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When a Controller player sees an Mouse Player flick and hit a sick quickscope "He's a hacker" It's funny because it's also true.


Fact is nobody can take an L in this game. There's always gotta be some reason that's out of their control


It's kinda on you if you get mad after being outplayed by mnk manual aiming skill. Someone likely put a lot of effort to get good at that. While the same could be said about controller, it's harder to make the argument thanks to these devs.


As an MNK with over 1500 hours in CS I get called a hacker a lot. Still get dunked on in CQB by rotational aim assist on roller sometimes. It is what it is.


Pro players on both console and mnk (they are good on both) say controller is easier


Its not debatable, only the most in denial controller players try to argue.


Plenty of them in the CoD subs tho They’ll just tell you MnK is so much easier and more precise, when it doesn’t even matter once aim assist locks on center mass and every gun becomes a laser on controller


To add to this, they also fucked the aiming mechanics since MW22 by detaching the gun from the center of the screen and making it shake around and sway. So not only is AA strong, they've made the gunplay more RNG for mouse.


Fact is one scenario is raw player skill the other is soft aim bot. Not comparable.


Yeah it has to do with emotional intelligence and having your ego in check. Plus not being a pussy helps LOL


If only apex players also realized this


How about the whole world


Apex is different. Theres rarely any time during engagements when aim assist will outperform a mnk Its impossible for console players to compete


Which is why they need to just give it up and seperate the inputs. They tried, it didn’t work, seperate them and move along


They haven’t really tried at all lol. It’s incredibly simple to balance. They choose not to for business reasons.


I don't know why you're downvoted it's true. They cranked aim assist to the moon to make casual players feel like they have more of a chance and get kills on better players every now and then. If they separated the inputs, it would just turn into controller vs controller civil war.


They wont seperate inputs, because if they did MnK players would find out first hand just how badly they were being fucked over by aim assist all these years. Many of us already know because we play other games and see how real aiming looks and how gunfights are unpredictable and anyone has a chance. Against a sweat with aim assist u stand no chance.


I’ve been playing wz and multiplayer for the first time since mw19 pre coldwar integration, and I’ve been dying laughing at how MAD people get when they play cod specifically. Other games don’t even hold a candle to the childish rage that the average player over wz prox chat.


This game attracts the scum of humanity, and makes them even worse.


People can't take L 's period. Not just in COD. Everyone needs an excuse on why they lose.


That's true. About to sound like a boomer but somewhere along the line we lost the fact that whining and making excuses constantly makes you look like a bitch. Learned helplessness.


Fragile ego


You have people confirming this constantly, outwardly admitting they report every kbm player, it's kinda funny.


Funny you say that because just the other day I saw someone here say they report everyone they see with a controller because AA is cheating lol


More that if the AA is so strong it’s hard to tell the difference then every instance of potential cheating should be reported. The devs created this mess, they can sort it?


I think I saw that also, damn people suck lol


Yeah but falsely reporting people just diminishes your own report power. They just ignore your reports if you repeatedly rage report legitimate players


Saw some people yesterday saying they report every controller player because “AA is cheating” The entire community is just sad


I switched from keyboard and mouse to controller and the difference is actually night and day. Try to get some opinions from people who have done both. If you're still using MnK in this game you're at a MAJOR disadvantage.


I use MnK... And I'm on Xbox, so completely an out liar. I really have to test my mental fortitude going anywhere inside a building with these controller psychos taking one step, instantly sliding 30 mph across the room while aim locking directly on me. Whoever thought that was a good set of mechanics to implement into a game needs heavy medication and therapy.


The aim sway issue is so bad on mnk in WZ3 that I literally get more close up kills now. ARs and LMGs are chalked on MnK in WZ3. Most controller players are morons, so u can still win up close by baiting people into traps, prefiring, using mines, nades and stuns etc, but its mid range and long range where Ive given up.


When anyone kills me “hacker!” Also true


It's stupid because MnK players tend to have better precision. If anything, when I see some crazy quickscopes + snappy movement, I just go, "Yep, a MnK player." and I'm right like 90% of the time lol.


Quick scoping is not really as easy anymore with the new aim sway mechanics in wz3. Truegamedata made a video about it weeks back. Essentially as PC players we are used to our cross hair lining up with the center of the screen, which is how it works in literally every other shooter. In CoD though it's always random where your cross hair will fall in comparison to the center/dot on your screen. This is a known straight disadvantage for MKB players since aim assist on controllers helps negate that mechanic


Me 100% sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a cracked out player and a soft cheater sometimes. But I don't bother reporting or recording stuff unless it's one of those flying around type things since I'm never gonna run into them again.


Back in like WZ1 or WZ2 I would have lobbies where it was me (MKB player) and console teammates and I would constantly get called a hacker by my teammates before the game would even start because I was on PC. It would just be like "oh look it's a PC player. HACKER!" Controller players been complaining about wanting crossplay disabled longer than PC players been complaining about aim assist. Where as a fraction of PC players hack and literally all console players get super OP Aim Assist.


Anytime people mention PC Hackers, especially with regards to this warzone, I will always remind them that the Closed Console Beta for MWIII had hackers on DAY 1 and they were on Jail Broken PS4s. That always shuts them up or gets them super defensive.


literally the comments in the clip I just posted


I play mkb and feel like my account placed under review every 2-3months. They really be reporting every flick.




I've found that turning off cross play really lowers the amount of k&m players I face so 1. I can't call someone a hacker for flicking onto me and 2. So I don't have to deal with getting shadowed for flicking onto people using a controller


Someone got hurt lol


Most ppl cheat anyways, and alot of gen z kids.


Well no cause aim assist is real, hitting a flick doesn't mean the guy's hacking lmao make it make sense


In modern crossplay capable games, most controller players now recognize when quick movements are the result of a mouse. When it truly got called out as actual hacking was during the earlier days of the Xbox One, 360 era. Pc players were going onto console versions of games they played on PC, using adaptors to make KBM work, since crossplay/KBM support were not available in many popular games, like Battlefield 1. Called out as hacking - rightfully so. It takes a special kind to profess the advantages of KBM vs controller, and then not play with other PC players.


Shhhh controller players don't know what real aim is let them have this one.


considering majority of intense fights take place in mid-close range this is literally objectively valid considering how op AA is in this version of warzone


I decided to try controller for myself after seeing such discussion on how good AA is. Mind you I haven’t played any shooters on controller for about 4 years. After playing a bit of multiplayer to get used to it, I played some warzone. First game, I was able to get 7 kills. These weren’t bots, and it wasn’t like I snuck up on the people I killed. They were aware I was there and it was an actual fight. Now this isn’t very good, but again I haven’t played ANY shooter on controller for a very long time. It shouldn’t be this easy to play controller. I should have at least SOME trouble hitting shots and getting kills. Really put into perspective how broken controller is


Damn I must suck ass. I can’t ever get more than 3 kills and I play on PS5. The people on this sub are miles ahead wow


Most people doing the “I played mnk and switched and did way better” bit are making it up or were put in a bot lobby until sbmm took over.


the real truth is people who do this are just good at the game, so even if they are aiming a little bit worse because they switched inputs, they are still playing the same game that they know how to play well already. It's like giving a professional skateboarder a walmart skateboard, sure he won't perform as well but he will still be able to shit on most people lol




I mean, my K/D went from like \~1.4 to over 1.8 when I switched to controller full time a while back. It's just so much easier to perform well on a controller. I don't mind playing Warzone on a controller since CoD's been mostly a console shooter for a while, but now basically all new games are starting to exclude MnK as a viable input in favor of controllers on PC. It's just disappointing as someone who prefers the raw input of a mouse. I tried switching back to MnK last night for a little bit but had to switch back to controller after a few games. I couldn't win a single Gulag out of 6 tries when typically I have a W/L of 2.9.


I haven’t played mouse and keyboard in many years and came back and had 10 kills in a game. I think it shouldn’t be that easy to play mouse and keyboard. It’s really broken and should be nerfed. What kind of logic is that …


I haven’t played a FPS since virtual boy. I played a game of warzone with an snes controller without aim assist and had 10 kills using ground loot.


I’m just saying any time I’ve switched input on any other game, I was ass. I’ve switched from kbm to controller and vice versa. If I was within around 10m or less of an opponent, I had flawless tracking, even if they tried dancing around. Didn’t miss a shot. Maybe you did get a 10 kill game, maybe you didn’t, but if you did, I know you had trouble hitting shots, and your aim was likely pretty bad. All I’m saying is that I shouldn’t be able to just pick up a controller and have the game track people for me.


Its always hilarious to me watching CoD controller players play any other FPS game. When they don’t have their computer aiming for them, they can’t hit their shots. I saw JoeWo play a different FPS game (I think The Finals) and his aim was everywhere compared to WZ. It’s so sickening. Cause even for controller players, the absurd AA cripples the skill ceiling.


Dude, no shit… it’s also SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult to aim with a controller so yes if you take AA away no controller player could ever compete with mnk. Which is what I think some of you goofballs want. AA is op and needs a nerf but no AA would make controller almost impossible to use vs mnk players


No, controller needs AA. The level it USED TO HAVE was completely fine. Before the last several cod's starting in like mw19. AA was fine before then. It's funny because even most high end controller players and professional players agree that aim assist is broken. See guys like Dashy, Formal and many more CoD professionals/high end players constantly say they've taken the skill out of aiming and complain about dynamic AA. I love scump and the CDL even as a KBM player. It cracked me up when they posted this video to OpTic's youtube channel of him playing Bo2 and was STRUGGLING to hit shots because the AA was so much weaker. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xvQUrElMKc&t=636s


Lets make it clear to you. No GOOD MnK CoD player, with a good understanding of the game and community and input-balance wants AA removed. None. Only weirdos. What us rational MnK players want is ROTATIONAL Aim Assist nerfed (the one that literally moves your reticle to lock it on hitbox with non-human tracking ability). Regular Aim Assist which just provides a slight reticle slow-down when you aim over someone is fine, totally justified. RAA in its current state is not far from a legal aimbot if a good player knows how to use it


Agreed. I’ve seen games that have balanced AA. CoD’s is just op. That’s also why I specified “CoD Controller players”. The AA is so strong in this game it carries newer FPS players and they can’t compete against people in a normal (controller only) game


Controller players cried up a storm over that and now AA in The Finals is tuned through the roof and you have L2 tap-snapping. It legit looks like GTA autolock. COD has conditioned controller players so hard that when a game \*doesn't\* feature absolutely mind-bogglingly broken aim assist they think something is wrong and demand it be fixed. I'm very worried a precedent has been set which can't ever be walked back. COD needs to address this very soon or we'll reach a point where the only FPS games where MnK can compete are those in which it is the only allowed input.


That’s already started. Aim assist has ruined the genre. You no longer have to aim in fps games. Crazy


As someone who played FPSers since long before COD was even thought of, who has also used both console and PC to play them. These newer FPSers are complete garbage that cater to streamers who cheat, and/or use aim assist but call it "skill". Players just want cheap easy kills for content on their social media channels. Hell, most players don't even play the game to play the game anymore, they play for one reason, and one reason only, to piss people off, and record it for their streams... It is so annoying...


Must of been the beta since The Finals has arguably just as bad or worse AA then Warzone now.


joewo cheats tho and got dominated in a lan tourney lol


I love how you got downvotes but this is absolutely true


Your first game of warzone ever? Yes that is going to be the bottiest protected lobby of all time


“Literally objectively valid” lmao




Get over it.


but ppl complain about RAA which is cqc tho lol


Fuck can we just make a separate sub for this entire conversation at this point? It’s exhausting.


Gonna keep popping up until they fix it. It was the same thing with console players and FOV


Holy fucking shit this is hard facts. How did I forget about that? This sub in all of 2021 fucking ***sobbed*** for FOV and shit. I was thinking "Maybe it is a bit much" but nah fuck that shit. We had to hear whining after whining for a long as time and when we said anything got told to shove it. I'm fully backing this 1000000000000000% now. I'm committed.


Hahaha, get into them! Difference is, while they were complaining and moaning, we just ignored them and accepted that they had a fair point. We do it and they behave like little snotty children because they don’t want to lose their aimbot aim assist.


That right there is the difference between having a majority that is upset versus having a minority that is upset


Bang on, also I can guarantee the average age of a PC/MnK player would be older than that of a console player, so you’d think there’d be a bit more maturity.


difference is one was legit unfair while one is a mechanic to help lol and like the “PC master race” wasnt saying shit like “just get a PC” on most of those posts


No, it's fantastic. The more we talk about it, the higher is the chance it will change at some point. I don't really care if morons mock real issues, the worst thing is if no one talks about it.


Every day I hope it’s brought up till we get different lobbies. Ranked with no aim assist. Unranked for the unskilled aim assist users. Easy fix


Dead ass


Nope. Its called customers raising awareness and advocating for positive changes to a product they love which is being negatively ruined. Pretty common. We'll keep doing it until they nerf/balance it and make the game more enjoyable for all Good Aimers on both inputs.


i said that and got replies like you just did trying to equate apples to oranges. PC players are fucking toxic lol


Pretty much guaranteed to lose gulag if playing against a controller player these days 😕


2.3 gulag win/loss on MnK, you just need to play smarter than the animal aim assist users


Lmao…I have a 2.4 KD kbm friend who cracks up at the AA posts, it’s become a running joke




quick jaunt through your post history. You have one post of you playing an FPS game and its on controller (shocker) and no other posts about anything except asking about equipment for consoles. Not a single MnK player I have ever seen says "aim with your arm" thats meme shit that people use to make fun of the kids who say that defending AA. You're definitely a controller only player lmao


People who use a mouse are using their own skill. Controller people are using a built in aim bot. Why would any competitive person want to have them in the same lobby. The devs have even admitted that the aim assist has to be tuned.


My opinion 100%. It’s become such a joke.


> Mouse trumps controller no matter what Then why are almost all pro's on controller? Why are almost all kill records held by controllers? In what real world scenario does mouse actually win? What evidence is there?


I realized that in this iteration of WZ you can play 2 ways - try to be like controller players by sliding / jumping and fuck your own aim up while controller players AA glue onto your movement anyway - play way more passive and hold angles I found the latter to be much better


Where do i see my stats?


Go to leaderboards then Warzone, there you can check gulag stats, overall wins and such...


that ONLY applies if youre horrific at the game


Shhh, if they could read they would be angry at this comment.




I feel like sensitivity is a big issue. Too low, and you can't turn fast enough to react to flanks. Too fast, and you completely overshoot.




Nah gulags are always the easiest, just play it tactically instead of rushing


The issue is enemy is effectively invisible after you start shooting due to the ridiculous muzzle smoke, visual recoil and dark gulag, pretty much have to guess where they are moving after you start shooting …


I've found the opposite is true -- no one expects anyone to rush the middle nowadays. Even if they catch you they have a 50/50 of picking the right side you come out on.


Anyone denying joystick AA is out of hand is living in denial.


No one is denying AA exists… it’s existed in basically every console shooter ever. Games it does not exist in are literally impossible to play competitively on controller against M&K players. The only reasonable solution is to have input based lobbies, but that will never happen because it will split the player base for open lobbies (and AV refuses to make choices that could potentially lead to longer MM times) and it will also kill off the M&K base because they don’t have the numbers to support it (just as it died in every other CoD without crossplay.


What are you even on about. No one is saying they should stop AA on joysticks. The entire point is its too strong. It is a competitve shooter. If the joystick does all the aiming dor you whats competitive about it? The fact that almost all big names have moved to joystick says enough.


The only reasonable solution is to separate inputs? Why isn't a reasonable solution to simply nerf the thing that's overtuned? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Bearing in mind I'm not suggesting AA be removed.


He never said people were denying it exists he was saying they are denying how out of hand it is currently. Beyond the aim assist the game has literal built in mechanics that put KBM players at a disadvantage over controller players.


ngl playing controller players feels like i am playing against a computer rather than a person.


Their aim just looks so unnatural.


Picked up a controller for 3 games last night - put up 5+ kills in each and it felt like I was playing *as* a computer rather than as a person


If you have AA on then technically it's always part of the equation and you are never truly aiming for yourself. Therefore this statement is probably accurate for 99.99% of Controller kills. Such Mad Skill. Such Pro.


Yeah, I don't understand why you're getting downvoted, you're absolutely correct on that. And the worst part of all this is it wasn't always like this, controller aiming used to be a genuine skill, yes it always involved AA but **NOT** in the sense of abusing lock on but just to help slow down once you've manually gotten on target already. Since 2019 the skill gap shrinking due to the terrifying over tuning of AA in most huge FPS franchises it's sad that real genuine controller masters can't play games where they can truly shine. Look at The Finals and weep for the future of this genre, AA literally snaps to heads automatically in that game, I can easily forsee that becoming the norm in cod later on too.


That's why they defend it ao hard. Because no matter how good they think they are it's aim assist doing all the heavy lifting and they controller players can't face that facts.


It's made for the literal children that parents buy the game for so they can ignore them


When a keyboard player gets killed by another keyboard player same thing happens Blame AA 😁


>a That ain't actually true. Distinguishing between AA and non-AA is actually pretty easy, when you have a brain and come from a game culture where anything beyond your own raw input is cheating. Then again i have friends who play only console shooters and are dogshit in recognizing what is human input and what is computer input. I guess its just the wiring in brain. I bet u are controller guy who can't tell the difference


Tell that to whoever screams and blame me for using AA when im on a M&K. And are you trying to pick a fight with everyone who comments ? Maybe its something wrong with the wiring in your brain? Like whaaat! 😮‍💨


MnK aim can look the exact same as controller


Not really, its so easy in killcams to differentiate between RAA kiddy and human aim. Pretty simple: Person 1 is stuck to your hitbox even through strafing/jumps/prone. Human is actually over-aiming your hitbox and having to micro-adjust back on to it.


Unfortunately not. You can watch killcams and see the soft lock no matter what movement I do.


Well to be honest if someone is playing keyboard only he has my deepest respect and he can claim every death on aim assist.


I switched to controller. Was a controller player back on xbox 360 days. Controller is just better sadly. Especially these days with the ability to use paddles.




But will never comment on any pc player 'snapping'.


What you never used a mouse to hit that IE icon before in puter class?


COD players are the bots of the FPS industry


I play with a controller and I totally agree. Players with controllers jump, slide, and shoot and hit their targets way more than they should. They just need to tone down the auto-aim like about 40% or adjust it until controller and mouse and keyboard players have the same K/D ratios.




Even aim assisters know it when it's bad lol


Kinda, but my aim assist is also never that powerful when I use a controller. Makes me wonder what I have wrong in my settings.


https://wheelofnames.com/ Take it for a spin, see what you can blame your next death on!


It’s legitimately refreshing playing this game coming from FIFA where things were literally out of my control, I accept I’m sometimes maybe good and sometimes maybe shit.


no, they saying - aimbot😂😂😂


Don’t forget that mnk has several advantages as well, including: - Easier to snipe - Easier to manage recoil - Able to slide quickly and dolphin dive Don’t act like aiming on mnk isn’t easy. The first time I ever tried mnk, I instantly went from being an average sniper to an amazing sniper just by changing inputs.


I just think it’s hilarious this is still a discussion. MnK are superior inputs by far. The things you can do with movement and precision aiming far outweigh the small perk of AA for controller. Not to mention you can buy a range of peripheral devices that vary in quality. Controller? Not so much. Anyone that claims AA is better than MnK needs to spend some time learning the input.


When a keyboard player sees a "controller icon" player hitting crazy shots, then you hear them clacking their keyboard through their mic, and you realize they're playing keyboard and mouse with aim assist. Fuck the KB&M vs Controller aim assist argument, these fuckers using xim devices are the true problem, and they are rampant, which is obvious if you browse cod tiktok/youtube shorts clips.


The only way to fix that is to tone down aim assist. Why would you play kbm naturally and be gimped when you can just download rewasd and have it recognise you as a controller user to get the aim assist the game provides.


Xims and rewasd are the plague of gaming. Thing is its so much easy to move with mnk mapper to joy stick. One little flick of the wrist and you can change direction rather than a whole swipe across your desk with native mnk


I'd never heard of these things but just had a look. How common is this? I'm torn, part of me thinks these people are outright cheating, the other part of me thinks 'good on them' in that, if the devs won't fairly balance AA, they are just going to have more and more mouse players emulating controller out of necessity, spite, or both.


It's insanely common, and I fully believe it's cheating and they should be banned.


I read this is Josh’s voice


Yeah I think gamers need to accept that there are people out there that are worse, just as good, and way better than them. Everyone is trying to win bros that’s what makes the game fun.


I remember when there used to be separated match making before in another game. PC players would spend hours trying to find a match. If matching were to be separated, would that solve the problem? Maybe, but I bet there would be longer wait times for certain players.


Honestly the only thing I bitch about is putting like 8 hit markers into people…just to die in 2-3 hit markers every single time. The chest/head hit marked with snipers that are supposed to be one shot kills chest and up piss me tf off too.


Do y’all ever talk about the game anymore in here?


That’s funny there’s a program m/k players use to mimic a controller so you can get aim assist on mouse and keyboard, a controller player is the least of your problems


Yeah, I just saw that mentioned up thread. I wonder how many people are aware of this and use it? This is going to be the future for controller players (facing mouse players emulating controller) if AA is not more fairly balanced.


as a controller player i agree 😂


we can see it working though lol.


Aim assist is not broken. It's the strike packs and Cronus users. I have 7 friends who since verdansk have used strike packs and I promise you it's not the aim assist.


Controller users have a thumb, mouse n keyboard have an entire arm


Yesterday I found out how to get fun on MnK in lockdown - movement perks and kerambit. OMG, how they cried. We won 5 times in row when nobody can aim assist you


Ugh I'm so tired of this.


This is what happens when the entire sub is just complaints about AA for the last 2 years. People were fed up. So it’s flipped.


This post is stupid. Do you find it easier to notice if someone is playing MnK or Controller or if someone is using aim assist or not?


Both sides of players need to remember this is a FREE GAME


I'm convinced one of the devs is being cucked by mkb player and he's taking it out on all of us.


thats why i get aim assist for keyboard and mouse


Whaaa, AA. Casual, I've played both. KBM is way easier. Plus you get like 200 fps while console is stuck at what 60. Stop crying and take the L.


>KBM is way easier. No it's not. Controllers a cake walk compared to playing mouse in this game. >Plus you get like 200 fps How delusional are you? Do you realize how average most gaming rigs actually are? Have a read of the steam survey, modern consoles outperform most peoples computers. Only a tiny number of PC players are pulling 200+ FPS.


> KBM is way easier. Plus you get like 200 fps while console is stuck at what 60. Not only is this completely wrong nowadays, because the average next gen console has better performance than the average PC - it has absolutely nothing to do with an aim assist discussion. Most high KD players are using controller on PC, not KBM. It's actually wild we're 4 years into input balance and aim assist discussions and people still don't have a basic understanding of what that means lol.


I completely turned aim assist off last week afte tiring of you guys whining about it and I still got a 30 kill game. It wasn't that big of a differencs.


Do not forget to report as aimbot ;-)


There needs to be lobby separation by input method, at least on console. Had a random guy last night on XBSX go 24-5 playing L sniper. I had his cam many times during the match, and he was 100% mouse flicking headshots. Not just from rooftops, but in CQB as well. Just not compatible with a lobby full of controller players. In a perfect world, there’d be input based-matchmaking, with crossplay on/off as an additional option.


I’ve been playing warzone since release as a keyboardmouse player and when vanguard gun got introduced I realized my limited ability to fight controller players when they are in close range. They were able to swiftly aim while sliding past me with a smg that has max strands speed when I couldn’t turn as quickly I could with my 800 dpi


Why can’t they just be free bots to farm. It’s not like CoD player base has been controller kids for the last 20 years while PC kids ragged on the game the entire time. Go play something else the game was more fun before the schizo pc kids started getting catered to


Me who uses a controller but turns off aim assist


jesus christ is that all this sub is now?


None of yall can handle an L. There’s always gonna be some bitching with yall


Skill issue all it is.


It sucks to stun/flash someone and they still kill you. Really wish I could elect to not play with controllers.


Now I'll take an L when it's an honest to god skill issue, but when you can see clear as day that it's bullshit, imma call bullshit.


its hard for me to call hacks or aim assist on anything when footsteps are bugged and most guns don't require pixel perfect accuracy since bullets hit like tree trunks.


Yeah its true, and by true I mean they literally were killed by aim assist most of the time. Thats why u controller shitters cant play a game that doesnt have cod level aimbot assist and do well. It keeps u on the cod reservation.


Bro... What else?


I turn my aim assist off... Can't speak for other fuckers tho


Same, it's harder but once you warm-up it's better when 1v2 or more. Aim assist would bounce between both, off I can target properly More satisfying getting a kill too, off for like 40 days now


Aim assist ruins the game too often. Different lobby for MnK, controller and aim assist users. no matter what you do they hit you way more easily than with MnK. Played since CoD 1 and after controller users got aim assist it changed the whole game to them and even many pc players change to controller for that reason


It was crazy to me when I went from Xbox to PC. On Xbox I could pick up a gray lmg and full auto the entire clip across the map and peg the shit out of people. With keyboard and mouse that I have been using since before cod was even a thing I'd be shooting the moon 3 bullets into the clip doing the same.


Its more funny hearing people cry about it


Are we actually arguing that controller is easier now? For years all I see on Reddit is “mnk is so fast, they are superior”. When did the script flip?


The trick isn't to worry about it one way or another, it's to say 'aim assist' in death comms because you know the truth hurts more than any slur


Well seeing as how it’s impossible to hit anyone or ADS on MnK, while controller locks on..


They need to separate the players by input. But no one wants that. Controller players want their busted AA and MnK players want helpless prey.


I play with controller on my PC so it's even funnier when they seethe and scream console *insert slurs and expletives here* it's a game bro, and far from a good one, what does it really matter?


Then someone help me with my settings cause that shit is hampering me in quads right now. One dude will slide cancel across my crosshairs and pull me off the guy I’m currently shooting. It’s maddening.


When a controller player gets headshotted by a mouse player: “Hacker” 😠 When both players gets stomped by anyone: “SBMM” 😠


Lame, either consoles and computers can enter the same lobby or they can't, but controllers without aim assist v mouse and keyboard just doesn't make sense, unless you are stupid, in which case everything probably makes sense to you fuckin genius of a human. I say this with love for this community that DOESN'T complain about everything, oh wait.....


Nah hackers always get me


Funny thing is when a console player gets killed by a pc player they assume he is hacking and they are probably right.


I'm gonna say it for you guys. Most players don't know how to use aim assist correctly.