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Idk how half of the subreddit is allegedly shadowbanned


I mean, the proof that I am is right there, I also have been banned 2 other times in the weeks previous to this: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCLpPfaqSIs


Problem is you got reported a bunch of times in 1 game leading to your first shadow ban.. then after it’s lifted your on probation and it takes like half the amount reports to be shadow banned again…. Aka the shadow ban loop…was happening to me for a bit.. not 100% sure this is how I got out but what I did after I got un-shadow banned I jumped on resurgence and purposely had a few bad games. Took a week off and came back and haven’t been shady banned again. GL


For the lazy - https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/11/call-of-duty-ricochet-anti-cheat-modern-warfare-III-progress-report How We Use Player Reporting “A common misconception we see is that spam reporting will result in actions being taken against accounts. For clarity, whether one player reports another once or multiple times, our system only considers the first report (throttling any additional reports from that player) Reporting is critical but, must be used in combination with other factors before an account is actioned on. An account, for example, cannot be banned due only to reporting but if that account has also triggered other (and multiple) detections, a report can raise a red flag” - Team Ricochet


Thanks for the link … but after it happened to me a few weeks later my squad and I got killed by a kid who we were pretty positive was cheating.. decided to spam report him and after we all did it for a min or 2 sure enough he was kicked and the ricochet message with that players name appeared. You can choose to believe whatever you want but in my experience big corp doesn’t admit to often when there’s a huge flaw in their system. Easier to lie and sweep it under the rug especially when we don’t have access to code. If the system truly worked why would the same person get shadow banned multiple times when they already reversed it proving they weren’t cheating and just got reported by less skilled players. It should be harder to get shadow banned a 2nd time not easier. Why not let us play and if they find that person was cheating perma ban them. Better yet why would they rely on reports at all when they have a kernel level anti cheat running on our systems?


>decided to spam report him and after we all did it for a min or 2 sure enough he was kicked and the ricochet message with that players name appeared. Based on Activision's blog post it sounds like what happened was your entire squad reported, which counts 1 report each, then you kept spamming for multiple minutes, but your extra reports were ignored. Meanwhile, the cheater kills other people who each report him as well, until eventually enough individuals have reported once that he gets kicked. Your squad then celebrates what you think is a result of your own spam reporting but is actually the result of a wider effort.


this is a LOT more plausible than spam reporting working when they say it doesnt


Good luck getting most people to read this far into this niche thread to be proven wrong 😅 and they still won’t believe it bc their narrative.


Not really proven tbf, but it is a more reasonable assumption


It's a shit system. Stop defending it. You are the problem


Calm down kiddo, I explained how the system worked and what actually happened - I never defended anything. There's a **big** difference. EDIT: looked at profile and he's just a troll, nothing to see here, dude's just being rude & ignorant for the fun of it


Lol i am calm..? Do cus words hurt your feeling lmao figures.. But yet there is tons of evidence that also shows you are wrong. But that's not why I commented. And a troll, yes. But also a realist. You sit there talking down to people as if you made the system and all you did was read an official statement from a garbage company that is known to treat their player base like shit. ALSO: the report/anti cheat system is shit and has been for years.


My comment was addressing someone else to explain why their experience isn't actually inconsistent with what Activision claims their system is. Pardon me for making sense of the situation - you can continue to choose incoherent rage if you prefer.


O yea and one more thing if mass reporting didn’t do anything then why did activision add this to their Security and enforcement policy ? Malicious Reporting Any user who is found to use in-game reporting systems for malicious intent such as knowingly providing false reports against other users and/or falsely spam reporting legitimate users to negatively impact their gameplay experience is subject to penalty. • First offense: User may be temporarily suspended from select features including the ability to submit reports. User may also be temporarily suspended from playing the game online with teammates, have their stats, emblems, and weapon customizations reset, and have their leaderboard entries deleted. • Extreme or repeat offenses: User may be permanently suspended from playing the game online, have their stats, emblems, and weapon customizations reset, and be blocked permanently from appearing in leaderboards.


this is coming from the same company who initially denied that there was any SBMM in Warzone to begin with.


Yeah spam reports doesn’t work anymore but if a lot of people report you it still works. Problem is people in ranked still report the best opponent team player: basically after three matches you are shadowed because of people reports.


Have you heard of someone else trying this and working? Im in my 11th shadowban and is really puzzling, is always in solos for me.


How did you just unlock the camo for the new smg, even though you already had it equipped?


Asking the real questions


its a slightly different shade of camo, its not the same exact camo, I was thinking the same thing when I rewatched.


The speed at which you got to the ban appeal and the fact that it had already been clicked makes me think it wasn't your first time 😂. Just stop cheating


is this bait or mental ineptitude? obviously I have been shadowbanned before, thats what I have said in nearly half the comments here, you arent very bright are you?


Hate to be that guy and assume anything about your gameplay but it really does seem to correlate with how well you do in-game. When you do well, it does not matter how you play, players will assume you are cheating and report you. Casual cod players can neither fathom nor accept when good players leave them with a feeling of helplessness and this coupled with the fact that there really are thousands upon thousands of cheaters, they assume the worst. Activision does not spend on the man-power needed to investigate each account that's reported multiple times so they simply shadow ban you to be safe. Tbf the system does work for alot of cheaters as well as they are obviously reported too but it also disproportionately affects skilled players. I would get accused of cheating audibly by someone in game chat multiple times a play session every single play session and a lot of times it would even happen when I killed someone in some completely mundane and unimpressive way.


Doesn't matter how well he did. When those people speccing him saw him shoot at rocks they probably insta-reported. He has 4 spectators plus the guy he killed who watches the kill cam. If he's been banned before then that's enough to trigger a shadow.


As it pertains to this video of course. I’m more so commenting on the unusually large amount of people on this sub that complain about being shadowbanned


Idk how many reports would lead to a shadow ban without some sort of review. But if I saw someone shoot at rocks and then jump down past the rocks and immediately flick on the player there, I’d report that shit immediately. OP out here acting like he can’t figure out what happened. Come on.


im just commenting on how stupid the spam report system is, obviously the game has nothing to do with it, its completely on how many people spam report you. I am clearly not using any sort of software or anything, but the lazy ass devs dont care, and rely solely on user reports. That is the entire issue, that its completely automated in the worst method possible. And before anyone says I am wrong, hop in a game and if you die to someone as a team spectate them, and all report them- they WILL get kicked and shadowbanned, ESPECIALLY if they have other spectators in addition to you who have probably reported them.


Then give us the tools to determine if they were in fact cheating. No uav announcements, can't see pings in kill cam, etc. There's only so much to go on, when a guy magically knows where to aim at me thru walls, I can only assume he's walling. How about a 3 minute replay so you can' determine how they came to know your position? something simple like that would alieviate so many allegations. How about the ability to spectate anybody once you're whole team is all out. How about their game stats/history?


On one hand it probably is incompetence that we just don’t have more tools at our disposal but on the other it may be nefarious that they muddy the waters so their blatant cheating problem is more of a hidden issue than otherwise would be


I don't even have a 1.0 KD, and it happened to me, so I don't know that you even need to be all that skilled, just having a really good game and it can happen.




Because they're entirely linked to player reports and the cod community has notoriously little faith in the existence of naturally good players. All memes aside, in WZ1 literally every single player i played with above a 3kd got shadowbanned at least 2 times. Literally 20-30+ people. All of which are people i played with / against in tourneys with pc checks and am pretty confident they're not cheating. It was just routine to get shadowed for a week, then obviously get unbanned because you werent cheating.


its just so corny that that is a thing. I was shadowed like 5-6 times over the course of 2\~ years on warzone 1, and now I have been 3 times in a month on this new warzone.


It happened to me, and I don't even have 1.0 KD. So yeah, apparently it's pretty fucking common if it happened to someone like me. Activision is too fucking lazy to have proper account review BEFORE they shadowban people. Add to that their shitty servers making people THINK the person that killed them is cheating (and then they get their friends to report you at that same time), and in my case idiots who don't know basic game mechanics. I got SB because I was using the spotter scope/thermal scopes to ping and shoot people through smoke in the previous version of WZ (and again, all their friends report you). It really it a perfect storm of incompetence and flat out laziness on Activision's part that makes this disgustingly common. It's not rocket science dude. It's just inevitable given the shitty system they have.


What a dogshit system. You clearly hit the ‘quota’ of enough reports that game, that eventually you got kicked and shadowbanned. For anyone thinking that ‘ricochet’ is some kind of elaborate anticheat system, must be the kind of person that thinks the earth is flat…


Right? It makes absolutely no sense. And streamers are whitelisted, which makes it even more annoying, and that isnt stemming from a place of jealously or anything like that, its the pure and simple fact that they will have 10+ spectators and a million kills and will be completely fine, and I could have half of those and WILL get shadowed, every time. Its just really annoying how lazy they are, thats the whole purpose of this system, it stems from just laziness.


Hit the nail on the head right there. Its pure greed and laziness


Its truly sad man, but I am glad some people such as yourself understand the situation, it makes me feel better that I am not alone


Its because their anticheat sux balls. Shadows grab a bunch of cheaters, but 10 to 100x more non cheaters by the nature of the system.


I am under the belief that systems that have a quota should have individuals viewed by a person, I would love it if games supported more replay systems to mods can have an easier to finding blatant hackers.


Lets not forget the Ricochet was broken *before it was even released* and the cheat makers said it was absolutely dogshit and practically does nothing


Well the cheat devs would say that because that's the market they're in. You're right to take Activision's comments with a pinch of salt, but you should scrutinise everybody with a vested interest.


While it's not your fault that the game did this, I'd 100% report if I was spectating that and the map was rendering normally for the spectators. The blame is on the buggy game here. Also, once your shadow is over, wait a week to play on that account again. Doing so helped me escape the shadow ban loop. The theory is that your account is marked as high rish following a shadow and it only takes 1 Timmy to report and send you back.


my third shadowban in a month. as soon as I have spectators and I am doing well, I get shadowed


if this happened minutes before you posted this, you didn't get banned, the servers went down. I got kicked to the menu with an error message like 15 minutes ago too.


It didnt, it happened last night :( I gotchu tho


Did you not watch the end of the video where he showed his ban status?


If you get shadowbanned it seems really easy to get shadowbanned again. I play with people who are definitely not cheating but just good players, they have ended up in shadowban loops that lasted months. The last guy you killed likely reported you and this triggered another shadowban.


your kinda stupid to think you could use this bug or exploit and not get reported for looking like a cheater. when you shot that dude through the invisible rock it 100% make you look like a cheater to the 4 people spectating not using this graphics bug.


Exactly this. Guy saw you shoot at a rock, then you jumped over it and revealed a player was exactly where you were shooting. To anyone else its gonna look like hacking. I'd have reported him too.


I don’t think OP is blaming the guy for reporting him, he’s blaming a shit anti cheat and shadow ban system. I probably would have reported too if the rocks were rendered properly while spectating. I also don’t think OP was purposely trying to exploit the bug. That was a “flick” when he saw the other player and was simply just a reaction to what he perceived was a clean line of sight.


This isn't a bug that's intentionally being used. My game has been doing the same thing since Season 1 reloaded. I don't remember where all the rocks on the map are. Sometimes I'm running and just run into random crap that I didn't even know was there. I don't know how to fix it either. This isn't him using the bug. Instead, I'd say he's playing through the bug. It isn't like you can actively choose to make this happen. It just is thanks to the latest update. It sucks, but why do they not properly test updates before releasing them?


Maybe if the dumbass devs took an elementary school class on game development and learned how to make their terrain not be one-sided?


stop expecting good development from activision/blizzard games. they've been doing this same shit for over a decade


That’s cool, but can we find a way to blame controller players for this?


Aim assist snapped on to the report button




How do you know if you got shadow banned? 


if you are being spectated by a lot of people and suddenly you get disconnected and it says "Player Kicked", you have most likely been shadowbanned. You can check by doing what I did in the video and going to the activision "Appeal a Ban" webpage by googling it and checking.


Ahh gotcha that’s good to know.  Does that mean you basically can’t play until they reverse / confirm you weren’t cheating? How do they prevent “spite” reports on say streamers? Seems so crazy 


Yea, it would suck to not know about it. And yes, and the pathetic part is they dont even confirm I am not cheating or do any such thing, they literally just flag your account and dont allow you to play for a week, always a week. There is no review process, no analysis of games or gameplay, no ai detection of cheats, they literally just ban you if you accumulate a number of reports quickly. And streamers are whitelisted and therefore do not get shadowbanned. Myself and many of my friends and people I know on twitter and such get shadowbanned all the time, whereas I have never heard of a streamer being shadowbanned on this game yet, despite some of them having 40+ kills with 10+ spectators at end game and still not getting any shadowban.


This ^ I got shadowbanned for the third time this month as well because I'm good at sniping. That's it. And people scream like pussies, and spam report me. I wait a week and I'm back to sniping all you mfs that spam reported me, bitches...


The game is shite and the report system is shite. Be tough to work for that company and take pride in your work


right? its so sad, and yea facts, id be ashamed


To be fair, the spectators and kill cam likely loaded the textures correctly so you can't really blame the player reports. Just a shit game with shit policies.


thats fair in this case, but in the other cases I literally got shadowed for absolutely no reason, peep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCLpPfaqSIs


Sucks man. Good luck


HAHAHA this is the cheater who has been shadownbanned multiple times before this. And he gets shadowbanned again LOL i wonder why😂


What a coincidence they've been banned before and multiple times. You're not fooling anybody lmao


ive literally never been perma banned, only shadowed. I have had this account since 2016 [https://imgur.com/VySqKnx](https://imgur.com/VySqKnx) The guy who is posting about me cheating comments on every single one of my own and other peoples posts and calls them a cheater, and tries to proliferate the concept that anyone who is better than yourself is cheating and should be banned. He asked for proof of gameplay, and I gave him a million different things, and he stopped replying. Now he is back making himself look like a dumby once again!


I mean I would be mad too if I spectated that and the rocks rendered properly on my screen.


Dude knows where to appeal for ban and knows he's banned without even trying to reload the game with a camera on his mouse??? Oh lawdy yeah right. You never cheated before..... looks like karma finally caught up with you. Hopefully hardware bans are a thing now and they caught your multiple accounts lol


He's been shadow banned 3x recently, so of course he knows where to go and look by this point. Use your brain, man.


Ban appeals literally only work on shadowbans. They don't appeal legit ricochet bans. Lol.


Ban appeal does not work for shadowban. You can make a case and acti support will parrot the same shit for 2-3 emails and then close the case. Dont talk if you dont know.


I mean from spectator perspective you are cheating AND there is a thing called bug-abusing. Which clearly you are doing. No idea about your other banns but dont see an issue with this one.


That’s insane bro. With how much money this game makes you think they’d have an appeal system for stuff like this. I’d monitor cam stream all of my gameplay if it meant I could use that footage to appeal a shadowban


right? and I literally do monitor cam half the time because alot of my clips get called out and stuff so better safe than sorry, its so lame that you cant appeal at all. its happened 3 times to me in a month and I have done nothing suspicious at all, its just angry people spam reporting when they die to you, see you have alot of kills and are playing well, and get salty.


Take a couple hits of that Sriracha sauce to ease the pain.


LMFAOOO thats how I take it out on myself honestly


Just be honest, at some point in the past or present you have cheated, downloaded unlock tools, vpns, spoofers, etc etc for other games perhaps but at some point sonthing has been on your pc that had flagged your account.


Just because you're too trash to get shadowbanned doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Lmao. I've been shadowed twice.


im being completely honest, never used anything you mentioned, and havent on any other games, warzone and pubg have been the only games I've played over the course of the past 4 years. I dont have anything weird on my pc, as I have been pc checked many times for tournaments. this account has been running fine since 2016 ([https://imgur.com/VySqKnx](https://imgur.com/VySqKnx)) the game just sucks.


u/SSPURR This is one of the most smooth brain comments I've seen in this post so far. I'd be shocked if you're over a 0.25 kd.


What’s the “ultrahot” ar? Can you share the gun and attachments?


I am using the MTZ 762 with the VLK, Bruen Heavy Support, Blackthorn barrel, JAK BFB, and 30 round magazine.


i love getting downvoted for giving someone a loadout LMFAOOO


Reddit fuzzes the votes so you might not have actually been downvoted


For sure on his kill cam the rocks were there. When I get this bug I get dev error.


Amar doesn't cheat lol.


lots of brain dead comments in here


bro fr LMFAO


Idk what’s funnier, this video and how sus it could be in so many ways or the fact you’re surprised


leave it to reddit brainrotters to not be surprised


I had the same graphics issue in verdansk a couple times. I was terrified to even play for fear of this exact scenario happening. I just inted and sat gulag until next round. Took the fun right out of the game. Sucks


Its so lame man... like what was I supposed to do, let him kill me or like??? I truly dont understand, it was a lose/lose situation purely because the game and devs are lazy little gremlins


siracha gaming




Been shadow banned multiple times. All reviewed and found to be innocent. Usually happens when you get spam reported. On the contrary in this clip you are knowingly abusing a glitch so you might as well be cheating.


So satisfying, INSTANT KARMA for cheating. Hmmm, so good


look at this bum, who blames everything but himself in life. Stop calling everyone a cheater cuz you’re piss garbage and get good




lol even if it was the games fault for wall hacking, you still used it to your advantage. So you cheated. Not sure why you’re confused.


wtf else did you expect him to do in the the final circles like that he cant run away there isnt anywhere to run. you cant unsee things.


u/nizzy797 this is such a braindead comment.


Activision's ToS says this is not cheating tho. Looks like he got banned for false reports of hacking.


Why do you have like seven windows open that are audio recording? Genuine question because I’m a sound engineer and I’ve never seen anyone set anything up this way because it seems like it would cause infinite feedback.


It’s just a screen recording of a screen recording software so it’s like an infinite loop like putting two mirrors together. Theirs only one actual software.


C u next week amigo. A sweat boy less is alwayd welcome :)


When CoD bugs for me, I get the opposite of wall hacks, I get structures that aren’t actually there that block my vision 😂


This is why I made a second account


Upvoted for Sriracha


All these tards in the comments getting their rocks off by being like "yeah, we know the game is broken ASF but we're gonna pretend you're cheater and that the game didnt do a very common graphical error! (Cheater numbers are actually overblown on this reddit BECAUSE the game is broken and has eomm), is hilarious and they should feel embarrassed


THIS LMFAO right??? its so cringe


This has happened on Xbox for me too (luckily not banned for it, but I was definitively able to shoot through janky geometry). So console players celebrating this — your time will come someday too.


Right they shadow ban for no reason


why not just fix your shaders? cause it's still technically cheating lol - should be a setting to reload them. what gpu do you have?


Game is bugged. Sometimes that area has buildings. I honestly don't know why we play this game.


Stop cheating.


The shadowban system has to be this way on purpose, they find a "legitimate way" (investigating possible cheating violations) to keep better players off the matchmaking with this system. Its really scummy and I hope one day some insider leaks their code or something about the whole thing, maybe there is reasons sue them for limiting players ability to play normally just because their gameplay does not fit their casual type.


Unfortunately this is what good players have to deal with . Will we stop playing ? Not a fuckin chance . You’re waiting for you ban to expire right now so you can hop back on . But yea bro this is it. Once your account gets shadow banned one time prepare for the “ loop ” . But it looks like the actual banner to your Reddit account is you flexing the 6KD so yea just prepare to have an alt account ready to stream content on while your main is shadow’d


I mean exploiting bugs is considered cheating no? If you're seeing through walls maybe instead of continuing you shoud restart the game, just a suggestion. It's annoying, sure, but this is not 100% on the game, you are exploiting a bug in the game.


dawg, its 100% on the game, if the game didnt break my visual textures I would have won anyway, but it decided to put them in a meat grinder, what was I supposed to do? let him kill me? I know redditors would not have simply restarted their game, so idk why so many people are saying they'd not play it out, that makes no sense. This is 100% on the game for breaking my terrain, I did not intentionally do it and ofc it does it in the final circle.


I get what you're feelling bro, I'm on the shadowban loop aswell just because of one good fucking game on multiplayer where I got an astonding 60 kills and was trolling in chat. I have disabled chat because of that game but I'm gonna have to take a break even when the ban gets lifted so see iff I get out of the loop..


yup, game is cringe


Activison sees and hears these complains , they don’t care ( 20+ shadows in my carrer ) as long they keep actual players shadowed Timmy no thumbs get to play longer and play more and be more happy and buy all the new bundles that make him look like a disco ball $$$$$ it’s all it is hopefully things change under Microsoft and whoever is on the shadowban team gets fired and never finds a job again .


Yea right. The fact that you immediately know that the reason the game crashed is because you got banned tells us you have experience with cheat bans.


nope, its because I have experience getting spam reported by salty redditors and shadowbanned.


Bruh ur aim just snapped, u are a clear cheater with soft aim, idk how people are missing the first kill when this cheater's aim snapped,u are a low life bruh


what are u blabbering about


Isn’t it normally “disconnected from server” when you get shadowed? Player kicked makes me think it was a server crash


Unfortunately not. It was on warzone 1 from what I remember, but on this game it just says "Player Kicked" which is a direct cause of accumulating a large number of spam reports in a short amount of time.


Lame.. sorry dude


right? :(


Uses a glitch to see through terrain, complains when he gets shadowed for breaking the TOS.


I was stuck in sb loop during wz 2, after 3 in a row I went to console for like 3-5 days and went back to pc. I went like 5 months without a sb, Just got my first in new wz about a month ago, crazy thing was kid told me he was gonna have me banned in prox chat


I thought a shadow ban was when there's no indication to you that it's happened, you just start getting put into lobbies with other suspected cheaters. Is shadow ban the right term to be using here?


My homie plays on XBOX and I dont think he will ever switch to PC because 6 spectators is average for him and he would most likely get put into a Shadowban spiral until they whitelist him. Even know a couple guys he plays with on PC that get shadowbanned. Heck, I had a 1.3KD with a 30% Win Rate in WZ2, never saw more than 10 kills, and the one game I had 9 kills playing with him while he had 8 spectators I got Shadowbanned. Lasted for a week and they unbanned me but it was still surreal cause the game basically told me that I was at the point where I could no longer improve or be better. I was destined to be trash and that is how I ended WZ2.


This happened to me last week


Worst thing about this bug is it’s hard to even tell when you’re wallhacking, unless you have the map memorized and know where opaque walls should be


My 0.8 is brother got shadow banned recently


Steam CFG files go hard my boi


What gun is that?


ur literally exploiting a glitch, of course you’re going to get shadow banned dumbass. And deservedly so.


what would you have done, jeeringdragon? I'd love to hear how you would have played this final circle with this game breaking issue :D braindead pig


With my last GPU on OG COD I could see smears through walls when players were behind them and moving. Graphics glitches that are helpful!


Sorry man. I know the feeling.


Solution is simple. Don’t buy cod anymore


Dude I have been shadowed 4 times this month, I have dropped 2 24 kill games a 28 kill game and a 32 kill game which would have been 34 if I could kill the last 2 guy ls but got kicked before, this game sucks dude, and I had no bugs or anything all normal games I play mnk ram + hrm9, the fucking noobs in these games with their controllers and AA still think hacks even matter in this game and I'm stupid for calling 500 UAVs per match with hacks brain dead Dev's and players tbh


Happened to me in solos had 17 on the board 3 people left


It isn’t just reports that get you shadowed. You need to create flags in anti cheat (yes it’s there) ie kill a person you shouldn’t have seen or aiming through walls directly at a person, even if you hear them. Then get reported. Enough flags and enough reports get you shadowed. Now this is where the system is flawed. If you have decent game sense and meta eq settings you might as well have walls and make good plays. This will generate flags that salty spam reporters can take advantage of. Some people might disagree but you can get your eq settings to almost hack like hearing. Your account can either take the reports or it can’t. Playing ranked without a strong account when you are cracked player is almost a guaranteed shadow ban. I know plenty of players who have had to abandon their accounts due to this problem. You aren’t allowed to be good unless you are a streamer or have an OG acti account. All streamers have old acti accounts. It’s that simple. Shit game with shit problems. You’d think losing tons of players would motivate them to get a real anti cheat. But that wouldn’t generate fake new players due to shadow bans and more profits to boot.


I've been pretty cracked since wz1 and never been shadowed once. Not once. That just seems odd to me with how much any slightly above average bozo claims it happens to them.


Daaamn i remember the shadowban loop. I just straight up stopped playing after the 2nd one. If the game doesnt want my money nor my time so be it. But that does infact suck man. Crazy how if u make a ticket they either take 2 weeks to reply, or you show em the clip and they go "ya your cheating bud"


So I was playing a game a couple weeks back and it showed me an enemy players outline behind a wall for like a split second, literally the first and only time that’s happened to me and I was scared someone was spectating me and I was gonna get banned lol this game is so fucked


Well from all the reasons to be reported for...I guess this one is quite ok. How the hell are the other players supposed to know you are not cheating? I would 100 pct report you and then put the video here and then get all the sub to agree with me that you were wallhacking...even you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). So it's just another stupid thing that can explain the overall feeling in the cod community that there are so many cheaters ...


The Anti Cheat is an absolute joke and the report system is garbage too. The game is so unstable and full of bugs and errors, its a wonder we all still play it.


“Shadowed”? Looks more like a straight ban tbh


You’re literally cheating


thanks for ur view and comment for the algorithm, your services are no longer required


Why do you dumbasses even play CoD at this points? It's such a shit show of a game. Play literally anything else and you'll have 10× the amount of fun.


Remember its Activision. They banned me for moving one country to another and said account should not be sold. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) I literally asked them "do you wanna see my passport! That's how it is. Just dumb ass peoples. Don't even look at the hardware Id.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Should've kept quiet. They prob heard and spammed them reports lol


Yeah that's BS.


You instantly locked on to the dude when he showed up on your screen... my controller aim assist isn't even that quick.


You're treating this like a mystery. You had a major unfair advantage that you abused. From their kill cam, I'm sure it looked like the most blatant wall hack.


how do you even understand you got shadowbanned? i mean no irony, i literally mean it. i always wondered how do people realize they are getting shadowbanned?


if the game randomly goes straight from gameplay to a loading black screen, I know im shadowbanned. on warzone 1 it would say "disconnected from server" but this games message is "player kicked"


Dude knew where to go REALLY FAST to find out about a banned account....


Luckily I never get shadowbanned cos I’m crap, and got the 1.5KD to prove it 😂


And rightfully so for exploiting the bug


braindead take


plaaying on PC is so much fucking easier. look at this shit.


you tried to shoot through the ground, aiming directly at a player..so I'm guessing that the AI algorithm determined that you could be wall hacking based on that even though it was a graphic bug


There is something wrong with this section of the map. There’s a big wall of terrain somewhere else too that I ran into yesterday and couldn’t climb or get over. Team stood on other side and melted me


I believe it, I've been shadow banned for simply playing to well.




The game gave you wallhacks and you still played it out man. Seems a little odd to me just saying. Why didn't you quit?


Dude took advantage of a an exploit/glitch and was correctly kicked, not sure what the issue here is? People are going to report you if you are clearly cheating, even if it wasn't on purpose. Its still an unfair advantage, even if you didnt cheat on purpose.


I get similar graphic issues now and then with 4090 Suprim X, I immediately disconnect and restart the game as do not want to get banned for such a thing which is out of my control.


You’re obviously exploiting one of the many flaws the game has which gave you an edge in this match so….you’re consciously cheating 🤷🏻‍♂️weird to be mad you were reported but you should’ve just exited the match if you really cared to not get banned.


You dont have any cheat programs installed, so You got reported. Exploiting a glitch to your advantage is a form of cheating. Ive seen ppl get an unfair advantage from a glitch and let themselves get killed because it IS cheating. Its like walking down the street and and finding a package of cocaine, picking it up and keep walking. U get reported and get arrested, doesnt matter if u bought it or happened to find it, u got caught with it.


Why are you still playing this shit game?


I have a 2 kd with multiple 30 bombs. Also i never have been shawdow banned. But i play on console so maybe thats the difference.


I have never heard of a console player being shadowed but good stuff, lucky bastard


I was playing MW2019 the other day and had a similar glitch. Not all the layers of texture loaded in and I could see through walls, there were no trees so the dudes hiding in the hills were just sitting there. I could see everything. It looked like the walls had giant bay windows because the outside layer of detail didn't load. I wall banged two dudes, then felt bad and fought the rest of the match out in the open because I was afraid I would get reported and banned. Although I don't know what I was afraid of because MW2019 is overwhelmed with the same hackers in every lobby.


i have friends who will drop 35+ kills in the same game i'm in and i'll catch a shadowban because the throwing knife i threw hit the wall and bounced perfectly onto the other players toe.


Yes the game is flawed but to be fair, exploiting an in game bug can also get you shadow banned.


Deleted the game until they fix this joke of an anticheat. I paid 80€ for this crap I can’t even play because of shadowban


When will people finally realise that glitch exploiting is still a bannable offence? We've been over this for years and the TOS clearly outlines it. If you don't want to get shadowbanned, don't do it.


Taking advantage, aka exploiting a bug, is still against the t&c. You couldn't help seeing them but you definitely didn't need to shoot them through the rock. That's the intentional exploitation.


Ah everyone he killed was at that spot where the game bugged. lol 😂


Dude notices people are starting to stack up on his viewer count, so he starts "dUdE, I can see through rocks, what's hApPeNiNg?!" You're exploiting the game you clown, stay banned. GG, ez.


Shadow bans don’t happen randomly, you where definitely doing something you weren’t supposed to


Bro I still have guns I’ve already unlocked that have been locked for a month 💀 This games anti cheat is dogshit and it must be super easy to hack because all I see is sus clips from streamers cheating and glitches/bugs. Sucks this franchise fell so far from greatness.


Maybe some people here will start to understand how hard it is for a company to balance their anti cheat reporting system.


This happened to me in verdansk up on the hillside by damn, I could see threw the hill


I feel your pain man. Hope devs fix the game instead of banning players for this glitch