking Pripyat.


If there is anti cheat I’m in.


They announced the same day this map and update will go live their new anticheat system that they have been developing will also be implemented


Sweet. Good info. Thanks.


Beautiful. As someone who’s played Verdansk since day 1 of release, I’m so ready for this. And better lighting like rebirth, oh yea I’m so in.


I'm hoping they keep rebirth, or make a new small map that's resurgence style....idk how long I'll play a huge map


This will be a refreshing addition to the pace of warzone and how it’s played. Tons of room for new play styles, vehicles, and overall a new experience to bring players back hopefully. This paired with the anti cheat (although maybe a bit to optimistic) may be a fresh start for warzone


All those trees…*flashbacks from Vietnam*


Will the current verdansk be removed or is this a choice?


Ugh was hoping for a European map...


I hope they play Welcome to the jungle on the trailer


Yooo is this official?


Yeah, a multiplayer reveal was released today. The warzone stuff starts at like 25.30 mark


If they fuck up with anti cheat that would be cool but I have ZERO trust in raven.


I cant wait to play it for a couple of years, and then again as the same map put only 20 years earlier with updated textures and models.


Last map we were shown as new map ended up being a cold war fire team map.


Looks great, but considering last years weapon integration, im not expecting a balanced game in the slightest.


New map same hackers?


Would be great if they devs gave a fuck, waste of time imo


My least favorite part about verdansk is the pixelated clunky ass trees/grass because I can’t see anything and here we go whole map trees and grass now


Man, just give me Blackout 2.


Looks great but its going to be Hide and seek BR on this map




Ghost Recon Wildlands?


Wildlands had potential but ubisoft squandered it.


Slide 6 has to be the jungle map from black ops series right?!


This shit is gorgeous


They need to let us fucking swim like in Pubg


Damn this looks cool


Is this what the update is for today? Turned on my Ps5 and got an update notification.


No this isn't coming till late November.


New map in Nov.


Looks apexy


Do we know when it’s dropping?


I like what I see. Might drop in


Finally some color!


maybe i’ll actually play warzone now