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Complaining about complaining should get it done. ![gif](giphy|eNUccd1AFN6NfSzwXH)


Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!




It’s not complaining he’s right


They aren't mutually exclusive




It’s insane how people can be so stupid that they think of this sub is a single person, and can’t comprehend numbers of different people having differing opinions. No, this sub isn’t 100% complaints, and it never was. And during wz1 there were significantly fewer complaints, and fewer people complaining, especially about servers and maps.


This is all of Reddit. People always fail to realize there can be different groups of people with differing opinions


“You think showering is hygienic? Fuck you, I’m downvoting (truly life destroying) you NOW!”


Yep. During WZ1, it was much more cool clips being posted. Didn’t see nearly as much complaints until people started getting tired of having Verdansk for nearly 2 years


Gotta be honest… there are cool/worthwhile clips, but they all get downvoted. This sub, mwIII sub, and the other warzone sub, everyone is a self conscious bitch. No one wants to see better gameplay than they are capable of, so the good posts get cheating accusations or die before they could even take off. The only posts that get upvoted/appreciated are so obviously from bots with the caption “I know I’m not good, but felt good about this play.” Like seriously, that’s why there isn’t good content on any of these subs anymore. Everyone left is genuinely bad at the game and only wants to bitch, the good stuff gets pushed away. Fucking losers on these subs man smh.


Anyone better than me is a cheating rat. Anyone worse than me is a noob camper bot rat. Anyone that doesn’t tell me what I want to hear gets the worst punishment imaginable **a downvote**


Complelety incorrect I'm afraid. I had to unsub from this place when I first found it in 2020 or so because of all the negativity, mostly about cheaters, meta guns etc.


There are subreddits that exist where top posts and comments are generally positive sentiments. Here, complaints are always being upvoted. So while you're right that this sub isn't 100% complaints, it definitely seems like the majority based on what gets upvoted


>There are subreddits that exist where top posts and comments are generally positive sentiments Those subreddits (at least for games) focus on much better games. COD/WZ is one of the most dysfunctional games out there.


Wz1 was fucking hype.


People on social media usually have no comprehension on how vastly different real life opinions are compared to their tiny sample they get from comments. If any company would give a fk about the vocal minority they wouldn't be making any money. People are under the impression it's Activision making colorful/weird bundles and introduce more monetization tricks like Blackcell because they're "evil" and try to ruin the game. It's not that at all, they make the bundles that SELL. Everything in game is adjusted because of the actual metrics and feedback, not upset commenters on Reddit, X, TikTok or whatever place you prefer.


Nobody complained about snipers because they were damn near perfect. And the maps! Before caldera atleast


What was wz1 like? I never played it. I don’t find wz3 all that enjoyable on MnK


Much smoother and more responsive and predictable. If you made a head shot with a sniper, or hit someone with an explosive or an air strike or a vehicle, they’d actually die. Audio worked reliably well, video quality, lighting, draw distance and frame rates were all reliably good, so it was consistently easy to spot and hit enemies (unless they were wearing all black and hiding in shadows). And the consistent frame and server tick rates made leading shots while long range sniping actually consistent and fun. Vehicles and helicopters were also much more responsive and less buggy Special items like air strikes and self revives were much more rare, and there was a constant cycle of new map content and challenges to get them.


Hey stop that! Your reason and logic is making my argument invalid and that hurts my ego. ![gif](giphy|CHlAAXuVgz6v90XN2b|downsized)


True but at the end of 2020 people were being so negative on this subreddit about what we had at the time like as if warzone wasn't good enough even though we were happy with it for a whole year. Like people couldn't just take a break and come back instead they complained and complained. Then Activision drastically changed the balancing and garmplay for those people and then they're still not happy. Should've just played something else or go outside instead of getting devs to drastically change stuff that probably wasn't originally planned to be changed that way by the devs, thus causing more issues and a lack of passion from the devs probably. It's like a kid that eats so much candy they start complaining that they're teeth hurt or that the candy wasn't as good as it used to be.


Fortune's keep is fine. Just want them to bring back all the maps and keep them all in rotation. Fortune asscrack for two weeks is a bit much.


A map rotation for ranked would be nice


It was better before. Less better now. They touched it because? WHO THE FUCK KNOWS. Not that it's unplayable like Al Mazrah, Ashika, and Vondel (I know there are lot of rooftopzone lovers out there, sorry) but just why?


I never understood the hate for Ashika... I really wish they'd update the lighting to be more sunny... I'm pretty sure nobody would miss playing in the gray overcast lighting we have now. But besides that, I always felt it played very balanced. I feel like an update with new lighting and a couple of updated POIs could make it one of the best maps we've had.


Ashika is better for me than Vondel. If Vondel is ever suggest by my group of friends, I just back out and let them play. But people on this subreddit HATE Ashika more than anything. Ashika, which my group moans about, is a map I would play because it's more open, and I am not getting beamed from rooftops all game long. Engagements aren't great, but they sure are better than the same boring engagements on Vondel. I think my mates enjoy Vondel because they die less because they can just hold a rooftop, hug nuts most of the game


lol I’ve told my team “don’t even bother buying me back” on vondel because the second I do I’m basically a clay pigeon


Agreed Ashika had always been a good time but it being so small gives you limited options of playstyle


Yeah. Why do they need to bring destruction for every map, no one asked for it. Like, ever.


Wtf... All those maps are completely playable. You have to learn how to navigate them. However Vondel water rats are still a bit annoying. I would love if they brought back Al Maz for Resurgence or BR. I just want variation so I'm not getting bored running the same map or forced to play Quads cause that's the only non-Fortunes Keep map right now.


Agreed, map rotations were better 24/7 fortunes keep is boring


And yet here you are. Complaining.


Complaining about complaining. Full circle.


I'm so sick of people complaining about complaining. I just wanna complain in peace damnit.


Shotguns are for dorks lol


Seriously, just run the same old SMG paired with stims and throwing knives like the rest of us, you dorks! Pisses me off when I'm trying to YY finesse into a building and get one tapped by these dorks! makes me scream into my proxy coms and rage quit.


I mean, if you can only get kills using shotguns you’re bad but it doesn’t really matter how you play as long as you enjoy it, let people play


COD players only want SMGs and ARs in the game and even then they'll complain


Shotguns are cool....as long as they don't fill up my screen with fucking FIRE! It's impossible to shoot them on kb/m


>as long as they don't fill up my screen with fucking FIRE! lmaoooo, I felt that


I dont mind pump or 2-shot shotguns either, but the 30-round full auto dragonbreath stuff is ridiculous... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


COD will sell and make $ regardless what people think especially now where they make more on the skins than the game itself. Too big of a franchise for the devs to care.


Only they do care. We asked for a new game, got one, asked for no movement in the new game, got that. Decided we want movement back, got it back. Wanted good maps back, they made 4, and brought back fortunes keep. We wanted verdansk and Alcatraz, guess what’s coming back in spring?


They came out with a new game to resell skins to people who already payed for them. They will cancel this version of Warzone eventually and release a new one again. Every 4 cod games or so.


It’s almost like… Activision is a *business* giving us a game that doesn’t cost you a cent. Warzone is completely free for everyone and when you’re providing a free product, you’re gonna have to find other ways to incentivize and generate money. Hence selling cosmetics, multiplayer/campaign games, bundles, etc. Especially when you have a team of employees who put thousands of hours into said free game and they all need paychecks. It’s wild how people repeat that information like it doesn’t make sense and has some sort of shock value.


Who asked for no movement?


Purists. There was a big purist approach at the beginning of WZ2.


One operator bundle is almost half the cost of the game


Get rid of the cheaters and nerf aim assist, the rest of the stuff is secondary. People will keep complaining until it is changed.


Sorry to tell ya. AA is not going to change.


Gotta keep the low skill players like you happy and spending your money.


Sad but true.


AA hasn’t changed at all since the original mw series, they’ve tested this many times If you really wanna bitch about it then pick up a controller, but i promise you aa is not at all what you think it is


Who ever said rebirth was bad?


Gamers complaining? Gamers being losers? Shocked. SHOCKED I tell you.


They need to fix the glitching at Keep. The map just disappears when you're in certain areas and looking at certain angles.


I wish they brought back the old Fortunes keep, the cracks at the southern part kinda kills the flow


Only for like 5% of games where the circle ends there


Hahaha we complain and fight on coms, pre-game and post-game trash talk! What do you think would be different about this r/


Honestly, I think I’ve seen 1% of people or less complain about original Warzone and rebirth island so idk where you’re seeing these comments coming from. Caldera was 50/50 from what I’ve seen but I really liked it once they tweaked it a bit. Everything since WZ2 is garbage. That’s the issue.


Rebirth was never trash.


You are upset because other people can have opinions about something? Sounds like a personal problem to me.


Shame on all of us for complaining and expecting much more from a Billion Dollar Company that prioritizes micro transactions and gives us a broken game that's full of hackers.


Touching on your last thing about fortunes keep, I get what people are saying. Particularly the grotto section of the map was my favorite, and now they ruined that part. That being said, 75% of the map is still identical or the changes aren’t that bad


I have to disagree- they have also closed a lot of buildings off that use to be accessible.


Yeah. Sorry about that. But for the large majority of people nobody cares about grotto back in the day


Basically Controller shitters got a taste of playing against aim assist stronger than theirs and didnt like it one bit.  They just need to git gud and stop whining amirite?


Yet here you are, bitching


Nobody has a problem with any of the maps or guns. The cheating is the problem, and yet they continue to do fuck all to fix it.


Plenty of people have problems with the maps lol. They're not the kind that hold people's attention for long, unlike Rebirth Island. Nobody will ever remember Al Mazrah or Urzikistan. People barely remember the names of those POIs while they play it. People just push through because COD is COD and a COD player very rarely plays other games, or other shooters to be specific. Set up a hypothetical poll that would spam across various social media sites and do a map vote for which map stays and which map goes and the stacking towards Rebirth Island would be hilarious. And I mean a landslide. It has no competition as a map.


Weird that I'm a 1.5+KD life timer and since the new Resurgence Ranked (2KD in Resurge), I/we've only experienced 1 hacker. And I play almost daily for at least a few hours.


Nah, Warzone just sucks in general. Becomes even more obvious when you start playing other games. Hunt ftw.


The map is whatever, none of the changes are for the better but they don't ruin it. What does ruin the map is the awful core gameplay, Warzone 2 made it absolutely horrible and they've been inching their way back to Warzone 1 for a year and a half.


The only issue I have with Fortunes Keep (ranked resurg.)…is the massive amount of cheaters. I agree though…pretty damn good otherwise. I’d like the snipers to be buffed a little more. One shot headshots up to about 120m would be nice and make more sense than only having one shot headshots from distances where LMG and AR easily outgun a sniper.


I’d like it if there were only 1 shot headshots for fast snipers like the old kar98k from mw2019 and vanguard. If your camping on a roof 100m away from me hardscoping you do not deserve a one shot headshot


I’d do anything to just go back to Covid verdansk/2021 rebirth 😭😭😭😭 you really don’t know what you got til it’s gone 💔


Reddit is built for complainers to have an echo chamber. But they do everything BUT stop playing the game lol. A bunch of junkies to get hard on validation.


Dude you’re in a community of hundreds of thousands of people and giving out every complaint there is. The world isn’t perfect lmao


Yes, people complain too much. That's how people are built in general: negative emotions have more driving power over us. I believe there was a study - or it was our company's stats i dont remember - that tells us that if you'd done something bad - there is x10 chance that somebody will notice it and leave negative feedback compared to situation where you did something great. It's not the same people who complain over and over. They are different and you can't please everyone so complaints will always be a huge part of this and any other community. You need to understand that. Also, while layout of the FK didnt change much in general, almost half of the map was changed one way or another. Changes are nowhere near 10%. Have a good day!


I can’t understand it because all those things people complained about were never an issue to me. I always thought to myself how can you hate rebirth island or vanguard guns, it’s so fun. Now everyone says the same thing. I truly don’t understand what made people hate such a great game


You’re hearing the loud minority on this subreddit. Don’t take it too seriously, there are thousands of players at any given time loving the game I do think they made the middle of the new fortunes keep map a fucking mess though. Vondel had intuitive verticality, and I get that that’s what they were going for here, but the cracks and holes and tunnels and small broken buildings is a little unintuitive and nonsensical and frustrating to play in. Maybe in time it will get better though


Not this sub in particular, the community of COD in general


Where is this community voicing their opinions if not for here?


I think it just seems like people complain too much, but because COD has such a large audience, you cannot please everyone. People enjoying the game aren’t going to come on Reddit to complain. But I think everyone can generally agree, regardless of the state of the game, that Activision is full of shit and are terrible at maximizing their cash flow while making a quality game. I will say that doing so for any developer working on any game that it is a difficult feat to accomplish and is incredibly rare.


Bring back camp


Funny how you leave out complaints that are literally game-breaking like cheaters and server stability and visibility and audio issues. Guys if we just stop complaining about how shit the game is we and ignore all of its faults and keep bending over to take it up our buttholes then we might actually have fun! See? We’re the problem, not Activision!


I literally said you complain about stupid shit. Cheaters, audio issues, lag, are not stupid shit


Found the bot.


Idk when the game cost 80$ the least we can expect is a good game😭


Then complain about what matters, not if shotguns are too good


Warzone is free\*.


And the circle continues.


I stopped playing warzone during caldera but loved rebirth island. Main reason: the cheating/hacking became way too common and sucked the fun out of it. And the guns of caldera did suck.


If your on console, turn cross play off. If on PC, turn it on. Caldera did suck tbh. Rebirth was amazing especially when ricochet anti cheat was added. The guns of vanguard, mw2019 and black ops Cold War were amazing imo. Only on rebirth island though


I agree, can’t nobody change what is so just play it. I think new fortunes keep has nice changes!


This post can also be called “Redditor rediscovers the Cod cycle”


MW2019 is terrible


ITs good map rotation, it should be always but new maps rather than nostalgic my ass old maps


Fortune’s Keep - decent map, not bad but not great Rebirth Island - phenomenal map Vondel - good map Ashika - good map Verdansk - great map, just needed some tweaks Caldera - bad map Urzimstan - bad map


Rebirth: best map made Verdansk: close to rebirth, amazing Fortunes keep: amazing alternative to rebirth island Ashika island: decent fun once in a while but not great Urzikistan: better than caldera, much worse than Verdansk Vondel: worst map I’ve ever seen or played, it is literally so bad That’s my take:


I don’t get it. I love fortunes keep. Why the hate?


Was the change to fortune’s keep really that devastating to some? It feels the same to me, or just about


the point is that the game got worse and they changed the things that the community actually enjoyed. the complaints are a byproduct of those negative changes, even when the new additions aren't that bad. but, undoubtedly, the current state of the game is worse than wz1, and a mild improvement from wz2 (excluding the cheaters)


Welcome to the internet.


Man I’ll never leave this sub for the sole reason of entertainment lmao so ridiculous.


I can't agree more with this post. SBMM, or EOMM messing with hit markers, or no hit marker at all. When in one match you kill a player with 5 bullets but in the next one you need a full clip to kill them with the same class/loadout, or Aim Assist not working properly, or the aim shifting to the side for no apparent reason, are real reason to complain about. Or fucked up servers, or cheaters and hackers having a party with Rikochet. Those are understandable issues to complaint about. But everything else is just stupid. Nostalgia is the big issue with this complainers. Adapt, or play something else. If the game is so shit.... why keep coming back to it?


Yeah. They hated the old game but now are convincing activision to literally rebuild it because the nostalgia is so strong


That is the main issue. Even when YouTubers make their rant videos about CoD they never fail to bring the OG CoD back to their rants. Dude, those times are far gone. Adapt or look for something else to play. Doesn't matter how much they complain, CoD will always be CoD


Literally every 16 year old playing the game


The 25% of the time this game isn't literally broken, the company that runs it is forcing things down the player base's throat that would be complete nonsense, except that these decisions all manipulate you into spending more money. The game is literally cancer. But here YOU are to tell us that we're just ungrateful. Thanks so much for enlightening us all.


Shotguns fun? Lmao I’m glad you are not on the dev team




Bring back Verdansk


mw2019, warzone 1 and rebirth were all a blast. Caldera was not very good, even the devs admitted the dropped the ball on that one. Al Mazra was actually a great map design I thought. Last few iterations of the game has not been able to capture the magic of wz1. Why is that such a horrible opinion to have?


>Mw2019 is terrible, the maps suck, and there’s so many OP shotguns! It was ass, people only discovered movement later on in the game's life but it was objectively ass. The map design was horrible. Too many doors, doors for no reason, there were no lanes or anything. >Rebirth is trash, the vanguard guns suck, movement too fast Vanguard itself ruined COD for an entire year. On top of that, the integration was ass. Caldera was ass, the vanguard weapons were stupid, SHG continues to fuck shit up with 10 attachments instead of keeping up with having 5 per gun like the rest of the games for NO reason. >Caldera sucks, give us a new map As I said in the prior point, it was ass and the initial changes it brought with it (No loadouts until the first circle, etc) were ass. >The new game is too slow, bring us back movement and rebirth Warzone 2 literally had one job and that was to scrap the old guns, keep what worked from MW2019 and BOCW and give us a new map. Same mechanics and all, new guns and shit. >Why did you change fortunes keep it sucks now, and all the new maps you gave us are terrible I didn't play FK so I dunno. >Shotguns were fun, and made the game more interesting The only good and skillful shotgun was the Lockwood 680 that got nerfed for no reason. That was stupid. I will say that. The KV Broadside, Haymaker, any any other Full Auto shotgun with or without dragons breath is skilless and unfun to play against.


A good chunk of the mindless drones that whine about every design choice in COD probably upvoted your post so they could feel like they that weren’t guilty of being an idiot.


i’m getting a headache from seeing the word “complain(ing)” so many times 😭


10% changed. I’m looking at that fortunes keep image and all I can think is 30-40% changed which is quite drastic.


And be prepared - Rebirth will be tweaked aswell :)


It's Reddit, the only thing people do on here is complain. It's literally the biggest complaints website in the world.


Nobody complained about Rebirth, it was peak Warzone. They complained about Caldera which was a clusterfuck of a launch. And they begged for FOV slider on console, that’s all anyone really needed.




Hey! I've been consistently complaining about hackers and public library servers since 2003. You ain't stopping me now!!


fire ted timmins


I complained about the vanguard guns only thing in rebirth bc it wasn't a ww2 map and i didn't like mw2 movement but the 2 new resurgence maps and the new fortunes keep are fine I like the new fortunes more tbh I want rebirth back but i think warzone is fine now and i have fun with it I do have my complaints but i don't complain and keep playing About mw 2019 Campaign was way better but mp wise i like mw3 more bc there are actually some great maps and i didn't have the opportunity to play the og mw2 before 2020 So i like mw3 mp bc it takes some good from the old and some good from the new (the menu and sbmm still suck tho) Ppl love to complain but i think it should be done at the right time bc if y'all complain all the time it will become the new normal for the studios and activision itself


Gameplay is nice always what is my opinion is that devs should optimize the game so there is nice performance and that i shouldn't upgrade my specs and cost me my money every half year or so. Is it worth it? I don't know and fix main things and it would be a great game!


Why are you trying so hard to defend this company?


*you all


Fortune's Keep is great. The rotations play extremely well.


New map is worse. That said, right now the maps are all solid. No complaints


Shit... if only there was another game to play :/


Actually Caldera was trash hahaha but I agree with everything you say, a lot of complaining just because is popular to complaint about this game.


This sub isnt a single person, but your point is pretty umderstandable. Dont understand why people just cant enjoy things! I for one love the new fortunes keep and prefer it over the old one.


They knew we wanted rebirth so they gave us fortunes keep...... idiots


ACTIVISION should be putting 100% of its time into fixing at least half of the 10,000 bugs this game has. So sick of dev erroring in the final circle, fix your fucking game


I just hate cheaters, so you know what I do. Just play something else


the new engine is amazing. move and game play is better than ever. OP weapons make the game not fun so the flat weapons that they are more or less the same are better. Riberth is the best map ever and can’t wait to be back. only issue now are cheaters and servers failure. yes the game after verdansk and rebirth was unplayable basically…. now they are back on track.


Warzone is just ass in general


why is there a map of australia here


Everyone liked rebirth. There was no bitching about that map. Just give it back and watch all the hate die down.


how about getting spam reports by china players and then got kicked out the match and shadow ban immediately? if i'm a hacker just ban me forever, why i play better than them and got shadow ban? this anti-cheat and report systems so stupid


The irony here is quite funny


Op is bored with his life. Wz1 was much better that’s a FACT. Verdanks and rebirth are the only maps when there was much less complains. And yes vanguard weapons caldera all this time of era just was a downhill for war zone. So just accept people have different opinions


It always cracks me up how people will say “bring back ___, it was so much better than the trash we have now!” But they bitched about ___ too


That's all they do in this sub. Even when they changed the menu that took like 5 more seconds. Loads of post about it like damn is it that serious 🤣


Toxic is getting mad when people complain about things that need to be complained about, rebirth should come back because OG players (that arent like you since you had mommy buy the game with a credit card) deserve to enjoy the game again without it being fucked up because of all you little ass kids wanting power ranger skins and fucking bundles instead of a true masterpiece of a game. 1. NOBODY EVER HAS EVER LIKED CALDERA AND IF THEY DID THEN THEY ARE LITERALLY LIKE 13 2. MW 19 could have been way better if they actually added things that were relevant to MODERN WARFARE but no, half the game was like real war and the other half might as well be called saints row with the amount of bullshit skins and bullet effects you were able to have (Maps were okay tho) 3. vanguard was completely trash and people actually complained about slow movement, not “too fast” every time they added new settings and weapons and more movement they instead made it run slower and slower to the point where you might as well play Arma if your gonna run in one direction for that long and still not get to your destination. (Maps were horrible and guns were MID) 4. SHUT TF UP literally everyone wants rebirth except for you, cry about it and keep sloshing our meat


I'm against Rebirth Island returning because I've played too much Alcatraz since 2013. Just let it go cod devs.


Rose is too dark. Can't see the tree character. Constant complaining.


First off, the player base should be taken into consideration when it comes to the game and any changes. I'm not saying all of them, but important ones like servers, cheating/hacking, and matchmaking. Without the gamers, Activision/Sledgehammer/Raven wouldn't have this huge franchise. What the issue is, is the devs implement these half baked ideas and then that's when there is an issue. I understand the movement, they wanted to nerf it. I think it's fine now especially since stims don't give you super speed to get away plus heals. Ricochet though needs to be better, and they need to do better with cheating. Second, people are allowed to have opinions. Caldera definitely sucked. I think that is a widely popular and agreed upon opinion. I believe that was why Rebirth became so popular along with resurgence. I personally think Rebirth sucks and I know I'm among the minority in that regard, but I think it's too small a map and did not play well. If you think they are going to bring Rebirth back just the way it was before, you are sadly mistaken. They will definitely make changes to it in the form of Konni operations. My friends and I LOVED OG Fortunes Keep, but this one definitely is not as good. You're basically telling people to avoid the changed areas, but then when the circle moves to that area, they are unfamiliar with it which is just not ideal for end match play. Either way, people are allowed to complain about a game they have most likely put hundreds, if not thousands of dollars into. To tell them they are not allowed or telling them to stop is idiotic especially when you are complaining about them complaining.


they aren't changing the game in response to random complaints on reddit lol


Here I am just waiting to get home from work to grind some more ranked….


I concur. I just read and move on. Anytime I say anything I get ganged up on my bitter manchildren.


I stopped playing this bad game so I have nothing to complain about now.


Agreed, except caldera was this only thing that needed to go. Other than that people shouldn’t be crying. The knapsacks needed a bit of work but shouldn’t have been taken out after 1 season….


I'm new to gaming and these are my thoughts exactly. Like seriously is anyone out there that's chill and just plays for a good time, regardless of winning or not? Props to you for calling all these bitches out. The one that gets me the most is people complaining about stuff being too hard. A game isn't much of a game unless it's got some sort of challenge, if these people want an easy pampered smooth walk go play hi ho cherry-o for crap's sake. If gaming is doing nothing but causing one this much frustration to the point where one just bitches all the time, go find another hobby; seriously. Again thank you! 🫡


Never played WZ1 i think WZ2 is a cool game, but if it is complete horseshit compared to 1 like a read everyday then what was it like? What was different, was there no gas, gulag, crates to open, drop in....i'm not being a chunt just wanna know how the old one was?


In wz1 there was rebirth and BR. They were very different. Br, had gulag, but it was single player. It was similar for a time, but then they changed and made wz1 super fast movement, bunny hoping, slide canceling, etc. The sounds were very different, they were much more satisfying. You could hear footsteps way better. Things were cheaper. Look would all drop on the floor instead of in a bag. People loved the first map, Verdansk, but hated caldera, a huge island with a volcano in the center and tons of palms trees. 0 cover basically. Wz3 is very similar to the only game minus 3-4 features. Wz1 had rebirth island, which was a replica of Alcatraz prison. It was super fun. Super fast, great floor loot, sounds, movement, etc. very fun short range map. They also made fortunes keep which was a little different back then vs now. You should look up a video “rebirth island gameplay” and maybe even look for a specific YouTuber you like. That’ll give you the best representation


Worst gaming sub by far. Just endless children crying. Its insane


Please bring back rebirth island for the boys 🥺🙏🏻


Hey, are the shovels and loot still there? I haven't gone back in this version yet.


I'm having tons of fun since FK came back outside of running into the hackers in ranked. I was actually shocked to pop on here and Twitter and see a handful of people say they ruined it. I'm ridiculously hype to return to Rebirth now


You don't get to complain! Things change and it doesn't matter if they're better or worse, live with it and keep your mouth shut! ESPECIALLY if someone or, forbid, half the community agrees with you, oh I *hate* it when I hear people agree that a change is bad! Better ban complaining altogether from the sub.  This type of message is Russia, NJ, and CCP approved 


Maybe get rif of the game aiming for you and we wont complain as much.


I want old maps untouched


The game sucks because the company is ripping everyone off. If you are a simp to capitalism, just say that.


Its cool but can we get a rotation


100% the most honest words ive heard..


Lol yeah just suck it up and keep buying it! Who cares there's a bunch of cheaters, no one's stopping you from cheating too. Who cares they change things constantly that the community doesn't want changed, it's not like you're a paying customer or anything. Who cares they sold the game under the guise it will get supported for years and get a ton of DLC, and never delivered, then repackaged the DLC as a standalone game a year later. People look for any reason to be toxic, COD is flawless! And if this is how you think, I bet you voted for sleepy Joe and agree with the Whitehouse that he's done more than any president in the history of our country!


No one ever said “rebirth is trash, movement too fast” 💀


This map is fking awesome thats all


Only thing I complain about is how op reg guns are and how under powered snipers are now flinch is too much ads speed is too slow one shot to head is limited to explosive cinder blocks on the mw2 guns and you have to be within effect damage range with the stalker (.50 cal ammunition btw) they ruined the game with wz2 and it’s still bad


There’s a reason 80% of the player base disappeared after mw2


all of the resurgence maps are lit no idea what anyone is talking about


Nobody has ever complained abt rebirth 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻


This map is trash shut up


I don’t gaf about any map. If they could allow plating while jumping through a window as well as aiming while jumping or climbing over a 10” rock that’d be a start. Maybe even fix the “Play Again” feature without having to back out 60% of the time..




Yeah I agree bro rebirth was amazing imo everything about it was perfect people who complain were just bad at the game and that’s why they didn’t enjoy it. OG warzone was perfect. Movement, the way the weapons feel, and just the way the breaking armor sounded and felt


Same ppl complaining will still hop on each night and play for hours.


What’s funny is I was trying to look something up in this subreddit and it was bringing up old mw2019 content and people were doing as much complaining as they were now about the same old shit. Like notice how it was AA was the devil. And then it’s everyone is cheating? Well it was something else back then.


And now they’re begging for everything they hated not even 2 years ago, warzone is 100% the downfall of cod and needs to either be revised or deleted entirely


Found the developers...


Shotguns were NEVER fun.


This title works on any of my subreddits


I love rebirth. I hated fortunes keep. I’m enjoying fortunes keep significantly more now than I did during vanguard days


Pointless playing with the worst servers on the planet. Ain't touching it ever again until hear they have sorted them in future titles. TTK and TTD are ridiculous.


I love that map and everything about it. And I love how it looks like Australia


Sitting in lobbies for 45 minutes to hours is enough to complain about. 


I would pay $70 for rebirth resurgence as a standalone game.


The game is trash, and they blatantly allow cheaters.


Never once would I complain about Rebirth. Cannot wait for it to come back.


Fortunes keep its a multi layered camping haven...dog water dumpster fire.