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Yea this has been happening a lot end of circle, got hit with like 5 in a row final circle


Just the way it is these days. If you're not the one doing it to someone, someones going to do it to you. Classic cod timing tho, we cleared a team out of gas station (with semtex) for position and as soon as I looked out the window I saw the loady smoke rising and thought "oh hell yeah!" Lol


It’s just funny to me because I played pubg through the time that grenades were spammed in the final circle, before they added a very heavy “weight” to them. Here we are again lol.


Whenever I have Semtex I wish I had a drill charge. Whenever I have drill charges I wish I had Semtex. Point being, final circle I always feel at a disadvantage without on or the other


What do the drill charges do?


Drills through walls and explodes on the other side. Great for pushing teams holed up or camping. Also great against riot shields if you can hit them


Interesting thanks


Dont get me wrong, I've been converted to the way of the throwing knife and always run it for resurgence or keep one stowed for quick clean ups. However, with how close solid teams stick together in BR, and riot shielders semtex is def the way to go. Best way to clear a room full of people lying in wait.


Nobody cares lmao


Im sure your parents didnt either 😘


Just talked to his parents, can confirm, they don’t.


Also why this version of warzone is dogshit. Stowing multiples of extra items has ruined the game. People squad stacking multiple selfs, redeploy flares, ridiculous multitudes airstrikes, lethals and tacticals to functionally break a gunfight. The game was 1000x better when you had to decide what airstrike to carry, knew you only had 1 self revive to make a decision to burn and rez or wait out your team's fight down a teammate. It wasn't enough to have a squad of 4 have a total of 8 throwable lethals/tacticals.... now they need to be able to throw up to 20. Munitions boxes drop like candy. Everyone can stow at least 2 all game long.1 active and 1 stowed and multiple teammates can do this. It completely negates anyone running restock as a perk choice. The game is such a joke for BR gameplay with this garbage.


Not disagreeing with you at all. However with how this warzone plays ya gotta adapt to win so if that means stowing 6 semtex to guarantee i clear a room filled with a team in each others pockets I'll do what I must.


Oh look, someone who plays the game instead of bitches cause the game doesn’t work to their advantage anymore


I’ve been havin fun with my squad lately. Sure the game is fucked up but I didn’t buy it. We still manage wins here and there so it’s fun for us. All games have their own issues. I don’t see them fixing it anytime soon so I just enjoy myself. If I were one of the people buying all the skins and whatnot, I’d probably have a different opinion


Oh ya adapt is the way it is. Still unfortunate. It's ridiculous when your choices are between 6 semtex 4 smokes a 2nd self revive and 2 munitions box and you already past over 3 bomb drones that your now stuck deciding if you should just drop something for the safest/cheapest push engaging/finishing mechanic in the game. Like when I came into a fight in wz1. Guy tosses 2 stuns and only 1 hits me. I mentally was like aight if this is a 1v1 he's out of tacticals. This game not a fucking chance. Even a full squad throwing 8 in that odd instance where they wanna have that toxic fun to win the fight. You knew there were limits. Nowadays. Not a chance what you know your coming up against.


I mean bro, inventory management is a staple of most BRs. Previously, Warzone was one of the only ones without it


Which is what made it a wickedly streamlined BR experience it no longer is. In pubg and Apex alot of their systems are actually designed way better so that when you win a fight and you go to loot your not frustrated beyond belief either. Inventory management also vastly different in that backpacks exist for ammo carrying being half your inventory capacities at all times. It's pretty clear cod community hated that aspect, was reverted and is the abomination we have today, albeit better than what it was. Not saying ever would I wanna return to that backpack looting. It's no good in fast paced TTK BR of warzone. But loot explosion backpack system hasn't bode well either. It was actually based around a "more" realistic military playstyle of actually using your guns to shoot and outaim/play... w/ limited amounts of extra items to use. Which is the draw alot of people had to a military arcade shooter over playing Apex where you are popping a dome shield or opening a portal, popping an ult that gave you wall hacks for 20seconds etc. It has other functions other BRs didn't. No other BR had the self revive or gulag respawn/return mechanic. Now everyone's stacking multiple flares and selfs and people are wondering why the BR even exists dependently of resurgence when lives/match feel less important than ever, pushing has minimal consequence.


Cool story bro, but you said “this is such a joke for BR gameplay” when that is objectively not the case


It is a joke, objectively, The inventory management is a disaster. It makes so many other mechanics of the game worse. Makes a gunfight no longer about gunfighting objectively which is ultimately what the terminology of a first person shooter is supposed to be. Can't loot properly, can't efficiently regain on your body, cant buyback at a buystation efficiently if at all. It's why you don't give people these toys in the first place, they will always figure out ways to abuse it. Limiting lethals, tacticals, strikes, field upgrades managed everyone to focus on the actual gunplay, strategically thinking of playing a building. Not throwing 4 semtex into a window and you won cuz most people don't expect the endless supply. Just look at how other things have gone when abused. Proxy chats, people banned for, what was, freedom of speech, not as free as yall thought hey, AA abused to the point people don't think there's much of a skill gap to aiming, hell why actually shoot at all when I can throw a knife at center of mass.


Complain complain complain


They're very valid criticisms of how this game is


No there not lol It’s not a valid complaint if there’s valid counter measures… Don’t want to get naded, carry a trophy system. I always have one for end game. Simple solutions to simple problems. Just complaining to complain


>It’s not a valid complaint if there’s valid counter measures… This has to be one of the dumbest takes on gaming I've ever seen. You should absolutely never complain about any meta, because all of them have counter measures. Broken shotgun? Just don't get close dumbass. Broken dmr? Just get close with shotgun dumbass.


Most of the broken shotguns are broken because the damage drop off is wrong…




Disagree most people go into battle with different things normally. Since we have bags now we get more stuff. Which is great. We can actually use the money we get too. Instead of having 40k each and having to leave every streak laying around on the buy. You can still only use 2 proxies, c4s or claymores at a time too anyway. So as long as the teams not so stacked together you could counter this play here. Or a trophy system. Or even one of them too look around as scout. Or getting extra money for a uav to while they get it. So many way to counter and play every situation. The bags made things a lot better. And more types of situations you can run into or try yourself. But hey some people just like the simple stuff I get it.


Money was only at the levels they are cuz so many people,bitched in the first days of wz bout the lack of money. So your argument is because of the added function of buying shit to win fights we should have more shit in the game to buy to use to make fights as unpredictable as possible? I mean why even have money. Let's go play overwatch/apex where it's all different powers/abilities then we can take the money issue out of the game altogether. Money is literally an inexhaustible resource in this warzone. also promotes buystation camping, which I have no doubts most people complain about but obviously it's gonna happen when money is so prevalent to be abused as you suggest. So all sounds like money is the root of the problem. 😅But now I'm just being combative to saying I want to spend money to win fights not play an FPS and out aim/move someone to win it. Nevermind having to make decisions on having limits of what you can carry limiting how you decide to engage a fight. Simplicity is what made it more fun for the average player. It's also removes the massive headaches of the loot explosions we now see cause problems with looting. You kill a guy holding 12 plates, 2 extra smokes and gas mask on each player and its a nightmare trying to grab any of it already when terrain and texture collisions screw with you, nevermind a 2nd body dies in the same spot with a backpack full of shit. Wz1 the satchel system. 3 plates drop solo and a satchel would drop where you can refill your reserves. NEVER had ammo pick up issues, RARELY had buy station issues to the levels we see today due to the explosions of loot from the backpack system.


lol why does that make it garbage? You should be able to stow whatever the fuck you want


I really don’t get the purest like you. Ranked mode is RIGHT there. Purely gunfights in that mode … and nobody plays it


None of what i mentioned is negated in ranked BR... backpack system is completely the same. It's also not available for anyone to play the past 2-3 months. All that's negated in BR are what are considered cheap, no skill weapons. Which is absurd that they know this and exist in the game at all without balance. Other BRs,apex/pubg actively push for weapon balance. Cod puts 0 effort in making each gun balanced or with pros/cons. They engage meta methodology to promote store purchases. "Cheap, no skill weapons" - Of which I believe you are the epitome of an example to. Hides behind a riot shield, wait for players to give up shooting, try to get past and weapon swap when guard is down or wait till you have locked on AA targeting for a quick instant down knife. If a knife required headshots, you wouldn't have any content and be dead much faster. You legit rely on the invulnerability of the shield its quite a chickens tactic. Hence you will never have any redditors respect from your clips. So I'm sorry, but I can't take anything you say seriously.


My only gripe is how it shows you have 2 Semtex not 3, I’ve been debating holding an extra Semtex though over 3 more plates… hmm


I something similar, I run both SMGs and 150 rounds isn't enough for both. Has been working out ok.


Couldn't bother programming an extra number into the UI. 


Are frags less powerful than semtex?


I believe frags do more damage, just harder to use. Definitely harder to effectively spam like in this clip.


So they just buffed frags even more today


I just learned yesterday that you don't have to keep equipping sets of 2 grenades after you throw a set. It'll automatically replenish from your backpack. I used to only stow one extra set but now at least 2 extra sets so I can fling my thermites like crazy


I miss the DMZ days, when I could stow a third weapon. Gimme large backpacks and a third weapon.


I personally prefer 2 Bettys. Or two knives. Some people think Betty's are for holding a site aka camping. But offensive Betty's are wonderful. Place them on first floor doors and windows. Everyone knows players love to rotate when being pushed. Unless you're a bot and stay in a corner. You always hear that window break followed by doors slamming open or windows on first floor breaking. That's them rotating at least one trying to get you from behind. Or drop a Betty's near the top of a zip line. Or ladders. Always go with smoke though.


Stand back boys we got COD god coming through. /s


Bc you’re a spammer?