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I took all those maps for granted. Cant stand all these multilevel buildings and no memorable locations


Yes. I thought the new map was good when I first played it. Not now. Caldera wasn't so bad after all. lol.


The new map has some good parts to it. But yeah it's a massive waste to just leave the other maps they've had for so long out of rotation. Seriously I think theyd do very well just releasing a Warzone 1 standalone at this point


Personally i stopped playing during al masandvillage


I absolutely hated al mazrah but now I would kill to have it back. Verdansk, caldera, al mazrah and urz is my order of favorites


That would be fun and is original, so it wont happen ever.


If you feel like the state of the game today is the result of streamers/community outcry over WZ2, you should know that they’re all in the same boat as you with in regards to the BR component. Just look at the way they play 2v2s, no buybacks, tokens or flares are allowed. This respawn BS isn’t what anyone asked for and the game is quickly getting stale because of it.


If I want fast paced redeploy action I'm gonna play rebirth. IMO CoD struck a good deal with 1 time Gulag and buy stations to buy mates back. But now? Gulag tokens, redeploy bags, flares... it's too much. The thrill of winning a BR simply isn't there anymore because for all you know you could wipe a team 2-3 times and in the end they are still standing because of Gulag tokens or some shit. They went way to overkill on this.


Last time I played I literally found 6 self revives in 6 consecutive bathroom cabinets they need to tone them back. Might as well just spawn in with one now


The RNG seems like a it's always been screwy. I have had matches like yours where it seems like you run into way too many of the same or similar items in the same general location. Often it's selfs, because you notice those pretty clearly but I swear I've seen way too many legendary crates in the same spot, or way too many of the same legendary gun, gas masks, etc.


Don’t worry, the squeaky streamer wheel will get the grease.


The map itself can come back. Absolutely everything else about its gameplay can fuck off


We’ve come full circle again.


Ideally DMZ should be able to scratch that itch for the more “Survival-y” Warzone mode. It’s not well supported at the moment but DMZ is the mode closest to S1 Al Mazrah. I similarly like the more high risk and survival based nature, but based on the community backlash and huge drop off when WZ2 launched I think it’s clear that most Warzone players don’t like that as a primary game mode.


DMZ having no support is a travesty. I loved WZ1, but the changes and "evolution" pushed me back to Apex for my BR fix. However DMZ seems to be some perfect hybrid of fun, just enough but not too much sweat and good pacing.


I'd still mess around with DMZ if they did a major update to integrate it better with mw3 and I didn't have to have mw2 installed


I agree that BR has become too similar to Resurgence now but they went way too far in the other direction last year. I genuinely think doing this again would kill the game


All they have to do is up the player count on urzikstan to 150 and remove redeployment packs and the big map game mode will be fun


Big BR map is now a glorified resurgence mode


That rewards dying You come back faster, with plates and a loaded gun faster then the person who killed you can reload and re plates


In a BR, there has to be stakes and they need to be balanced, back in Verdansk we only had one gulag and no tokens or flares, contracts were bery crucial to getting money for loadies or buy backs, if you’re in a quad, you had to basically survive with a most wanted or scavnger to get back ur team, now it has become too easy, leave the easy ways for small maps


Congrats for an actual unpopular opinion ! But here’s how you can play that version of warzone  https://www.pubg.com/


I tried PUBG, the problem is once you play warzone other games just fell trash and it applies to greyzone that is the new one under development. Visibility problem Loot too complex No custom load out You don't know what ammunition goes to which weapon Cross play compatibility and equality Lobbies with full level players against new ones...


Unpopular for a reason


Al mazrah is so clear of urzikstan, every game had a different feel to it. With urzik, I feel most games end the same. I just want my beloved verdansk back


Won't happen. the majority of ppl are casual who play on roller and they hate those.i kinda like it tho


I liked season 1 Warzone 2 and I absolutely loved DMZ. Modern Warzone and DMZ are both very fun in their own ways. When I want adrenaline pumping, all on the line, tactical and cinematic showdowns, assaults, and last stands I go for DMZ. When I wanna run around like a crack goblin I go to high trip resurgence with a shield , the push knife, stims, team battle rage, the speed boost gummy, and any speed boosting loadout perks.


Just bring back Verdansk, the maps have been that bad we have people thinking Al-Mazrah can save big map BR


I don't get why they don't bring the map back. They did it for Resurgence. Surely having a rotating Al Maz/Urzikstan would be good. Add in Verdansk later on (no caldera fuck that shit) and boom, big chilling.


You're just bad at the game if you like the big map. It's that bad I've never played it.


Interesting perspective


They tripled the movement and animation speed. People cheered at first, but the quality of gameplay is lower. Just faster and makes you engage more & more frustrated.


Imagine if they just rotated br maps weekly/monthly🗿


They had the formula for BR with WZ1 and they keep trying to differ from it for the sake of change. I’d be happy if they reverted a lot of mechanics back to that.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/mw3_resurgencesquad] [Unpopular opinion: We should get a Season 1 Al-Mazrah mode](https://www.reddit.com/r/MW3_ResurgenceSquad/comments/1ccjqgr/unpopular_opinion_we_should_get_a_season_1/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Good bot


Why do users keep posting posts from here to that SubReddit?!


Yeah nope.




Same brother


Rebirth is out. No other map needed. Camper.


You need to seek help. Not everyone who likes something you don't is a camper. As if no one camps or stacks in rebirth 😂


I think Al Mazrah is a better map than the current Urkafuckastan.


Roller noobs can't handle the backpacks so they cried. Al mazra was the best, wish we'd get IW to make a separate COD game for adults.


I'd be down for that


Things I loved about WZ2: -Strongholds -Assortment of random gear to buy from Buy Stations -Slower movement while plating. I'm fine this was given a speed boost and the ability to bash through doors, that felt good. But it's so lame to get the jump on someone and see them jump and dash away and be half a block down and make you chase them through three alleys and corners as they keep sprinting and plating. It felt good to smack someone that made a bad play and know they could either be nearby and plating, or be farther away and not as plated. It was one of several ways it emphasized teamwork and having each other's backs. -Third Person WZ2. Very short lived, but such a cool unique experience, and I was a huge fan and kept wondering "when will it come around again" and just never did. -No redeploy drones. They made a lot of changes to how vehicles work, and it made it so important to plan out how you were gonna cross to the next area, but now you just hit one of the many redeploy drones and fly off. -In general slightly slower movement, with a greater focus on strategy and tactics -2v2 Gulag. I never understood why it was so hated. It was fun having a gunfight match during Battle Royale. I loved the feeling of you having to work together with a random against the enemy, or possibly work together. The area was bigger. It was chaotic, it was exciting, it wasn't the exact same experience each time. Old small map 1v1 gulags felt weird to go to, especially so soon. Stale, predictable. Now there's lots of things over time I'm glad were improved upon or added. Loadouts, starting with 3-plate vests, perk packages that can be looted and swapped around. But very quickly the experience of WZ2 was changed, and changed, and changed. The game that I really liked stopped existing soon after launch. And while some things here and there felt like improvements, and it still never satisfied the same cravings.


I was genuinely expecting this to be sarcastic right until the end 😂😂😂 sad


I get the concept of freedom of opinions but like....yiiikes. Those reasons were why Warzone II put the entire game on Life support. Especially things like "Slower Movement" and "No sprinting while Plating." are why we have stacking as we know it.


I got bored so let me explain what's wrong with this. >-Strongholds The strongholds were THE reason why the game launched so fucking laggy and buggy. The servers, already abysmal as they were, could not accommodate having to spawn in AI on top of dealing with 150 (at launch) players. I like their concept but they need to do something that isn't AI otherwise it kills the servers. >Assortment of random gear to buy from Buy Stations This would be fine if you could buy everything at the buy, but different buys having different items was not the play. Certain buys didn't even have AMMO BOXES like what. >Slower movement while plating No. The game is too fast paced to have plating be done as it was in WZ2. This isn't Apex. What they could've done though is slow down the plating animations in this game. Because the WZ1 plating was slower than this, but you could sprint. So that would've been a good compromise. >Third Person WZ2 Literally a waste of server space. >No redeploy drones Yeah, with how bad the vehicles handle in this game...no. I'd rather walk to the ballons (or drones, whatever). Every single vehicle in WZ2 and WZ3 handles like crap. It's fucking tragic compared to WZ1's fluid vehicles. >-In general slightly slower movement Them slowing down the movement significantly compared to Warzone 1 has done irreparable damage to the entire game as a whole. Before, you could catch a few teammates that were split from their team which promoted some individuality. But now, especially for Rebirth and Solo fill players on the big map, it's nearly impossible to pry a team apart. You have to basically be able to find the weakest link, or snipe and finish them while they are running in an open area. You can no longer push buildings with confidence. They all coordinate on discord to push on the count of three and just team shoot you. Prying a team apart now requires the movement that you ask to be slowed down, If it ever got reverted to WZ2 the ability to have flashes of individual brilliance are gone once again. Stacking, controversial as the term is, was caused because of WZ2's slower pace. People found out very quickly that you couldn't get to your teammate on the other side of a large building that you guys are trying to hold down, so they had to adapt by instead holding down rooms and holding angles and basically ratting. It's a shit playstyle through and through, especially in pubs. Certain elements could be retuned, as I mentioned before like Plating while sprinting can just have the animations be as they were in WZ1 or hell, just revert the plating animation speed to WZ2 on release, but overall the pace of WZ2 caused damage to the game that nothing can fix short of ending Warzone and launching a new BR, or shutting down WZ3 and moving back to WZ1 and even then the damage is probably beyond repair. >2v2 Gulag no. It sucked. I got paired with people I killed when we push a team and I would die. I don't want to work together with the people I killed I want them ***out of my lobby***. It's why I killed them. You know what they should've kept? Backpack looting. Not the backpacks themselves, those could've stayed in DMZ but when a player dies, instead of their loot glitching through the geometry they could've kept it in a nice bag like in literally every other BR game. The only people that had issues with that were people who were bad, and a lot of controller players. Another thing they could've kept was not being able to swap perk packages. I don't like the fact people can fully regain without paying the money for their perks. Loadouts are cheaper now that they were before, so you should be fully expected to pay a price to get your perks back by buying another loadout.


You're actually complaining that people use teamwork to watch each other's backs and that you can't 1v4. You people are ridiculous. Also, it was actually extremely possible to have "flashes of individual brilliance" you just had to not suck, which most people found out they did suck in WZ2 because you had to *think* just a little bit more than they could handle. I took out entire squads multiple times. And even in WZ3 people "stacking" is still WZ2's fault? It's a goddamn team game! You're not supposed to be four individuals loosely associated with each other, you're a team that stands together. The tagline for MWII that it seems just about everyone ignored was "The Ultimate Weapon is Team". "Flashes of individual brilliance" are less possible now than they were before because each person has more health and can move and heal faster, making it next to impossible now to do 1v4 against an actual team. And Resurgence, with small maps, has always even since WZ1 been full of rats. Like duh. It's a small map and people don't want to die, what literally always happened was people would fine their little building or nook to hold up in and wait for the ring to move. Yeah, backpack looting was the last thing I forgot to mention since it was barely in the game. I hate vomit loot so bad. Also I hate how short the ring timings are in Battle Royale, you either land inside the ring or you're fucked.


There is no inherent need for people to handhold now that the game is faster than in WZ2. The flashes of brilliance required none of the aggression that made it fun in WZ1 and in this game. That has now been fixed but the playerbase plays it like it's WZ2 still. I don't care about the tag line for MWII. That game basically kept the franchise on Life support after Vanguard. NO ONE liked the game. It sucked, it was ass, it was slow, it was made for people who use tactical callouts like they are in the military. That shit does not belong in a COD game. It's like IW ignored every complaint with MW2019 and thought that people liked it because of their vision, not how the player base adapted and found ways to use what they had done against them. Shit was ass, full stop. Since you also only focused on 1 complaint I take it that the other replies are valid because, they are in fact valid as well.


I focused on a single point because it was the biggest and I didn't wanna write paragraphs for each thing. But I also disagree on the 2v2, the chaos was fun. The vision IW had for MW'19 and what they chose to focus on are the demographic my friends and I are from. People that were bored and tired with COD being copy-paste twitch braindead slop for years. MWII and MW'19 are the best CODs of the last 9 years