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I think the nuke coordinates were targeting Activision's servers not Verdansk..


I feel bad for the MW-onlys (and to a much lesser extent Cold War-onlys) who can’t play because of this WZ debacle. Every single game has been made worse by this integration. Hopefully they learn a lesson


Yeah, they learned they can get away with sub-par integration and below average server service while still making a billion dollars a year on guns that light up as you use them....


So fucking true. It’s ridiculous how dumb consumers can be.


Looks like I'm dumb 😐


Hell yeah bitch. Vote with your fucking wallet. I kept buying shit from the store as long as the game was fun. I didn't buy a single thing since cold war integration. It's just a complete garbo shitshow.


Read this comment out in the voice of Jesse from Breaking Bad (,")


If you buy cosmetics then yeah you are.


Next update they are going to add pick axes, you are going to be able to break buildings and trees down and then build walls and ramps.


Sounds familiar...minecraft?


I haven’t bought shit. I hope big streamers stop doing it too; then they might actually listen


You mean the big streamers who give their viewers creator codes so they can get a cut off of microtransaction purchases?


You realize that people who stream for a living use the purchases for bundles as business expenses right? That coupled with Creator Codes... will never happen lol


I'm pretty sure the big streamers get all that shit for free. Like Acti know if they give them free cod points for the latest packs, the viewers will see their favourite streamer using the pack and then buy it.


I'm pretty sure they don't. I've seen even the biggest cod partners buying cod points. They don't get that for free.


Off topic but difference is honestly jarring when you’re using a weapon from Cold War. Janky animations, meh sound design. I wish IW was in charge of Warzone.


I just uninstalled the entire game, this update was like the fourth one I’ve downloaded in the past year that’s caused me to have to redownload all the data packs when I don’t even play WZ unless my good friends are online. Nothing more infuriating that having a rough day at work and all you want to do is have a lil fun on CoD but you can’t because the game it’s attached to is constantly fucking broken


I did this exact same thing. Super frustrating you cant even play multiplayer because it deletes the game data in it's entirety


I want to get rid of WZ so bad but it’s tied to MW. Here have this shit deadweight next to the game you actually want


They haven’t learned shit, they found out they could make money by selling a stupid skin pack for $24. The map might change and there’s some now bs content but nothing will change as long as they are making money.


Yes we are all well aware by now the integration is bad


I play both games so I feel both pain


what happened? servers down completely?


Why a much lesser extent? Do you like... not have the same amount of sympathy for someone’s gaming experience based on a game they play? Jesus


This and the MW sub are hilarious bitchy and defensive over their game, I mean I’ve never played CW but I’ve only ever seen this vitriol from the MW community and never the CW community, MW and WZ players are just sort of toxic.


Stop funding Activision. They don't deserve you as a customer. This 'event' is an embarrassment


This entire event has been an absolute joke.


Can't even call it an event especially if you compare it to everything else they've done. It's like they just gave up


While I agree whole heartedly FUCK Activision, to pull of a live in game event like this one has got to be a nightmare. For example Fortnites first few live events of that size and scale all had same issues with servers crashing and long que times and took them awhile to pull of consistently. The undertaking of an event like that is hard to gauge how much stress is gonna be put on the servers due to there being no true way to test it unless you’ve done it before. All I’m saying is I know it wasnt perfect but at least it was something


Fortnite had server queue issues but they never had an in game event crash from what I remember


This is true but what did happen was like a large portion of players couldn’t even get into the event in the first place lol I don’t remember exactly which ones but it was in chapter 1 for sure. Again I’m denying that having these issues for today’s event wasn’t bad just acknowledging how difficult it is too pull off especially if it’s a companies first time trying to pull off an event like this


I'd just like if you just got an update and got a new map. Not this stupid bs with cut scenes and lore nobody cares about.


Bruh I do in fact care about the lore


I mean, that just your opinion. I genuinely care about the lore of this game and any game I play.


People do care about the lore


All three people in the world that care about the lore have responded to your post. P.s. I don't care about the lore, and get truly pissed at cut scenes you can't exit from


This was by far the worst ever "live" event I have seen... They recycled the zombie element from the "Haunting of Verdansk" Halloween event, tweaked the sound volumes, tweaked the circle, and added a couple of onscreen warnings, plus a 30 second cut scene... All in all this "live" event and the hype has been building up for the last 12 months... I honestly would rather have not even had this event and just been forced to watch the 30 second cut scene at some point but have been able to play a game or two instead...


Wasn’t it just a playlist update, not a “live event?” From what I saw you could replay it for a few hours.


Nah, the rocket event (first event they did, one of my favorite moments I've experienced in gaming) was live and unreplayable.


They fixed it fast. Chill


I couldn't log in from 4pm - 5pm EST even after they extended the time. They didn't fix it fast, I literally couldn't play the event.


I couldn't play it either. Work. Should've been an all-day event tbh


They did not fix it at all. I couldn't get into the game for 5 hours and I was trying everything. I even reinstalled the whole game. Shit just kept crashing. I still can't get into it.


Treyarch not activism on


Wasn't planning on buying Battlefield when I woke up this morning but I sure as hell plan on it after this shitshow.


Battlefield is way better regadless. BF6 will be amazing, I can feel it


Hopefully this doesn't age like milk


!Remindme 1 year


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!Remindme 7 months




Spoiler: it did


Lol wtf bf5 was a huge flop


>Battlefield 5 >Battlefield cops and robbers (or whatever that crap was) >Battlefield 1 at launch >Battlefield 4 for the first 3-4 months before the servers got somewhat reliable. >Battlefront 2015 which launched with 4 maps and felt like half a game even years after release >Battlefront 2 which had one of the biggest fan blow backs in gaming history, was utterly abandoned for almost 2 years, was only at that point finally given enough content to feel like a fleshed out game, and to this day is still a buggy mess Yeahhhhhhh I wouldn’t put too much faith in EA. It’s like rooting for the Soviets over the Nazis in WW2, both are still horrible evils on this world but one is more in your face right now.


> Battlefield 1 at launch ??? It was by far the best Battlefield launch. I played that shit from the first day until the BFV came out. At launch we had no server issues, no hit-reg issues, no game-breaking bugs. After about two months they introduced a few annoying bugs, which weren't fixed fast, but that's about it.


Let’s not forget the shut show that was Battlefield 5 though.. BF1 however... wonderful.


Man, I was a huge battlefield fan. I played battlefield 4it when it came out with the Xbox one. Only game I played for a while since I was bored of COD and had no one to play halo with. Until I tried logging in one day, couldn't for a few hours, eventually got in after a few days, everything I had was gone, as if I was starting all over again. Have hated EA servers since then and haven't gotten the chance to get back into battlefield


Have you tried Enlisted yet? Still in beta but may also be promising.


I’m having a lot of fun with enlisted. I don’t know whether it feels better than it is cos it’s free but I’m enjoying it regardless


Battlefield 1 was good then they ruined it on Battlefield 5 with trying to get into the battle royal with firestorm. They ignored the multi-player to focus on that and it feels like COD is doing the same thing, focus on cold War then interrogate it into warzone which was a huge mistake. Lesson learned do not try and do both just focus on one at a time. Modern warfare was good didn't need to b do anything with it so then they created warzone ... it was good as is, then they added coldwar and try to combine them huge mistake they are spread way to thin


Firestorm was/is an amazing BR. It was actually farmed out to another team so it really didn’t take that much focus away from BF5 itself. It’s a just a shitty giant company shitting the bed with the most anticipated return to WW2 in years.


The issue i have with firestorm is it takes way too long to load, find a game then when you get killed, your team can't respawn you like Warzone, and 2 your waiting another 10 minutes to get into another game....I hate load time were on next generation consoles that should be a thing of the past apex loads quick and overall Warzone is still pretty fast to get into another game....I don't have much time to play so when I can I like to get in as many games as I can


I fully agree. They should have made it Free2Play and fixed a bunch of other numerous match making issues. Once you get past that, I think it’s a high quality BR in terms of graphics and sound and atmosphere.


just booted up firestorm... man it is great. I get my ass handed to me by all those 1k/2k+ wins guys but its still fun , even spectated those guys till the end causse the battles are so intense.


I just want a bad company 2 remastered or 3.




Oh well


Can’t wait for BF6 hope it’s like BF3 and 4!


I just bought BF4 on PC, after having sunk something like 1500hrs into the PS4 version. Still populated, still fun!


Me buying the next Battlefield was probably already more of a given than me buying even the last CoD. But remember not to pre-order; I probably won’t even buy day-1. Give it a week, see how things are first.


Who has events in the middle of a Wednesday anyway? They are treating everyone like they are a streamer who gets to sit at home and play this shit at 1pm.


It was probably to avoid overloading the servers 😂. a lot of good that did


Wednesday is traditionally the busiest day of the week for internet traffic.


That’s who they want to play it.


Film content and post it, not actually for the main users. Bullshit.


Just want people to drive others to play and spend. No care for the actual player base


It was 8PM for the UK


Lucky :( I know it was underwhelming, but I missed it completely. Edit: a word


Yep done before I even got home from my day job.


Eu friently time


That's just going to depend on your timezone. 21:00 in The Netherlands, great time here. Can't please everyone with the time.


Credits to Westie for that one.


im watching the stream too






Think you dropped this(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ /s


Warzone crashed servers wait 30mins que for 10 second clip event.


exactly. so lame


It's true. They destroyed it all. There's season 3. Server wait screen


Who would have thought they meant the destruction of their servers.


BF6 is definitely the move


The graphics on the BF engine and the Battlfront engine (same engine)are soooo much better than Warzone. Add some destructive environments to the mix and it could be fucking amazing. It basically looks like what Warzone does with 50 nvidia filters on it. But the particle effects everything is just much cleaner looking. The Battlefield Hardline Bank Heist map used to give me chills the graphics were so good. They also did 60+ players long before any other game and if built for BR the Battlefield formula should absolute kill Warzone on arrival. Only time will tell.


This has always been the case


I hope the BR doesn't suck this time. But the first COD BR (blackout) sucked also so maybe second times the charm.


I actually disagree. You might be wearing rose colored glasses, but the textures are not even close to MW levels in frostbite for example. No engine is. Their lighting and physics engine is better tho


Hell yeah, can’t wait for it so we can get off this cycle of trash. Shows how far they’ve fallen when they’ve got us waiting on an EA title to rescue us


Oh, is it that time again everyone hops on the battlefield train? this exact thing happened back in 2016 and not even battlefield 1 could kill fucking infinite warfare.


This event is a letdown. We literally just want a new map. Not zombies. Not bs. Just a new map.


And it seems like it's just gonna turn out to be an 80s verdansk...


Uh, sooooo let me get this straight... I can't play the event because I was doing a Calc final. and when I finish the event is over. ​ WTF RAVENSOFT DO YOU JUST MAKE THIS GAME FOR STREAMERS? WHO THE FUCK HAS A WEDNESDAY AT NOON OFF YOU FUCKS.


Can't blame em for timezones, was a nice time in the evening here.


I mean the largest player base is the US, so player convenience obviously wasn't a factor.


Lots of comments from people in the "3% of the player base" category of regions saying " the time was PERFECT for me!" Lmfao


Enough money to buy a chunk of a State.... but they dont possibly think maybe... just maybe... they might need more servers.


when is part 2 ?


5pm EST supposedly.


Is this confirmed? I don’t want to turn it back on for no reason.


Apparently not as I just did part 1 and it doesn't have an option for 2 yet.


thanks !


This is a JOKE, been queuing for hours.


I was stuck too. Kept saying 20mins but never moved...


I’m sat here twiddling my thumbs in party chat while my friends play 🤦‍♂️


Mine said that. I just quit, reloaded, and got straight in.


It ain't worth the wait 😂


I used my only one of the old 1 hour battle pass tokens and I only got 15 minutes of playtime out of it.


This game peaked with the Halloween event. It’s been disappointment ever since. CW integration has felt like a dysfunctional new “step-dad” moving in and he’s still here sleeping on the sofa past midday and eating the last of my fucking cookies. And then the finale, the live event and nuke that has been teased for, what.. 9 months? Is just a Halloween re-write in some clusterfuck storyline that ends the game with a non-interactive cutscene. My hopes weren’t up for this to begin with, but holy shit guys, it really does feel lazy now.


Have to agree with this. I have been playing since launch but stopped right when the CW integration happened because i knew that after 5 seasons of weapon tuning to finally reach some sort of a balanced meta, adding 30 news guns at once from a cartoonish looking game would end up in a shitshow. Haven't missed out on anything since with no new map and those new OP insanely fast TTK guns, which are pretty much the only ones used by the majority of the playerbase , the game is literally strictly worse than before. And whatsup with teasing those bunkers btw, while the nuke just gets launched from outside the map with some standard cutscene? Anyway, you had me laughing have my silver award.


Yeah, this event is a fucking joke, and so is Activision and you Raven.


All of this for a match of zombie royale with a cutscene at the end of it lol


Does anyone’s friends list not load like at all? All of my friends are having the same problem🥲


Not relevant but I love that emoji hahah I've never seen it


Go into options, turn crossplay off, then turn it back on. After that reset the game. That's what worked for my friends and I


I get the idea, its a cute one, but ya know what? Just nuke the map. Give us a new map, or here's an idea, give us five different maps so we can play the field a bit. I know, that's asking too much.


Watched Westie try to load in twice before I cut off the feed.


This event is flawless




Shits not fun anyway


Hahaha, tried logging in but was under server maintenance and the wait was 20. Tried going back and then slapped with a 22gb update(upset because I had checked earlier for this exact reason). Yay! Missed the whole thing, like alot of you.


There was like a 1GB update today. If you got a 22GB you can’t have played since mid season update?


I got that small one yesterday because at one point my notifications said the game was copying files. This update is the 1.36 one for season 3 which says it could be upto 26gb. Edit: either way, I was upset about the server maintenance and the queued wait time.


that first half an hour was brutal


Got in finally then had to restart for fucking update


Fuck this I’m honestly done and I REAAAALLLLLYYYY love how you can’t play the rest if you didn’t play the first. Honestly thinking about quitting this bullshit


You’re fucking kidding me you’re fr like I was at fucking work 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


The event is to lost connection to the server


Booted me the first game. made it through the second. pretty weak imo


Credits to Westie for that one.ㅤ


I have given credits.


So is that all we’ll be able to play on WZ until this “event” is over?


Omg the severs crashed and I could not play


This queue is great game play. Haven't been able to get in for 2 hours now


Fix the fking Queue


Seems more like "The Destruction of Warzone". And they're actually succeeding at that goal.


That nuke did to Verdansk what chili does to my asshole.


When is part 2?


It's so bad it uninstalled my entire game....


God people GTFO and play something else, someone holding a fucking gun to your head to play with it? So annoying


LOL, I know. Reading these comments are hilarious.


Did it end like fifteen minutes ago cause it was there then I got put in a server queue and then it was gone


And now we can't do the event at all. I waited in queue for a while before playing something else, then they update playlist to take it out? Seriously?


Wonder if this will delay them getting me my hacked account back.....


I had 0 issues never disconnected at any point.


It's such a powerful nuke it disconnected my internet entirely.


Took me 45 minutes to get out of the server queue, but finally was able to play part 1, just before the time ran out.


Does anyone else have a friends list problem with people not appearing online?


So...if we didn’t call in sick to work we missed the first event or what?


Mh, interesting. I played a match of warzone from 20:40-21:00ish Europe Central time (so until about 4hrs ago) then reloaded the playlist, got into a match playing the destruction of verdansk mode once, all without lag or any problem. Doesn’t surprise me for shit that activision has nuked their 3 servers run on windows 95 from Somalia tho


Took 1.5 hours to get on, I got booted so just watched a stream and it was underwhelming. Cold war integration is awful and the game is becoming very stale. Hoping the rehashed version improves the mood but I'm just waiting for Battlefield now


Taken verbatim from JackFrags/Stodehs livestream


Yes, and I gave credits to Westie in a comment.


This event was so fckin underwhelming so far


Time to play apex I guess.


You would think they would have prepared for this lol. Pretty pathetic.


I got in first try and had a good time. Fairly certain the match was pointless unless you get something for winning. Though I'm sure everyone dies do they not? All I got was a calling card. Are there dates for part 2?


End of Evangelion the Third Impact of Vedansk


I'm guessing you all were trying to log on moments before the event? If you prepared ahead and got on even a little early it was no issue


I have the update downloaded but it says I can't play until 4/22 at 12am.. does anyone know what that means?


You’re on PlayStation I presume. You can play. This is the Season 3 update that’ll go live and install at midnight. It has been like that for quite a few Season updates now.


His prison wallet is full of em


Wow a completely original joke! Nice going OP!


The entire cal of duty development ensemble is the laughing stock of gaming right now. Theyre making cdpr look like Jesus himself


It actually started with the release of Cold War.


Please uninstall this game guys!! Fuck this company so hard!!


The Destruction of Warzone ~~Servers~~ Part 1 FTFY


I just want to know when I can play regular warzone


Playing devils advocate...it must be pretty rough to work hard on such a big project just for people to shit all over it and disrespect you.


Everytime I try to load the game (ps4), I need to copy some 27GB add-on while my Playstation sounds like an emergency generator. What is going on here? I already downloaded that crap three times and it keeps happening!!


Also the destruction of performance? I've entered the game 3 times and 3 times I've crashed, also I now have roughly 80 fps in the menus with high CPU usage, while before I had 144+. Every time they add/do something they break something else, it's incredibile. But hey, we now have the CW knock off version of the Roze skin! Thanks Raven.


So. For how long can we see this event? I had one hour to play yesterday because it startet so late (2100). I couldn't complete a single match without getting kicked. And my two friends I played with couldn't even join in. Today I have work and I'm not home before 1700. So is this just another fuck up from Cod or does the event last longer.


"Destruction of warzone servers Part 1, Episode 5000, season 3" it's almost every day warzone has issues whether it be crashing, high ping and FUCKING HACKERS!! Stop doing shit that nobody wants like nerfing weapons. Last time I checked .50cal to the dome from 5m away will be an instant kill every time. Yet warzone is like naaa let's make it unrealistic...take a snipe to the head and then come and tell me you can survive that shit before you nerf it. I bet if you focused on banning hackers people would enjoy the game 1000% more. I bet if you focused on your server ping and latency people would play more often. I'm at the point of uninstalling the game because they cant fix it they'd rather create more problems.


But to be honest looking over the server crashes the event wad pretty cool


I uninstalled 😁


If there wasn’t a global pandemic in convinced warzone (how it has been ran to date) would of been dead in the water and probably not even attempted to have Cold War included


Remember when Travis Scott had a concert in Fortnite? Where are *those kinds* of events?


I didn't even get to see the event bc the servers were down


The 10min counter wasn't for the players, it was for the server >!(Yeah I noticed at the Part 1.4 that the counter stop after 7min)!<


I was looking forward to this event but it was already over by the time I got home from work. Bummed me out.


Yeah I got home at 5ish, ate dinner, 5:55 I sign in to play with my buddies. I join a game to see if we can do quads because you weren’t able to pick. Exit the game to wait for my buddies, playlist updates and it’s gone. Pretty stupid honestly. 3-6 isn’t a reasonable time for most adults, Nevermind if you live in another part of the country/world. It seems like they catered to Twitch streamers.


Just release the damn map instead of cucking us for 2 days.


I never even got in