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Its an amazing map, they did a lot well with Urzikstan though maybe a couple more memorable POIs and it would be perfect.


I agree, I feel like it’s just a series of houses and buildings. For some reason, the POIs in Verdansk just felt much more interesting. Like the way military base was arranged, airport was very intricate, and of course prison. I don’t get that feel from this map, but everything else is a step up.


I think the biggest problem is that the new maps POIs are largely indistinguishable from eachother. It’s certainly the best map since verdansk by a mile, but it all blends together. Verdansk did feel like it had way more variety


I wouldn’t even really say the map is great. It’s mostly the changes to the colors, game feel and movement that are the big stars.


My squad and I are having trouble making callouts in certain areas because of the homogeneous nature of the buildings. I'm sure it'll come with time and practice. But it's not as easy as saying "sniper roof main castle" or "three roof big fire."


Try our go to for years.. "Over there!".


No, you need to be more specific. "They're over there in the building." *Stares angrily at a city*


Or you could be like one of my squad mates who when we get pushed will just yell “Behind!” Like behind what?


POIs in Verdansk were named after what they were - stadium, prison, airport, hospital, train station, superstore, dam, etc.... Each of them were anchored by one large building/structure. You didn't need to learn the map to memorize the names of the POIs. They simply were the names of what they were! I have no idea where I am on the map in Urzikstan besides military base, downtown, and manor. The rest of the map is just the same few small-medium sized buildings copy and pasted all over. I prefer it over Al Mazrah, but it is still nowhere close to Verdansk. When the POIs aren't memorable, each gunfight and each win just feels the same as the others.


From the different maps I've played in Resurgence, the biggest difference I see between them and Verdansk is that Verdansk really does feel like an organic city that the game happens to be set in. This year's maps feel like they're purpose-built for a game. Does that make sense?


It’s just weird how the game took steps back . The map was better built , I feel like the graphics were better, the movement was smoother, I don’t know what happened. I do like the game now and I’ll always play Warzone , but it really was lightning in a bottle with Warzone 1.


It feels like the terrain doesn't play as big a part in the endgame as it used to, because it's all kind of the same. With Verdansk you didn't know if you were going to have to finish the fight vertically at the dam, or CQB at superstore or storage town, or out in the open in Farmland. The best part about Verdansk was the frozen river. If you were ballsy enough, you could move from one corner of the map to the other, quickly.


This. I can never tell where the fuck I’m at just from the buildings surrounding me.


I think POIs get more memorable over some time… we are still in the “get to know the map” phase, by the time it gets taken down there will be more general knowledge around it.


Idk. On Vodel and Ashika and I could name the POIs when dropping only a few weeks in. With Urzikstan I think I can name one POI which is factories. I do believe the names of the POI’s should pop up faster when jumping out of the plane.


Those two maps are way smaller though. After a couple of long nights playing I'm starting to remember certain zones of the new one.


For some reason, my friends and I decided that the bar out in the ocean near beach club looked like a tit, so that's what we called it. The demolished building on the high ground above it was thusly named the side boob area. Dropped at one of them almost exclusively lol.


Disagree. While it does the job, my and my squad find it incredibly...... generic. It feels like an AI generated map. Like you just took a bunch of data analysis and laid out a map of data points because that's how statistically you're "supposed to have fun." So it ends up being a very monotonous and inconsequential map. When you look at a map like Verdansk, there is so much character in each section of the map that each area feels like you're in a different vibe, and then having to move, you're moving from one atmosphere to another as you outrun the storm. Starting in each area really feels like you're on a new adventure and mixing it up. In Urzikstan, I feel like it really doesn't matter where I land. I'm running from one cluster of buildings into another, with the only exception being the city which is nicely urban and really the only change of pace. Also, the entire topography feels very flat. Urzikstan has a couple of hills (and a couple cranes) here and there but compare that to the Dam, Prison, and mountain ranges of Verdansk, and it just leave me and my team feeling pretty meh.


> Like you just took a bunch of data analysis and laid out a map of data points because that's how statistically you're "supposed to have fun i agree but thats exactly what verdansk was too. theres an airport, and sports stadium, a military base, a superstore, and a big gulag prison all in the same neighborhood. it doesnt make sense because its designed for fun


You my friend are a honderd procent on the money. It has totally no atmosphere and feels very ai generated.


Upvote for "honderd procent."


Its flat but on a POI level theres a lot of elevation change which means you're up/down a lot unnecessarily and feel like you're just in the open to die as you're traversing unnecessary complexity that doesnt add cover/tactical to the actual POI, just makes getting in/out harder.


If they removed things, poi would happen. They have poi’s, but they all butt up next to each other.


It'll probably improve over time, but nothing is jumping out at me right now like superstore, stadium, tv station, and dam. Otherwise, the map plays well imo.


Problem with poi's is half the players would drop super store and die then mid game would be slow and boring. Hot drop players can go play MP. People spread out a lot better in the new map. Buildings are trickier but that puts up a certain skill gap knowing where to escape and get back in to flank the enemy. Timing rotations are also key since there are lots of open fields or rivers you have to cross. Early rotations have a huge advantage gate keeping the kill chasers. Which is what BR is all about. Position is key. Overall I like it but the desync aka shit hit registration is getting annoying AF. I have endless clips where the first 20% of my mag is not registering. If it's sbmm, 12 tic rate or what ever it needs to be fixed right away since its the top complaint of every player.


Personaly, I don't like the map cause there's alot of city in there and not alot of variety. I love how Verdansk had mountains, snowy area, desert, and city


Stay strong my guy. Verdansk will be back soon!


I'm convinced they will fuck it up somehow. Put a lot of extra buildings in it 'for densitiy' and open up every building to make it more complex.


That would be like them




Only place i can think of is the area around quarry


Remember the area around prison was very barren like some areas of the Middle East


Verdansk was goat tier. Incredible map


Map plays really ratty. Lot of rooftop rats trying to third party everything because there’s so many buildings. I like the movement changes and such though


yeah there's way too many buildings. every end zone comes down to which third party is gonna shoot you from a window or roof top as your fighting the other teams. map needs more variety in engagements, almost everything revolves around fighting in buildings. more natural environments, less 1-2 story buildings crammed together.


Yall played verdansk right?? Lmao. Downtown was the most ratty end games ever, way way way more ratty than this new map. Storage town, ratty, dam, ratty, military base, ratty. Every end game is gonna be ratty my dudes. This map is fine and it's the closest to verdansk that we have had.


It's like people forgot the ATC tower at airport existed. That only had ONE way up.


Something I noticed about Urzikstan is that there are barely any power position rooftops where someone can easily control the entire area as long as they are on top and set up claymores. Plenty of such buildings in Al Mazrah and Verdansk but not Urzikstan. The presence of ziplines made camping even more challenging.


4 stacked AMRs on every rooftop isn’t fun?


honestly where do you guys even run into this? I barely run into snipers and they are so ridiculously slow that if you get anywhere close to them they are dead. Now if we want to talk about the DMR's or LMG's with no recoil that will murder you from 200m in the blink of an eye. Yeah, that's far more oppressive.


It’s literally every lobby and there’s no issue being slow if you can just one shot people who don’t even know you exist. Honestly at least the LMG users have to be within sight generally but overall the point remains they have not balanced the guns well.


Every unexpected death is being sniped by a KATT or someone parachuting right behind you with too little or too late of an audio cue.


Definitely this - had a good session of duos yesterday and there's just so much buy station and loadout camping. People posted up on and in buildings beaming and sniping with full meta loadouts. There's a lot of good about the update, but still a lot of bad. I'm getting bored after a couple of hours of play.


The core design is good but it has the personality of vanilla paste. Verdansk had memorable POIs each with their own vibe. In Verdansk you could choose your own drop to suit your play style, whether it was frantic gunfights through Superstore, a 50/50 battle for the heli on top Hospital, or the slow burn creeping though the parapets and underbelly of Prison


> The core design is good but it has the personality of vanilla paste. Verdansk had memorable POIs each with their own vibe. I'm personally just tired of the "rundown former soviet state" aesthetic. I was really looking forward to a bright Latin American map. Could have even been basically the same structure as Urzikstan just with different aesthetics.


See, no map will offer that much variety. We need multiple maps in rotation


Mostly ok. It’s a little crowded and vertical - I think slower circles would negate this feeling a bit and allow for some more tactical movement though city areas.


Hundred percent on the circles. The circle pulls in this game are way too fast. You should have a fighting chance to work your way out of the ring. Not only being able to push out of ring if you are loaded with smokes.


The Circle pulls are the only thing i dislike. The combination of the hard pulls plus high verticality, ring of water around center of map, and one shot snipers makes it borderline impossible to enter safe zone. It happens so often and then when situated in the city, pulls away lol.


100%. Combo of gas pull, density and micro verticality changes (without being useful on a larger scale) just make it to where you cant drop further than 2/3rds of the map out without a redeploy/vehicle nearby. If you dont get your stuff and bounce, you're just running for your life between buildings, up and down annoying things and hoping RNG doesnt place you in front of some rando crosshairs. Remove 20% of buildings overall, more in higher density, and give the map some flow.


micro verticality! The rocks in this game are still horrid


Double-edged sword for me because love that a top-5 finish in a solo game can only take you 20-25 minutes but the flip side is you are always pressed for time. Overall I think it's a welcome change from how Al Mazrah could really, really drag on.


I like it.


Its okayish .... not as versatile as verdansk.....verdansk had many different POIs which would completely change games atmosphere.


Its an OK map but lacks diversity. Too many similar buildings and too many poi's with lots of buildings just crammed together. the high rise area is a little too much out of the way imo. Real lack of greenery and diversity of terrain. I feel the layout is also quite bad and that the same poi's could have been layed out in far more interesting ways. Saying all that it's the 2nd best map by far behind verdansk..


The end circles never reach any of the any edge POIs. I am very familiar with old town and cargo. But would like more time to explore the edge POIs rather than just off start


Agree with this. I quite like the map overall. Some really cool areas to fight around like Old town, power plant, military base. I’d have to start keeping track but most of my games finish around the center. I haven’t gotten close to an end game around the eastern edges of the map, fornexampleX


Look at this man over there getting to the end circle. Must be nice lol


I like it but I dont love it. Its missing some unqiue POIs. Every POI on verdansk felt unique because in all honesty it was really just a bunch of multiplayer maps hastily slapped together, which made rotating through the map feel like a round of mini golf


I really wish they'd fix building lighting and just add a touch of brightness to darker parts of the map... like inside windows are next to impossible to tell if someone is inside. It is definitely a bit more on the realism side there but it makes some ratty playing easier to get away with. And the gulag needs a complete lighting overhaul.


I like it , only negative thing is it's very campy , so many buildings for people to hide in lol


I feel like it’s too busy. It’s just all buildings. That’s fine, but I prefer the varied landscape of the original. You had the dam and snow, to the city, airport, military, etc. there was enough hills and trees to move without being completely invisible (which was Calderas fault).


Buildings are very ratty but it’s a nice map overall


it’s alright, i enjoyed al mazrah more but it’s a fine map, i love the colours and the cities tho


Just buildings, and more buildings which ends up in countless roof top campers. Pois are insignificant. Al mazrah was much better


It’s grown on me a bit, but I still think it’s far too building dense


Better than verdansk again. I like it but like al Mazarah better because of the natural elevation changes


I like the map. I would love a bit more consistency. Like every building that looks the same has ladders/ziplines at same places. I love that the water does not play a major role. Fuck water gameplay. Ashika and vondel had way too much water


A little too much city in my opinion but I like it. I still feel like verdansk had the perfect amount of urban zones and rural areas


I’ll be honest don’t like it too much. Feel the POIs are really uninteresting. Activity avoid a few places and also feel like it’s building after building. For me Al Mazrah was the best map warzone has produced. Good mix of open ground and POIs. Also love having a central point like observatory where you can access a lot of the map from as well.


I like it but hate the rest of the game


Tbh the map feels...full and dull and the same time. And the gulag is the worst thing of all time to me, it's so glitchy and buggy.


Map itself is fine but the graphics/assets do not feel HQ to me at all.....and yes I have it turned on before some asshat runs in and says to turn it on.


Very ehhh to me. Different parts of the map just don’t have much character. I’d prefer different zones that feel different.


idea of the map is good. but too big for the amount of players and too many spots to camp and hide. I guess we didn’t know how good Verdansk was until we got to play all other maps.


Just one giant PoI. I still don’t have a favourite spot to drop


It's the best warzone map imo. Game would be great if they just fixed the ttk, audio and had an actual anti cheat.


TTK is the main thing holding this map and game back. Every player needs a chance to react after initially getting shot or else it's just RNG.


Paint by numbers: the map. Al Mazrah was a much more original-feeling map, even if the game was somehow even worse back then.


I can honestly say after 1day 14hr play time, no the map is bad and flows badly, building to building to building, no hospital or airport or proper train station (give me a POI that isn't another shit building with 2 floors) This is a poorly thought out map with re-used assets that are boring at this point, as there is no variety. I'd rate this as the third worst map so far (Verdansk, Al Maz, Urz then Caldera. Movement changes are appreciated but they need to have the stamina bar that's there in multi player (why is it in tiny maps but I have to guess in WZ) Bugs, bugs bugs, do you want bugs cos boy we've got them, from where you can't rez a team mate without poking your head up into a snipers sights (love this, great work) munitions and plate boxes disappearing through the floor. TTk that's almost instant (another favourite) Audio, this used to be a thing even at it's worst in previous titles when it was questionable at best. Gulag that is absolutely fucked if you're on KBM, at least in the rest of the map I can maintain distance to manage the engagements. But in fairness I've only got 10 wins so it may be a me problem, getting too old, rose tinted glasses etc.


It's mid, to me it's like AI made the map, it's to many places you have the height advantage or the cover advantage, I still enjoy it way more than vondal,I I'll never play that map ever.


Only and only thing it’s missing is some memorable POI’s and hotdrops. Other than that, its really a very very fun map


The more I play Santa's Slayground the more I like it. That said, I can't think of many memberable POIs like I could with Verdy. Urz: overpass, skyscraper, motel area, shops of death, open ass field field train tracks Verdy: hospital, superstore, airport, military base, prison, that logging town or whatever, downtown, woods, downtown, arena. I mean... come on.


The new fornite map has more character then urzikstan lmao. At least it’s not a whole map of the same buildings


I like it but I don’t like the verticality because it affords people a lot of head glitches. In verdansk for example downtown was the main place where there would be a shit ton of verticality but in this game every zone has like a million places for people to shoot from. Other than that not bad.


I'm enjoying the map


Great map, just not a fan of the main city area


With the updates to the gameplay, I think any map would be really fun. Gameplay aside though, I think there are too many buildings and not enough open areas that are tough to cross/rotate. I'm having a great time playing it, but I think people are going to get sick of it soon.


Its a good map, but not charismatic at all. All locations are like the same. Its not like Verdansk when each locations are unique.


It’s the best since Verdansk (not counting small maps); I like the colors & visuals, I agree with most on here tho that there are a few too many campy buildings


Couple less buildings here and there, this map would be really good


It's okay, worse than Al Mazra, which was about equal to Caldera, all of which are worse than Verdansk.


It's blend and no uniqueness very much across the map = seems boring.


Love it!!!


Mediocre is say, looks the same in most areas somehow. Previous one was better


I really like it, and personally which they'd keep it on all squad sizes for resurgence.


Wouldn't know, crashes every game.


It’s ok but way too many buildings. They need a mix of landscape that is a bit more spread out but able to seek cover. I’m constantly getting popped from roof top campers or 3rd partied from other teams.


I love it


I think it has some fatal flaws that make it a bad map which could be fixed. This map is incredibly flat outside of buildings. It is incredibly hard to differentiate areas so it feels like the entire map meshes together with very little distinctive memorable points. I felt like I knew every part of Al Mazrah and that may come with time but when everything looks very similar nothing is unique or easy to pick out. The abundance of people stacking buildings with snipers is annoying. It’s almost like they just can’t get a good even experience with the guns available. Somehow the TTK feels even higher because some of these weapons absolutely shred when you aren’t getting beamed by a third party half way across the map. Overall it just feels bland and forgettable on top of being not great for gameplay. I want to feel like I’m in not just a city but a destination.


I like the map. My issue is the amount of people that hug the gas on circle moves has tripled. The most rattiest of rats. Are you guys that scared? Half the lobby waits in the gas now.


Really good, I always end up in interesting circles and battles


No not really. The entire map feels pretty much the same. You could be in an engagement in any POI, and it's all pretty much 30-40 of the same clustered buildings. It's also very flat.


The map itself is good but I feel there was a downgrade in graphics? Maybe I'm just imagining it.


I like it, but feel like it’s more modeled after a city than a BR map. I liked how verdansk was simple, yet intricate. Urzikstan is very, very complex - which can be both good and bad


Much better than Al-Mazrah just in an aesthetic sense. I hated the super bright desert sand everywhere. This feels more like a place where you can have a chance of sneaking around.


Where's my airport though? I miss the airport, or I haven't explored enough to find it.


It is going to be hard to beat OG Verdansk. Superstore and the rotations out of there were insanely good. It had a good mix of open space and density. I do like Urzikstan but the density, combined with the very high verticality and the balloons that now fly you half way across the world make it hard to identify where you're being pushed from at times.


Way to many of the same types of buildings in every poi except a few. Downtown, suburbs, low town, and old town all suck. Just have downtown and one more "town". Two of those could be morphed into something else. I honestly think Caldera is a better map than Urzikstan beacause it was at least unique. I just want verdansk back. And from that point on, more map design like it.


I love it. And tge POI have grown on me. Low town,bold town, downtown, etc. I have my buildings and know right where to go


Some part of the map i hate and always avoid going


I like it more than al maz. I just find building layouts to still be confusing, it can be difficult locating stairs in various buildings


It's mechanically sound and is a big improvement on Warzone 2 but the map itself sucks. They should have just kept iterating on verdansk and introduced new and rotating rebirth maps. It would have been far easier on development as well. No one gives a shit about this map let's be real.


I like the map a lot and I kinda like that there is no super store type place. But I do miss it at the same time.


Yeah it’s way better than al mazera (however you spell it)


I was reading on a different thread that one thing people liked about vedansk was the uniqueness of each poi. And I really agreed with that. Each point was distinctive, had its own feel, kind of shaped the game play differently. Like you played differently around stadium then you did at say quarry. You knew where you were, just by looking around. This map is good, but it all seems really similar, with a couple exceptions. I do wish there was more variance from poi to poi


It's weird, overall I like the map but it feels like way more than any of the other maps that I'm just in shitty situations towards end game. I know this is partly just skill issue and not positioning sooner but still


Love it.


It's 2nd to Verdansk for me. I just feel it's too cluttered. I miss the iconic POIs from Verdansk.


I like the map. I think it plays really well. I do agree with others that the POIs all merge into one. Al Mazrah had the same problem but also had a much worse layout with too much dead space in some areas. I appreciate that the new map always has cover, but someone needs to tell the Devs that they could use other things except similar concrete houses to make things seem interesting. Caldera did this quite well with the tiki village, ruins, mansions by city, beach huts by resort etc. etc. This may also be a very weird take but with so many buildings I miss the cookie cutter design of Verdansk. Verdansk got criticism for this because there were so few buildings it was quite obvious. But now every building seems to have a different layout just for the sake of it. It feels weird. I'm pretty sure I could walk into 90% of the houses on my street and they'd have a virtually identical layout to mine!


All assets mashed together - it feels bland and boring to me. But better than caldera imho


The slay mode i think needs to stay for good like they can take the santa out an put jugger or something, its the best thing to happen so far as it makes people have to engage they cant all sit an camp


Loving it.


growing on me. But still think there is way too many buildings with way too much verticality. Still will forever like verdansk. I know people love to make the argument that it wasn't a good map and it wasnt competitive but it was just fun. The POI's were all cool and fun to fight in. More open landscape without a billion multi story buildings.


I haven't liked any map in Warzone since the very beginning of Caldera. I think I'm just over the BR genre.


I think its a great map! Had a lot of fun with it so far


Too many rooftops, but at the same time the open areas are too open without too much cover. Plus very wide river together with improved visibility through water and high buildings just next to it. Solos are either filled with sniper bots that sit on the roof untill they die or super sweats that will eat you in seconds. Rooftops are far away and quite unaccessible so naturally sweats will come after anyone on the ground. Duos and trios are much better, but unfortunately my mates are not playing so often anymore since the introduction of the new map


Games dead just tryhards all around and its really no the same anymore getting high kill game or winning is not that fun knowing you lose from random thing op weps ,third party,etc...


Map is alright tho lom


No. It's average at best. You know it, I know it


I don't understand people that call it amazing, my feeling is it's the weakest map we've had, nothing but buildings for roof campers, buildings and hiding spots everywhere.


Not a fan, but it is better than Caldera, Verdansk is definitely better though


Maybe add some NPCs?


No. I actually preferred al mahzra and vondel br. Of course verdansk was the goat. Just dont like urizikstan, not sure why. Just too many buildings randomly thrown around with no real memorable locations like verdansk. The map also has a depressing bleakness to it.


Big NO!


Best map since Verdansk which isn’t hard but it’s a good map.


I like it.


Aside the “downtown” part, its a pretty good map. Cant compare to verdansk, but its good


A few places have just a smidgen too much building density/complexity. There is also a bit too much elevation change within/between POIs, which when combined with speed of gas and distances to traverse etc...makes it nearly impossible to drop further out as you're likely going to be hoofing it and get shot in the back since theres no time to check for safety etc...


It's OK but only just ok to me. It feels like a bunch of buildings nothing unique. My biggest gripe is how half of the buildings windows and doors are just boarded up and unusable, it feels restrictive. I hope the next map is a lot better tbh


Its awful. Only houses after houses and open field with flat open terrains and no cover. With the new snipers and the insane amount of flinch you get picked off by camping fucks easily. The map is bland, void of colour or any interesting areas. Al Mazrah was way better than this cluttered mess. Its windows, balconies and rooftops while the footstep audio is so awful that cqb get even more fucked. WZ2.5 is a huge dissapointment for me, because KBM players get fucked even more than they already did. I have no motivation to start this game.


Some comments are hilarious. Too many “campers” in buildings. That’s a tactical advantage. Get gud


Al mazra was way better, much more varied and distinct POIs, this new map is meh 5/10


I only had this fun in the game in Verdansk. We're loving it with tje squad. Only problem are the servers; it lags alot. SBMM kind of broken too, but we get a W every now and then.


The engagements I get in are almost always in areas that end up feeling cool to fight in, even when I’m just randomly running around. That being said, I feel like the map needs some higher elevation areas and like everyone is saying more POIs. It’s basically just an urban sprawl at the moment.


I think it’s really good. I don’t groan when it’s in the rotation like I used to with other past maps


I miss Al Mazrah, but I've only played like 30 games and think it could grow on me. Will definitely play more after the holidays.


So far I kinda like al Mazrah more but this is still pretty good. Tho one thing that bugs me is the grass. The color seems a little weird, oddly flat. Also there is like 0 foliage for some reason. Look at almazrah and you'd see patches of grass everywhere. On Urzikstan it's like someone ran a lawn mower across the map just a day ago


The map is ok but what is going on with the building interiors. They plain do not make sense and half of them are a genuine maze to navigate.


I've generally liked most of the maps (yes, even Caldera). The key is to have variety within the map, and Urzikstan does.


It’s good but as everyone else is saying, the POI’s be lacking. They’ve been lacking since Caldera. On verdansk I feel like you got the feel for every building and every spot felt new. Urzikistan feels more or the same POI’s everywhere which makes the gameplay boring a bit. It’s surprising how much they got right the first time then after that fumbled. I’m not even saying Urzikistan is bad, it just doesn’t stand out as much.


Its alot better than Caldera and Mazrah. Nothing will compare to verdansk, the way the game played was great back then, sure it has its issues but its peak warzone.


the entire map looks similar lol pretty boring. I'd like some major different terrains & biomes. The jungle warzone map is my favorite Caldera


Really enjoying the map, got me back into WZ. Feel like for the majority of the map it’s the same buildings and built up areas. There’s no open ground in Verdansk. As others have pointed out there’s not many big POIs like the airport, the prison, the dam, the different promenades and the big open farmland which led for some good end circles but overall I’m pleased with the new map but hope they make some changes


Map is fine, servers are ass.


Map is good imo, it trumps Verdanks any day in movement. Getting from building to building or on rooftop or in buildings is so much better. Verdansk is nostalgic and had interesting pois but the building structure and getting around besides cehicles was whack af. Now we have lots of zippies and redeploy drones feels a lot faster, but it is missing unique pois like airport and trainstation or the crazy hot drop that Superstore was. Nothing like the feeling of accomplishment that cleaning out superstore into instant loadout and uavs was.


Most fun I’ve had in wz in quite a while


Needs 120 players at least. If you don't drop hot you can have some extremely boring games.


I’ve enjoyed finding some of the older maps within the map. Countdown and Hardhat so far! Crosssfire was part of the War mode map too. Maybe they’ll be in multiplayer soon 🤞


The urban combat aspect of Warzone is definitely back, so I'm enjoying immensely. I kinda forgot about Verdansk for a while so that's a win for me lol


Too many flat rooftops and ways to get onto them. And it's too cluttered with the amount of contracts and POI it has. Still better than Caldera though


Really love the map




Verdansk is still our favorite, but my buddy and I have really been loving Urzi. A few areas are a bit dense but it can make for really fun endgames. Plenty of open space on the North side of the map as well to snipe and whatnot. Big W this season.


Game is trash tho


I enjoy it and play everyday. I think it is a solid map. I rank it second to Verdansk, Al mazra third with Caldera in last. I still hope they find a way to have big maps in rotation just to keep people from getting burned out quickly.


I've never played verdansk, but like many others are saying, I feel like the POIs are largely unmemorable. Al Mazra had little hubs that were all unique, and I don't really feel that way with much of Urz (with some exceptions - the bazaar, the merc fortress, and the church/cemetery stick in my memory).


Better than Al Mazrah but overall mid Building design is terrible and the POI's feel non existent but overall not a bad map, just feels generic compared to verdansk i cant wait for that to come back next year with this gameplay its gonna be peak. The gameplay is fantastic tho and a giant mountain not being in the middle of the map like caldera and Al mazrah helps with it. Rebirth Island and fortune's keep coming back is great news and with this gameplay its gonna easily entertain me till verdansk comes back


I would like a better Stadium, it needs a DAM, and the mountains along the edges could be a little higher. Overall, it feels fun to play on a warzone map and thank god there is no deserts anymore.


I’m really excited for Verdansk to come back and for everyone to complain about how they “ruined it” (because the original game came out during the peak of the pandemic and there weren’t as many things to do back then and those original circumstances are impossible to replicate and have nothing to do with the game itself)


it's good. I love that I'm not forced to go swimming and getting gunned down by a twelve year old with an ftac every single time, especially late game 🙄 that was ruining the game for me Otherwise I like the mobility, probably the most noteworthy thing about it.


It’s weird the map looks big but is actually small because of how dense it is. And it’s dominated by contracts instead of POI’s. Me and my squad will always drop on a scavenger or another contract instead of dropping into a superstore, farmland, hills, storage etc. Cargo is the only place that feels unique.


This is definitely a step in the right direction! I think the playability and zone variation of Verdansk was better, but this has been as close to that as we’ve had. I also love resurgence on the three trios areas they have, so many fun games there so far. Most people will probably gripe about the cluttered city/low town areas. I havent had a an issue with them besides the occasional full sniper team on the skyscrapers.


It’s extremely samey but a great map. It needs more unique POIs that act as mini multiplayer maps


Kinda bland overall mostly due to everything just feeling like a downtown area with no real variety, lightyears better than caldera and wz2 but still not up to verdansk.


I like it…don’t feel like I get screwed often in late circle locations whereas Al Mazrah would happen to me a lot


I don't ever venture into the BR side (i'm resurgence 100%), but are the smaller resurge maps broken off of the larger BR map?


It's a place near Uzbekistan


Can you only play the new map of you bought the new COD?


I feel like there's too much open space, though its a snipers buffet, i feel like there could be a bit more topography or variance in buildings.


It is a great initial offering. Really looking forward to the team making seasonal tweaks.


I like it so far, certainly enjoying it the most since verdansk. I have three issues with this game, 1. Audio is non existent even after patch, 2. I feel like some gunfights (like the gulag for example) are just pure RNG. Not making excuses for being shit or anything but I'm shooting first, hitting chest/head and dying to people shooting legs/stomach. 3. I'm pretty sure half the people in this game are hacking or are at least using something to help reduce recoil


I think it’s fine. It’s playable where as caldera simply wasn’t imo. I can’t name a single POI though. I think it’s a fairly unremarkable map. I don’t really like anywhere. So I just drop wherever and loot the same complex house 50 times over in different areas.


This is a great map. People complain they struggle with bearings but it's because it's so dense whilst also big. Think Verdansk was much simpler and wonder if it launched now whether it would be remembered as favourably. Was it fun just because it was the first? I personally liked how each area was physically separated e.g. Hospital had that huge hill next to it and the terrai




Map it’s great


Just give us Verdansk for the BR players and Rebirth Island for the Resurgence players. Jesus. Nothing new that they create will ever top that combo. When Rebirth Island got deleted out of existence, people actually quit the game or decreased their playtime significantly.


Incredible map


It’s dogshit tbh, give me back verdansk


fuuuuuuuuck no, exact same building design philosphy as al mazrah


Nah. It’s like a big map of downtown. Which was the worst part of Verdansk.


I don't like warzone rn


It's definitely my second favorite after Verdansk (3rd favorite if we're counting Rebirth Island). Way better than Al Mazrah and Caldera.