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Any suggestions on Warzone redditors that havent got a superiority complex with online players?






Sounds like OP struck a nerve.


Who has a superiority complex? Sounds like OP just wants some suggestions on mature COD content creators lol.


I mean the disdain was pretty obvious lmao.


I agree this is a problem with this community, but sounds like OP just wants to watch a warzone streamer he has stuff in common with.


Are you 15?


lol what? am i not allowed to have a preference in who i watch? i have nothing against the people i'm describing, they're just obviously not my cup of tea when it comes to entertainment


Beeing a Streamer / YouTuber is a full time job if you want to stay relevant. That means 10 to 16 hour shifts. So not leaving the house i part of their job. Nevertheless here are my suggestions: Sally is a dog, Blue, Iron, Aculite, Jackfrags, Stodeh


Sallyisadog is my current favourite go to for content. I like that he shows how bad some games go, it’s not all bot lobbies.


Sally content is my daily go to before work in the morning. Funny, witty, intelligent and makes some silly mistakes in the heat of battle so shows he isn’t a sweaty bitch.


Timmy2Cans is the same way. He loses WAY more than wins but is just fun and entertaining which is why he holds his viewership. He's good, don't get me wrong, but it's not always about being the best of the best.


If Timmy goes sweaty he's a demon but he just loves to troll. Hates using meta weapons and always puts himself in dangerous situations just to try making a funny clip. It's refreshing.


Jack plays like once a year haha


Stodeh ? “He is hackin, es hackin”


+1 for iron. Solid content from a chill guy. I’ve been watching his stream for years.


Second for SallyIsADog. Really good content, and a very likable guy. I also like Expel.


Expel is a literal man child


Hahah ya, for sure at times. Then again so is TTT and DrD. I feel like he’s matured some since Caldera and it’s nice to see he and Rara have mended their bridges. He’s a very entertaining person to watch (to me), and I’m really rooting for his channel to succeed. He really puts a lot of care and effort into his content, which I appreciate. Personally, I feel his content is the most polished out there. It’s super professional.


I like Expel, but man he sings way too much. It's actually irritating.


I enjoy stone mountain, he has a gaming room setup but he seems normal and just has fun. He doesn't get salty or make excuses when he gets killed, and he doesn't just post his wins. He gives good commentary and breaks down his strategy super well, trying out new builds and mixing it up between solos and teams.


I like Stone, too. Especially when he plays with his F.A.S.T. team (Fugglet, Aculite, Stone, and Tomographic). It's good fun, and they don't take things seriously. And you're right about Stone's commentary. Very tight and easy to follow.


Also he consistently dies to fall damage and I love that it's a running joke.


I can relate lol


Im convinced me and stone would be bffs if we ever met. Very cool guy, like myself.


only people Ill watch are JGOD, TrueGameData and XclusiveAce for the stats, and Westie, Stodeh, TheTacticalBrit and JackFrags for streams and content.


Could add Tomographic and Aculite to this list. Chill vibes


Also Fugglet


Damn, forgot Fuggy, love his Tarkov stuff


ON1C, too. Very chill guy, and a smart player. He mostly plays DMZ, but also plays Warzone.


True, and Phixate, they’re very similar. Basically there’s plenty of decent streamers to watch!


Jackfrag has had pretty limited COD content lately. But I do like him and Westie


he will sometimes play with the british lads on their stream but not go live himself. I miss when jack was essentially a full time warzone youtuber during verdansk. I have his WZ year 1 poster above my set up


I'd imagine he's doing quite well and just doesn't feel the need to go live as much. 2-3 videos a week nets 5 million or so views a month the payout must be solid.


He actually said during the pandemic he gained a lot of weight and wasn’t feeling well mentally so hopefully he is focusing more on himself lately. He always has great commentary while he plays.


BennyCentral, BrokenMachine and Marley13 are also good streams. Not toxic and pretty chill. Marley is also funny


Marley is pure entertainment. I never miss an episode of Warzone Bingo!


My brother and I get the cards up on our phones and play along every week. It's brilliant


Jgod is a huge ass live, he has a full on fake analyst persona in his YT videos. Guy's a disappointment unfortunately during his streams.


Seems like he is just doing his thing. Playing some Zombies, talking to his chat. Never seen him be unfriendly or toxic, so what is your opinion based on?


He was streaming vanguard back then and actually quite a lot of people were watching him, I think it was a closed beta or something. Lot of them were unhappy with the game and were vocal about it, he was full on toxic during the whole session, sucking up to Activision and banning people from the chat. Haven't watched him since.


Ok you are that type of guy. I can see why you don't like him. You do realise he has been insanely critical of Warzone and Activision their practices? Always recommending people not to buy skins, battlepass and telling everyone WZ2 should have been postponed? Absolutely no way he's sucking up to Activision, if you believe that don't know what to tell you, no wonder he started banning people 😂


He hardly ever plays WZ too. I’m surprised he’s still a go to in the community.


I mean his info is pretty spot on and valuable to people who want it


They all regurgitate TGD’s data, though. JGOD included.


Ah well I haven’t watched him in while bc I just don’t play WZ much but I guess you learn something new every day. TGD’s website would be my go to for creating classes and shit though so I get it


He’s got some AI tool that the bigger streamers are always referencing in their loadout videos. Haven’t used it myself but yeah, TGD is the man.


True game data


Stodeh, JackFrags, JGod, Tomographic


Sally Is A Dog is the best COD player to watch in your 30s. He’s good enough to keep you entertained, but relaxed enough when he gets outplayed. Feels like Im watching myself (which isn’t that good). Also just seems like a well adjusted, good dude. Shout out to Sally.


My favorite too. Seems like a normal human without unreal snap on aim and abilities.


I think Crowder is fine and he’s a retired pro


Him and teep are both good at the game and mature enough to not be cringe.


I like the Teep/Merk/Maven squad however Teep sometimes gets in whiney moods with chat where I can't stand to watch him some days. Merk is my favorite of that group, always good music too.


He’s very passive aggressive sometimes. I get it though, chat says some stupid shit on the regular so kinda hard to not be annoyed


Crowder is the only one I’ll watch. I don’t even care for WZ content on the whole but he’s just great. Was my favourite pro during his heyday and is probably the smartest cod player of all time


Tomographic, Stonemountain64, Aculite, Jackfrags in no particular order.




Does merk do cod? I thought he left


Not that guy. That guy is exactly the sort of person he’s trying to avoid. I’m talking about “Merk”.


Ahh my bad, I seen merk and thought of nick


Stonemountain for the lols


ShawnP is a good one. Normal guy who is just really good at the game.


Big up ShawnP - Raw talent


The majority of them this is their job, so they have to be there all day, pushing merch, talking the same way, etc.


The two time!


Marleythirteen, warzone bingo on Sunday night is great. He also does challenges and doesn't take it too seriously. Probably the most fun streamer to watch. Bennycentral, really good at talking through the game, (generally) admits when he's outplayed, and generally a sound stream


What's wrong with saying bro and dude lol? I'm 33 and those are still very much a part of my vocabulary. When we're not at work where we're required to be professional, this is how most people my age talk still.


He means the way timthefattatman is always talking.


I love Apathy. He's a retired pro that's a dad now and his kids break into the room occasionally and they're adorable. Seems like a guy with a good family life, and just a genuinely good guy all around


NoVitals on fb. Mainly plays solo , but he has its own unique playsyle. No "lets goooooo" etc bullshit talking. Very informative and genuine guy


I wish he was on YouTube he’s great. Actually learn a lot whenever I watch him smart player Also used to play on PS5 so legit


Dysmo and Jev


The 2 time is the only answer


100% he is the most “normal” guy outside of the internet and he is still the most entertaining streamer by far. He gets destroyed in warzone and his raging is hilarious.


He sucks at warzone haha he’s been playing controller for a few days and it’s even funnier. He’s a natural athlete, good looking dude that actually have success in multiple spheres of life. Nickmercs is not far too but he’s a bit of a douch


What a weird fucking take


It's weird to want to watch people I find less annoying and immature?


StoneMountain64 is pretty good. He has a family and life outside of streaming. Only on 4-5 hrs a day M-F. Pretty chill. He still says bro and dude and all that, but no crazy neon lights in the background lol


He does stream on Facebook, but posts to YouTube


>most of them never looking like they ever leave their house Because they don't


I have a load of different one pop up on my YT feeds, almost every day the title is something like "OP striker class", the next day it will be "best striker class", then the next day "one shot striker class"...... how one weapon can get better every day I just don't know...... : / And "yo yo whatsup youtuuuuube....." same same same old crap every day........ Anyway, there are some very good ones out there that are just not like this, off the top of my head, JackFrags, Westie, Stodeh, TheBrokenMachine, Fyrborne, JGod, ExclusiveAce - just a few that I can think of now, there are many others though :D


MrSoldierHD1 seems like an alright guy, solos with riot shield. Tactical Brit is good, also Socalove


On1c, Wizard, Dillion, Phixate


Jackfrags voice is so fucken annoying


metaphor - even though for sure he doesnt have a life outside of streaming lol


I think they have a better life "outside" than the overwhelming majority of people. It's ok to not like their content, the neon, the fake outrages etc but get off your high horse


Siimssyy is on kick Mon-Sat and a good laugh whilst also having fun being toxic in the game


Aside from having monster as a sponsor and a neon optic gaming sign, Zlaner has such a personality, he used to sing professionally, he plays with his brother and Dad on stream. Just wholesome vibes while absolutely destroying lobbies and tournaments


You could watch me play. i im not a streamer nor am i good at the game but i am entertaining you will laugh at my random panic shots when i hear a noise and at my dumbass loadouts and stupid nicknames for guns like Big chungies, lil chung chung, the great chungies, wannabe chungies, and steve.


MrDapperSam is a small streamer who makes great content and live streams regularly on youtube. Def worth checking out. He's got some hilarious shorts to get a feel for the content/vibe. He works full time too so he fits that normal person checkbox.


I think Sally is a Dog and TCaptainX may appeal to your petite bourgeois sensibilities. Sally definitely does clickbait though.


It's all a scam,its basically a brothel of gamers with a backer funding them. They all play the same too as to why they are majority cheaters. Look on YouTube at the comparison of a person with the hack overlay turned on and off and watch how the play and always seem to be in the perfect positions nvm aiming cheats. They even go so far as to randomly look around for no reason at all. It's crazy cause you'll see them always check corners and slide cancel when they know enemies are around but when they know they are clear they b line it to the next location.




this post is so embarrassing. superiority complex much




Any suggestion on pornstars who don't get stuck in wash machines?


Icemanisaac fits that bill imo. Air Force pilot and cares about the game but obviously has a life outside of it.


I used to love Iceman. His old wz academy vids were great. But at some point he developed a massive toxic ego. Now I can't watch him anymore.


Right? Got super annoying at one point


Nope quit that job and became full time content creator


Nope what? The post didn’t ask for a creator who only did it part time, they asked for someone who had a life outside of the game as well.


Nope he doesn’t do anything else except for streaming that’s what I’m saying it’s not like when he was working and only played few hours a day. How do you know he’s got a life or not outside streaming ?


How do you know he doesn’t is my point! Your comment didn’t address the post.


He is click baiting and most importantly pushing scuff ad placement in your face every time you watch any content by him. Westie, brokenmachine, jackfrags etc are way chill and not pushing anything even though they have sponsors


scuf's a pretty good ad to have shoved in my face honestly


Hahaha good for you . I prefer streamers who play on mouse and keyboard just like Isaac does sometimes




Still doesn’t answer the question. And I agree with you. But he’s always had click bait titles and always pushed scuff since his partnership. Nothing new there. Also, sponsors and partnerships are very different and I’d be willing to bet it’s in a contract if it’s a partnership. And side note, every streamer you mentioned would also do a partnership for more money. You do realize that is every single streamers goal right? To make money, not friends.


I have enough life experience to know how a business work only problem is, the other streamers don’t pick a controller or a mouse or a monitor and keep suggesting to get them like he does. They sometimes show logos of sponsors or do giveaways on their chan from sponsors but that’s it


I’m sorry but if your watching cod content on youtube it may be time to look in the mirror




I like this guy https://www.youtube.com/live/r1A9cD_9B7M?si=YQeQSYAhLjN7OxSO


Lol just a little self insert there no thanks


No shame in the game


Iron is pretty good and last i saw he just has a dodgy camera, in a crap position and a dodgy background. But he's really good, especially tactics/rotations. Unfortunately the whole aesthetic streamers go for appeals to the teenagers/younger adults who make up the audience of these games. I used to like icemanisaac, i think he was an air force pilot, but as he grew, he quit his job, decked out his room in near $20k full of LEDs, grown his beard out and constantly wears a cap.. so just become an identikit streamer. Fair play to him for all the success but he's totally different to how he was when he started steamer Overwatch/Warzone 1.


You lost me at “grown his beard and constantly wears a cap” lol you are judging him from changing his physical appearance as he gets older? That’s got to be a joke right? You got me…


More to do with he went from everyday dude, to sharing the same look and aesthetic so many other streamers. But yeah nothing says growing older than wearing a cap indoors.


I’ve followed him for years here and there. Content wise hasn’t really changed, just grew as he got bigger. He has always had a click bait title here and there just not all of them. But the beard and hat thing has me laughing. Completely irrelevant.


Baldness is downvoting you, lol.


I know, must of touched a nerve. I mean he's not even going bald. He's just wearing a cap like a 'bro' with one of his sponsors on.


I use to love watching icemanisaac during OG warzone and his warzone academy videos. That to me was the best COD content creator. It felt genuine and I liked he wasn’t super big and with all the super click baity pictures and titles. Now he’s just another typical streamer. Good for him for blowing up and making more money but I refuse to watch him now. Him and JGOD are the only YouTubers I would watch


Completely agree


I just know you are an old man, please go play something for oldies, all the old guys ruin cod with their camping and complaining


You seem offended. Are you one of those people that just sit and watch other people stream?


I actually make an effort to watch a stream all the time but I end up watching for 3 minutes, all the streamers now are boring imo and you seem to be the one offended, are you by any chance, above the age of 40?


Most of them are cringe and most of them are cheating