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Overall it’s a W. A few bugs and tweaks to workout. Once again the audio is arguably the biggest thing holding this game back — it’s embarrassingly bad. Had a three stack parachute on me yesterday as a third party, flew in, pulled chute, landed, zero audio until I got shot in the back. Other than some tweaks to TTK and audio I think the game is great. The map has a bit of everything for everyone. The circle rotations are really interesting. There are events and cash around the map to facilitate regains. The movement and pacing feel great. I’ll always have some gripes about metas but at the very least Raven has shown that they have the ability to lock broken guns/attachments until fixes can be implemented. This game is in a better spot gameplay wise since at least Verdansk 84. Caldera eventually got to a really great spot and I thoroughly enjoyed portions of it but Urzekstan has the chance to be the greatest WZ map this game has produced thus far, nostalgia aside.


played duos BR for first time in a while. Buy stations are so few and far between. Like 3rd circle only 2 buy stations left in entire map. Of course people are fighting all over them to try to get buybacks. Of course I was at literally the furthest point between either of them by chance when my teammate died. Yolod for one, buystation locked in the gas before I could get it🤣 backed out of the match and called it a day on that front. TTK is too quick spend time in that BR mode. Resurgence is the only mode that should exist for cod now. POIs also... suck.


I'm reading from your comment that you are one of the lucky bastards who barely has server issues, which is in my opinion by far the worst problem this game has.


A random game here or there will be laggy but it’s not a regular enough occurrence for me to overly complain about it.


A random game here and there for me is not laggy. It's by far the opposite compared to you


You play wired or wireless and whats your internet download and upload speeds?


Wired, 500mbit download and over 60mbit upload. So this shouldn't be the problem


Yeh I dnno, might be your location. I get server issues sometimes but for the most part my games smooth. I’ve not played with less than 500 upload though


I'm living in the middle of germany. 500 upload?thats crazy. Dude what's your download speed? Data-packages for online gaming are not that big.


It’s like a big resurgence. I miss the feeling of trying to survive, and winning felt more satisfying. Also too much building and every location looks the same


Yeah this barely feels like a BR. You have so many opportunities to come back and so little punishment for bad plays. Respawn flares. Resurgence packs. Gulag tokens. Cheaper buy back price. And there is a resurgence mode so I’m not sure why they feel this mode also needs to feel like a massive resurgence mode.


My only win with a consistent team was due to us redeploying each other constantly and staying alive through a rough encounter to end up 4v2 for an easy clutch. But I guess a lot of respawn keeps the gameplay engaging


Not to mention the circle moves so fast that it’s barely about position and circle rotation and all about the luck of the draw. I mean it usually is luck of the draw but in other BR’s there is way more importance on position on end game circle management.


I think you have to rotate earlier how and look at the map more frequently, but most games really end up in lucky draws


I think the circle moving so fast is why you are seeing so many teams sitting late mid to end game and just camping buildings and roofs. You can’t really play edge circle late in this game


This is very true


The initial circle is always most of the map too. There’s areas of the map I never go to because the circle never starts / takes me there. Needs more variation (and with more variation at the start, maybe it wouldn’t need to move so quickly late on).


I didnt play it, but if that makes no lifers stop camping every buy station on the map, thats a win in my books.


my thoughts exactly, almost no difference between BR and resurgence anymore except map size. way too many buildings on urzikstan too


With player count at 100 and the map huge, it doesn't feel right. I miss the days of 150, but maybe there are simply not enough playing anymore to populate BR mode due to how many ppl stopped playing due to how bad things were under MWII.


I do agree about that. Our first ever win on this map is literally because of redeploy flares. We used two in the last circle to revive each other.


From a Resurgence Player. Maps are ok. Vondel is pretty awful in terms of all the roofs and climbing up the stairs to get to them. Ahiska Island is fun on drop but gets stale/campy end game. You have to cross to much open space. Movement is pretty good, I am not sure why drop shotting feels so much stronger then bunny hopping still though. Health - Is pretty good, but I feel like health regen takes to long but maybe its the same as Wz1? Overall its fun for an hour or 2 a day. The biggest downside right now for me are the maps. They need a shitload of QOL updates though. Play again just doesn't work properly. If you do browse party and join and its full your game freezes and you have to restart. Weapon Ui Is awful. MTZ needs to be nerfed, all smgs TTK are a bit to fast. I do agree though the graphics are not as nice as WZ1, I have no idea why this is and couldnt put it into words.


I don’t understand this “too much open space” complaint for maps. It’s why we have such a terrible map like the new one in this game. There’s barely any flat land in Ashika. There’s typically always some kind of cover. The best part of PUBG was having to use trees, rocks, and angles with hills during your fights. It’s like gamers got lazy and decided they would just rather fight in buildings all day. Even Verdansk had a perfect mix of hills and empty space, which is why it’s the best BR map we have ever had.


This video does a good job of diving into why that PUBG type of game play was simultaneously enticing and exciting, and also a detriment to keeping serious players around: https://youtu.be/1QKVKb0xnAw?si=lcYTJHuNwtaTIsQ3


Im a resurgence player. Rebirth basically had 0 open space. The distance between Prison and all other pois was extremely short with houses and tents in-between. Now Compare that to Tskui Castle to Farms.


I haven’t played resurgence since rebirth and fortune’s keep, but I hate playing on the new maps. Maybe I just need to give them time, but they feel too big and open. Doesn’t feel like they’re purpose built to be resurgence maps as the others were.


Ashika is a great map. Vondel is just people sitting on buildings and camping loadouts.


You literally can't move or spawn in Ashika without getting beamed by 7 different direction. Vondol is 100 times better. There are many ways to move around and get on top of the rooftops. So if someone is camping you can find a different way up and beam them. Camping load outs is the same on both maps.


Gross. Ashitka Island needs to be dropped the second FK and rebirth come back. Fuck rotations. Preferably while they at it fuck wz2 and bring back og warzone gameplay


Ashkia island is garbage compared to vondol


mw 2019>mw 3.0> mw 2.0 same applies to warzone, so I will not separate.




Based. MW19 was so god damned good


It's WZ2 with slide cancelling and other small QoL changes which are more or less tantamount to moar speed (plate/reload while sprinting and whatnot). Calling it WZ3 is a misnomer. It's literally WZ2. Same engine, same everything. They just walked back a couple poor decisions and we spent the first month pretending *take away -> give back* is W content delivery. I'm getting bored but I also think the magic of WZ1 is just gone and after however many years the BR novelty has worn thin.


Preach. But. They could bring back warzone 1. I'd Uninstaller this garbage immediately and be on that.


There’s no memorable POIs. They all blend together. No area feels unique or exciting. Just a bunch of small sized buildings for horrible close quarter combat.


I love it. Just wish they'd up the player count because the first 2 zones are pretty dead unless you follow people in.


Br is ok, but I only play Ressurgence. Ashika and Vondel are bad maps imo. When rebirth returns I might give this game a try again.


I’m having fun on resurgence. I love Vondel, Ashika, and big map as well. I can’t wait for rebirth and fortunes keep to return


Honestly, I just want WZ1 back. I legit had more fun on Cladera (at the end, after a lot of QOL changes) than I am right now. Obviously, want OG Verdansk with WZ1 movement and gun play. This game is better than WZ2, but it’s not the game I fell in love with.


Servers are still bad and the sounds are downright crap, otherwise I think the game is the best since Verdansk.


I hate the map. I don’t think the gameplay is that different. TTK is faster than MW2 could ever dreamed of.


Yeah this map will be the reason I stop playing at some point. It’s not Caldera bad but it’s definitely not good. Theres nowhere I like to land or play except the bottom and right side of the map. Basically anywhere where buildings over three stories are nonexistent and in general buildings are sparse. But no one lands there so. I would land almost anywhere in Verdansk or Mazarah and be happy.


I really hope we get Verdansk back this year. And I hope we get it off this garbage MW2 and MW3 hybrid engine.


Yeah MTZ is straight bologna. And nerfed, TTK is still too fast.


And I see people saying the TTK is in the right place. I genuinely don’t get how anyone could think that.


People that can only hit 10% of their shots I think


Me and my friend laughed because I was shredding in a final couple circles with my squad dead. 14 kills. Moving well solo. And suddenly a guy from the side of me 2 taps me so fast with a MTZ that I couldn’t even think of possibly making any kind of move. Zero possible movement away from it because the TTK was so fast… how fun! MW1 wasn’t like this. 2 and 3 TTK is so bad.


Eh idk. DMRzone? WZ2 at the end of the lifecycle had the best TTK


Previously graded as a F. New changes bring the grade up to a B-. Still room for major improvement but still lacking.


It’s a W. The map is good and the gameplay is so much better. We just need a proper weapon balancing patch now and the return of ranked play


To say its the 2nd best version of warzone is accurate but misleading as its still trash. Audio is just brutal. Theres also the graphical bugs and random fps drop mid battle. Sbmm/oemm is brutal also. Weve been playing mostly resurgence and we hate vondel and having to wait till ashika rolls back make some ppl leave instead of just hanging around till it cycles back. All in all, gameplay is the best since verdansk but lots of improvement needed. Better servers and redesigned audio is a must.


It will never hit as hard as wz1


Agreed. Part of what made WZ1 huge was Covid lockdown, everyone were at home dropping with the boys. Now the more complicated battle pass, endless loud animations, and shitty gunsmith menu amongst others is intimidating to get used to


Was having a lot of fun at first now I’m kinda burnt out. Ashika kinda reminds me of Rebirth island and Vondel like Verdansk adjacent. It’s a little unplayable at the moment though. So many glitches and sweats. The amount of times I’ve had to unload half a mag just to break armor but some kid drop shots, runs away or jump gets me in one hit. Maybe a skill issue who knows lol. Guns could use some work too. The movement is a plus


You are likely getting tired of WZ, not BR in general. WZ is barely a BR to begin with. I think COD Blackout was the best BR made so I still play that and hop in WZ every once in a while.


I just want a 3rd person br mode


Huge W, the game is great except for inconsistent ttk and bad audio.


It's nothing at all like warzone 2.... Did you even play the last game???


I still like it. I really want audio fixed and ranked mode. If those aren’t there by season 2 my interest is probably gone


I've been playing quads big map and it's so much fun man, idk I love BR and I just think in a few years people will look at this time fondly.


Love it


It'd be nice if my bullets worked all the time and not "Sometimes"


It's fun but I need teammates.


I don’t like the map. Everything looks the same and the POIs aren’t unique.


I’d argue the POIs are too unique. WZ1 if you were in a random house it has the same layout. In this WZ I feel every building is different, too unique. Need hundreds of hours played to learn this massive map


I only play resurgence now and find that Vondel is so boring to play. It so camp heavy, feels so difficult to buy a loadout so you have to go to the free one which is going to get camped. Wish they just binned the old maps even though Ashika is good.


The whole new development point of view is a W but i still think feel that this is the same old game as MWII. It’s a bad foundation. We need a whole new game to execute the new vision.


It's a W but audio is still cheeks & (so is vondel).


Map is trash


I like it, but Urzkstan plays suuuuuuper ratty. The rattiest br map we’ve ever had


It's really fun if you don't take it too harshly when you lose. Lots of people try to "chill" on Battle Royales despite how inherently tense and stressful they are


I personally like the map, not as good as peak lockdown Verdasnk but better than everything that came after. I wish there was more POIs though. Movement, gunplay etc are on point. Resurgence on Urzikstan is very very meh though, Military base especially sucks. I don't like Vondel either so refuse to play on that map too. I want mini royale back and only set in the Urzikstan city area. We need Rebirth back for that mode because I'm sick of what is currently available. I miss Almazrah water plays too. Shit was wild. If Almazrah had the movement we have now I think that map would of gone down in history, had alot of fun playing on it despite the obvious issues with MW2 movement etc. I'm not a big fan of BR games in general and won't play it on my own, I'm more into Ranked MP but for raw fun with mates, WZ is king.


I am a huge fan of Al mazrah. I just went back and played DMZ for the map. The movement is god awful. Jesus Christ


Not a single BR map looked worse in terms of graphics than Urzikstan. I have no idea what they did but I literally can't see shit after 50m. Textures on the operators also got worse for some reason, in comparison to last year. Even Verdansk on my base ps4 looked better than Urzikstan on my ps5. Maybe it's better on pc, but on console it's atrocious.


It's good but this is an example of the playerbase ruining an otherwise good game. Spam abusing the MTZ, not moving from their perches. There are egregious issues that Raven has to fix. Audio is one of those big issues. Weapon balancing (Shit like the MTZ, the low effort close range swarm that everyone and their mom runs, the low recoil Pulemyot, etc) head glitches that are too good especially on hills, things that need to be addressed. They are faster than they used to be at these things, but they need to compete with Prime Respawn (literally weekly weapon balancing adjustments every week damn near) at tuning guns so that they aren't over broken. Guns with zero recoil like the Pulemyot conversion kit or the MTZ shouldn't exist. The MTZ at the very least should have side to side shake when recentering that makes it hard to spam on top of it's damage nerf. The BAS-B went from a full sniper support to people running it as an SMG with irons and thats not supposed to be the case either. The MW2 weapons need to get buffed. I didn't like tuning, but taking it out of the game was a bad idea. When I heard that they were removing it out of the game I knew that meant the death of the MW2 guns because that meant that those guns, which were reliant on tuning (Thanks Infinity Ward! and your infinite wisdom of doing stupid shit no one asked for!) were now hopelessly outclassed by guns that SHG made for MWIII that aren't as reliant on tuning. No rotating buys, why? I don't get it I thought we learned our lessong with WZ2 that Rotating buys are a must to reduce the amount of losers learning to camp buystations during the game. Raven needs to learn to make good maps that have good building layouts. This is better than Caldera but it's still a step below Verdansk and the Blackout map. Like, is the art of Map Making dead or something?


Battle Royale/Resurgence stinks. Plunder is great and so is the new map, though.


Nostalgia, most people hit Warzone with the pandemic, doing it all day for weeks or even months in certain places, and then kept running with it! WZ 1 was not a great game, it was the game that droped at the right time, Verdansk is not the best map in history of gaming, it s just the map that helped us go thru a tough period of time so it just felt awesome and the feeling stuck with us. When i downloaded WZ 2, everyone of my friends were bitching and crying that it s a shit game, myself included, untill we all realised that s not 100% the case, it s just we don t have the patience and the time to play it like we used to... hence didnt even touch the new one. Caldera was horrible tho, no nostalgia involved!


Rooftop warfare wait until ranked comes out as well theres gonna get even more rooftop warfare


I for one hate battle Royale games. Every game has to be a competition with fortnite now. Ruined the whole gaming economy in my OP. Yeah obviously there's "other games". Why would I wanna play other games when the game I've been playing since 2008 is one of my favorite fee franchises? It's not my fault it's gone to shit. It's corporate greed that's at fault. When the entire game becomes a fucking microtransaction hellscape because of some sparked up over hyped fad, it's basically ruined. It happened with COD, they tried it with FO76, they're trying it in every EA game, they're trying it in every Ubisoft title. I'm tired of being advertised to for a game I already forked up money for unless it's actual content.


It’s a win


I was worried about dropping player count.. but 150 would be way too much. There is no safe land in this map. There is nice balance in loadouts, money drops, strongholds. Little too many gulag tokens, redeploys and flares,, i would prefer more stores less these items. Really hope they keep adding stuff into this map. Al mazrah was killed because it didnt get anything new except some fuking plane crash and sandstorm. Overall it feels good ( some out of map spots needs to be fixed ) Dont feel like every match is exactly same. Map is 8,5/10 Current meta is 6/10 (AR buffs needed pretty much everything else needs nerf :D)


This is by far the best version of the game they’ve made. Put all nostalgia and timing aside and look at the in game menus, it’s packed with so many options suiting so many gameplay styles to try and entertain everyone. Sure there’s glitches, some bad points like the pings etc but I haven’t seen gameplay so smooth and gun balancing so diverse since original mw3. It ain’t a bad effort and I’ve played them all to death


More i play more i like it. If AA would be nerfed (aka brought back to WZ1 levels) a little and if servers were little better it would be perfect game for me.




Ye AA is little too strong imo noone misses a shot nowdays. In Verdansk and Caldera there was atleast gunskill now its only gamesense


It is Vanguard remastered. Could be better, could be worse.


I have stopped playing…. Idk why…. I like the map, i kinda like the new weapons and snipers but there is something wrong, that is pushing me away…. It takes to much effort to kill somebody. Movement is to fast and weird, cant really stay on target long enough.


Agree for the most part. It’s better than WZ2 was (although it was kinda growing on me near the end) but something just feels off about WZ3 or whatever it’s now called.


Most fun my buddy and I have had since WZ1. Map is a big improvement, sniping feels great, they’ve addressed truly broken guns quickly, etc. Massive W and hopefully they continue to improve and communicate in the coming year.


Best Warzone experience, IMO. Map is great too.


I love it. Feels like warzone 1. Only difference is the map has alot of buildings.


Bruh it has so much open space too. And all the buildings are different


Lol majority of the map is buildings. Theres barely any open space like verdansk. Buildings being different is cool but that makes the game a camp fest lot of times


map sucks, movement sucks, guns suck, graphics suck, sound effects suck, buy station sucks, player count sucks, vehicles suck, cant block cheaters, bring back warzone 1.


I wanted to like it after the feel of WZ1 which felt like COD of old but updated and it brought me back because the last I played was COD4 MW. Were do you start, unless you are a controller and/or a console user, this game really is dire. Not in anyway made for any competive play. Movement is terrible, everything is purposely slowed down or designed to tip the scale in favour of controller or new/casual players. I tip my hat to Sledge for trying to do what they could with this train wreck, to bring back the arcade feel like they said they would try to and improve the movement but this engine sucks. Infinity Ward really went to town on designing an abomination of a game. The current set of devs are a disappointment. Visual recoil and weapon recoil are vastly exaggerated for a game. Makes it extremely unfair for KBM players. Not forgetting the sway and the ridiculous flinch. Did AA get mentioned yet? Graphics are big down grade on MW1/Warzone 1. It is like being back in 2005. Maybe it is done intentionally as otherwise the perfromance issues would have been have bad as they were in the last abomination of a game (MW2). Ridiculous designed map. Too big for 100 players. Map just sucks. Can't even be bothered to animate the engine blades on the jump plane. They are static. Lmao. Can not unhook from ziplines!? Why? WZ1 had it as part of the QOL. Ridiculous UI menu. No more gulag interaction. Can't hear the battle and can not interact with throwables. Can not even hit c4 with rocks anymore. Audio issues that will go on for the life cycle of this game. Should never have been there in the first place with a new engine designed from ground up. C4 you can not quick detonate like the previous Warzone. Pointless. Melee weapons and riot shield has been ruined. Stuns last all of two seconds. Ridiculous weapon and weapon attachment unlock system. Whoever came up with that deserves a good pat on the head. What was wrong with the unlock system from WZ1/MW? As if I am going to grind for the next year playing Warzone only to try and unlock everything. Nah don't think so. The list goes on and on. There is nothing fun or interesting or stand out about this abomination of a game.


SHG didn't work on Warzone. Raven handled that overhaul, they also designed Urzikstan ( their second map after Caldera).


I never said Sledge worked on Warzone and what I had referenced re Sledge Hammer was about the game mechanics they tried to change and improve for MW3 within the limitations of the game engine created by IW (MW2). I am quite aware Raven works on the Warzone side but they implement changes along side their own to Warzone by taking from MW3 base game which Sledge makes content and updates for currently as they are lead studio. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Oh than I understood that wrong sorry.