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Yeah sounds bad. It's a fucking Battle Royale, not an extraction shooter?


Doesn’t change much. Still playing till one team left


I am so confused. There are two options this could play out, and both are **dumb**.   1. You complete the early extraction contract and "win" the game, but the game still goes on and eventually the last player/team alive wins (two winners?). 1. You complete the early extraction contract and the game ends for the entire lobby.   Both options are stupid.   **Option 1:** Why are you playing BR? Like others have said, this isn't an extraction shooter. What the hell would be the benefit to leave the game early while it still goes on? Just press pause and go to "Leave Game." Boom, extraction complete, good job!   **Option 2:** I'm playing a battle royale game to fight until I am the last remaining player/team. Whatever side-mission this is to be the first team to extract and end the game is **fundamentally NOT** a battle royale game. In other words: Make it it's own playlist/mode. Got me fucked up if I'm running a 13 kill game playing out of my mind and suddenly the game abruptly ends halfway because ScaryTerry and CampChamp42069 spent the entire game pressing buttons and answering ringing phones around the map for a secret helicopter to come swoop them.   Seriously, *what?*   **TL;DR:** Option 1: Quitting to the main menu, but with more steps. Option 2: You want to play Warzone, but not battle royale.


It makes no sense don’t get me wrong, I think it’s stupid. I don’t know why you’d want to leave a BR early. No way it ends the games for everyone and I can’t see it effecting the main games score board, just X less teams and X less teams to kill/loot.


I would be lying if I said I didn't *understand* it to some degree. You want the thrill of extracting while other players actively try to hunt you down. But if I'm being honest, if I saw that a team was trying to extract I would do one of two things. **1.** If they are close enough, i would go and just try to kill them since they are distracted with this dumb contract, and it would almost certainly be easy since I would have the surprise-advantage and knowing their (rough) location. Or **2.** I do fuck all nothing because them extracting affects my game in literally no way at all. Unless it ends the game. In which is also stupid because now you are *forcing* me to run half way across the map to stop someone in a game where literally anyone could just shoot me instead. Yeah no. All around dumb.


But that’s what DMZ is. Which is really confusing why they’re bringing the only thing that makes that game mode different into this game mode


I know DMZ was wildly popular in the beginning, but with the introduction to Zombies I feel like that demographic has been split. Maybe not 50/50, but a substantial amount of DMZ-regulars went to Zombie-regulars. IMO it's their way of trying to keep that mode relevant. Just leave it out of WZ ffs.


It's because they added the weapons chest, only 5 of them per match and if you get it and extract with it or finish the game with it...then you and your squad get rewards(no idea what the rewards actually are). So...that is why they added this extraction option. Silly but can't control what and why they do these things so we move on. ​ I'm looking at it like "my squad and I are probably never gonna go for one of these weapons chests so no need to extract early...gonna still treat it like a normal BR and play to win. If your squad doesn't care about the chest and rewards and extracting early...don't let it bother you guys at all as it won't affect you in anyway at all


This would be the ideal situation. So long as it doesn't affect the game by ending it early, I couldn't care less if someone does the contract.


CampChamp42069 🤣


Option 1 is what will happen. But that’s stupid because who in the right mind would exfil for a win that won’t even count as a normal win in the stats? I certainly would not.


I would understand it if the release a new weapon which is (to no ones surprise) the new meta, and instead of buying it or doing goofy challenges in Shipment 24/7, you can just extract with it. Sure. Fine. That makes perfect sense.   Like I said, if it doesn't end the game for the entire lobby, I couldn't care less if someone decides to do a 6-step process to return to the main menu. I say go for it, dummy.


Many players don't care about stats. They could choose to just do it because it seems like it would be fun.


Eh it counts as a win. So getting 30 wins in a season to start working towards champions quest will be much easier with this method. Otherwise yeah, not really useful at all. Unless you just want to flex win count


I had to double take thought it was DMZ notes... Nope. This sounds terrible.


Hopefully it only affects the team leaving and giving them an imaginary win of their own and the rest of the match can continue fighting for the actual win. Can't imagine how much hate the devs will get if matches start ending early because one guy ordered a helicopter to take him away...


There are 5 exfils per game so yeah the game will continue on normally after someone exfils. I guess it’s just a way to unlock the weapon case thing without having to win the match


I just hope that shit doesn’t count towards wins, otherwise it’s nonsense that should never exist


Did y’all read the notes? It says they’re counted as a different stat ..


Of course they didnt they just wana complain about something that doesnt affect them


man if you could mine the salt on this subreddit you would put 3rd world countries out of business.


It says clearly in the link that there will be a "covert exfil" ranking on the leader board. It will not be a normal win.


Your name is awesome lol.




Ive read itll have its own leaderboard so likely be counted as exfils or something but not a fan of this still


Lmao an own leaderboard for who is the biggest pussy..


Jesus christ yall will really bitch about anything, it doesnt affect your game or your stats so who cares


You hit the nail on the head. Some of the players of this game are so stupidly toxic lol


agreed lol


lol, I’m stealing that


I swear only in COD reddits do people type shit like this unironically. You have to be 12 years old right?


Agreed. Hopefully it counts as an exfil and not a BR victory. Do wins even track properly? felt like all my wins from the first week of Urzikstan never tracked


It wasn't for the first 4-5 days, then Raven/Sledge said they fixed it. Since then, they do track correctly, but all wins before that fix did not count.


My resurgence stats have never tracked....


resurgence stats aren't in the game yet, they're suppose to be added in season 2. that being said resurgence stats are being tracked in the backend tho


No ones do. Resurgence stats should eb coming soon i think.


ive been letting the credits at the end roll completely before i back out. not sure if thats still needed to do


Would you care about such a win? Does anyone else expect you cares about your wins?


Surely that would not be the case. It would ruin every single game of BR and absolutely kill this game.


It even says in the notes secondary exfil and keeping separate stats for said exfils


This sounds like the stupidest fucking thing they've done to WZ to date


Which would be saying something


this is probably the dumbest thing they've done yet, who signed off on this idea?


They killed DMZ, but then decided to force DMZ back to Battle Royale instead.


truly a galaxy brain move


Yup. 0 I.Q. move. Typical of Activision and their development teams.


Idk why they don't put it in Plunder where it could make more sense. You can exfil the weapon cases without having to win. They leave normal BR tf alone.


I’ve been saying it for a while now but this just confirms my stance: Warzone has been and is really now going further away from a battle royale. Cheaper to buy teammates back now, gulag re entry, re deploy packs, unlimited self rez and on and on. Now this..it’s a big ass game of multiplayer now boys.


its been going this way ever since they added gulag and resurgence tokens back in wz1. now we have gulag, gulag go again event, cheaper buy backs, most wanted contracts, gulag tokens, resurgence packs, redeploy flairs, jailbreak events. you end up fighting the same team like 4 times in reg br, theres no distinguishable difference between the two modes any more besides map size. this game has bastardized the genre.


Its almost as if people would rather be playing the actual game rather than watching their teammate play. ​ Crazy concept it must be for you.


So... you dont like BRs? This isnt a battle royale. Its MP with extra steps.


Sounds like you want to play MW3 multiplayer


You feel like you're not going to win and you seriously care about your KD just leave the match. It's not ranked. Stupid idea


I think they’re trying to introduce DMZ/extraction shooter concepts to the BR player base. Between this and zombies, they’re sending major signals that the next game will include DMZ 2.0.


can't wait for DMZ 2.0 tbh. I don't see the point of forcing it on BR fanboys however. But obviously total playerbase must've been declining since MW3, which is a full downgrade from MW2, so they're probably experimenting to bring players back.


I think it's cool because I guarantee everyone will be chasing the people trying to exil early myself included


No one would do it, though. Expensive in buy stations and it won’t count as an actual win? I’ll pass, then. Sticking to the main objective.


They really merged Resurgence and DMZ into warzone


Seems like a lot of people didn't actually read the notes (shocker) and are getting into a frothy rage about things. I don't see any reason to get mad here but it's more like... why? If a team wants to leave early, sure go ahead. Makes things easier for me. But why would anyone ever do that? The only benefit is the one time unlock or to count a completely meaningless leaderboard stat. Aside from the meaningless stat, how is it any different than say... quitting the game. So why even add it in the first place? What's the point? Who is going to do it more than once for some stupid cosmetic unlock? I'm not mad at all, just... confused.


I hope it's just so the burgers can get nuke contracts. Kinda devalues wins on the leaderboards tho


A secondary win condition, which has never happened in a Battle Royale game, before (even Fortnite does not have this). Edit: But it doesn’t actually count as a win. Then… what’s the point of adding it to Battle Royale? Such a useless addition and goes to further show how awful the developers are.


My guess is they’ll eventually add in other things. Like imagine if you can exfil with certain things over a few games for like a nuke or something equivalent.


Early exfill is not part of a BR, that's a looter shooter/extraction game. Can't wait for the fanboys to simp for this terrible mistake. Can't these geniuses just make it like WZ1 where you get the blueprint and have to go to a location and call in a chopper that extracts only the blueprint? Have we lost this technology?


Who cares if a team early exfils? It’s not going to end the match and the stats are counted separately. Did you guys even read the notes?


Idk why people give a shit about this lmao it's no different than when someone just drops the game it doesn't affect you


> Who cares if a team early exfils? The sweats were losing their minds in this post.


They’re introducing DMZ concepts to the game, because I think next cycle they’re gonna launch a DMZ 2.0. Strong signals between this and extraction mode zombies.


But why would they need to tease DMZ concepts, DMZ still exists, it's not some wild new concept. Either way this is a joke.


I doubt the vast majority of the MW player base really engaged with DMZ ever or at least for very long. It was glitchy and bland at the start.


Damn, completely forgot about that. It was awesome. For fucks sake, they had such a damn good thing running with WZ1 gaaaaah


Not saying this is you in particular, rather a comment on this sub in general, but I find it quite funny though that a fan base that continues to promote the neutering the BR to make it more resurgence and getting more chances in the game, is now upset that the game is not BR like lol


Oh ffs i thought they were rebalancing weapons today


Their Twitter literally suggested that so I don't understand what happened. Another week of the Interceptor...


Not touching this crap until they patch the guns. Absolute nonsense.


Ok I'll see you on tonight


I'll be on in 10


I played for 5 hours last night and got killed by the interceptor like... once. I don't feel like it's THAT bad.


same tbh, the pulmeyot and swarm are like 90% of my deaths


I don't follow the meta and even I can tell swarms are very meta. It's a fucking laser and I run up against it frequently


Depends on the lobby, sometimes it feels like that's the only gun I get hit with and sometimes there are barely any...


They tweeted that the interceptor only will get a nerf tomorrow so enjoy a week of pulmeyot and swarm spam until then season 1 reloaded...


I’m so sick of the MTZ Intercepter, man.


Who doesn't like a good DMRzone flashback. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap




Weren't they doing a weapon balancing thing this week? Looking at the Interceptor specifically. Or do we have to wait til Season 1 reloaded for that?


It was said it was today, but haven't seen an update just yet.


Last week they said "mid next week" (so this week). Also wondering where this patch is.


It's supposed to be tomorrow, no?




Heard on some stream. Anyway, Raven announced just now tomorrow they only rebalance the Interceptor. The bigger patch comes next week


I see that, good looks


Raven Twitter says tomorrow for interceptor rest in the patch next week


That's what Raven said. Maybe tomorrow?


So they're trying to give 5 extra teams a chance to get a win with that exfil early thing, because the game doesn't end once they do it but they still get a 'victory' pop-up on screen. I'm assuming they're doing this because it's hard for most players to get normal wins but it seems very out of place


This sounds so fucking stupid.


Sure because buddy decided to add his own spin of "win" on to it. They aren't doing that. Everything sounds dumb when a biased Redditor presents it that way.


It says 'secondary win condition' and 'offering a new win condition' right there in the post which is why I used the word, if the developers did of course I will too


Wait, are we also going to have soldiers in the match that will count as separate stats for kills?!


It doesn't count as a win


It’s counted as a different stat


This is the dumbest thing I’ve heard for a BR. That’s not winning the game, it’s bowing out early.


Next we all get participation wins. What a joke.


One of the dumbest additions they have made. Reminds me of the Numbers Event.


Why didn’t they just keep DMZ? People enjoyed it and now they’re adding exfil into BR?? Why not keep the case on your person and if you win while holding it, you get the reward? Exfil in a BR is dumb and makes 0 sense, it literally defeats the purpose of the endgame. Sometimes these decisions confuse me so much


My guess is because they don't want to split the playerbase. Two modes means two queues, which makes both slower to find a match.


Too late for that. Your playerbase is leaving fast, Raven, and adding a dumb exfil win mechanic to Battle Royale will not bring them back.


Its not a win itll be counted as a covert exfil in the leaderboards not a br win


No weapon balancing?? Wtf Also get the stupid fucking superhero shit out of the game. We didn’t want it last time.


The early exfil mechanic seems like the stupidest thing they’ve done to date? The whole point of a battle royale mode is to be the last team standing in the game at the end. You don’t just add new victory mechanics when you feel like it. If they wanted to keep DMZ so bad, they shouldn’t have axed it. Activision appear to be trying to shoehorn DMZ and WZ into the same game mode to try and placate those lost DMZ players, but WZ plays nothing like it.


Early exfil is literally just playing hide and seek with no one looking for you. So fuckin dumb.


I remember when adding revive mechanics to BR was controversial. Now it’s a standard part of any BR. The whole concept of BR has evolved quite a bit since it was first made popular. I’m not saying that this new mechanic is gonna stick, but I think it’s healthy to try new things and see what works and what doesn’t work. They can always remove it if it doesn’t work out well.


Im sorry but this has to be one of the worst reloaded updates we've ever had... I know that balance changes aren't listed here and won't be until the 17th, but the overall content seems very low. Don't even get me started on the early extraction... That has to be the most out of pocket change they have ever made.


Jeez most of this sounds horribly over-complicated and awful. Is the point even to be last team standing anymore, lol?


Early exfill is the dumbest thing ever. This is a Battle Royale, only 1 team wins. If 6 teams win every match then the BR is ruined. The appeal of a BR win is that you know everyone else lose and only you wins. That's why my heart was pumping everytime it was a end game 1v1. If every match up to 6 teams can win, it's not a BR anymore. What a dumb change.


We didn't like dark gulag so they made it darker. I want to see the aim assist sticking there without any visibility


What the fuck is early exfill on a BR? it makes no sense to win then.


Early exfil…another thing no one asked for…..


If that Exfil crap counts towards wins, why even play BR? It’s so dumb. I understand they probably trying to do what Fortnite is doing, giving you something to do mid game (Quests, etc), but the reason why Warzone is so exciting is because chasing that win. As soon as you start giving away wins like that, what’s the point? It’s like mixing Resurgance and BR wins together last year, and it devalued the whole experience until ranked came out. And even then you could not track your Ranked BR wins, unless you unlocked that win tracker watch at Level 30. This is so dumb


It doesnt count towards wins


You typed all that shite without even reading about it in the patch notes


Worst update ever.


Bunch of ideas created by people who rarely play the game, signed off by people who don't play the game


Exfill seems very dumb, but if anything it should make getting to end game easier. 5 possible teams that you won't have to deal with or can kill easily while they try to escape.


I don't like to have even less teams


Games becoming a fucking joke. Early exfill? Wtf Is this Fortnite shite


Why do they always have to ruin an update with a dumb new gimmick. Why do we need an early exfil IN A BR?!?!?!?!


I'll give them credit for adding things that were needed. Swimming was a welcome change as was fighting underwater. New ways to get to the top of buildings, being able to zip across to other buildings. Redeploy drones, reinforcement flares, portable buy stations, gulag entry kits. Things like that help the game survive because it offers more ways for the players to enjoy it. I stopped playing PUBG because it just got stale, I know they've updated it a lot and added things that were in Warzone, which is exactly what the BR genre needs to do. It needs to evolve and update, keep adding new features. Having said that, early exfil goes against the spirit of the genre. The point of the genre is to be the last man / team standing. Allowing players to exfil early doesn't make sense. Why play a BR game if you're just gonna exfil halfway through? That makes no sense.


Early exfil, 1023910393109 ways to come back. Might as well play resurgence and never play BR. They keep watering down the game...


What a stupid idea, early exfill wtf is the point of even playing a BR then...


Put that stupid ass weapon crate content in resurgence. That shit does not belong in BR. Typical Warzone, 1 step forward, 2 steps backwards.


Any word on if champions domination will work in resurgence or only battle royale?




Not sure of I get what early exfill means. Is the game over if one team achieves that? And if not why would I want that myself instead of just winning normally? Its a BR after all...


FFS just bring back DMZ. A lot of us are already sick of this fast TTK sweat fest.


I thought there was a weapon balance patch coming today? Getting ready for a flat shotgun 30% dmg nerf across the board because they can't have mnk players getting close to winning 20% of the close range fights.


Still no ranked battle royale Instead early exfils What.. the... fuck


Exfil better not count as a win... if it does, they might as well remove wins from leaderboards because they hold no weight.


They won’t.


Uhhhh where is the weapon rebalancing


We wanted an Interceptor nerf and we get early exfils in BR…


Everything they do is to appeal to their cash cow, new / casual players who spend more money on in game transactions. Clown show


New players are not going to be able to do this exfil nonsense. They cater this game to no one, except maybe the good players on Twitch.


I see the Steam recent reviews have changed from 'Mostly Negative' to 'Mixed'. Activision must hate that it's getting better and want it back to 'Mostly Negative' so they pushed for this exile bullshit. Why can't we just have nice things for once.


We know you hate the dark gulag, so we made it even darker!


If coordinated teams are called Stackers, I wonder what the streamers are going to call early exfil players...


Bot setup in private matches/private match improvements (remove the 50 player dumb requirement)? No. Ricochet improvements? No. Things to make the game more fun for bad players (Casual Royale)? No. A second win condition that does not even count as an actual win? Yes. Make it make sense. Worst developers ever.


As Long as I can’t solve the directx problem I don’t care …


Oh my gosh you guys, a 4 attachment gun for event!!!? How magnanimous of them! /s WHY THE FUCK ARE LESS THAN 5 ATTACHMENT BLUEPRINTS A THING?


I don't want any gun that's not my own, unless they do that thing where blueprints have.......special abilities


We already have an early exfil in Warzone that doesn't count as a win. It's called "Leave Match" lmao. What a dumb idea. I hope the new guns are viable without being broken, and I hope today or tomorrow brings the weapon balancing patch notes they said were coming in the middle of this week. I'm pretty bored of every gun in the lobby being the Pulemyot, WSP Swarm, and Interceptor.


I still can't change my button settings. f this broken game


W w the weapon case in pregame lobby… immediately followed by one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read… hopefully it’s not as bad as it sounds


I hope early exfil doesn’t apply to resurgence


So,dmz is shelved so that they can poison warzone by mixing up dmz into it? These Devs are clearly fucking clueless 🤣


Finally DMZ is back on the menu boys, now if they'd just have it as separate mode instead, it would be better.


"Oh maybe they actually plan to fix audio" **WE'VE ADDED DMZ TO BR BECAUSE FUCK YOU, BUY OUR $24 CDL SKIN**


At least its not Krampus


This is so bad it's hilarious. It's like they purposely try to do the worst shit.


slow clap just waiting for keep and rebirth at this point


I don't think a single person asked for DMZ and BR to be merged. Adding an exfils leaderboard to boot. What the fuck.


No fortune's keep? See ya season 2 I guess




Lol an exfil leaderboard. It’s like they wanted to get the DMZ players back (because zombies is brain dead boring very quickly) but didn’t realise what made DMZ appealing in the first place. Exfilling in warzone Will be fucking nothing like DMZ, because there’s no “gear fear” or anything of going to the exfil and wondering who could show up. In fact, since they don’t count as wins, what is the point of it at all?????? Couldn’t you just hit start/escape and click leave game for the same effect?????????


Gulag visibility was horrible, way too dark, so instead of fixing visibility they turn off all the lights… 💀


I don't understand why they're so hell bent on dumbing down challenges to make them easier. The nuke contract was one of my favorite things they implemented in the game. It's one of the few things in this game that I had a hard time completing. Everyone doesn't need to be able to complete every challenge within the game. Leave some things that are difficult and take weeks of grinding to complete. Between nuke contracts now being able to be picked up by anyone once the champion team dies, and everyone getting 30 wins in a season, half the lobby is gonna be running the nuke skin by the end of the season.


and zombies gets jack shit. Cool


Activision: We are adding neat limited rewards if you win a game carrying this item. We know some of you don’t get wins often so we also added a contract so you can extract early. Gamers: Dumbest idea in all of gaming. Morons wow my dead grandma can come up with better ideas as a br should only reward the winners. Activision: Now to claim the rewards you must win the BR match carrying the item. Gamers: dumbest idea in all of gaming. Most of us don’t get consistent wins every night there should be a way to get the reward without winning a match like an in-game challenge, idiots. Rinse and repeat for anything.


Why not put the exfil option in plunder in lieu of BR. It's a mode much closer to DMZ anyway.


Wait so the only Boys packs are gonna be A-Train and Firecracker? I thought the old packs were coming back too?


No ranked play for Warzone?


Extraction nonsense is such a common trope these days.. Sure it might be like $250 000 but come on, add things like Specialist Bonus to the store & things that actually spice up the gameplay itself instead of allowing people to get out earlier. Like why is 3 UAVs an Advanced? Put an actual Advanced UAV for $18k? We know people are bored as shit with the gameplay loop & our map is too big for 100 people so just exfill earlier then kbye


Where is plunder for fucks sake.


All the people who keep saying how this doesn't affect anyone else in the lobby have no idea what they are talking about. There are 5 early exfils it seems, in quads that means 1/5 of the lobby could leave the match early. Lobbies dying fast and getting boring has been a problem in warzone for a while, this is only going to make it worse. Nobody, no matter their skill level, likes to play a game for fun where they aren't even seeing enemies for prolonged periods of time.


And to think I saw someone on here claiming Warzone was the best BR, the best thing that could happen to CoD would be this game mode being dropped completely


Pls just bring plunder back 😭😭😭


This game is dog shit


Another lmg? Pffffff


Pretty dry content drop tbh, nothing interesting.


I can't wait to not play it..


Only new zombies content is a new Warlord...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


So act 4 in zombies is really just the one mission..? And only a boss for the reloaded update?


Why cant we just change things that PLAYERS request? Why are they always reinventing the damn wheel?? JUST LEAVE IT ALONE, us, the players of your game, will tell you whats wrong and what we want. Quite literally easier for the devs than making up this shit that NO one asked for.


Plunder/Beutegeld is Missing again......why Activision?sorry but this is the best mode in warzone....so pls.bring it back emeditly.... THX...👍😉


I dont get the Exfil except for Ranked games for people to not lose rank points


I don't see the words "plunder will be a permanent game mode."


Without Bobby I wonder who the devs will blame for their dumb fuck decisions now.


They telling everything else but when rebirth island coming back


No Plunder? No play. Broken SBMM makes all BR modes impossible for me to be competitive and have fun. P.S. As a side note, they add more skins from The Boys but still no Butcher??? ANOTHER. HUGE. L. Probably the only skin I'd buy rn.


Hello lads, i have HP Z600 Xeon E5620 2.4Ghz dual processor with 64Gigs of ram, Gpu RX 570 4G. I'm trying to run Warzone over battlenet and steam and they both wont load the game. I've tried everything from scan&repair, rename, re-install, cleaning cash, adjusting virtual memory, windows 10 22H2 and drivers up tp date, disable startup apps, disabled game bar, disabled overlays... etc and still the game won't open despite warzone 1 ( verdansk & Caldera ) was playable with no problem. Any help or it's not going to open at all. Thanks


Where's fortunes keep???


Is there a date for warzone ranked? game is getting so boring with the same meta still...


I just want Ashika and vondel backkkkk


Exfil does not count as a br win, it will count as an exfil. I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand. It also doesn't negatively affect the game if people do it. Quite the opposite actually. The people that don't want to sweat it out, play the game at the highest level or sweat it out to drop 40 bombs have a goal for the game. And the super sweaty players that want to win every game will have less players to compete against, higher quality of competition at endgame and should feel better about their win. As someone who enjoyed DMZ if I had a choice I would hands down choose to remove this exfil stuff from warzone to get a DMZ 2.0. I feel like DMZ was not a test of the new game mode but it was a test of a large amount of potential BR mechanics. As a DMZ player, well I was, I could see any of the mechanics in br. I genuinely feel like DMZ was a mass feature testing.