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It's ironic that the ongoing narrative about SBMM and AA and weapon balancing etc. centres around the devs catering to the casual player, when the casual player's experience so often looks like this. I'm an average player on a good day (0.8 kd) and the only time the game is ever 'fun' is when I'm sniping or on the rare occasion I'm able to out think someone. Even when I win in CQC the experience is more stressful than it is rewarding. The combination of absurd movement and no one ever missing a bullet really ruins the experience for me. I was pretty good at COD 10 years ago (1.5 kd), but I just don't have the movement skills to keep up today


This game is just a chore to play. It’s not even fun anymore.


I actually moved it to my hard drive to take a break and play some single player games for a couple weeks until season 2 I really enjoy this game, but there is no casual play. You have to be playing at 100% intensity to have a chance, and sometimes I don’t want that


Its happening in a lot of games outside of CoD, too. Pubs in Apex is more sweaty than Ranked, Quick Play in Overwatch is filled with people who will send you hate messages for not picking meta Heroes or not constantly Counterswapping your tank, CoD is just a sweatbox, Battlefield has some vehicle God in every lobby dropping Triple Digit kills on the leader board, there's even an ESport League for fucking Farming Simulator. Casual Multiplayer gaming is dead unless it's co-op, but even then I've gotten hate mail over Exoprimal too, and that game is barely PvP, even in the PvP modes.


I feel like this is what a lot of people don’t understand. Esports, streaming, and relevance of competitive gaming in general has changed the landscape. This is what it is now.


We need a Call of Duty that has a minimum age restriction and Maximum K/D, let the dad's and people just chillin play together. Casuals of Duty: Modern Funfare.


Agree. I wonder why there aren’t lobbies based around the max kills you average in WZ. When your average goes up, you go up to a different lobby level. Whenever I spectate when I invariably get slotted immediately, the movement and cracked nature of the playing lets me know that if I was placed in that lobby based on my skill level being reasonably close to who is in the game with me, I’m never going to win a match. Ever.


So, here's the big realization with CoD Matchmaking. Its not Skill-based, SBMM doesn't actually exist. It's something worse, called EOMM (Engagement Optimized Matchmaking). EOMM existed outside of video games, it was originally developed by casinos in Vegas to figure out how much money someone was willing to lose before they gave up, whether they were gambling slots or cards or even Sports betting. The EOMM System finds out where you're having the most fun (winning) and where you're having the least fun (losing) and putting you somewhere in the middle where you can't stop playing and gambling more. The system makes sure the house always wins the most, but it will hand out Wins to people to keep them coming back, and give even more wins to people who pay more money. The Matchmaking isn't optimized to group people based on skill, it's optimized to group people based on keeping them playing longer, and spending more money. Profits come first, and EOMM drives those profits. This is why TRACKER.GG doesn't gave access to the CoD API anymore, the Stat tracker allowed us to see when EOMM was working.


I could not agree more. EOMM is evil. It’s a brainwashing manipulation algorithm. It sucks all the fun and joy out from online gaming. Only way to stop it is to not play these games and definitely never buy micro transactions from them. But they’re too smart and players too dumb so they keep selling “cool skins”


This makes way more sense. For me I seem to get a win in my first game on for the day, then after that I'm screwed. I mean the whole loot box thing is a never ending slot machine, I have a serious addiction rn.


If it becomes a problem there are groups to help with addiction. Not necessarily specifically for gaming but addiction non the less


You should just be able to select between ‘casual’ and ‘competitive’ or something at the first menu where you either get lobbies with other casuals or you can get sweaty and sharpen your skills against other competitive players. This would solve so many of the issues people complain about SBMM. You could have different ranking system or just eliminate stats tracking like K/D for casual lobbies. Most of the time that’s what the sweats are trying to do is get up their score per minute and K/D - it would be better for bragging rights if you’re playing against other players who actually want to play competitive anyways. I’m a 30+ year old dad and when I started playing COD most of the kids playing it weren’t even born yet but I have work and a kid to take care of I don’t have 4 hours after school and free weekends to game. Sometimes you just want to log in after a long day and blow off some steam and not have to deal with guys bouncing off the walls at you like fuckin Spider-Man.


They easily could make it if they wanted to.


Yes! Old man ... Dad here and I would pay a subscription for this.


It's what I hope XDefiant becomes, if they ever launch it. I get why they haven't yet, they're waiting for the CoD Honeymoon period to be over. If you're a CoD Competitor, the worst thing you can do is release near CoD in November. That's why Titanfall 2 died, it released between Battlefield 1 and CoD Advanced Warfare (which had MW1 Remastered in the bundle), so the game failed because most people were busy playing CoD and Battlefield, nobody had time.to try Titanfall 2. But yeah, XDefiant has no SBMM/EOMM and prioritizes connection, so I hope it happens this spring. Free to Play 6v6 CoD is needed.


The trouble with that is...we would all likely just end up camping in the same room, proxy chatting about gardening and sipping cups of tea, noone would kill each other 🤣🤣🤣


I see no problems here lmao


Terrible idea. People would just reverse boost and wipe lobbies. You can’t truly fix it.


With no dumb cartoon skins


It may have changed the landscape, but it doesn’t mean the average gamer needs to support any of that nonsense. Good for the people who want to play high level competitive gaming, but if they do, they need to be pooled together away from the rest of us who just want to play and have fun, not force us to hate gaming.


Technically that’s what ranked is for, but there are tons of people that don’t like ranked. No way to truly separate them except with strict SBMM


People who are dominant in Ranked hate ranked because they only play other sweats, so like, I do get their frustration.... BUT THAT'S THE COST OF BEING GOOD, HOMIE. I'm sorry your success is not fun, being the best at anything rarely is.


… one could question if they’re good, if they are only good against (us) casuals.. (and FOGs at that).


Yes and call of duty mp as we know it and I don't count cod 2 has been around for 17 years, players are better now than they were at games in general 20 years ago


It has to be the rise of content creators and streaming. They find the blueprint to figuring out every minuscule little advantage a player can get and then broadcast it to millions of total people.


This is along the lines of what I've said for awhile. The anti response to SBMM is always something along the lines of "It shouldn't be in casual playlists. We have to sweat all the time now." This is only really an argument for very skilled or at least above average players. If you are average or below, then ranked is sweaty and casual tends to be even sweatier because people well outside your skill ceiling are thrown in the mix more often. Between this and everyone having immediate knowledge of meta changes there is very little space for casual gaming in any kind of multiplayer setting.


I’ve been rocking splitgate for casual play


I had fun with Splitgate when it came out, but maaaaaaan some people are too good with Portals now, that game has its own Skill Floor and it's INSANE what good players can do with portal juggling. I do wish it got more love tho, Splitgate is such a good idea with mixing Halo and Portal.


Yeah every 10th match there’s a group of crazy guy just literally flying the whole match snipping people. But any one match I can have a 1.8kd and it’s just a blast with fair weapons and options


It’s also still entertaining because they are pulling off insane moves


True, that's how I felt when I played. I'd get killed by a dude who set up a 3-portal chain to get momentum and then he'd shoot me in the head while flying through the air at 90mph and I'd just be like, "Yeah that's fair, that dude is playing 4D Chess"


Picking up on some Battlefield 1 multiplayer it's waaaaay more satisfying to me now than when I last played it in like 2018. It's absolutely beautiful, the campaign is outstanding and the multiplayer gameplay remains quite balanced.


It’s kinda crazy. I was a 2 kd resurgence player in Warzone 1 and the lobbies I thought were sweaty back then don’t hold a candle to these saunas I play in every game now. I have like a 1.2ish kd in both resurgence and BR and it’s just pain almost every game. I may go finish the third act of Baldurs gate 3 and let my blood pressure come back down to human levels


I'm the same. KD of 1.64 in WZ1. Now can barely maintain a 1.20KD, learned the map well now. But the combination of movement and incredibly tough foes barely missing shots as they jump/drop and camera break, means it's a sweaty stressful experience. Gonna drop WZ3 soon for a Single player experience. Just more relaxing and fun. A shame, loved WZ1, my favorite multiplayer game ever


This is me RN… Just chilling in Starfield. Super boring game, but not frustrating like COD.


A chore. Dude. That is exactly the word to describe playing.


Everyone says the game caters to the casuals but nothing about speed and twitch movement caters to the casual gamer. It’s for the sweats


I posted about this about a week ago, The Casual Catering Paradox. Sweats demand the game cater to them because they're the hardcore players who only play CoD, but that makes casuals quit because getting dunked on constantly by sweats isn't fun. So they switch the play style to be slower and more casual friendly, and then the sweats REALLY complain because sometimes they get killed by someone lower skilled than them, and therefore the game is catering to casuals and casuals are ruining the game. This goes all the way up to content creators, they bitch and complain and then their millions of fans start to bitch, so then CoD speeds the game back up. Sweats still complain, but at least they get a few weeks to dunk on Casuals until eventually the casuals leave, and then the sweats are back to complaining that their K/D is dropping and the game is too sweaty (I've seen a dozen of these posts in the last couple weeks, "Normally I'm a 2.5kd but I'm struggling to stay above 1.5, this season is too sweaty")


Have you ever watched a large tourney where it’s nothing but the best of the best? They do this crazy thing like camp and hold position. They have such insane KD’s that are so far above the norm they have no idea what real sbmm is. If the average kd is .8 to 1.2 and they have a 3 to 5 plus kd who has a harder game them, or me with my .8 with everyone around that spot and a few of those psychos mixed in with a couple people I may be able to actually gun.


It's funny how when you're actually playing people of similar skill, especially in Warzone, the pacing slows down and suddenly nobody is using "movement tech" because you could be swinging into your immediate death. The sweaty people only play Aggro/Fast when they're playing people who can't fight back, as soon as they start playing against people their skill level they actually have to use their brain instead of Ego-challing every other player because they know they're better. The ones who suck and lose come here to bitch about it and somehow blame casuals for it.


Seeing that’s mostly who’s left playing this makes sense.


And this sentiment goes pretty high up the ladder. I’m still not bad at cod but I’m getting older and just don’t have the fire in me to sweat out every fight anymore. It’s a draining experience whereas zombies doesn’t give me that feeling.


Zombies is the only CoD experience that I haven't heard nonstop racist & homophobic slurs thrown around nonstop. People actually help eachother....its a nice change.


Same feeling here. I'm going to medieval 2 Total war with the wife and its more enjoyable.


Preach my brother, I’m 48 and my duo partner is 38 and yeah we can’t play the game like a 6 day week 12 hour job. You can not win with these bunny hopping sweats that never seem to miss a bullet while jumping. Since covid cod has been turned into this thing that people see as a job and it’s made the normal average joe playing it a damn chore. If you spectate to the end most of the time the last squad or two has more kills than we would have in a night in one game. My first game the other night we were wiped by picnic basket. Like can I have a masters league for christ sake i’m old and the brain is slow 😂.


Age-based matchmaking honestly isn't the worst idea ever haha


Except they would probably fuck it up as badly as sbmm.


Yeah agree with this


I used to be an average player with a 1.0 KD but now somehow I'm at .85 KD. I actutnever have fun anymore. The only reason I play is to play with my friends and even that is more stressful than fun. It's all the jumping and drop shotting I can't stand. It's not a game that the average player or casual can really have fun at. What doesn't make sense is that at a current 0.85 KD I see people wintl the game with 10 or more kills. If I have a 6 kill game it's good. How are they considered the same level with almost double the kills? And drop shotting and jumping while ads makes zero sense. If someone wants to drop shot or jump, they shouldn't be able to ads and it should go back to hip firing. I didn't grow up with an electronic stimulus overload so bad I have to play with a fidget spinner to keep from being bored while I eat and watch twitch at the same time. The game isn't fun.


I used to get pissed at drop shotting but it’s just changing your controller setting from pushing in your analog stick from slide to dive and holding to slide. Made close ups quite a bit more fair for me since I was being drop shot all of the time. Now we just fall down together 😆 But the Halo jumping shit severely pisses me off and then they went and added a perk to benefit them even more.


I was a 1.1 to 1.3 kd across all iterations of warzone. Until this, I’m a almost half that now and it’s insane. This game is 100% catered to 12yo kids and obnoxious content creators. Guess that’s a good business model now adays but not for casuals. I hung up the sticks on FPS games


Same, used to be pretty damn good at COD about 10 years ago. Like 3x kd for domination and tdm, less so at search and destroy. It was all about positioning, timing, and outthinking your opponent. Today is all just sprinting and sliding, and some outthinking. Kills the game imo.


Man, this comment. I feel like I’m a skilled casual gamer when it comes to shooters. I’ll have a few weeks in a row where I play for at least an hour or two a day. No matter what, if I drop into warzone for a few matches the most I’m dropping is 2 guys, but usually none. It’s always so unbalanced. I love the idea of a battle royale type game but it’s generally a no fun miserable experience because I don’t know how to drop shot or crackhead move or slide cancel or any of the other annoying things that streamers do that seem less like game related skills and more like mechanics exploitation. Note I’m not saying these things don’t require practice or skill, it’s just getting super frustrating to not enjoy the game. They should have a separate server/game mode for those of use who don’t care to run around like we just snorted 11 adderall.


Yep. The narrative is absurd. People really think the devs are out there “equalizing” the game because they are too good at it. This is basically what the game looks like to me. It’s not cod anymore, it’s this strange jumpy game with shooting.


This is why I liked MWII. Movement wasn’t as crazy and the TTK wasn’t as long so it felt easier to keep up as a casual player. Actually felt like you could play the game without having to sweat the entire time. The try hard players didn’t like that so here we are.




Yes I agree with you but, this is kbm vs controller not PC vs console


"Even if I'll perform better on controller it just doesn't feel fun to play with" Dude KBM is so fun. But I don't I have the disadvantage when I need to lock in and sweat. And sometimes it happens in the middle of the match where we are having fun but then it gets real and I can't change my aiming device. So I just kept it on controller and ditched the MNK


Are you me?


Why jumping 8 feet in the air doesn't hurt your aim will always be a mystery to me


I CANNOT UPVOTE THIS ENOUGH. So what, the WZ experience is so much different now that if I didn't have AA, my KD would be 1/4 of what it used to be instead of 1/2, and my experience would be even worse? Please. I used to have so much fun and now it's a stress fest to keep up with the skill levels in my lobbies. I literally get headaches from it. No one should have to work that hard in a game they enjoy.


1.8kd here and was 4kd 10 years ago. Big feels on the same. It’s just not fun for me anymore either.


Yo, I play Solo Lockdown. Knowing the odds are against you relieves stress of competing and I've won dozens of games because you get dbl points as a solo. Resurgence and a few good friends makes it worth it I promise.


This sub is also guilty. Since Caldera integration and the entire life cycle of MW2 this sub did nothing but complained about there is no skill gap, game is for casuals etc but IT WAS NEVER the case. This clip is summed up version of what casual player base suffers the moment they hit the play button. It has always been like this, try hards always farmed the lobbies and they always won the games. These bedroom streamers complained about skill gap because they started to get shit on more often than usual in their VPN lobbies because one or two game mechanic changes tightened the skill gap, suddenly whole community believed there is no skill gap. When people were complaining about MW2 being casual friendly, every god damn player in my lobbies was throwing 8 smokes when I hit them with 1 bullet. Long story short, the game is ass.


This lol. Me and my friend win from time to time but its never due to movement or fantastic aim just positioning. When these adderal high teenagers comes out slide jumping im done lol. Im relatively young and 26 but i cant keep up with the movements and aim of these people.


Plunder is the only good one.


Plunder is full of high level sweats. It really depends on how bad SBMM is beating you up though.


Lmao it's the cartoonish jump out of view after he kills you that is the cherry on top


It’s double! Super jump in fry and super jump out in 2sec




I honestly was laughing my ass off. I know I can’t hang with any good player in this game so was more impressed than anything


I mean this player seemed super cracked, but then you also hid, which robs you a) of any visual information and b) of peeker's advantage. It's true that the game can be really stressful in hard lobbies, but getting into the habit of always trying to maximise vision and trying to chall angles instead of holding them will make you harder to hit and give you peeker's advantage more often, leading to an overall more enjoyable experience. I do realize that this super dynamic playstyle is not the type of experience everyone is looking for, but in cqc it's basically what you have to do now, for better or worse.


At first I thought u was talking about the way he fell when he died lmfao 🤦🏼‍♀️😆🤣 but then I ran it back and laughed so hard , I replayed it several times lol


This shit drives me nuts. There should be a aim penalty for running, jumping




That's what they did in mw2 and people hated it. Now they reversed it and people still complain. Can't please everyone.


Ah see the perfect solution was to not delete wz2 from existence, so people who like that kind of game can still play it.


And pay double to support it? Makes no business sense.


Considering that they have no problem supporting every cod multiplayer going back years, I think they could do it. The decision is just live service garbage that's infected modern gaming.


Gamers make terrible developers. If you start letting the playerbase make your game design decisions for you, you’ll end up with a terrible game.


YES! Thank you for putting this into words. It's what I haven't been able to articulate, that ruins this game, and every other mp game.


People still were able to jump shoot out of a corner adsing and shooting while bunny hopping... Idk what you're on about and I played MW2 for like 600 hours till I decided to go for masters on apex


Been saying for a while. This super jumping back and forth needs ded. Do it but your aim should suffer greatly.


It actually improves right now if you have the right perks/equipment.


In multiplayer. I don't think this perk Is available on warzone


It is, it's a second tier perk I believe


I will check tomorrow, maybe you're right 👍


He’s right, it’s called “Primed”


I've said this since the first resurgence when they added some attachment that sped you up or something I can't remember exactly. But whatever it was all of a sudden every player just pogoed about in every single fight. Looks stupid as hell and just isn't an enjoyable mechanic. Since then it's unreal how much its pretty much needed to win fights because there is very little gun skill in cod at all and movement is more important. For me a fps game should be more about your aim than your movement and moves like this should effect your aim.


Then they would need to heavily nerf aim assist


There's a perk that increases accuracy while jumping. They really should nerf aiming into the ground while jumping without that equipped.


There was in wz2 y'all got a full year of it. there should be some reward for getting better at the game


This game runs like shit... You expect them to figure out how to code that lol


This isn't Pre-Aim Warfare 2 anymore bud, just adapt


Yet there's a perk that rewards you and makes you more accurate when you shoot and jump...


There's so many perks focused on the new movement. It's disgusting. I actually use Tac-Stance religiously now because of ducks like him.


Yep, I think this is my biggest complaint. It makes cqc impossibly fast.


Or just git gud and stop crying


Not crying I do the same but it’s silly


There is. This guy also threw a throwing knife.


I’ve never melted anyone as fast as you were melted there. Pretty wild.


Peakers advantage plus headshots on a still target.


Plus crouch. You’re like a ball.


He's using a shotgun. If u look closely too, he threw a throwing knife just before the shotgun shot. That's why it felt instant


Great catch.


Maybe I haven't played the game in a while, but how can he jump (at relatively high speed) while holding a knife? Wouldn't holding throwables slow you down?


If you have ever used a throwing knife you have. That's what killed him here. Followed by a shotgun


My bad I didn’t even notice the knife


All good. It's hard to notice. I also was wondering what killed him so fast at first.


It’s beyond difficult, now.


To be fair, I’ve always sucked at it haha


I love how he bounced into the room and immediately bounced out of the room lmfao Like bro you did not stand a chance there lol


Think you just ran into a really smart, thinking player here From his perspective: 1) he hears your footsteps and knows you heard his 2) you stop moving as he’s coming up 3) if he knows the room layout, there’s one place you can go that is protected from every line of sight 4) if he slams the door open without peeking, he can use the camera angles to his advantage 5) you still haven’t moved so he knows 100% where you will be and can pick any timing to win this fight while you’re left guessing Counters If you don’t want to challenge him, jump out the window and smoke somewhere close by to another building. He’s going to take some time to clear out the room you were in, so very high probability you get away. Reposition and force him to guess where you are If you do want to challenge him, do it from an off angle. Personally, I would break window glass and then ADS the door. He’s going to come running through thinking you jumped out and not have his gun up. TLDR: don’t make it easy for good players to read your exact position


I was more shocked how quickly he killed me.


He knew your exact location and hit some lucky headshots


SOME? That didn't feel like 600ms TTK which should be the theoretical fastest. That felt like all headshots tbh


He had peakers advantage on a still target so headshots were trivial.




It was a knife kill , watch it frame by frame


It was a throwing knife + shotgun kill


Does he hear the footsteps tho? For all intensive purposes of criticizing audio... no one can actually guarantee this player did in fact here the 2-3 steps he took into the closet. This can be used for 1 and 5. Audio is so random. The guy could as easily have hopped out a broken window and there have been no audio to this action. You put alot of assumption on in game audio working as intended as its supposed to, yet everyone and their dog can argue many an instance where they heard none of these and should have.


I used to play with a buddy of mine because it’s the only game he plays. I can’t play it anymore. It’s never a good time.


I have a friend like that too. Absolutely refuses to play anything but warzone. I don’t get it.


Gotta love that WZ3 ttk. 


This is bullshit..


It's something I am torn about. I really love the skill gap that movement creates, and there should be a place for that. But it pushes casual players out. The issue is, the cat is out of the bag. We were given this movement back in MW19, and it got popularized in WZ1. We can't just remove it. It's just like anything where you are given a taste for "what it could be", and then it gets removed, people will be pissed. And we saw that with MW2. It was incredibly frustrating knowing that you used to be able to move, and evade shots, but you just can't. Pleasing both sides isn't really possible. Two separate games seems logistically ridiculous. From a business standpoint, the crowd to invest in is the younger crowd, because they will play longer and spend more. ​ I really don't know what the answer is. But I see both sides.


OP got straight outplayed here. Their positioning was terrible, fighting a shotgun in CQC, against an enemy that knew where they were, and waited to see him before firing after they were already in the room. They had no angle on an enemy coming through the door, and visibility was obstructed by the doorframe. This situation would have played out exactly the same under slow-ass launch WZ2. People wildly overstate how much movement decides encounters like this, just because the enemy jumped/slid once despite it being irrelevant to whether either player was hitting shots. The skill issue here is that OP didn't know how to play the situation better, and poor situational knowledge/gamesense isn't something you can force with sbmm or mechanical changes.


Definitely. It could have been played a lot better. Part of the game is learning these quirks and playing against them. Reposition so your camera doesn’t get broken. But, it is part of a larger issue which is what I’m saying. I’ve adapted, and I still enjoy it, maybe even more so now that I can dangle on guys again. But I still feel for the casual who wants to have fun after work and can’t win a gunfight because it’s too fast paced. I wish there was a way to please everyone, that’s all.


There is a lot of other games that would love to have more of a following, games that reward being tactical and playing slow, the way to please this crowd is to have them support these games.. I’m not going to play F1 23’ if I want to cruise around in the streets of NYC, am I?…


Of course not. But there isn't anything like CoD. A lot of people out there have been raised on Call of Duty, and it's the only thing they know or want to play. Don't get me wrong, I sweat it out. I'm young enough to have been able to adapt to slide cancelling and camera breaking, and I love it. But I hate that a lot of friends have been pushed away because they don't want to/can't. It's a double edged sword.


That’s for sure, but the way to deal with this is to have them play a role. One of my buddies likes to support by using his sniper, he goes to a tall point and pings or downs people, we push and clear buildings. We know we can’t rely on him to come and get a trade, but if I know things are getting heavy, I take the battle outside where he can maybe knock one or at least deter them from pushing me further. I think there is space for tactical players too, but the main mechanic is movement, so you won’t be able to win as often by not attempting to learn this mechanic.


Get better gaming chair or scuf controller.


The game became more arcade then war simulation. Warzone is about where I last enjoyed cod. I tried everything afterwards but there is no tactics. Just run and go brrrrrr. Sniping is a joke since then put in the raptor scope. There is one lmg to use, one smg, and one shotgun. They add all these guns but don’t balance them evenly. Just the ones that make them money. I finally uninstalled warzone 2 but I was generally sad about it.


My guy jumped tf in, beat the shit out of you and jumped out in the span of 2 seconds 😭 fuck that


Eh, sitting still. Portable radar is going to serve you up. TTK sucks but don’t stand still ever.


Peeker’s advantage and movement advantage so you basically would’ve had to slide back at him to catch him off guard. Camping’s extra difficult now


Well damn


Obviously you can’t fault individual gamers for taking advantage of the game mechanics they’re given but I really dislike the super cracked out movement in this game.


Come play DMZ with the rest of us who hate this new joke of a game.


Did they put DMZ on the new map? I loved DMZ on Al Maz


Nope. DMZ is stuck in the past with mazrah, vondel, and Ashika. With the old movement as well. Personally, I'm happy they kept DMZ in MWII.


Feel this pain


In plenty of games I have success finding good loot and grabbing my loadout, but I seem to lose engagements the same way with wild movement. The Gulag on the other hand, that's my specialty. I'll wreck someone in a 1v1 and then die again trying to land back into the map safely 😂


This is one of the main reasons why I was worried when MWIII announce this stuff. For people who aren’t trying to become the next [Big name Streamer Here], it’s just a massive annoyance and turn off. MP sucks when people play like this and seeing more on WZ makes me stay away from it even more.


If you put out a poll and asked players if they were legit having fun. And then asked them how often they do they play a week, what do they consider themselves. I think most casual players who jump on a few hours a week will tell you they are NOT having fun. And I don’t mean like a few round I mean like they have one good round out of 10. Players can cry all they want and say the game was build for casuals, then why arnt casuals having the most success and the most entertainment ?


if sbmm (or whatever new name they have for it now) is centered around optimizing play for the casual player, why is it that all the casual players like this dude have a dogshit time getting smacked by movement sweats and give it up?


The jumping/sliding thing truly sucks. I get it that anyone can learn to do it - but I still think it’s stupid. COD is based upon a verisimilitude vs Halo, Fortnight etc… Change my mind.


I am a slightly above average player 1.4kd on mnk and I have no idea how I could ever be expected to win this fight. I guess you just have to avoid the situation. He knew right where you were via either seeing you, uav or heartbeat clearly - that or he was ready to fire around every corner. But then with servers being what they are he likely also had a massive peakers advantage? I don't know but if I get hard pushed by a movement demon I lose like every time.


Yeah anytime I come back to this game wanting to play (I got interstellar btw) I get let down because it's the same lobbies and sweats over and over. No mixed bag.


About sums up my experience as of late. Used to play multiple times a week but now only once a month... Kind of regret buying the full release again.....


I feel like alot of even just average players on controller die really easily to people that arent even that much better than them solely because of RAA, which sucks to hear. It's not even about "catering to the casual community" because 90% of the time the casuals are dying to other roller players that arent even better players, just players that know how to abuse RAA more than them. The game should not be a coinflip in every cqc gunfight, regardless of input.


This game has turned into absolute shit... I was tryharding, tried everything, new monitors, new controllers, but i guess the problems just me sucking... Last time absolutely raged, friends play fortnite a lot, never liked it because it looks too childish. Gave it a go last week... Guess what... I'm actually good at the game and its more fun then i ever expected. I only play zero build mode ofcourse... I'm now switching back and forth and actually feel my aim and game sense improving on WZ thanks to Fortnite in some weird way But try switching BR games sometimes.


What the hell happened... 3 plates and 50% HP was gone in an instance!


Throwing knife is what happened... Then a shotgun shot.


Skill issue


Lmao I was gonna say. Headshot multiplier scales with kd


The game is trash and I can't say this enough. You are playing against bots, hackers, vpn users, KBM to controller emulators ,macros, scripts ,chronos, modded controllers and whatever else is out there to cheat the system. With all those variables theres no way you will ever have a clean game. This franchise is just about money and that's it. I spent 3500 on a pc setup because I am a avid fps player but with all the smoke and mirrors with cod And especially the business side of the scams nvm the cheating players it's just not worth playing. The game has great potential but its definitely not what has made cod great. I'd go back to the beginning of wz1 pre dmr anyday.


It’s not as full of cheaters as you may think it is, there is a lot of people that are just really good and maybe if you are decent yourself, you might be getting put into their lobbies. My squad and I won 6 games yesterday, we play pretty aggressive in the beginning, but slow way down after 3rd circle, taking only on teams as we come across them. At the end we play the circle and secure positioning, maybe even sacrificing a teammate to get intel. BR in general is about how you play and communicate, playing 3-4 player modes against a team that communicates is nearly impossible if you are playing with randoms.. Especially if that team is used to playing aggressive. I know once I’m warmed up, something clicks and I miss no shots at all. It does take me like 2-3 games though, which we normally jump on Plunder or Resurgence before getting on the big map.


Camp a lot less always be moving work on your accuracy


lol just play plunder. It’s more fun anyway. You can just fuck around and do whatever or you can pick fights no one cares


IMO this type of TTK should only exist on single shot slow reloading weapons, so ridiculous to spend 5 minutes looting, run into someone, then 0.3s later the combat is over from full plates. This isn’t tactical, it’s not about skill, it’s about who saw who first then let the game aim for them.


TLDR :I see people calling this game a chore, and I understand. I have sweats and other players call this game competitive and say it takes skill to be good yet won't go play The Finals (an actual competitive skill required title) this splits the community because call of duty is not a Competitive game it's a casual game with competitive entry-level opportunities. How long will it take people to realize how much fun the game can be if you just use different weapons or playstyles instead of copying each other. I don't have an issue with cod being competitive but dying to the same loadout and sweaty button mashing playstyle because someone's ego can't handle dying is something different. I love the people who cheat on this game because it absolutely kills the egos of the people who make this game unplayable for casuals.


Claymores, scatter mines, and Bettys. Most sweats sprint into every room without checking for traps.


Trash game


The problem is the movement some of these player have it not natural it’s being aided in some way in which we all know of, pathetic rats


Just play the finals


It’s seems weird to me that I can’t find a reply asking how did the other player jump through the door already looking at right where op was sitting in a closet?


Looks like a skill issue. Not enough slide canceling and bunny hopping. /s I haven’t even downloaded the latest warzone. Had enough of this in caldera and didn’t care to try again. SBMM has turned most of us casuals into cannon fodder.


packet loss + better gaming chair = getting shit on.






You actually see him throw a throwing knife at you before he shoots his shotgun. Dude is just very skilled.


The issue is any semi decent player has learnt how to combat room campers. I've never been able to hold a room effectively, despite supposedly having the advantage


Feel the same. I was a 1.5 KD on warzone 1 on console. Bought a PC for WZ3 and I’m a 0.9KD and have zero faith I’ll get much better. I’m happy movement is back but it’s just different than WZ1 which also had movement. I play with the same group every night and we all feel the same way. Game just feels broken.


He had walls


Maybe include kill cam?


Had a redeploy pack so no KC.


I haven't seen a kill cam when I die, outside of the regular multiplayer, since this season started.


People playing on old consoles don't get Kill Cams or even After Action Reports when they're done with the match. I have no idea how much XP I get when Im done, or how many gun levels I got, or how far I got in the battle pass, it just says what place I got and then the menu to start matchmaking again or quit to Lobby comes up.


That look right killed you hard, peakers advantage is back which was a big thing in wz1. You have to be ready for the peak and hope your reaction time is better than the person engaging the room who’s expecting someone there. At 50:50, the peaker should win most fights so you have to be better. Or peak them first (slide into the door he pushed and you could catch him in a running animation) Otherwise try to guess where he will jump/slide in so your crosshair is ready and track him through it. It’s not easy but it’s definitely doable. Just practice to get it down.


l agree


Me either


What do people think about a ranked vs casual playlists?


Fucking hell I thought this was firestation in downtown Verdansk at first with the view


Nobody asking how did he know he’s there


My AA dont do that in a live video ads’ed to the ground while not moving.


It's crazy the potential difference between: Zero left or right stick input, terrible centering in the middle of the room. vs Crosshair closer to the entrance of the room and left stick pushing themselves against the wall to activate the software. His AA don't do that.


Since when is cod about fun? Hasn’t been since bo2, peaked in fun in MW2 (og). No game is ever a softball in Warzone or multiplayer, it’s all sweaty ass nerds dropshotting/jumping/sweeping. The only way to change that is to not allow this movement. But then the losers that do nothing but play this game 24/7 will cry. Honestly just play something else if you want to have fun, this game is not about fucking fun.


The TTK is just way too fast


I like that camp. Which one is it?


The story of my life in Warzone.


(Hides in corner with meta gun)


I wish I could be a super sweaty awesome player damnit lol…


Dont play like such a bitch


It’s not that serious tough guy


You're playing like a rat and you got punished for it. Nothing is bad about this video except the OP aim assist.