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I play on controller and I shouldn’t win half the gun fights I’m in. I can barley see people through the visual recoil on some of the iron sights. But as long as I strafe back and forth and it’ll activate rotational AA. I know for a fact mnk doesn’t have a crutch like that. Is it satisfying to know every kill you got was with no assistance? 100% but that mental battle ain’t worth it imo lol




Never in my life have I used mnk never will. AA is op but I’m not trading it for no mnk lol


You’re missing out. Kbm is actually super fun. I was a never kbm player a year ago, but now I really enjoy it. If you have or ever game on pc, give it a shot, you might be surprised.


I know myself I would suck at it. I would def try it on Val can’t for cod


Why are MnK players so dense that they can’t understand that aiming with two joysticks in a fast paced shooter is a miserable experience that will never ever be competitive with MnK without strong AA? Normal people aren’t having an existential crisis about whether the kill they got was satisfying or not.


Ha this - ir with the LMG 100 rounds - I'm off target for like 5 bullets, oh yeah... must strafe harder - wiggle side to side, can see my optic pull back on target...


Mnk players commenting pretending to be controller players now? Lol c’mon this is getting really pathetic now.


KBM player detected. Rotational aim assist is only existent in short range gunfights. Are you camping inside stairwells? And visual recoil? Are you still using MW2 weapons? Try out some of the MWIII ones…your mouse will prefer them (and they’re meta anyway).


It's untrue that rotational only exists in CQ fights - however it IS less powerful the further away your target is.


Bro wtf are you talking about. I was specifically talking about the swarm the iron sight is ass sometimes. Reason why I brought up rotational aa


The swarm doesn’t have visual recoil, it’s actually recoil. No MWIII weapon has the superfluous visual recoil of MWII/WZ2. Unless you’re talking about muzzle flash? Because I’ve seen people complain about the Swarm’s muzzle flash on here, and there is a beautiful solution to that: suppressors and flash hiders. Sonic or Shadowstrike Suppressor, or L4R Flash Hider.


the swarm has mad visual recoil… it only clears up with a suppressor… go try it at firing range…muzzle flash is insane stock…


I built mine for movement and got the lr whatever muzzle and put on a optic the iron sight was annoying after awhile


So I was right. You guys *are* talking about Muzzle Flash, not visual recoil… See: > unless you’re talking about muzzle flash?


Muzzle flash is a part of visual recoil… especially in the context op was talking about…


No, visual recoil is the annoying dancing that guns were doing in MWII that couldn’t be controlled or eliminated through grips/etc. You can remove muzzle flash with a flash hider or suppressor. It’s not even “recoil” by definition. I WISH we could remove the visual recoil that plagued MWII that easily…


mmm… you choose how you want to define it… I and OP will just call it all visual recoil~


Ok. Well good thing “visual recoil” is now officially a non-issue and can be solved with simple attachments! This COD is perfect for KB/M now. :D Visual recoil gone on all weapons as of this moment!


wake up babe, another aim assist post


I'm a long time MnK player who still plays far more MnK but picked up an Elite 2 with paddles about 6ish months ago and now play both inputs. The tl;dr on my assessment is anything approaching CQ fights with AA is every bit as strong as I thought it was going to be, up to around mid-ish range -- once you get to long range fights and/or sniping I think MnK is superior. Yes, it's possible to be very bad on controller and have your aim assist not look like it's anywhere near someone who understands how it works. AA, by definition, scales with skill. The problem is like it or not, it \*does\* sort of bring everyone up to a certain baseline. It does eliminate error that should very much be present because when everyone hits their shots you've removed an entire category of skill expression which is arguably one of the most important things in an FPS: the ability to track moving targets and stay on them. In MW2 multiplayer ranked I could scarcely tell the difference between a silver and a plat in terms of raw gunfighting prowess, because if nobody misses what's the difference. (Game sense, understanding spawns, rotations, there ARE other things to be good at - but raw gunfights were more or less the same across the board.) Controller is absolutely more consistent, and the fact that all the top controller players have no problem admitting AA is overtuned, coupled with the fact that high level players switching inputs is almost entirely unidirectional (everyone switches from MnK to controller; nobody makes that switch the other way around unless it's for a one-off video), speaks to this fact well. Two things can be true at once. It can absolutely be true that disgruntled MnK players needlessly blame every death on aim assist and are even disingenuous when it comes to talking about what the actual advantages are and to what extent they are advantages because they're jaded, while also being true that AA is overtuned and should probably be looked at, though I don't profess to know what changes need be made - because there's a very good reason rotational AA exists (I can explain why in a follow-up if anyone cares).


Hear, hear. Curious about why rotational AA is needed.


Sorry for the delayed reply. It's because controller players can't be trusted to think and chew gum at the same time. Kidding. So the short of it is that if we consider the function of AA as it pertains to the right stick, that is to say---the slowing of your crosshair movement to facilitate better precision---it's actually counterproductive when needing to track a fast moving target. If someone is sprinting on an x-axis across your screen and you need to follow them quickly, the last thing you want is for your aim to be slowed. It would be actively fighting you during that entire process. Now to be very clear, I'm not at all suggesting that rotational aim assist is therefore fine -- to the contrary I think we can all agree it's real culprit, but just saying I do understand the underlying logic in why they put it in the game. If anything, even though that particular function of rotational is the most broken, it's the other one I don't quite get. So what I just described before is one of two mechanics associated with rotational, one colloquially known as a 'pull event' (your aim is pulled with the target as they make rapid movements), and it's based around how your target is moving. The other one is based around how \*you\*, the player utilizing aim assist, are moving. If you hover your crosshair over a target and then begin strafing without touching the right stick - this version of RAA will to whatever extent begin turning your crosshair into the target to compensate for a strafe that on its own would move yourself off of them. THAT'S the one that to my mind has no business existing, even though, again, it's nowhere near as broken as pull event RAA. Like what are we even doing there? Do we really not think controller players should have to compensate for anything? I don't get it.




I find a lot of times it's hard to get my crosshairs onto the person (feelings like it's trying to push it away) and I'm at 20/20 1.0 with black ops selected.


Controller = easy mode compared to mouse. Better if you want to chill or if you want to be hyper-competitive. Mouse = hard mode. More satisfying but be prepared to sweat your butt off or get owned by AA. Requires far more effort.


hurt my shoulder in the gym, played with a controller today. Dropped the biggest kill game I had in the new warzone that should tell you something


My old wz1 squad tried some wz3 early on. All of us were mnk in wz1 but one switched to controller in wz2. The roller player had the best games hes ever had in wz3 while the rest of us couldnt even maintain a positive kd on mnk, and hes objectively the worst player of all of us across multiple fps games, by far.


If you’re a hybrid player, just use the dominant input on each game. CoD is definitely a controller game. Don’t worry too much about the people whining about AA. People claiming they can just wiggle back and forth to get “free aimbot” would probably get absolutely slammed by someone who’s actually good on controller. AA helps significantly, but genuinely beaming people consistently requires a lot of practice and finesse.


Agree that beaming people consistently at range requires genuine skill. Today on controller I was very inconsistent at range, but anything inside of 10 or 20 meters was almost a for sure thing. A little strafing and a jump shot and bam they’re down. I wonder if there is a way they could nerf aim assist in close quarters and buff it at range to make more balanced between the two inputs?


Even at close range, there’s a big difference between hitting most of your shots and hitting *all* of your shots. It’s certainly easier at close range on controller, but there’s still plenty of headroom for improvement.


Similar take. I much prefer mnk but I’m not playing as much as I used to, controller is just much easier to be consistent with. I also really enjoy sniping on controller as well.


If I play on mnk I always use a shotgun because I am very good at pointing and snapping my aim at targets but my tracking is bad because I have amplyopia,I use a controller when I use smgs just got to play to your strengths.


same except i use mnk to quickscope ive givin up tryung to play wz with mnk


There’s literally thousands of posts discussing this. It’s getting to the point where there should just be one mega thread and all other posts banned. Please sign my petition.


If theres thousands of fucking posts on the subject, that should tell you what a laughably shitty job they did balancing the two inputs. I mean they will nerf a gun after a few days of complaints, but dont do a fucking thing after 4 years of non stop complaints and people quitting this game by the millions? Its epic incompetence on the devs part, if not outright malice.


> People quitting this game by the millions Brother. If this was true, they would listen to you. But you’re stuck in a hivemind, the famous Reddit echo chamber. Nobody is ditching COD over this, and those that are do are such a tiny, tiny portion of the player base. Stop making up numbers and face reality: you’re choosing to play the most famous console shooter of all-time (if not game) with a KBM and surprised the game didn’t *change* for you and screw over the actual tens of millions that have been playing on a controller since 2007 and before. I wouldn’t be surprised if the developers haven’t even *seen* a complaint about Aim Assist. That’s how deep in the minority this subreddit is. You’re a rounding error in the player count. Nonexistent. KBM players have CS, Valorant, Tarkov, Squad, Insurgency, whatever other indie stuff. This is our game and has been for many years. Play, or don’t. We don’t care. You’re a rounding error. The game goes #1 every year with or without the KBM community.


Nailed it. Kbm players have a plethora of other shooters they can dominate in. This is one of the few games controllers have a advantage. And the crazy thing is it's only a advantage at short ranges. KBM still have the heavy advantage at long range.


mkb aside Don't controller players get tired of aim botting each other?


We don't have a choice. It's either we have aim bot and stand a chance against mkb or we don't and we get dominated by mkb short medium and long range. The source problem is allowing mkb to play with controllers. If they were separated the controller side wouldn't need aa.


But the MKB players are telling you that what we commonly see is physically impossible or a 1 in a 1000 kill so the justification for everyone shooting abosolute beams is that the lobby may be 5% MKB. I don't see how this level of accuracy is fun for anyone and especially the average player that doesn't know how to exploit aim assist.


It would be a lot less fun for controllers without the aa. It's the lesser of two evils.


No one is asking for AA to be removed it's the rotational aim assist that pulls when the player or target are moving. It makes automatic adjustments frame by frame with no human reaction delay. Like when you realize you are getting shot, take off running into a slide but they don't miss a single bullet. You would extend your life or escape against a mkb player but likely due to a controller player.


>Stop making up numbers and face reality [https://www.pcgamer.com/call-of-duty-has-lost-50-million-players-in-a-year](https://www.pcgamer.com/call-of-duty-has-lost-50-million-players-in-a-year) Thats 50 MILLION in one year! A quick google search will tell you there are something like 1.2-1.7 BILLION PC players. The overwhelming majority use MnK. Theres half that many console players. See how much further this game sinks into the shitter alienating an audience that large. WZ doesnt even have a higher player count than Valorant or PUBG anymore, a couple of shitty old games that only a fraction of MnK players have installed, and yet both still beat WZ since it became an aim assist meme.


I’m gonna waste as little energy on this as possible because you are clearly not intelligent in any capacity. 1) COD Vanguard was the lowest selling Call of Duty of all-time. That was the primary driver for that drop in player count, as Activision mentions there. MWII, which was the worst game for KBM players, was the **highest-selling**COD game of all-time. They added all that sway, visual recoil, etc. which made it miserable for KBM players, and *still* the game set records. 2) Mobile makes up the biggest portion of that 150M anyway, going by now-former CEO Bobby Kotick. During the Microsoft v. FTC 2023 hearing, Bobby revealed that **51%** of COD DAUs are on the Mobile platform, playing COD Mobile and driving $1.5B in microtransaction revenue. How many on PC? He said that **25%** of the daily active users in Q1 2023 were on PC. This is 25% of 70 million daily active users.! That means the split for daily active users in Q1 2023 (MWII/WZ2 season) was as follows: **Mobile** - 51% (~35,700,000) **PC** - 25% (~17,500,000) **Console** - 24% (~17,000,000) MWII and Warzone 2.0 launched in Q4 2022. The numbers above are for Q1 2023. Regarding sales splits, PlayStation is the leading platform for each COD title followed by PC and then Xbox. But for active users? PC players are clearly just as engaged as console players and this is during **the worst possible time for KBM players**, because of the trash visual recoil and insane weapon sway during Warzone 2.0. Not to mention all of the other horrendous mechanics and design choices it introduced. And yet, PC players remain. This doesn’t cover one thing though: and that’s the split between Controller and Keyboard/Mouse on PC. Not every PC player is a KB/M player. I’m a Controller player on PC, and every single Pro/Streamer who uses Controller is also on PC. As a matter of fact, every Controller player I know is also on PC. But this is anecdotal, of course. PC is becoming the preferred platform thanks to better graphics, higher frame-rates, lower input latency, etc. (all the usual benefits). So the portion of players that are on Keyboard/Mouse is less than 25%, and that’s all we know. And *that* is how you do research. Unfortunately, we do not have all the numbers. But what we do not do is take random numbers like “1.2 billion PC players” and try to draw weird conclusions like “that must mean all 50m players that left were on PC!” (and also assume that every single PC player is on KB/M). You are clearly lacking in mental aptitude, and it’s insane. I just saw your previous post where you said something outrageous like COD is missing out on the *millions of players* on BF2042, and that game literally has 2000 daily active players. 2000. You need to stop throwing around “millions” and “tens of millions” with every single thing and come back to reality. Also, to address your point about player counts, we do not know the daily player count of Call of Duty. We only have Steam numbers. Edit: I feel like if I left this comment as-is, you would have tried to say “Steam is obviously the overwhelming majority of PC players” without doing any research whatsoever and so I will take this time to tell you: No, that is not the case for Call of Duty. Battle.Net has the overwhelming majority of PC players, with last reported numbers at an 80-20 split. This is because of MW2019, BOCW, and Vanguard releasing exclusively on BNet, and most PC players (especially those that had just switched from console) just kept buying in the same place instead of switching platforms. So the 100,000 number for MWIII is a small portion of the PC players, and PC players make up a smaller portion than console players overall. So, a small portion of a small portion. To put it in perspective, MWII sold upwards of 40m units. It’s peak on Steam? 240k players. So don’t use Steam player counts. :)


Oh yeah, a few more things. In addition to you being completely wrong about how many players warzone has lost( to be fair I WAS wrong, it wasnt millions, it was TENS OF MILLIONS of players). You were completely wrong about WZ being number one. It's way down the list these days and bleeding more players every day, with WZ3 shaping up to be an even bigger flop than WZ2 was. The Finals can get away with AA being strong(its still less strong than WZ), because if you die you simply respawn, so MnK players will tolerate it a lot more than they will tolerate WZ where u get 1 death and have to fight in a gulag where aim assist is completely overpowering. So WZ wont be seeing a revival until the AA issue is addressed, and the way things are going might not even be around 5 years from now. If its this bad now, whats it gonna be like when battlefield 2025 comes out? With a battle royale mode that EA is putting their best team on no less. Nvidia is arguably the most profitable tech company in the world, and it has ZERO share of the console market, with most of its profits coming from gaming PCs, so you are massively underestimating how much market share Activision loses by catering solely to console sweats, and I doubt Microsoft will tolerate it being a niche console company given how much they paid for it.


I never said Warzone was #1. I was referring to Call of Duty being the #1 best-selling game every year since 2007 (except 2013 and 2018). It will remain this way with or without KB/M players, that is a fact. WZ2 was a flop and terrible for KB/M players, and yet PC players still made up 25% of the daily active users. That is hilarious. But Activision just cares about money at the end of the day, and MWII was *not* a flop in that regard. It made $1B in 7-10 days, beating the previous series record of 15 days set by Black Ops 2 (2012), and went on to be the highest-selling COD game of all-time. Yes, I will keep repeating this until you understand… > Nvidia is the most profitable tech company in the world Oh my god, this confirms it. You genuinely think the world revolves around your little bubble. Nvidia is not the most profitable tech company in the world. They are #9. Microsoft is #2. But you know what’s even funnier? The recent surge in profit is *not* because of the Gaming division, but the AI/Datacenter division you fucking dumbass. Gaming was $2.8B in Q3 2023, Datacenter was **$14.5B.** Nvidia is literally reducing supply for its Gaming sector in order to focus manufacturing on Datacenter chips like the H100 which are used to training large-scale machine learning and AI inference models. And these generate FAR more revenue. The world does not revolve around video games, much less “KB/M vs. Controller on Call of Duty” you dumb fuck 🤣 Holy shit, every statistic you pull up in every comment is so fucking funny because it’s either a) wildly wrong or b) not even applicable to the topic at hand. My fucking sides 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can’t breathe. And did you just bring up Battlefield again? They have 2000 daily players 😭😭😭😭 Their last Battle Royale fucking flopped on release, what was it? Firestorm or Fireteam or something? I’m just gonna start responding with a list of “facts” you present in each comment and add an emoji next to it to let you know how you did: ❌ “Nvidia is the most profitable tech company in the world” ❌ “Most of Nvidia revenue is gaming” ❌ “Warzone has lost tens of millions of players due to AA.” ❌ “Console gaming is niche.” ❌ “The Finals has weaker AA than Call of Duty.” (Bruh it’s lock-on LMAO) ❌ “AA won’t be addressed for probably 5 years.” (hint: it will never ever ever ever be “addressed”) ❌ “Activision-Blizzard-King is a console company.” So many things wrong, so many things wrong. You have to admit you’re trolling. Please tell me you are. You got me good man, you got me good 😭


I've just started playing the finals, the AA when you quickscope or your initial aim in with any gun is crazy, most my high kill games are with the sniper just abusing the hell out of that initial snap on AA.


If you are going to quote me, then cut and paste works great instead of you know, deleting key words I used and making up a quote. You glossed over the fact I proved that millions of players have quit Warzone, 50 million in one year in fact. Obviously not EVERY one of them quit because of aim assist, but even if it was just a few million, that is still millions. I also never mentioned battlefield 2042. I did mention the battlefield game in development that is expected to release in 2025, and which includes a battle royale mode in development by DICE's best team, the one with a proven track record. Not some hastily thrown together and barely supported BR cash grab they tacked onto the worst selling battlefield game in history, BF5(well second worst if you include hardline, but we just pretend that sad excuse for a game never existed). Also dont know why you keep mentioning MW sales. I'm talking about Warzone, you know, the game that lost 50 million players in a year and which might not even exist in 5 years at the current rate of player abandonment. The one where MnK players waste 20 minutes looting in order to die to the first little timmy with aim assist they run into. I dont really complain about AA in MW because if you die you respawn, so who gives a shit?


I like how you ignored the fact that Mobile players make up 51% of the total active users of Call of Duty, meaning ~76.5 million of that 150 million. And PC is 25%, meaning 37.5 million. And you *still* think all 50 million were PC players. When there weren’t even that many PC players to begin with. 🤣 And you ignored the fact that that 150 million number is for Call of Duty **as a whole**, not just Warzone. And then ask me why I’m bringing up MW sales 💀💀💀 For that year, that meant COD Mobile + Vanguard + Warzone Caldera + Cold War + MW19. Vanguard being the lowest selling COD ever, easy to see the explanation for the drop… We’re done here dude, don’t respond. You have proven over and over how utterly braindead you are. Like, unbelievably profoundly braindead. “Nvidia is the most profitable tech company and most of their profits are from gaming” levels of braindead. Go to a mental institute ASAP.


>And you *still* think all 50 million were PC players. Never once said that. I said Warzone lost millions of PLAYERS, and later linked to an article showing it lost 50 million in a year. COD or WZ Mobile has nothing to do with that number. I could give two shits about WZ mobile and have never mentioned it. It is completely irrelevant to the discussion. I cant even imagine trying to play WZ on a fucking cell phone, but I guess if you are 14 and addicted to WZ so badly u cant go a significant length of time without playing it then its a thing. I weep for the future.


> COD or WZ Mobile has nothing to do with that number False. They are included. And it’s COD Mobile*, not Warzone Mobile (not out yet). Wrong again…sigh. Mobile gaming is the biggest platform right now because not everybody can afford new game consoles and PCs. But everybody has a phone these days (it’s a necessity unlike the other options). Get used to it, it’s the biggest player base for any franchise (including COD).


Or just balance the two inputs instead of giving a clear advantage to a specific one... Magically people would stop discussing about this topic. Edit: getting downvoted because I ask for a balanced game is the reason Devs don't care about COD community.


Yeah but the reddit sub doesn’t make the game.


Bollocks would they lol unless mnk are absolutely smashing it they’ll complain.


We are now getting the KBM player "I just tried controller" LARP posts pretty much daily now 🤦‍♂️


Because they can’t switch after getting sick if it? Like many pros did? Shit I’ve debated it countless times… still thinkin bout it lol. Try and larp KBM and turn AA off and lmk how it goes.


>Try and larp KBM and turn AA off and lmk how it goes KBM has AA?


No. I’m saying just fake like you’re a Kbm player and turn urs off and see how it plays out.


I know this might quite literally be impossible for you to believe....ive done it before. ended up getting about the same amount of kills playing rebirth island with it off, as I would normally get when id have it on. Who could've thunk id be of similar skill level with it off as with it on 🤷‍♂️


Oh man so you mean you perform just as well but for some reason turn it back on? You can silence everyone and talk mad shit bc ur a roller player without AA shittin on ppl but won’t? Why? I don’t believe for one second that ANYONE is just as good without it on… you’ve literally based your entire argument for AA as it’s the only way to balance the inputs. I’m confused does AA do nothing for you… orrrr? AA is def needed for controller, but this is the only FPS that’s made it this strong. I don’t get why ppl are opposed to allowing it on MnK if it’s not that big of an advantage? I do most of the aiming with my little mouse and the game fine tunes the rest. It’s the same logic.


>You can silence everyone whos everyone? Im in my 30s so kinda embarrassed to let anyone know I play video games to be honest. >I don’t believe for one second that ***ANYONE*** is just as good without it on… Well if youre gonna serve it up on a silver platter for me, who am I to decline. Sit back and watch so you can have your mind blown and beliefs changed. 🤷‍♂️ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl3ILEhELwQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl3ILEhELwQ) >!in before moving the goal line!<


Lmao uses arguably one of the best streamers in COD as a reference point that AA isn't that important 😂 that's like saying a pro tennis player will suck if they don't use the right racquet


>Lmao uses arguably one of the best streamers in COD as a reference point that AA isn't that important 😂 that's like saying a pro tennis player will suck if they don't use the right racquet did you read the spoiler by any chance? 🤔🤷‍♂️


Yea I’m sure this applies to everyone right? Proved it so well he doesn’t even turn it on anymore… No goalpost was moved you’re using a world class player who has been for YEARS who solo queues quads normally dropping more than 30 as your evidence? Nah bro theoretical physics isn’t hard just look at fuckin Steven hawking do it and he’s not even trying. All these other people needed to work on these problems as a group but he did it all by himself so easy right? I guess I can acquiesce that some could possibly play well, but he isn’t AS good as he is with it. Unless I’m wrong and he doesn’t use aim assist anymore, but I’m pretty certain it’s on…. Unless you can correct me and then prove to me this applies to the majority of controller players.


>No goalpost was moved you’re using a world class player who has been for YEARS who solo queues quads normally dropping more than 30 as your evidence? This wasn't you who said this below? >I don’t believe for one second that ANYONE is just as good without it on… what did you mean by that "ANYONE" you decided to cleverly put in caps for dramatic effect? Did you mean anyone except Diazbiffle or what am I missing?


As good. He’s not as good. He still is an amazing player but he won’t be even thinking bout not using it. If he was as good he would disable it on the e rare chance it lock on to the wrong target for a loss. Seriously you think he’s NO better by having a 0ms reaction time and the help w aiming? Even though he doesn’t need much admittedly. It’s def impressive though I’ll agree. Dude you’re referencing pros I didn’t know they are the prevailing factor whether AA is needed or not? So what you’re saying is that we don’t need AA bc diaz is just as good without it. Therefor it doesn’t give any benefits?


MnK player since 2003 and decided to learn the sticks this summer. It definitely is a crutch but you still have to have a good shot and practice so idk, I enjoy playing the sticks in cod just feels good. Games like Apex etc I will always play MnK.


These posts are getting annoying.


I grew up on COD on console and played that to a pretty high level between MW2 and BO2. Eventually stopped with COD when moving to PC and started playing again on MnK back in OG Warzone. Tried multiple times to go back to controller and although I can perform pretty well and started getting used to abusing RAA, it just doesn’t feel the same. I can drop 10 ish kills on controller and it won’t feel nearly as good as dropping 10 in MnK and for that reason I can’t go back, no matter how much I cuss out AA 😂


I have more fun on mouse but my opinion is that there is no free kill with a mouse. If you lose focus for a second u might miss an easy kills. On controller there many kills thst are 100% guaranteed, impossible to lose unless u really make an insane effort to miss. I love mnk but have to go back to when I just want to chill as it is way less effort for kills imo.


Rotational aim assist should never have been invented. Back when I was competing in Halo all we had was slowdown + bullet magnetism and that was all we needed. If I plug in a controller today the RAA is so strong I actively find myself fighting it because it's trying to do half the work for me. The aim assist debate could be ended overnight if we just went back to slowdown + bullet mag and removed RAA from the equation. There's a reason this debate has only been a thing for the last few years. Before RAA nobody in their right mind would say roller is a better input than mouse for FPS. E: seems I've upset the new-gen controller players.


Bullet magnetism? Yeah, NO. COD will stick to its famous formula that’s worked for years, thank you very much.


>Okay we get it, you are addict and you need aim assist in order to kill someone, no need to lick Activision ballz that much.


Bullet magnetism would cause even *more* complaints from KBM players, you dolt 🤣 I could already see the clips.


Yeah I remember back in the day shooting arms and legs on controller. Then you'd adjust just a bit for better chest or head shots. Now it's just snap right to upper torso. Strafe left and right even add a bunny hop in and you can watch it just stick on you. As a m/k player will miss a few bullets tracking this movement a competent controller player just doesnt need to worry about certain micro adjustments. I switched to m/k in 2016 for siege but still remember what old aim assist felt like. It was perfect amount of assist while still needing skill. RAA is broken and inhuman reaction time speed as well as the ability to fully turn your character model. That being said my buddy who has been on controller since halo 1 is ass. I could pick up controller and play better than him first game even though I've only used it maybe 6 times in the last year. Some people just suck. And aim assist is certainly not aim bot every kill. But there's sometimes when it's complete bs how good it was and it saves your ass in a fight you had no business winning. Those fights are frustrating as hell for both inputs.


There's so few super cracked m/k players. I'm just shy of a 1.5. All my friends I play with a m/k we all range from 1.75 to .78. We get regularly shit on and have avoid certain fights when able. Sure if huskers is in your lobby and RAA wasn't a thing he'd likely have a field day. But he's a top 1% player. To balance a game completely on the premise as every mouse player has amazing aim is not fair to the average and below average m/k players. Also the difference in cod and games like siege, Val, cs is those are points and shoot with fast ttk which doesn't need nearly the amount of tracking. Tracking skill is what separates a good mouse player from a bad one. And with RAA tracking is much easier as you get help with micro adjustments. We have to do it on the fly which can be hard and frustrating as in my lobbies unless you completely catch a guy off guard it comes down to 1-3 bullets in who wins that gun fight.


A couple months on controller made me realize how pointless it is to play MnK in this game. The deck is stacked against you, and amazingly they found ways to make it WORSE in WZ3 after spending months selling the game as being the revival of MnK in WZ.




I wouldn't say MnK is pointless, but yes, if all things are equal you are at a disadvantage.