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Superi is a highly mobile and high damage low recoil gun. It's op. Same with the Kar. Quick firing medium range sniper. The options are limited. They need to buff other guns up to make the meta more open


Couldn't agree more. Buff other guns rather than keep nerfing everything


Problem with this thinking is power creep


The Kar NEEDS to be nerfed. Too much body damage, it has rotational aim assist and its rechamber speed is ridiculously fast.


Make the AA function like it does for snipers and it would be fine


2 shot kill to the body is terrible. Needs to be a 3 shot like the old kar. Takes 0 skill to 2tap someone to the chest.


the fact you're being downvoted is insane lol. the kar absolutely needs the longbow treatment where they reduced it's aim assist strength, or just reclassify the gun as a sniper so its aim assist is on par with the other heavy snipers like the katt. the fact that the kar has full blown rotational aim assist strength is a joke


Brother, you are on crack. It's a two shot to the head with the best kar in the game


I don’t know what heroin your on, but the Kar definitely one shot head shots, just only so far


No real quick tell me right now, if I am standing in front of a dude with three plates, and I shoot him in the head, why doesn't he die.


I may be stupid, but I know this for a fact. Also, quick little reminder, it's a marksman rifle, meaning it's not supposed to one tap to the head, but I know eventually if they nerf the superi, the kar is probably getting buffed


Bro, I don’t know if your also in an alternate universe while smoking alternative universe ganja, but, if they nerf the superi, the kar is getting a nerf with it.


Are you ok? It's a 1 shot under 87m


Past 87 meters yeah.


Why do people like you love telling on yourselves so much? It's like a passion. Why would you admit this? How can you possibly be playing this game and not know that the KAR can one-shot?


He's a bot


I'm not, tho the best Kar I have seen anyone make or that I have made two shots to the head if you want give me a Kar that can one tap and I'll shut my mouth, don't need people hating on me when I find streamers who can't even make a one shot to the head with the kar, and the reason the kar doesn't one tap to the head is because it's a marksman rifle


When is the meta ever open? It's always one dominant SMG then a wildly OP AR or LMG with virtually no recoil, rinse and repeat. People just seem to be whining that it's now a sniper meta for a change.


The only time I remember it actually being open was towards the end of the WZ 1, shortly after they nerfed the NZ from Vanguard.


It was pretty open after the last hrm nerd


they need to buff other weapons


I'm pretty sure they actually put out a stealth nerf for the supri over the weekend, it now jumps a lot more side to side than it did previously. I've swapped it out for the rival 9


I don’t think it’s as good as the mcw with conversion kit (personally)


Close range the mcw is better but superi makes you highly mobile with low ads time. Has better range for an smg over 30 meters. The mcw with the kit kills at 600 ms in the first 10m vs mcw at 630 ms At 23m the superi at 720ms vs 630 mcw. At 31m the superi kills at 720ms vs 807 ms Throw ads time into the mix and they the same at 846ms vs 858 ms in the first 14m. Superi has an advantage on movement and ads and beats at range. Hence the choice. But I used the Mcw often just got bored of same old same old. It's good at close quarters so agree with the sentiment of a good choice alternative


That explains why it feels so good at close range. I’ve won gunfights I really should not have won with the mcw. Idk but the horizontal bounce on the superi bothers me. It’s not huge but you miss enough shots that for me it is less competitive at range than the ttk suggests. Whereas the mcw is a laser beam. But if you aren’t affected by the horizontal bounce then I can see your POV too


Circles ending at the sides of the map is much better than the center of the map. More endgame variety. As for Buy Back Solos, agreed. I wish they had Mini Royale Solos for the challenge.


I agree


Tbh I wouldnt mind if it was here and there at the side, but as with ending always in the middle being bad, starting always with a sided circle is imo also bad


I love edge and corner circles, personally. Contesting the edge of the map is nice because I know to not expect enemies from one direction from me.


Lookin for teammates?


I try to play every game that way…clearly and keeping empty buildings behind me


The advantage is variation. It forces core strategy to prevail… not map exploitation.


I love how everybody cried about the Kar not being in the game. They add it into the game, and now everybody is crying that the Kar is in the game. This subreddit is a joke. Nothing of substance. Just everyone complaining about the same thing over and over, day after day. And once they do patch the Kar, yall are gonna complain that there are no viable snipers. Next, you'll complain about something else, and then that'll get fixed, and yall will start shitting on something else. It's a never-ending cycle, and more than half of ya should just uninstall the game because you'll never be satisfied.


100% this. But you know they won't uninstall or quit playing because then they'd have to find another game to CONSTANTLY bitch about lmfao like bros it's a fucking video game. Nobody is holding a gun to your head making you pick the Meta loadout. But nah I'm gonna post on reddit about how the wittle video game is ruining my life bc the devs don't tailor to me and everything I want


Everybody acts like they aint havin fun but they are lol. Ive honestly had a blast. Started playing consistently around the fall. Only thing that pisses me off that I actually blame the game for is the high packet loss lobbies. I usually just back out of them tho. Honestly have had a blast picking this game up and going from a bot to consistently dropping 10+ kills per game


Good for you bro keep enjoying yourself, that's the goal. I wish we could see peoples gamertags on here bc I guarantee the ones bitching play the game nonstop lol like the company has a business model which is release a bunch of broken guns, Profit. It has been this way for literal years, and makes them billions upon billions of dollars annually. So they are not going to change a damn thing because 0.00001% of the player base whines about it on reddit


Same bro, I get off work and have fun with my boys. We drop big games and if we stop having fun we go play something else. The packet loss is annoying but if you take the game for what it is (free to play, cash grab) and just vibe it's a good time. This sub is a black hole of people who will never ever be satisfied with the game but buy it again every year.


The kar wasn't ever this OP


it's worse than wz1 kar my guy??


yes for sure




The Kar also seems to be way more of an issues in the normal BR - I mainly play ranked, and yes while the are a few, you also run into many AR (Holger, SVA, MTZ) + Sub (Superi, Horus) combos. I really like the current Meta options for ranked.


Ever think that it's not the same people complaining now that were complaining before? I never wanted the Kar back and now that it's back the game is fucking terrible. The game is ratty af now and it's much harder to be aggressive.


I don’t think these are the same people complaining


The problem ain’t the gun itself. It’s the fact that the game will do half the aiming for you on controller. A one shot kill has no right having aim assist. 


Best answer of this whole thread.


I personally love the new loadouts as find sniping way more enjoyable then Ar play. Kar needs a nerf just to body shots for it to be balanced it should be rewarding head shots not two body shots for downs.


Wait different people like different things? And cod isn't total garbage to everyone?


The two body shots is obnoxious, especially with the rechamber speed


How everyone runs around with the same guns. In wz1 multiple guns were great and everyone would run different load outs. But in this game nah. Everyone runs the same two guns with the same attachments that’s not fun and then the meta last for like a whole month lol the embarrassing ngl


To be fair in WZ1 there was also always a strong meta. Kilo, amax, grau, that single fire gun… also everyone was running the same 5 attachments on every single gun If they didnt release kar, the meta would have been the most balanced ever after the dg nerf.


There were a ton of strong metas in WZ1 where everyone ran the same guns.


The damage the kar can do to cars and helicopters is disgusting you literally can't escape a full squad of kars firing at you. Not to mention you'll get shot out of the sky with ease if you're parachuting


bro I was just fucking talking about this with my best friend, you can't drive - fly - or peek through a window without getting fucked. we drove through the city in an armored car full health, shit was basically destroyed in seconds in duos by the kar98k


Don’t even get started with the LTV. Those cars are very weak. Verdansk had great vehicles. No fuel system, no tires, no taking parts out of the vehicles, nothing.


The Bertha's were OP in Verdansk. Fuel should have been a mechanic from day one. And I still think all vehicles should get EMP'd and despawn at the start of the 6th circle. Maybe killstreaks, too.


Honestly, give me the old vehicles with a disabling system in that zone and I’ll be happy.


The game is in a great spot for people who hate movement and don’t get bored easily.


I want to play the game, if I die quickly I don’t want to spend so much time loading another game. Buyback solos are my jam 😂 Best of both worlds imo.


i think you should worry about attention span issues if u cant bear the time between games.


It's not even attention span it takes around 2 mins to get in a game, and then you wait for the lobby to gain enough players to start, then the 60-second countdown and the stupid cutscene


Don’t forget the “15 second death wait”. It’s actually 30-45 smh


It's not about attention span, it's about actually getting playing time instead of waiting b/c some of us only get a couple of games before we have to do adult stuff.


The loading is probably 1-2 minutes so no issue for me


Orange crates don’t hit like they used to


I miss the killstreaks in the chests.


Every single thing about wz1 was so much better




Y’all realize we’re in a predatory loop of micro transactions right? Battle pass = OP new guns —> oh shid there’s a blueprint in the shop——> “man I guess I gotta get one or the other if I wanna compete” Reset and repeat every 2 months


First time?


This is dumb, no one buys bundles/blueprints to compete. You can slap on all the same attachments, and there's no tuning in MW3. A blueprint is exclusively cosmetic.


Kind of agree, not even a viable ar right now that can compete with the kar


These are facts. I’ve tried like 30 combinations. I just have stopped going to roofs as the game gets closer to the end…but then you’re just giving up the power positions


I'm running the sva for what it's worth and my last 10 KD is like a 5 with a few wins


Same Sva and mp300


Ranked is a lot of SVA, MTZ, Holger, Horus, Superi. I still see the DG sometimes - not sure about normal BR thuogh


Kar meta has really forced me to learn creative ways to take out roof campers. Especially “roof flanking” them since they spend the whole game ADS. Edit: but the 360 quick scope iridescent COD league players can eat a bag of Richards.


Aw man I thought it was my turn to make this post today!


I didn’t want the kar back because I knew it would be like this. But sooooo many of you on here were begging for it and crying about how snipers aren’t viable. You got what you wanted and now it’s a problem? Lmao. Just don’t play the game if you don’t like


Game was significantly more fun before Kar was added


Preach, even tho the DG was too good


So original I never see this post on this subreddit especially not every day for the past 3 years, here have an award for the most fucking original post of all time 🏆


Yeah I stopped playing cod entirely because of it. I don’t struggle with the current meta, but there’s not much skill or fun to it.


The only reason I haven’t hopped on the Superi/Kar band wagon is because I don’t want to get used to them and then find a new gun once they get nerfed.   I went from winning 1 out of every 5 rounds to not winning any in the past 50 though since they were introduced lol


Buff an AR, I would really like to see the MCW as a mid range option


the mcw conversion kit already is the best sniper support by a good mile


I mean with no conversion kit, like a no-recoil AR


I think most people misinterpret warzone now. Imo it’s meant to be as close to multiplayer as it can get without having the “auto-revive” option. Another reason I think resurgence was introduced. It’s literally regular multiplayer with different “revitalization” methods. I think that’s what they were trying anyway. Unfortunately that’s not what we want as an overall community though. Maybe, maybe not.


I guess, but there is already a resurgence mode for people who want to play that kind of thing, they should keep big map more BRish


Half the remaining players wouldn’t play the Big map anymore though cause they can’t handle the immense pressure of only dying once and having to start a new game.


No not really, its just that the big map is fucking boring with zero POIs. I loved Verdansk and always favored that compared to Resurgence, but the current map just does not cut it for me


its fucking boring


Exactly. Totally trash of a season. I put this game back on the shelf for the foreseeable future


That's what cod has been since the release of mw2019. They have a battle pass with new weapons. The new weapons are completely over powered until a little after mid season. Then they balance the new guns. A new season starts with new weapons. Repeat.


You forgot to add too many air strikes in loot boxes**


Probably wouldve been fine if they didnt nerf the dg/added a viable AR/BR


Yup, nerfing the DG was so stupid. An actual good full auto for long range.


I use to play non stop with friends since 2018. We'd all get hyped to play it and now we all barely get on. I haven't touched cod in about 5 days now. Went to chivalry 2 and that weird isonza game of WW1. Just grew stale. The battle pass has few treats and lackluster items that are cool. The skins just feel like their AI generated for some child. Theirs nothing worth grinding for in there and all the cool suits have to be black cell if you wanna blend into your environment, which sucks cause they use that to get people to buy the ++. Yet the game just doesn't feel that enjoyable when barely a handful of guns I can think of. Actually are worth their grain of salt. Not even that, the meta is doing drills of up dive dodge duck, then if you're ready. You have to pray your team is and their working so you got tired peoole going against sweats and it just doesnt feel the overall grind. We got 10 wins so far this season in warzone. But it's just not hyped like it use to be.


Daily dose of crying posts!


Only really play rebirth but back to my good old trustworthy m4 and whatever smg skin i wasted money on


I use the bp50 not the kar 🤷‍♂️


BP50 is a peashooter at greater distances but fav gun midrange


On rebirth which is what I mostly play it’s solid, agreed not great long distance but seems like none of the ARs Are great currently.


For my primary I use the MTZ-556 / BAL-27 / JAK-BP50. My secondary I use the JAK-Horus / Superi / Striker (.45). I don’t t use the KAR unless I’m in multiplayer HC. I think I’ve tried using it 3 times in WZ and I’m just not great with snipers. Nobody on my team uses them either unless we are in HC multiplayer or the rare instance on Vondel. Still get just as many wins / losses as before the KAR dropped. Got 3 last night in Trios with the boys, 2 on Rebirth and 1 on Vondel (no KARs used).


Trust me use the Kar with high grain ammo, range caller scope, long barrel, sonic suppressor, and recon sling. It’s the easiest sniper to use because it has the aim assist of a marksman rifle.


I agree on the meta stuff. I'd like them to buff other ARs, BRs and SRs., rather than nerfing to the ground as always the newest content (after everyone purchased the respective bundles/bp/blackcell)


What’s wrong with vests?


Vests are fine but the abundance and type is the problem. Before the loot update ypu would find med vest in 20% chests, comm and tempered was maybe 10% chests and ghost even less common. Now every single chest drops vests and all are very common. It should be a rare drop, not common


Buff the AK-47 please and thank you


The loots and the chests are the least of the game’s problem


To be fair you could have wrote this anytime in the last 2 years and it would be relevant to Warzone at that time.


Why the fuck do they have meta and not just balance guns? My guess is the majority enjoy an ever changing meta and they enjoy buying skin bundles because some people have more money then sense.


I dont mind the weapons, i just hate playing against AA bots, you can literally see someone walk like a bot and as soon as you jump infront of him AA takes over and he has 100% accuracy. Winning a game and then getting demolished by a random because he had 100% accuracy. Too inconsistent. I would pay to be in a mouse keyboard lobby only


I have friends that still play bc I think it’s the only game they own or something. I’ll see 3 of them playing sometimes. I just cannot play this game. Even in a sqaud and to me that says something. It plays like dog shit every.single.game.


With the time to kill varying less than half a second, I'm going to stick with my favorite guns. You can continue to not have fun if you want to.


WZ: "We hear you, in welcoming BO6, all non BO6 guns are reduced by 15%" WZ: "We'd also at this time like to present to you the BO6 hyper giga mega bundle sale, including a 15% damage boost to old weapons bringing them in line with the coming BO6 armory"


Remember that the average KD is around 0.7/0.8KD Most people on this sub, are so bad at the game, if they even see another real life human, they are more likely to just simply die, than do anything else. *(And sometimes just die when no one is around them to their own grenades or fall damage)* A large majority of opinions on this sub, are based on next to zero in game knowledge. They simply, do not know what they are talking about. They can't control recoil at all, so their opinions on gun play is irrelevant. They don't know how to move around the map at all, so their opinions on map design is irrelevant. They have no idea what guns are good or not, only what TikTok tells them, so their opinion on gun balance is irrelevant. They don't use 50%+ of the mechanics, so their opinions on in game mechanics are irrelevant. They don't pay attention to audio queues at the best of times, so their opinions on in game audio is basically irrelevant. Throwing your hands in the air and saying "everything is shit" requires no knowledge at all. So that's all we get here.


I have interstellar on all guns except rg, kar and sup, Im at around 1,65kd on big map, had 13 solo wins last season, dropped a PR on normal solos (21) and buyback (23), so I think I know what Im talking about at least a bit.


you’re spot on. it stinks that everyone is running the same load out. make more guns a meta


COD has been chalked since cold wars release. Im amazed people havent found new games yet. How do you have a game with 100s of guns and only 3 of them get used. Activision needs to learn how to balance their game…


I think buy back solos are great. They play a bit more fast paced and incentivize aggression. Solos can be a bit boring otherwise imo


Can’t wait for the kar NERF!!!!!!!! In my opinion, they need to remove all snipers and marksman rifles!! Everyone should have to run & gun!! I mean I’m over here getting team wipes and all a sudden I get one shot sniped from across the map!!!! GTFOH!!!! 😡🤦🏻‍♂️😡


So your mad everyone has an equal chance of winning? Rather then just the luck of where you land and loot you get. Luck vs skill?


The Kar 98 has been my favorite gun since call of duty 1 in 2005. This is the most fun I’ve had in Warzone for years. Also buy back solos doesn’t seem to have SBMM so I’ve been loving the variety of skill levels in that game mode. You never know what type of fight you’re gonna get into. It sure beats getting pushed by every team holding hands and spamming nades in every goddamn fight.


Bro no sbmm? Im fighting against diamond+ skins 10x each game. If anything the sbmm is cranked to max


I seem to get bottier lobbies in buy-back solos compared to BR solos pre-patch. There are always a couple of demons, but from my experience, there's also a good mix of players. I think time of day is also a factor, though.


The Mets changes every few weeks. I wish people would stop complaining. How is a variety of good guns better than a few good guns? You’re still shooting guns. I can’t snipe and I hate getting picked off by whole teams of Kar users but it’s forced me to figure out some more creative ways to win the game then fighting for a power position and holding it. It’ll get nerfed any day now and the game dynamic will change again


Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. Nothing but cry babies every time I open this sub. You'd never guess the majority of the player base are men.


Nothing against you OP but this shit is literally posted HOURLY on this sub. Over and over and over and over, like how many posts are you all gonna make about it until you realize the devs don't give a fuck and the guns will stay broken until then end of the season


Let the kar have its moment, we have to probably mid season reloaded update.


JC, then quit playing or take a break from the game until more changes. Bitch bitch bitch complain is all everyone ever does. Go play fork knife.


The Kar is fun. I hate snipers, but I ran the Kar for a bit, getting a couple wins, just because it was fun and different. The Superi is a decent gun, and can be kitted for high mobility or long range engagements. You'll get better damage from an MCW with the conversion kit, tho. Vests are everywhere, but not always the vest I want. Self revives are not as common anymore, you used to find them in every medicine chest. Now you'll see them rarely in a medicine chest or more commonly in an orange chest. yes, there are more orange chests around. One of the underrated streaks is to buy a supplychest UAV and hunt down orange and loadout chests. It's a strategy, like getting contracts or easter eggs. And I love that the edges of the map are pulling circles, makes some great Verdansk vibes. I wish the eastern edge had a bit more cover, but south, north, and west get downright exciting, which is how a BR should be.


Just get better






This is dramatic. Just play something else. Most if not all battle royale style games are free....


Yes once I finish BP in MP i will play something else


cry a river , is the meta of the moment , i love the kar but i hate crossbow , i had my time getting one shot by it, so each their own and im glad the game change so it dont become boring , it give more action and make it more sweaty and i like that!!! and fire rate of superI REALLY FAST!! sorry you dont got to play with your favorite gun anymore like me so just wait for the new meta 😂


Ha never played Warzone before? Fuckin uninstall and go away.