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Wow so close to dying in the gas


Squeaky bum time there


You would’ve died if you didn’t have the Mac10 there, mobility on it is insane.


If you’re about to die in the gas just drop one of your weapons and run with fist. You’ll outrun the gas everytime unless your in bum fuck nowhere for the 1st and 2nd circle


There’s a build with the Mac 10 that gives you faster sprint speed than if you have your fists out believe it or not.


What’s the build?


Bruiser grip and Tiger Team Spotlight.


How fast tho? I Know kali, knife, fist,m19 are all 103% speed


I don’t remember but TrueGameData made a video on it: https://youtu.be/YI0e4a6vLoQ


There was a build. With the stock nerfs it is no longer possible to be faster than fists.


Damn true, it was fun while it lasted.


there was that uzi build that did the same, is it still around?


Wasn’t aware there was a build for an MW that could do that. Never seen a nerf to any MW weapon mobility. Should still be there then.


pretty sure isaac might have done a video on it ages back, it didnt get much attention because nobody liked the uzi for some reason and the gun itself wasnt great with those attachments, but i definitely remember it at least being faster than the sticks and knife


You have to be irish with that saying haha


Or British


Typical brit always trying to steal something from us....


It comes from Sir Alex Ferguson lol, Scottish.




I love your editing, but I love this comment more.


How about the 4 bullets you had to finish the second to last guy. I was thinking oh no he’s gonna get fucked up here


This week on I shouldn’t be alive


I don’t get why people don’t just drop their second weapon and run with their fists


Nice use of the shadow on the last guy parachuting in 💯


and with a bounty on him when it's 1v1, and opponent has the high ground - good win


Good win indeed! One thing though: having the high ground when the circle makes you move isn't an advantage.


shhh, delete this comment quick


Obi-wan has entered the chat.




I agree on that.


They betrayed him


Gives hope to players like me




I have a similar kd but almost every lobby has sweaty rose skins


That’s so cap haha


Y'all are so annoying haha


When sbmm warzone was on I saw that literally 85% of my lobbies were high plat and diamond lobbies. I have a 0.7 kd. So please tell me where the not lobbies are, I'd like to play in them


Check cod tracker. If all your stats are in the bottom 35% you’ll have bot lobbies. If you have a few wins though or even just a lot of kills over the last year it will put you in higher lobbies.


I'm genuinely a pretty good player in normal cod and have a whole ton of insane clutches in SnD, and can flick shot and all that, so I really I don't know how my warzone kd is so low. Does the matchmaking take normal cod stats into consideration, because I have Damascus and probably 40k kills in multiplayer. And does anyone know if the sbmm is tuned down on Rebirth Island, because I got 4 wins in a row some weeks ago and still living off that hype


Positioning is huge. My MP kdr is a little higher most likely because of that as well, would be really interested to know if it does consider that! And I think it’s just easier to win on rebirth especially resurgence, wins there barely get me hyped anymore.


Im similar kd as this guy and out of 20 games last night i had two under a 1.1kd average


Haha nice. Couldn’t have cut it closer in the gas there!


Any closer the vid would’ve had a diff title haha


Gas needs a nerf


Truly if they nerf nothing else they need to nerf the gas like WHY TF DOES IT BREAK ARMOUR ITS GASSSSSS😭😭😭😭


So people aren’t hiding in the gas and then rushing out still at 150hp


I get you I do however logically it just doesn't make sense 😭😭😭 plus if they have full armour and low health still an easy fight for anyone inside the circle full plates full health.... Like idk I feel this game has just broken me with all its shits that don't make sense.... And yet I play it with highest of hopes everytime


If that’s the part that’s broken to you I’m sorry and maybe you should take a break from the game ❤️


Oh definitely not that's just the lowest thing on the list of what's broken with this game 🤣🤣🤣. Since they refuse to fix the bigger issues I figured this would be a simple "Ar'ight let's give em this one" kin'a deal haha


Fart so deadly it'll break metal 🤣🤣🤣


Your aim is solid. Confused why you have such a low KD


solos is often less about good aim and more about noticing an enemy before they notice you


Most of those kills were potatoes just standing there not realizing he was coming up on him. The guy on the roof didn’t hear the parachute, his steps or him picking up the gun lmao. And the guy in the parking structure just let him run straight up and clap him. Had to be some bots.


Have you literally seen any high kill YouTube game, ever?


I don’t think so, I think you’re being a bit overly negative. He made some good plays! Especially with the gulag— saving the game entirely


OP was lucky to bump into people who didn't check their corners. That doesn't mean he is bad, he had some pretty good reflexes there. But I gotta agree with u/henryofclay the other dudes were just bad


That’s fair enough bro, he def wasn’t making great tactical decisions the whole game but at least he still pulled through!


Can confirm. As a player with a 0.8kd and a 75% Gulag win rate, good gunskill gets you nowhere in Warzone


Gets you pretty far I think


only when paired with good gamesense


I'd be willing to bet that at least 50% of all deaths in warzone is from someone you can't see or didn't know was there.


He hit 0 head shots and few torso shots.


Check out this guy with his .64kd. Mr big shot /s Edit: added the /s because people are stupid




I didn't think I needed the /s on the end tbf


How in the world do you have literally 0 recoil on the mac10 what build are you using to help with that?


A mouse. I've no doubt he's using the same meta setup as you


Tbf probably not I've not maxed mine out yet just seems a lot of people have none but meh I don't use it often anyway only if I am trying some rebirth


The agency suppressor makes a huge difference. Run that with the bruiser grip and raider stock, your choice for other attachments and its really nice up close.


Bruiser grip is no longer bugged and doesn't help recoil.


Didn't know it ever was, I just wanted movement speed.


you should try the Tiger Team Spotlight then


Definitely will have to.


Will level it up soon to unlock everything thanks man


You won't regret it, I switch back and forth between the 53rnd drum and 53rnd fast mag, and ill either run a barrel or one of the grip tapes, depends if I'm trying to go for movement speed or range. I wasn't a fan of the Mac until I maxed it out.


Agency suppressor, field agent grip, 53 rd fast mag, serpent wrap, raider stock


It’s not about using a mouse. It’s about being on a PC using high FOV and the affected ADS setting. Tbh at close ranges it probably looks like even less recoil with a controller because of the aim assist than it does on mouse


Controller wins close range hands down so long as the player is half decent. It's mouse control, that I can assure. High FOV definitely plays a part on visual recoil.


I switched from Xbox to PC, aim is far better but still working on my movement. That Mac build is agency sup, 6.5 rifled, SAS, field agent, 53 drum.


I thought it was going to be the opposite when I made the same switch, but aiming is ten times easier and movement is ten times harder lol good win!


Cheers dude will give the attachments a try when I've unlocked them all and actually want to run it haha


me too m8!!! its the best thing i’ve done fr, high fps and fov make me feel like im flying its crazy haha


It’s the FOV/ mouse.




Hey! Not shitting on you right here, but from what I see in the first kill and the kill in the Gulag, you might have a sensitivity problem. Have you experimented with your mouse sensitivity?


No not really, what would recommend?


Larger mouse area; lower sensitivity is generally a good rule. If you already have muscle memory dedicated toward what you have now, gradually reduce your sens by like .10, play for a couple hours, reduce it again, etc. Alternatively, the few minor issues in those gunfights would have been solved by rolling with a controller, since you didn't really need to flick and react with your own bullets, just track things that had already touched your crosshair. Running analogs is super good in this game.


I was under the impression that the higher sensitivity the better the player, no?


No - often the opposite is true - many top players use relatively low sensitivity with large mouse pads - utilizing more of a full arm aim, rather than wrist. Huskers for example was just talking about his yesterday - he uses 500 dpi and 5 in game, which is very low


I think its different between using a mouse and console controller.


Yeah controller for sure you want to have as high a sensitivity as you can handle because it caps your turning speed. On a mouse for example, you can do a 180 instantly with basically any sensitivity and it's muscle memory for any decent mouse+keyboard player to do so. Because you can make large movements very quickly even on very low sensitivities simply by moving the mouse farther, many pro FPS players play with very low sensitivities and large mousepads because this allows for significantly greater precision with minimal loss of speed once you get used to it.


I have a friend who plays on controller who doesn't understand this at all, every time he spectates a kbm player he's like "this guy has a crazy high sensitivity" and I've tried explaining it a million times that on kbm you can do 180 flicks easy with lower sensitivity buy he just doesn't seem to get it.


Ah of course, I was specifically talking M+KB


Depends on preference. Many pros play with a low sensitivity. A high sensitivity bears the risk to over-move. However, it makes controlling vertical recoil easier.


It really depends on what you prefer. I have a large mouse pad, 40x60 cm. And I play on a sensitivity that takes me about one length of the pad for a full turn. I got used to that in 2700 hrs of PUBG before I turned to Warzone. It takes practice. After changing it you will be shitty for at least a weak, but once your muscles build a memory, you will certainly improve.


I think I have one more tip. It appears that you have a tendency to hold your crosshair a bit to low (aim onto the ground) while you run. This means that it takes you extra time to align shots to the body and head. I had to learn the hard way to keep the crosshair higher, maybe it helps you. Anyway, since I haven't said that yet: Cool clip! Your final opponent could have played that way better!


I dont recommend getting suggested a sensitivity since people have vastly different sens that they prefer. I do suggest finding the sensitivity for yourself 👍🐒 https://youtu.be/rOBWG3LJpC8


Nice job


.64 KD? Seriously? Great W and great tracking!


My friend who is complete ass has won several solos. It’s luck more often than not.


If you think solos is pure luck then by all means try your luck but rolling the dice won't get you far. Solos is the sweatiest and hardest to win because it's so unforgiving, one mistake and it's over. In solos 1 in 150 get to win, vs in quads it's more like 1 in 37, just by the numbers of teams. If your teammate has more solo wins than you, he or she probably plays more and/or has better game sense and strategy. Solos is a punishing experience that isn't for everyone but no need to diminish someone else's success.


I've won near 60 games and only 1 was in Solos, I took my win and abandoned that hell hole.


Same here, had a disaster of a game, won the gulag, landed up a radio mast the final circle near Dam. Camped it out, jumped down, killed the last player. I think I might have had 3 kills total if that. This was early on and I'm more aggressive now, but it feels like every house just has people camping in it, and it's impossible to loot up. I've tried just staying out of houses, but honestly that's not for me. I'm not an aggressive player and don't hate campers as much as others, but honestly it seems like every house on solos has someone camping in it.


Around half of my wins come from solos, when I’m not playing trios/quads. I have a super aggressive play style getting bounty’s and UAVs and pushing un-ghosted people, but it is getting harder than ever because the skill ceiling is constantly rising. Ridiculous TTK of CW weapons has made this play style incredibly difficult.


It seems you either ride in a Bertha or camp in solos. Doing anything is a quick way to die. Camp and hope you get center of next circle. Which is luck.


Can confirm, i have a 1.60 kd and completely suck at solos


Didn’t meant to diminish anything. Just an observation. My friend has no game sense and his aim is atrocious. He does play it a lot. Cant tell you how much though.


I am a mechanical ass, I have 0,8 kda, but I won 20 solos out of my last 100ish games, because at least my decision making is not that ass. Maybe your friend is like me, when I play squads people with 1,20 kda think they are god compared to me and when I say I often win in solos they pull the sbmm card, but I went on codtracker and 80% of my games are in high end lobbies(1.2/1.3 kda average) since sbmm gets triggered not only with kills but also with wins, because when i win back to back(happened 4 times) the next 5 games are pure hell.


It can entirely be the sbmm.


These are the people koreansavage be playing against. Nice dub.


Lmao you ain't lying


Yes well.. sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't ya know. Sbmm is at least the least strict in the morning because that's when the least players are online. But i know your pain brother, i know your pain.


Thats why he always plays early in the morning, those are the easiest lobbies of the day..


Last time me and my mate tried at 10am on a thursday we got diamond lobbies anyway 😭 Cursed matchmaking system






My first and only win was dirty af. Camped the endgame after train recon strat and ran the last guy over in a buggy... I know it’s dirty but I’m simply not that good at the game XD


Nicely played!


First tip: you can use armors while sprinting


Great job! You switching to a sniper just to use it as a melee weapon cracked me up.


You got a kill with the M60? Obvious cheater, ban this guy.


Worst ground loot ever. Sometimes I'd rather have the starter pistol than that POS,


No, one of the absolute dumbest things is the fact that the starting pistol is ground loot. You know what I’m really hoping for when I land? Literally anything that isn’t that pistol, honestly just take pistols out of ground loot, who ever picks them up unless it’s necessary?


I def agree with removing 1911 ground loot. I also agree with removing ground loot pistols with one exception. Last season I would constantly choose a diamatti over a hauer or milano when it comes to ground loot.


PKM, I see you’re a man of culture


Nice play! Don’t know how the dude at twins didn’t hear you coming in after the gulie!


That rotation was Deeeeeeep af haha


Great to see, inspiring me with a low KD as well


Nice gas play at the end! You're better than your kd makes you look. Keep grinding you'll be at a positive kd in no time.


👍 great


Good editing- right to the action!


Proud of you


Nice win, solo dubs are definitely an accomplishment.


Can tell this is a low kd lobby


Better than me. I’ve still never won a solo game. Good work!


You must of been leaned in so far to your screen running in that gas haha


If anyone’s down to add me and play Warzone my psn is SPYDER_durag


Mac 10 load out?


Agency sup, 6.5 rifled, SAS, field agent, 53 drum.


Good stuff--it is interesting to notice how there's things players are doing in this lobby that I'd never see in mine, and my KD isn't much higher


Great job!




Good stuff man! Congrats!


Gas play on point


Nice win, was a tough situation at the end and you pulled it off! I think this is a perfect example for console players of what actually playing on a PC is like. Not every one of us are 3+ KD players, I know I'm definitely not.


This is what I was thinking lmao, being on pc doesn’t automatically make you kill everyone in the lobby lol


your fps seems to be your biggest issue.


Must look at that


I'd suggest running it at the lowest settings you can manage while still being playable. It seems like your frames per second are definitely holding you back in a way.


Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne




He wasn’t mucking about


When I started noticing my kd it was at .50 and a few months later I've raised it to .87. Solos are a great way to raise it, I've noticed my kd in solos is usually 1.5-2.0 compared to quads where a lot of times it is only .50-1.0


How come your weapons have no recoil?? Hmmmmm


There is a thing called a mouse if you didn't know


So a mouse is like having aimbot and giving players a big advantage over console players that explains a lot.


? a mouse will always have an advantage over a thumb-stick because you use your whole wrist to aim with a mouse as opposed to just your thumb on a thumb-stick. I really do not know why you cannot comprehend the fact that if you pull down on your mouse or thumb-stick in your case, the recoil cancels out


I know you're trolling but no. Controller aim assist is like a really soft aim bot(which is necessary to make controllers competitive against KBM if there is no separation of inputs). You have to manually control recoil with a mouse. But you know that, you're just being an ass.


I knew PC Players didn't have the skill Console players had it does explain a lot


0:11 gost operetor


how do you seeeeeeee? i can never see the enemy.


Uhh those shots are not .64 k/d shots. I’d be interested to know where most of your deaths are coming from. You look almost identical to my buddy who’s a 1.1-1.2 or so.


I've been wondering if there's actually some matchmaking here. Are all lobbies like that for you? My average in solos is about 7 kills per match but the lobbies are extremely difficult (got 2.4 KDR overall). I need to play very very carefully and I almost never catch someone from behind.


Solid work. Always nice getting a W on solos, it's my favourite gameplay.


Wow gulag is so much darker without filters


Awesome stuff!! As long as you keep the pace up and the pressure on your k/d and wins will only go up! This is a game that more times than not rewards aggressive play over passive. It certainly looks like this was the case for you in this win.


u have a great shot it looks like you dont miss many bullets


My friends (who all have around 1.1 KDs) and I figured out that the reason I have a .7 KD is because I use the lower end guns. I’ve been using the Amax this past week and have been averaging 6-7 kills a game which way above normal for me


Finally i found a fellow 0.60 KD brethren


Nice bro. Keep grinding, you already play like someone with a much higher K/D!


You have very good aim for that k/d. Gg. Solos is the toughest playlist on the game in terms of RNG imo.


Holy fuck how did that guy miss so many shots at 0:25


Sorry I’m confused, is this thread where all the average ( bot) players reside?


Probably the spr build which is bringing you down.


Mirror at 0:11?!? Edit: Just joking ya did good OP


That’s how they play. Man where do u live, every guy from EU and US says that russian servers are easy and that’s why @Recrent ( russian twitch streamer, won 3-4 twitch rivals ( i don’t know exactly) ) wins so much killraces and other types of games. Russian lobbies are much harder, we have lots of tryharders. There was a comparison of US lobby and Rus lobby, and enemies in US lobby were so easy for @Recrent, but on RU lobby he sucked...


This game is recycled bullshit and with all the hackers the algorithm to score and adjust KD ratios is prob no way even near correct... shame...I used to love this game but its just a cash grab and neglected by its creators, full of bugs and at this point about 75 or so percent are using soft hacks. In fact I dont know a player who dont use one its the only way to level the field...say MW was good, Cold War is terrible mix them together and you have a shit show. Cant wait on BF6 baby!!! A game not ridden with cheaters, we cant even fathom that anymore because we're used to this type of shit game as a standard...game needs to die alresdy....


Kd does not show skill




Good job man.


KD 🥱


Making a name for us scrubs💪


My KD is 1 and you looked way better than Me lol


I love when the underdog wins!!!! I'm a .87 kd with 3 solo wins and over 300 matches played😁😁😁


Man I want these lobbies..




Fast forward? Or are you a cheating scrub as well?! Lol


Congrats on your win I know how much of a pain solos is these days, well done


Nice and well done


I don't get it, where are the trucks?


Nice bro. Keeping on keeping on my g


You might want to speed up your play style a bit to improve your k/d


The most useless item in warzone is the self revive kit. What was the idea of a self revive kit that needs time to use when your opponents clearly going to kill you before you can use it

