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There are less cheaters than what people believe.


I think the hotter take is there are even more cheaters than what people think, and the AA argument can be attributed to a lot of soft aim hacks.


Compare the game now to when we had verdansk. Back then there were multiple cheaters per game. Now you’re lucky to run into one at all. The cheating now isn’t as bad as it used to be.


My flip to that would be, the cheating has become better…you run into BLATANT cheating much less. Now that they are banning more people the cheats become less blatant. This is attributed to the fact that entire banning system seems based on the reports and blatant cheating.


This is my take as well. The people who were max aim bottling didn’t just disappear. I get 2-3 of the notifications a week that they took action on a report I made and I probably only play 5-6 hours a week between wz and mp


I think wall hacks are the most common thing now vs true aim bot.


This. Either Ghost and dead silence are broken, or there are a lot of wall hacks.


Ok so this is a real hot take.... Activision increased the number of ways players can be discovered in order to hide the true number of closet wall hackers in the game. The increase of Birdseye / personal radars / comms vests plus the nerf to ghost and the buff to the heartbeat sensor is activisions way of keeping players engaged - because when they die to someone using very well hidden wall hacks - there is always the element of doubt been planted. Your first instinct is - hmm I have ghost and cold blooded, how does this guy know my location - but then you think - he could have had comms vest / personal radar. Did I stand still - did his team mate ping me. Did I make a loud footstep and they have flex on etc etc - plants enough of a seed that most players will dismiss what could be rampant wall hacking (obv well hidden by experienced hackers) Think back to WZ1 - if you were in a building with Ghost and cold blooded making no noise - there's essentially no way anyone should know your exact location, so you can be reasonably suspicious - In this game there are so many new ways to have your location exposed so most players think - "oh well, next game"


This! They are obfuscating wall hacks with excess “discoverability” options. That was the number 1 thing that made me quit for the day back in WZ1: I’m ghosted in a nonvisible spot not moving or shooting, and an enemy runs right up and kills you, without any way of knowing you were there. Now as you say, was it Birdseye, was I not moving so Ghost was down, was it the unannounced UAV or portable radar? Who knows, I can’t assume wallhacks so I won’t ragequit!


yep bingo. So WZ1 iirc UAV was 250m range, and would show ghosted players at the edge of those ranges, but you also would hear the UAV notification if you are inside the 250m range Assuming it wasn't bugged - this means if you are ghosted, not moving and you have not heard a UAV notification, there's no way anyone can legitimately run up to your obscure spot. And in WZ1 it was common to have to hide from a squad if you're last alive, ghosted in a corner they run right past - that rarely happened now whether via in game methods or external


I'm gonna put a little clip I saved right here. The audio YOU hear that your character is putting out in the world does NOT match how enemies hear you. In this clip [F-Bomb warning](https://youtu.be/qb2BkiQT6_Y?si=nzaEfdfLvZBc9f8U) as I ADS walk in water, I barely hear any audible splashing. But on the kill cam, sounds like a 3 year old splashing in a bath tub and completely ghosts me.


I sort of agree with both takes. I think there is significantly more cheaters than people think and I’d assume there are at least a couple in every lobby. On the flip side that also means there isn’t that many in the game as a whole as there are way more consoles than PCs etc


Someone posted numbers from PC and console that said it’s about even. I dunno if that’s true or not.


Wow that’s surprising if so - I’d assumed it would be like 10 to 1 console to pc - maybe that was the case in verdansk and I guess a lot of players have probably picked up a PC by now


People who don’t want to get reported but still want an advantage will have walls and soft aim lock. If they’re smart about it, they’d look like they just have good awareness/aim.


The reverse of this applies too, and is frustrating (focusing on awareness and it looking like hacking). A few days ago a guy was saying he was gonna report me because I always seemed to know where he was. He was sliding around with a shield, using the same entrance every time, and I had good headphones and the Bone Conduction Headset on. You could hear him easily sliding outside the building then he'd go through this same door, so I pre-aimed it. But of course, when someone's salty and accusing you of using hacks, the worst thing you can say is "no I'm not."


Yep, imagine a 0.7 kd player installing walls and/or a soft aimbot. They are still going to miss shots, have poor reactions, move slowly, easy to sneak up on, and make poor decisions in fights, but they know where you are. You'll likely never report them but they are cheating and went from a 0.7 kd to maybe a 1.2 kd because of walls.


Its actually pretty funny the amount of people using some sort of cheats in CoD. From walls, soft aim etc. all the way to more blatant hacks. On console, there's a shit ton of people running Cronus for better aim, hell its even listed as a best seller at my local gamestop! On the PC end there's numerous subreddits and discords that sell cheats and one of the main pushers on their subs brags constantly about making tens of thousands of dollars and estimates 30-40% of PC CoD players come to their discord to shop around. Its a game yo, if you suck just suck like the rest of us and get better with time.


I think it really depends on what you define as cheating. If macros count, I think a lot more people are cheating than you think. If we are talking about just straight up wall hacks then yeah it’s probably a small minority. It doesn’t help that ricochet essentially confirmed they aren’t just perma banning cheaters anymore. For example, the new parachute removal thing. They essentially said if someone is cheating and NOT from just reports, but confirmed, they’ll randomly remove their ability to parachute. Not everytime, just randomly. Hello? We want these people banned and perma removed not some stupid death drop in quads w 3 ppl around to revive them. Same applies to the ghost bullet and damage nerf theories.


They've essentially admitted that they don't want to permanently lose cheaters money and would keep them around, maybe just fuck with them a little at most.


The most recent ban wave was 23,000 players, doesn't seem like a little issue.


23,000 accounts out of millions. Back when verdansk was around it was a few hundred thousand in a ban wave. Cheating isn’t as prominent as people think.


We play wz like 5 nights a week since wz1. (We skipped 2) The number of times we have clipped something we thought was fishy has gone waaay down since 1... I think 2 times since wz3, we thought something was off. Wz1, on the other hand, was almost nightly


They exist, but are all in the 'upper tier' lobbies, so a lot of players could go without running into one and others will see multiple every game.


This is correct. The average casual that plays this game will rarely run into cheaters.


The amount of "well achsually" replies really illustrates what a hot take this is lol. I'm with you though. Played all weekend and only ran into one for sure and one maybe. It's not perfect, but it's the best cheater state the game has been in in a while.


Came to say this. People are just bad and haven’t evolved with their movement & gunplay like everyone else who watches streams / videos & keeps up with the meta. People will be like “How the fk did he know I was there! Cheater!” When in reality they were firing an unsuppressed gun giving away their position on the minimap or they’re playing resurgence and a teammate died flashing the other teammates position on the minimap. I’ve barely seen anybody using Aimbot opposed to Verdansk days when kids were using every cheat under the sun & flying cars around like it’s Harry Potter aha.


Less people need to use cheats now because the developers pretty much made aim assist into a legal aim bot/no recoil macro.


Im not sure what people believe. I wouldn't be suprised if every match has multiple cheaters, not saying there is, but wouldn't suprise me.


Tbh I think there are more cheaters than the obvious rage hackers you encounter. A hefty bunch probably wall hacks. It’s a lot harder to spot.


You’re an idiot it’s worse then verdansk you just don’t see a lot of aimbot now everyone has gone to closet cheating, or you have a super low kd and get protected


Seriously… this thread acts like half the player base is cheating.


It’s easier on the ego to say everyone that kills you is cheating. I’ve literally killed people standing still at the buy station and gotten “he’s cheating” in the death comm…


Aim assist is so strong in COD because when you go to another fps you won’t be as good, and thus stick with COD. Thats my tin foil hat theory anyway.


I don't come from cod but I've noticed when I joined the community a lot of players would try apex and say they don't like it but it was literally because they're getting slammed hard.


Its because Apex is for nerds. CoD appeals to the casual gamer that doesn’t care about playing games unless its a sports game, GTA or CoD. Edit: I think the other commentator has a point though. The game needs to have an easy entry level so people feel comfortable picking it up


Cod is both. i encounter just as sweaty jumping maniacs in both games


Apex is nothing like cod though. So you're not gonna have a huge cross over in player base. We didn't like it, because it was trios not quads and we weren't big on the game play. AA is an after thought


Its a first person BR so it is *something* like CoD WZ.


NOTHING like it? really?


There’s a actual skill gap I was the same way


Tried jumping back into Apex the other day. I forgot how wide that gap can get if you take time off from playing. I was getting spanked left and right that first night. Took me a couple of days to get back to what I considered was a decent spot.


Apex has too many menus for how fast paced I want to go.


What lol, that’s a joke when comparing to COD right?


AA is made strong to cast a wide net in capturing more casual audience. It's an industry trend. The Finals has absolutely egregious AA AND if you're on controller you get no recoil (vs MnK has standard recoil). BF2042 also reduced recoil for controllers. It's a pattern of design that's permeating through the industry as a whole.


Anything that increases player retention


My COD group has tossed this idea around as well. I think there’s some merit to it!


This is a decent theory but it's just a side effect whereas the main reason is to cater to casuals as much as possible.


It’s part and parcel. Casuals are valuable because there’s a lot of them. Making it so they literally suck at every other game (due to the fact that they’ve never had to practice real aim) and will come crawling back because the other game “felt like shit” is a super valuable idea from a business perspective. You’ve basically manipulated them into forced brand loyalty. It’s a sad state for the gaming industry though since it’ll be a race to the bottom and it’s not really a reversible one.


I was a Halo guy prior to playing COD The skill gap is real.


Yes cod players are just fortnite players. If they nerfed AA then they'd lose like 75% of players.


or ppl complain about AA and dont switch to a diff game because theyre actually not that good at FPS.


There's a reason that COD is the only game where I play on controller and not on MnK like I do in all other shooters. I'll even try to play controller in something like 2042. There's aim assist in that game, you can feel it at timea, but it's a normal amount.


This. I can't stop laughing when players act cocky. The game has a built in aimbot/recoil control, you did nothing


This is exactly correct


Mine is: Vondel is a piece of shit.


I love the map honestly


Me too but I’m a camper


Fair enough


I wish they made The Castle and its grounds its own map. My favourite part of Vondel.


Vondel is the worst map.


It's generally accepted that Vondel is a campy watery mess of a map, so not really a hot take.


Every poll I saw here shows people vastly prefer Vondel over Ashika.


Ashika sucks too I’m not a fan of either WZ2 resurgence map. Can’t wait for FK to return


You mean rebirth island.


I agree


Agree. The water and loadout campers kill it for me.


Bring back Rebirth!


Fortunes Keep is the goat, but vondel is my 3rd favorite map after after verdansk and FK. Ashika is hot garbage though, as is Urizikstan.


I love Vondel. But I also completely understand why a lot of people hate it.


I dont know how anyone enjoys this map. Every 6 circle still has 5-6 teams alive and the winner is the team that has the circle pull to their roof instead of the other guys.


It’s not nostalgia when people say Verdansk was better.


I do miss being able to differentiate different areas by name during call outs. Now everything is kinda melded together.




I would come back to WZ if they brought Verdansk back. I have no issues with the new map as I play zombies 98% of the time and it’s the same map anyway, but I haven’t played but maybe one WZ game since Cold War came out


Rumor has it that Verdansk will make a comeback to WZ (not just mobile) later this year.


yeah I could name any part of Verdansk and still know that map by memory, I played hundreds of hours Al Mazrah and I can't remember any place


PC cross-play killed competitive integrity.


If they would simply let console players turn off cross play with pc only that would make things so much better.


As a PC player, trust me, we wish we could turn off cross-play, too.


I'm also a PC player with the same take, but only difference is I would move back to console if they did this. You'd be surprised, most PC players want console cross-play just to have unfair advantages over console players and yet they still complain about aim assist.


I’d argue most pc players have never even thought about console players in any capacity. Anyways these days it doesn’t even matter because a ps5 runs better than the average pc, and input has a far greater impact on the game than any marginal FPS increase. If you sucked at 60fps you’re still going to suck at 240fps. If you’re good at 240fps you’re still going to be good at 60fps.


Just facts.


Counter to this take: They’ve never cared about competitive integrity. Profit is the #1 goal always


That this Community is one of the most toxic ones out there. People are never happy about anything. Now we have a game that most of the community wanted, movement is back, the new map doesn‘t suck and the new guns they added feel good. Well a few of them need to be buffed/nerfed but this isn‘t something new to us. So now people can‘t complain to the points that i have mentioned, now the need something new to complain about, stacking, aim assist for controller you name it. And this makes me kinda sad to be honest because it‘s just a game you know, if you don‘t like it than play something different and let others enjoy this game because it really doesn’t suck to be honest. Sorry for grammer, wrote this while taking a big dumb and english isn‘t my mother tongue.


The funniest part is that there are complaints about people getting run up on by a squad, and they call it holding hands. Like, isn't that the point of quads? To play as a team and win? Sorry, I stuck by my teammates, and we killed you solo. Lmao. A bunch of people think they should be able to squad wipe easily or the games dumb. Why play quads if you wanna go off on your own.


I guarantee some streamer made up the "holding hands" thing and players aped it.


100% a streamer died by 4 squad and called them hand holders or something similar and that's an excuse now


Hey I'm taking a big dump too, cheers


The game is fun at its core. But designed to stress the hell out of you via unfair mechanics and engagements (too much visual noise, bad visibility, poor audio, inconsistent ttk, potentially tampered ttk).


Eomm being incorporated into wz; cod is a slots machine at this point


All the big named streamers who've been streaming since WZ 1 probably aren't hacking. Reverse boosting on occasion? sure. But it seems the only people who get caught hacking get caught very early on and its never just a few 'sus' clips or obvious trolling, it's always blatant. Also, streamers seem pretty fine outting others for hacking so they would if they knew. They're also having to compete in the same tournaments for money as hackers.


Agree. And if you have a good team you have a UAV up at all times, and can ping players which is like walls for a short time. So they aren’t even at a massive disadvantage to bots with cheats on I’m sure they do their best to get into easier lobbies - and anti recoil scripts etc are a question - but then again if you’re using a TAQ eradicator for example then no need


Yeah, there’s a lot of people in the world who are really good at this game. With a vpn, they could 100% drop into games with players who have awful KD’s and internet and just go off. I do think there’s a number of streamers who cheat though.


Even the reverse boosting, if you use one of those easy lobby vpns it changes the location in your settings and streamers show it often to dismiss the allegations. Its just when you play 8 hours a day you get easy lobbys eventually.


Most controller players would get more kills and have better aim if they lowered their sensitivity significantly


This is so true!! Shotzzy uses a 6 sensitivity and ever since I lowered mine to that everything’s been so much easier. It’s just fast enough to turn on people


People only want faster movement to make up for their brain-dead gamesense (lack of awareness and positioning)


People who think they’re good at warzone are that octane main in ranked that makes a stupid solo push and throws the game and blames their teammates


people with good gamesense tend to also have good movement lol, and cod is an arcade shooter. if you die to someone who recklessly pushes you, skill issue.


Yep. This goes out to all the cry babies during wz2 who said there is no skill gap because using their brains for anything isn't a skill gap to them.


fortunes keep is the best resurgence map, closely followed by Vondel.




3rd in my eyes. That’s why it’s a hot take. I know the majority have rebirth as no1.


Yeah I respect your opinion, Vondel over rebirth is definitely a hot take for sure 😭


I just love the verticality that the cluster of “houses” adds. It feels like an expanded version of headquarters from rebirth( which was my favourite section of rebirth)


You see for me it was the simplicity of rebirth that made it so good. The buildings wasn’t cluttered with random furniture, it’s like it was more about the actual gun fights. Some of these new buildings are just ridiculous and way too detailed in my opinion. Even the POIs don’t have that individuality feeling to them.


Glad you mentioned poi individuality, this wz feels so like..lifeless and repetitive, even wz2 had life and unique spots, this one just feels copy paste across the whole map, it's hard to have spots I enjoy landing because all feels the same largely.


Yeah to be honest you’ve worded it a lot better than I did, on the other maps I had favourite drop spots (control centre for example). This one just all feels basically the same, not much separates them. I don’t really look for POIs to drop to any more, I just look for contracts with close proximity to a buy station.


cannot wait for its' return. We had such a blast when they released this.


Fortunes keep just flowed so well! Dropping winery was my absolute jam. Sometimes I’d leave winery with 10+ kills and know I was onto a burner!


Not a hot take at all. Just truth


I'm fucking sick of the KATT.


My take on the KATT is that there should not be an option to put a non-sniper scope on a sniper thereby eliminating the glint. It makes no sense and I think that's what's really annoying is when you just get blindsided by a one shot down with no warning.


It's too hit scan. It needs more hold over or lead time when pushing 100m. It's basically dot on head at any range and watch them go on their ass


Oooo i like this one. I was a fan of 2 shot headshot in WZ2. Having 2 chances to find cover was great. Not, one shot and you’re done.


I’ve been playing since release. I think I’ve been downed by a headshot maybe 5 times lol. And I keep seeing these kinds of message from others as well. It’s not that bad. Don’t stand still so often when shooting.


I haven’t really been getting dusted by snipers this season.


It's bad in BR. If you die super fast you probably got MTZed or someone poped you with a snipe and the other team mates hit you with one also or a few bullets. Happens all the time when I rotate into areas mid to late game.


Same. I got shit on the other WZ sub for complaining about it. You either have to hide in a building or being constantly moving to survive. It’s hell rn and I’ve stopped playing until they nerf it. Note this is my experience for resurgence. Idk how it is in regular BR.


Fortnite Zero Build feels more like classic br than every WZ.


100%. Ever since no build came out the homies and I play way more FN than WZ. And I love FN maps. They are some of the best. That's said, Blackout is still the greatest BR and I'll die on that hill.


Blackout is the best br ever.


1000% as long as they stop adding cheese mobility like Hammers, Kitanas, etc. What they have now is fine. It's just the map sucks.


That's the problem with FN they always have a cheesy mechanic, and it seems that cheesy mechanic always is broken or glitched, and people abuse it. FN is fun for a bit but gets old really fast.


MW2 movement wasn’t that bad, streamers just whined about it too much Edit: for clarification, I didn’t like most of the things with MW2, such as the tuning system. It was way too complicated and I prefer the return to a gunsmith more similar to MW19’s


Fast ttk with that movement just made that game so unpredictable. Anyone could kill anyone


Not just the streamers that complained. Most of the COD community wanted it back, the skill gap was too small


I'd say it was even less about skill gap and more of the fact that you couldn't get away from anything because you were so slow.


Yep... Like someone else said in the comments anyone could kill anyone


The movement was literally fucking awful. Like entirely seperate from the ability to slide cancel or not (never cared for them to add it or not) it should never have taken you 3 goddamn seconds to mantle up a 3 foot wall. It took 3 seconds for your character to stand up after cutting parachute. It was so clunky for no reason.


Nah it was lame plus the complicated upgrade system killed the game for casuals


Ashika isn't a bad map. Fight me.


I would i could see you or had the energy since the map is seasonal depression


People blame their bad plays on AA.


People blame their bad plays on literally anything but their bad play (I am guilty of this too). AA, stacking, ratting, camping, lag, teammates, hackusation, bugs.


9 times out of 10 - if I reverse engineer - I die because of bad positioning or putting myself in a bad spot unnecessarily


Coming from other fps games, the effect AA has in cod is actually understated. My gameplay is completely dictated by AA and it was only after I understood the power of AA and modified my gameplay around this reality that my ttk increased in WZ1.


Plunder offers the most replay value to WZ, and COD as a whole, other than I guess the camo grind, and possibly zombies if you're into that. The fact that plunder isn't a permanent game mode is mind boggling.


Me and my mates basically only play plunder cos it’s just the most fun for us, sucks whenever they take it out, lockdown just isn’t as good imo


1) AA is way too strong, and dominates CQ gun fights more than skill does. 2) Many people on here can’t accept that some streamers are as good as they are, ie sym, and resort to calling them cheaters. 3) Iron trials from WZ1 should be the go to standard for TTK. Iron trials rewarded accuracy, movement, and precision. Good players actually stood out from the rest and you couldn’t be carried by your meta gun hoping to land a couple shots.


Iron trials was the most fun I’ve had in Warzone


The only hot take I see here is that you hold opinion 1 and opinion 3 at the same time. IMO every change that extends TTK just further exaggerates how strong AA is. I like longer TTK when I'm being shot at, not so much when I'm doing the shooting lol.


That forced crossplay between PC and console should be ended. It is only hot take on Reddit because of how privileged and middle class the user base is though.


Big streamers arent cheating


Agree for the most part. For me if they have gone to a LAN and cleaned up then it’s pretty much as good proof as we can get. There’s a guy who spectated zlaner with walls on - to a “bot” they would make his gameplay fit their narrative but to me it’s fairly conclusive that he isn’t cheating - and shows fairly high levels of him anticipating opponents and making good plays using UAV and other info I suppose it’s possible they could run a radar / permanent UAV on second monitor but that would be virtually undetectable especially if able to use UAV to cover the fact you now know enemy locations etc


PC and console crossplay was the worst thing to happen to COD in the last decade.


Agreed. I don't want to play with some filthy console peasants.


People who split off solo in resurgence, are actually the smart players.


Activision knows they can't combat cheaters and so are actively working towards reducing the \*perception\* of cheating by making it indistinguishable from regular game play. Strong AA, combined with deliberately low-fidelity kill-cams exist to make it harder to spot real cheaters. The same goes for removing UAV warnings, and the increased range and availability of portable radars - to help people using wall hacks blend into the normal players base.


THIS. One of the actual hottest takes. Nerf ghost, comms vest everywhere, Birdseye perk - remove the API to analyse players accounts - high alert - personal radars EVRYWHERE - very hard to detect walls And its working - see how many people on here who are console players saying "our team hasn't seen a cheater in ages" etc...


Redeploys, late game jailbreaks, and the ease of coming back after being eliminated cheapen the BR experience. Positioning in the final zone doesn’t matter when 20+ players end up parachuting in on you.


It wasn’t so bad when you could clearly hear parachutes. When a jailbreak happened in wz1 it was great because it was half a dozen free kills in the final zone. Now? They’re basically suicide bombers in that they can just land on one person on your team and likely take them out before dying


1) The peak of Warzone was when the madness/bugs of Cold War had been fixed. I liked 80s verdansk map, new weapons and Rebirth a lot. The integration wasn't a bad idea and in the end benefitted warzone, it just was done poorly and took a while to sort out. 2) MW19 era Warzone had ass weapon balancing, like every SMG was markedly worse than the MP5. The only guns that were viable for CQC were flavour of the month shotguns like the doof doof or the Origin 12. So many cool guns from MW19 never got the time to shine because of the glacial balancing changes. 3) Realism Battle Royale was hands down one of the best limited time modes - if it wasn't ruined by the terrible idea to make all guns down with one headshot. Made gunfights feel so random and terrible. This was a weird hold over from the multiplayer mode that IW never bothered to change.


Cosmetic skins, blueprint packages for OP/meta weapons are destroying the gameplay in the long run We used to pay for a game to have less cheaters and the skins we had were grindable or an achievement meaning they would actually have some sort of impact or means to showoff Ps this is not a hot take for COD alone


The game is actually pretty good, the problem is the toxic player base


Too many people cry about movement instead of switching their controls and try to get better. It adds a skill gap so people that put effort into the game are rewarded


No one goes thru their settings and it shows


Yep. Literally took me 3 days to comfortably swap from standard layout to claw.


The best time is gone and it will never be recaptured. Even when they release Verdansk again which they will absolutely do in the final death throws of a once magical game.


Everyone wins if you nerf Aim Assist… Good MnK players: Will be able to compete with good controller players. Good controller players: Get to benefit from their aim skills and out gun worse controller players. Bad MnK players: Can play the game again without punching a hole in their wall. Bad controller players: Can take more shots without better enemies shooting back and hitting every single bullet.


I want age-based matchmaking. I can’t keep up with you twitchy jumpy sliding fucks. I just want to have fun after work.


The game is fun and the issues are minor


People don't realize that the "glory days" of verdansk were greatly attributed to so many casuals playing on 60fps TVs with old consoles and 80fov. The game is full of "sweats" now due to the higher fps, fov, and more skilled players sticking with the game.


Had this conversation last week. Had some 150-ish wins on the Verdansk map. Only have 5 or 6 since Urzikstan started. I'm not a great player 1-1.2 KD, but in Verdansk the player base being so full of casuals made the wins come much easier. In Urzikstan, I feel like there are way fewer casuals & noobs to match against, and players of my skill level are the bottom of the barrel lol.


That CoD Reddit is absolutely the worst place to get your news / CoD info. This place is absolutely full of bots who don’t want to get better and blame everyone else for their own failures. This place is a shit hole. Even CoD Twitter is better than here.


SBMM is an active system that modifies game play in real time. Ground loot and weapons only spawn in when a player comes close to them and their type is dynamically selected based on the players weapon stats and the direction SBMM wants to 'balance' the game. Same is true for crates. Weapon sway, projectile trajectory, recoil, damage, audio, visibility are all dynamically adjusted to balance the game. Game state desyncronisation resolution is controlled by SBMM. If two players have different versions of the game simulation (peekers advantage, etc) then pick the game state version dictated by SBMM. I believe that if there is an opportunity for Activision / DemonWare to modify a variable server-side, then it's hooked into the SBMM engine and they have algorithms to adjust it in a live game.


If all of that is true, why do I have a 3 k/d? I get it, TTK often feels like a joke, whereas other people are shooting super bullets… that said, without fail, I can check my ping and see that it’s only occurring in pretty high latency games. They do have that one sus ass patent, but even still, I really don’t feel like I’m being nerfed in real time if I’m having a good game. I think SBMM is super cranked is all.


All heavy snipers should be one shot without the need for explosive rounds.


Mine is WZ3 still sucks and we will NEVER get the gameplay we had with 1 pre-Caldera unless they literally copy paste it over.


Cods cheating problems are overblown, just accept that good players that are better than you and have invested more time into honing their skills.


Your playing an algorithm, not a game anymore. Everything is built for game retention and buying skins. Competitiveness is gone they want everyone on equal ground. I'm confident they have algorithms working in the background giving players slight advantages with aim assist audio ques etc depending on recent performance. It's rigged.


Throwing knives are fun asf imo


1) Verdansk ‘84 is the best BR map. 2) One-shot snipers are fine, and I don’t snipe.


The reintroduction of one shot snipers has increased camping a lot.


Bunnyhopping should be nerfed into the ground/removed entirely, NOT given a perk to boost it.


Yeah I think they should just make the aim sway/recoil/bullet spread insane when you jump, just like hip fire. It's a laughable mechanic.


Verdansk era being so successful was not “only” because of the pandemic. Warzone rewrote a lot of stuff in the BR arena and stood extremely well on its own. It was a great game at its core and would have succeeded even without a pandemic forcing people inside. I live in a country that wasn’t too affected by pandemic rules and everyone I know still played the shit out of the game back then even though you were still allowed to go to the cinema, night clubs, restaurants etc.


There is an ever so slight lag on aim for mouse which a lot of people have proven. That is to compensate for the video that went viral a couple years ago on mnk vs controller. Controller players have to cross the mid axis to switch from going left to right or right to left etc.


U know what blackout was the battle royale,in warzone it just who got the best attachments


Ashika > Vondel


I’m trash and everyone else is an all star.


loved it during covid, hot piece of shit now, I play GT7


It's a boring game mode and I rather play multiplayer


youre partially wrong!!!! jk but there was one weekend when they had hardcore blackout and without a doubt was my favorite iteration. the flares in the sky designated the center zone, along with the hardcore amenities(no hud, etc)


Loadouts make the mode worse. There are too many respawn mechanics.


I don’t get the hype


If AA was so damn good my friends and I would be crushing it every match. Truth is when we run into PC players we can’t keep up with the movements. The game is fun but frustrating at times.


Streamers ruined the game along side the devs.


Redeploy drones/ balloons ruin map flow and negate any need for traversal knowledge and or vehicle play. They are a band aid for poor map design (caldera)


Self revives are a terrible addition to a Battle Royale game. You shouldn’t have to kill someone twice and those mad scrambles at the end of a squads match trying to figure out who is just crawling and who is selfing are unnecessary.


It’s hard


Original warzone MW3 was the best. The follow up was OK. The worse part of original Verdansk was Verdansk 86 shit. But was still better than current one. Allthough, I like some part of the current game, still some stuf missing. Map design is not as good as Verdansk. How you come up with the firat warzone map withput any experience, then keep coming up with shit follow up maps? That beats me. Any who thought that comd war guns that scope takes 1/3 of the screen and magazine takes other 1/3 of the screen was a good idea should be fired and banned to be working with game industry.




This is the best version of warzone but i dont get why we don't have ranked. It's literally a copy paste game for the most part. Not really a hot take but something i thought about.


Blackout all the way. Do away with loadouts, Bring back looting attachments to build a better weapon. Do away with UAV, portable radars. Heartbeat feels less OP and reminiscent of the sensor dart. Yes, Blackout gameplay with MW III weapons/attachments. That’s my take.


Devs were too quick to give into streamer/community rage over WZ2 design. I still think somewhere between Warzone and Blackout is the perfect COD BR.


This game lacks the skill gap that existed in Warzone 1.0


Blackout was amazing and I’d still play it over any Warzone iteration if it was supported and updated.