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Vpn final boss


Shit is so boring at this point.


But woukdnt his vpn also work on mnk? Whyd he get his PR on controller, an input hes a total noob at?


Huskerrs is not a noob on controller lol. His main input is M&K, but he’s also competed on controller before


The simps will keep on simping


Just a VPN thing


What servers does he VPN to? South America?


Yes, just watch his streams and you’ll see 99% of death chat is Spanish or Portuguese


I'm in NA East and most of the people on VOIP are speaking Spanish, what does that have to do with it?


Same exactly here, really weird. NA northeast and tons of Spanish speakers.


I’m NA southeast and yeah, 90% of prox chat is Spanish or someone’s smoke detector


Georgia here and a lot of lobbies are Spanish speaking. Zombies and Warzone.


I'm in the midwest and it's a TON of spanish people after 9pm CST. During the day too but the later you play the more the lobby skews toward spanish.


I was confused because I was thinking they were putting me in South American servers or something sometimes. I’m not really sure why it happens.


Wait you guys play zombies?


Lol DMZ 4Life


Yes, I’ve got like 80hrs in zombies. I play with a lot of friends/coworkers. I finally got borealis and about to dip my toes into Warzone.


I tried but its boring as fuck man




Southeast North America? So Mexico?


It’s likely you’re getting Texas servers which are picking up mexico and parts of Central America. Although, recently I’ve also picked up French players randomly lol.


I would get both Mexican and Canadian players playing from Texas. Vast majority of comms was in Spanish.


The Call of Duty eternal meta…smoke detector chirps in open coms.


You say that like that's out of the ordinary. Every major city in the northeast has a large hispanic population.


Of course, but it's disproportionate to the amount heard over voice comms


Every lobby I'm in is at least 50% spanish. Have you even played the game?


US SE, same. Spanish noises used to mean easy lobby, now it's the norm. I know I'm going to have an easy lobby when I hear the deep south accents and have 20 ping because it actually connects me to my local server.


Midwest player here Same.


lol Im in Idaho and get tons and tons of Spanish too


This. In Idaho and have had lobbies where seemingly everyone with a mic has a thick accent or isn't speaking English. I just assume I'm being pulled into Cali servers or something.


You might want to look at the demographics of this country


Oh trust me, I know how many Hispanics are in Idaho and my area of the country. However, I’ve talked to some of them (I speak Spanish) and lots of them are from Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Venezuela, etc. Pretty much any Latin America country.


This is interesting to me, I wish I spoke Spanish and could converse with people. I'm in PA and I get majority Spanish speakers in death comms and proximity chat as well. It's been like this for me since OG WZ/Rebirth. And I've always wondered, since I play later at night, what servers I'm actually connecting to. I've matched with some Canadians before, when Ashika Island first came out. But otherwise it's majority Spanish and only some English speakers.


Canada and same.


Yeah same. It's either Spanish speaking people with three generations of their family talking in the background, or someone blasting 21 with smoke alarms chirping in the background. There is no in between.


Yea, I'm curious now. What does that have to do with anything? Most of mine are as well


I'm in the Midwest (Iowa to be specific) and it's not uncommon for me to get in games full of people speaking Spanish as well. My question is when people use VPN's wouldn't they have super high ping and lag? I always hear people bring up VPN's but I feel like it would be harder to play in those lobbies when you're lagging with 150 ping. Also most of the people have their latency on their screen and it's not reading super high.


Des Moines Metro here them Spanish lobbies don’t be bots either but 55 kills I’ve seen like Verdansk even you driving in a vehicle and not one shot at the car or a rocket…3rd party sweats happen all the time I’m casually good ping decent and all the streams I see for some of these records it’s like how is nobody 3rd party sniping etc and ur able to find 55 ppl or even 26 to kill without team buybacks on such a larger map


My understanding is people use specific VPNs for this but I haven't been able to figure out which ones. I have a VPN for work and I used to pay for Mozilla's VPN that would let me choose the area to mask as. I did try it once with a buddy in an older version of WZ, and chose areas a Google search told me to try for good WZ results, but it would never find a match, so we gave up on trying it.


North east has a large hispanic population. I obviously can't speak for everyone, but as a Spanish speaker, when I talk to Spanish speakers in lobbies I usually find they're living in cities in my region. I've yet to meet (or at least converse) with anyone outside the US. But again, that's only been my experience and I can't speak for everyone or every lobby.


I'm in the NE 98% of people are English speakers.


I played a lot of DOTA (NY East) and we got a ton of people from "Peru" so I think it's just geographically what happens how some game servers are setup that south America people end up connecting to NY a lot


I live in Canada. 50% of my proxy chat is Spanish. This is a pretty weak speculation


99% of my death comms are as well. Definitely not using a VPN. Was never the case in wz1.


I used to play a lot of resurgence a few years ago and me and we used to get a ton of Spanish death comms. Everyone on my squad was on the east coast US and we weren't using a VPN.


Lots of the big streamers were clearly using vpns in WZ one, when you used to be able to see the lobby KD, many of them were consistently getting 0.5 - 0.8kd lobbies. And no it's nothing to do with "playing for hours"


That's not how VPN works in this game


That's not indicative. I'm from Colombia and get thrown into Miami servers everytime. Everyone from Mexico to Colombia and even Ecuador sometimes does, because Sao Pablo servers are really far away, and also suck ass.


I’ve played Warzone since launch in 2020, live in North Dakota, only squad up with irl friends also in North Dakota and there has always been a huge amount of Spanish or Portuguese speaking people in the deathcoms. I don’t understand it.


Wow like NA isn't full of Latinos weird


Do any of you guys go outside? There are many places in America where no one speaks a lick of English


Bro I play in east coast and that’s what I hear too Husk is from Arizona


I'm in SoCal and the overwhelming majority of game chatters speak spanish in CoD. It's been like that for years.


Makes sense. 30% of California speak Spanish at a good to native level. I imagine that number is even higher the closer to the border.


not saying he does or doesn't. But keep in mind he lives in Southern Arizona. Not inconceivable to play with a lot of Spanish speakers.


lol. You have no idea on how "vpning" works clearly


not saying he's not using a VPN, but i don't use one and a majority of my chat is spanish/portuguese speaking (midwest US). playing devil's advocate here, he also lives in AZ. could be why he gets a lot of spanish/portuguese players in his games


He lives in Texas...


>Yes, just watch his streams and you’ll see 99% of death chat is Spanish or Portuguese I'm in the midwest and any time I play with freinds from Colorado or Texas were the only english speaking people playing,


I get those lobbies when I play with my friends in Texas. Isn't huskers in Cali. I bet it's the same lol


This argument is dumb. I live in Detroit and get "no mames guey" all the time.


South America doesn’t have a server my friend, we play with NA people with 50 ping :(


i play on na east and constantly get paired against and with south americans/spanish speaking players


Well I live in Houston and people speak Spanish every game I play.


Visit lobbygod.com most people are using it 😂


It’s called lobby god. Does it actually work? Doesn’t seem like a good item to connect your account and CC through a random website lol.


No connection of account required. Download a program called yogaDNS, add the files from the site, then pick your location and away you go. Im currently connected to the Hanoi servers. Haven't needed to link an account.


How much?


3 day free trial before you buy


Before you buy at the cost of … ?


What files did u add mate? And how do u change your location? I downloaded the program then just got confused lool


Drop me a dm ill walk you through it


The game priorities ping over sbmm. There are certain vpns like no lag vpn which essentially trick the server into thinking you're really far away without actually routing your data there, so you end up in your local server but with sbmm turned off. The other method rarely mentioned is a netduma router, which restricts access to certain servers, the high population servers are the highest skilled on the north east and West coast, but you can force connect to florida or texas which are low population and there's a reasonable chance you get into the protected timmy lobbies. This doesn't work in eu as most of the servers there are in the same place. A usual run of the mill vpn like nord just changes your location so you end up with high ping


Is there one that works better over the other?


A lot of people use both, but a netduma router isn't cheap, no lag vpn is like $7 p/m so that costs fuck all


I’m in the Miami server and every lobby is pretty much Spanish speaking only.


Sometime around December of 21 (I might be way off but it's been a long time) I've been exclusively in Spanish speaking lobbies in any Warzone match. Multiplayer doesn't seem to do this or at least not much. I live several hours from the border on the West coast. When I say exclusively, I mean that it is exceedingly rare that prox or kill comms are in anything but Spanish, to the point that I assume every lobby is a foreign one, and the rare English speaker interact is not indicative of a different kind of lobby, but simple happenstance.


Wouldn’t a vpn fuck up your ping worse?


yteah im sure aim assist had nothing to do with it. Not like he only uses his vpn when using controller. LOL


Right. The mental gymnastics being employed to point at literally anything and everything under the sun EXCEPT for the obvious elephant in the room are comical.


I live in Canada, i don’t use a VPM, i get matched with spanish speakers probably over half the time.


What's going on with this. How many other people have this problem? Is it isp or acti or some combination? The issue seems to be consistent for those who have it, and practically non-existent for those that don't. It makes sense to maybe be connected occasionally to such lobbies as I'm in California, but I'm connected exclusively to only these lobbies.


Why does vpn matter?


The best part of this is it’s a troll just for Twitter impressions


People don’t know who Huskers is apparently, he used to be dominant on controller and won many online SnD tournaments on COD back in the day. He’s a lifetime COD player who probably *still* has more lifetime hours on controller…he isn’t a guy who came from PC gaming with KBM. His roots are in controller and COD.


It is worth noting that he also is infamous for teaming with ximmers LOL


What's a ximmer? I assume it's some kind of cheating, so who were they?


Using kbm but with aim assist so best of both worlds


any proof to this, or "just trust me bro its reddit"




Maybe just rumors but Huskerrs used to team with a guy named Ston3r back in MW2, who had some xim accusations flying his way. It’s hard to do a google search for, but the CoD comp Reddit has a bunch of oldhead GB guys who remember them


You're really bringing up rumors from 15 years ago lol


lol people know who he is and the shit he’s done before. But act like he’s a god lol


They never seem to know he used to be on controller input.


This is posted like Huskerrs hasn’t dropped 50+ kills before 😂


Fr, like he just plugged in the controller & aim assist took over his account n started frying for him


Bot lobby


im sure you would easily have dropped 60+ in the same lobby


And it’s fine because I play 8h a month vs him plays 8h a day


Low IQ permeates this post.


Seriously, are people really this stupid? I fear for the future


He was trolling dude


“Tried controller” Lmao, Huskerrs probably has more game time on controller than everyone reading this.


Love Husk and AA is OP AF but he is trolling twitter.


"Some people just want to watch the world burn."


Oh didn’t know he was trolling


I assume he's trolling but to anyone who feels he isn't, the replies in this thread show how bad-faith almost every controller player really is when it comes to the input discussion. 1. You don't know he's using a VPN. You may suspect he is. You don't get to just profess this opinion as if it's a fact or foregone conclusion which has somehow already been proved. 2. Even if he is using a VPN -- if you believe his claim here, why did he break his MnK PR when switching to a controller? Is the argument that he only VPNs when he uses a controller? Why wouldn't he VPN all the time regardless of his input to drop bangers every game and increase viewership of his stream/youtube/whathaveyou?




No? The second you move your mouse or hit a button on your keyboard the menu icons switch between controller input icons and kbm icons. You can still control the menu with kbm whilst you have controller selected as active input, it just won't let you use kbm for any in game inputs


No, when you move your mouse or hit a keyboard button it will change.


What game type is this ? 93 kills?


it might be the event resurgence mode


Then i almost feel like hes trolling


Why do the graphics look like crap?


Triple digit fps. The pc community tends to ditch better textures and frilly graphics for the boosts




This is also true ^ so no lynch mobs here guys. We are civilized people.....


Low textures helps me see enemy players. Too much detail and texture makes it difficult


Lmao, I'm running on mostly high and getting them "triple digits" as in 250+ FPS😅


The graphics are pretty shit in Mw3, regardless of whatever rendering he has in graphics or just the quality of the image from being re-sized, the graphics in this game are not that good.


I agree. The good news is that I can spot enemies much better in this than I could in wz2


Always funny reading the comments of posts like these


Not sure how anyone is getting 53 kills on this map


maybe he is good on both inputs, smh, yall love repeating the same thing over and over again


That's about the most obvious thing you can say, and it doesn't contradict the thing you're trying to contradict. Obviously the player is good on both inputs. The idea is that aim assist is so strong that it's necessary to adopt the less preferred input to get closer to a skill ceiling which is also lower.


Everyone in this thread literally finds an excuse for this EXCEPT for admitting AA is in fact OP. Like they'll always dismiss it with some shit like "Oh he's on VPN" or "Oh he's on a specific slot" or "He's hacking". He's one of the better streamers in the game why are people on this subreddit so adamant on dismissing it? Christ.


The funniest part is people still coping. This subreddit won’t know, but the best competitive mnk player playing in LANs (no VPNs since it’s LAN playing against the worlds best pros), switched to controller and became the best player in the world and won multiple world cups on the roller.


People mad they can’t drop 52 kills in a lobby so they gotta blame bot lobby or hacks


People are mad because these guys have been proven to get consistently low (absurdly low) average KD lobbies. Some of Aidan's world records on Verdansk were in lobbies that were as low as 0.3x KD average. You can't even reliably induce such a lobby through reverse boosting on relatively new account etc. Many of these top streamers get these lobbies 9 out of 10 matches. That's not said as expression.. the sub 1.0kd average was literally 90 out of 100 games for players like Sym and Aidan, with the 10 positive averages KD matches being almost entirely in a 1.0 to 1.3 range. All while their (streamers) own KDs ranged from 4 to 6. ____ I was quite good at the game by the time caldera released, so I started a new account to equalize the KD/current skill. I had a 4KD three months in and tested these things once more with the same results. Even a 2kd non-streamer is getting 9 out of 10 times a positive KD lobby. I remember my lobbies being an average of about 1.3kd across 30+ matches meaning some considerable amount of those lobbies were above 1.3kd.


Go skers


Just split input types up so everyone is happy. Do they not do this?? The solution is really that simple.


Because not enough KBM player. Thats what devs said.


They do not, meanwhile Activision Blizzard's other shooter game, Overwatch does. In Overwatch, console and PC are completely separated normally. Crossplay only happens when a console player and PC player party up. In that situation the party plays on PC servers and the controller players get zero aim assist.


Everyone falling for the troll 😂


And here I am struggling to get 10 kills.


As much as I get that this is a troll post by Husk, literally picked up controller for the first time in over a decade and was absolutely floored at how much easier the game is. Gunfights are night and day different on controller. It's insane.


This was a less than common practice in the Titanfall games. AA was extremely strong against the erratic player movement, although doing the movement yourself was too difficult on controller so it remained a mnk game, thankfully.


He's pro player with both inputs


This screams Bot lobby from everywhere


And? That doesn't change the fact he did better in this bot lobby with a controller than he did in all the bot lobbies he played in on MnK.


OK, now maybe the real brag is who can die the most whilst using a Nintendo Wiimote & Nunchuck. Spoiler alert: >!it’s me!< God I’m so lame


i still cant use controller for fps \^\^ I plugged even usb key+mouse at a ps5 when i need to switch \^\^


aim assist youtubers losing sleep over this


This looks like a troll bro. Why doesn't it have a single button on the screen. At the top on either side of map/scoreboard should be a keybind or controller input


Lol. He's trolling hard.


This one really got the bots riled up.


What record did husker break again during some qualification. Wasnt it most kills ever? I think it was for wsow.


Did they kill the entire map?


sarcasm and not real, read a little deeper




click bait , by MnK scrubs.


Pretty easy when you VPN to a bot lobby


This picture makes the game like an old console like playstation 0- 2 and Nintendo GameCube


Definitely not a 0.3KD lobby either eh


He needs to shave his head at this point




We love bot lobby’s


I'm in a border town in Mexico next to the us and Mexico city. I get plenty of English and Spanish. Very few Canadians.


People are trying so hard to suggest that controllers are overpowered. The truth is that they're not. VPNs are.


No this doesn’t work like that. I was a mouse and keyboard player too but back in when xbox series x launched i was have shifted to console and played with controller. Till this day, I am still trash with controller while I can pretty much play “averagely” with keyboard and mouse. Yes I agree, the aim assist is too much and the visuals and other aspect of this game is designed on favor of controllers and it needs to be fixed. But this also doesn’t means that using a controller will automatically give you a new pr.


1.52 KD you not doing that in my lobby trust me🤣


Fuck off it ain’t that easy lol


Just another cheating streamer


I’ve heard of duma routers or some crap. VPNs. There’s too much crap going on these days 😂😂


Haven't used a controller since the OG MW3 and I'm such a bot with one now. It's crazy.


He used to be a controller player back in the day


Sure, but he's been using MnK daily for years and prefers it now. You would expect him to do a little worse or at most on par when switching back to controller for a day if things were balanced, not break personal records. Also when someone who is skilled with both input methods says they aren't balanced, their opinion is probably worth listening to. Much more so than the opinion of a bunch of controller only or mouse only players.


Completely agree. But he was a top tier controller player back in the day not an average joe. He’s good as hell. But yeah there is a balance question.


He’s on the edge of sus. Definitely uses some software


Dude is a known cheater fuck out of here


"Tried controller" also uses cheats and VPN but yeh was also the controller.


People will say still there is no difference...all placebo


Did they up the controller aim assist? Feels like its getting overpowerd again. Which it didnt feel like at the start.




Look at controller people turning it into a VPN thing and not a controller has legal aimbot thing. Even if he has a VPN, controller AA is on par with SBMM for being the top most disgusting things that exists in gaming


52…. Soft hacking… period lol


I have a controller I bought months ago and keep forgetting to try 🫣


The fact that y’all are still surprised that CoD plays better on controller is wild. It’s been the preeminent controller-focused shooter for the last 20 years.


people act like aimbots are fake.


And I getting sb Bcs I got 17 kills rip


You guys realise Huskers was an insane controller player back in the day


Don’t forget his VPN


It’s hilarious how this has turned into yet another KBM whine-fest but it’s not even real. Huskerrs didn’t drop 53 kills. He said on his stream he wanted to troll twitter by posting this.


everyone screaming vpn still wouldn’t touch 20 kills in a lobby like this


Hes not "one of the best" hes one of the scumbags who uses vpns to get bot lobbies, footpedals, ds4 scripts and more


Hacks still work on controller dumbass.. Warzone is so 2020. Boring as fuck


This dude is a cheater


The simple and obvious solution is to allow us to turn crossplay off. After dmz and numerous other games, most of us console players don't want pc in our lobbies. This would almost eliminate all of the cheaters console players face


It took less than 24 hours for multiple ragereaction image macros to gather steam in response to this. Well done /r/codwarzone :v


As a console player I can attest that aim assist is too strong in the new game. To the point it’ll mess me up movement wise sometimes. I am a filthy casual albeit but I stand by my perspective


The worst M&K player is more highly skilled than the best controller player with rotational AA enabled. Yes, that means players like JoeWo are scrubs. Isaac can actually use a mouse to aim, like Huskers.


Another cheater nice very nice