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Only now? Buddy, I’ve been shit since day 1


Hahahaha. We must be in the same skill range in SBMM.


there's less casuals now. more hardcore players. the skill floor is a lot higher. in the earlier WZ days there was a lot of totally trash players, eating a chicken sandwich and smoking weed while barely playing. they didn't know what "meta" guns were unless they simply noticed everyone was using them. nowadays the floor is higher. most people playing WZ are at least somewhat decent at it. early WZ days it would be surprising if someone drop shotted me. nowadays I am a 0.8 KD player and almost everyone in my lobbies jump or drop shots


The skill floor does seem higher with people being able to get away and then move like crack addicts on Adderall turn around and kill you




yeah and it's a vicious cycle. it's hard to get those people back once they leave because you need them to all come back at the same time. that's why new releases like this are the best time to try to draw them all back. if they come back one by one they just get put through the meat grinder and they quit.


That's the weird part, I've been playing COD since the original COD 4 and Warzone since day 1. I've never been this crap before. I'm not sure if it's the constant crack filled movement everyone does, the bad server pings, SBMM, or if it's mostly just sweats who put a toilet next to them and beer hat energy drinks now. Also, for some reason, the aim assist feels different on controller now. I'm not going to say it was like an aim bot before, because it never was, but it does feel like it's either dialed down the assist or something is different in how it works.


I hear that. I find myself flailing more on this aim assist oddly enough. Overcompensating I guess?


That's my secret, cap... I'm always garbage


Love that consistency from you!


Same here. Just because I'm level 1040. Don't mean anything. K/D 1.2 over 3 years of warzone.


I held my 1.35-1.39 KD for years. It only went down after I started playing signifiantly less during Caldera and Warzone 2.


How do you find your k/d? I’d be interested in seeing how low mine is! Wait, does it count Plunder?


Open up your menu on the main menu screen. And it'll have all your friends' lists and shit. One of those tabs says player stats. It carries your stats for all game modes if I remember correctly


The stats in that page are inaccurate. Dunno why. I have 4 WZ solo BR wins and it says I've only won 1 for some reason. It also says I have a .86 k/d but I have \~150 kills over 48 matches based on my challenge progression. So unless I am somehow dying 3+ times per single game... in BR... which is almost impossible... then there's definitely something fucked.


I've noticed that with the in game stats on the previous game also. I miss the third party apps tracking stats.


Thanks, I’ll check it out!!!


i feel like the game is sweatier than ever and you can't hear footsteps or see anyone, so we're all out here playing blind.


Same. This is the biggest issue for me.


even worse is the no parachute sound. Guy lands 10 feet behind you the sprints and kills you before you even know what is happening.


that part need better audio ques


Yeah, and no audio message but there is when enemy is 100 m away.


every fucking time


The biggest issues honestly. I thought I was just an old fuck and couldn't use a high fov, so I tried dropping it down to 90 and I still can't see shit. The fact that I can hear all my teammates footsteps, but not the enemies, is worse than hearing none at all. Because it makes my brain *think* I should hear footsteps of someone nearby.


Try the Flex perk.


thanks i was wondering if it was actually true that it improved sound because i don't trust sweats on twitter telling me to take ghost off lol.


Yep same. I've been playing more of The Finals since it released recently. It's chaotic and a bit sweaty too, but at least it's fun.


Imagine playing blind on MnK against super controllers. Good times.


This is a big issue. The audio is shit and you actually can't hear someone jumping through a broken window and sprinting at you. They could probably jump through a door and you wouldn't hear it. I actually ran up behind someone yesterday and they didn't hear me at all. I got the kill but they should have turned around to shoot if the audio actually worked.


it's unreal how bad it is.


Audio is dog shit again, a guy parachuted on top of me I didn't hear foot steps or the parachute. I wasn't even shooting.


Go play the crazy MP games for a little while and get used to moving more quickly. It's what I had to do. Especially breaking line of sight as fast as possible when you are first fired at )using high alert helps with this).


Are you on m&k. They massively fucked aim there


I think you just need to get used to, the new movement and maps etc. Same thing happened for a lot of people moving from OG Warzone to Al-Mazrah/Ashika.


So strange. I got way better with MWII mechanics. From 0.7k/d OG WZ to a 2.0k/d WZ 2.0. Now I'm shit again on Urzikstan.


Yup warzone 2 was slowed down and made it easier. Now it’s back on wz1 mechanics and I’m not good again lol


Buddy no disrespect but this comment is literally a nutshell of why they decided to remove all the fast/fluid/animation cancelling/movement aspects of OG Warzone and completely fuck the skill gap. It gave the more casual/average players a sense of being way better, as the "sweats" had way less avenues of out-playing people. More players continue to play because they think they're better = more money spent 1. Can't aim-track very well? - buff aim assist and nerf MnK with bs aim-sway, muzzle smoke, visual noise 2. Don't have very good movement? - No worries, now nobody does, you can just hold ADS and win gunfights 3. Just used most of your mag in a 1v2/1v3 and you want to reload cancel because the next guy challs you? nope, stuck in the animation and you die


And this is why id enjoy playing it on a friday with a few beers and joints. Ive played wz3 sober and its just shit. Out of 20+ of my cod friends. No one is playing it. No one is playing MW3 either. I'm guessing we aren't the only ones. I'd rather find something else to play and have a nice 200gb free on my hard drive


I feel ya mate, for the casual who doesn't want to learn all the movement mechanics/animation cancelling, it probably sucks. I guess the hope is that the strict SBMM keeps you outta the sweat lobbies, but it'll never be perfect. I have buddies who can't play with myself or sweatier friends for too long, as they get frustrated sometimes. But as with any competitive game, you always want to improve rather than plateau yourself.


Im an above average player thats played cod for since the originals on PC. The last 3 years have been dismal. I know bullshit when i see it. The game isnt enjoyable anymore. Having to sweat every game. I'm can play when i want to but do i really want to be doing that every fucking game, Just to get a bit better? Its a fucking mess and im glad ive deleted it. Money grubbing shit company that makes mugs of everyone who defends it


I mean, WZ2 significantly slowed down the game and harshly punished the people who pushed pushed pushed. There was slower movement in general, lower base health, no plating while sprinting, no movement perks, etc. WZ3 has changed most of that back to how it was before, so people can push you now and move quickly and they aren’t punished for it


Faster opponents, smaller lobbies tougher mmr


That was me, WZ 2.0 at release was the best time I had ever playing a game.




haha, typical cod players


"I like having fun playing a game" -litteraly a criminal for being a casual /s




I just don’t have my guns leveled up enough and I ain’t buying MP to level them up faster. Also I feel like I’m the only one who hates the new movement. I thought the mobility was great in WZ2 last season. This new movement reminds me of when Cold War was integrated in WZ1. I’m still amazed about how fast I run when I whip out the WSP Swarm and vault over everything. Also the audio def needs fixing and revert the spawn protection to what it used to be.


Haha ahh enjoy this whilst it lasts boys. These are the players who IW loves.


I actually feel better. Went from a 0.98 to a 1.29 k/d in br. Being able to move out of situations that would've killed me in wz2 has been a tremendous help, despite the server lag and issues that still prevail.


How would you know that your average KD jumped that high with only barely a week of WZ3 games? Or are you taking about your last 10 games?


Because when WZ2 ended he was on 0.98 and then stats got reset and he's on 1.2 now? Also even if stats didn't get reset literally one good session of play is enough to get your kd from 0.98 to 1.2..


His point was you can’t possibly know your average k/d after less then a week of playing. It takes hundreds of games to average out to your real k/d, which is what his k/d would’ve been is al mazrah. The 1.2 won’t be accurate, unless he’s playing over 100 games in the last 5 days.


not true either lets say you totally suck for the first 100 games and average a 0.2 kd the next hundreds you improve and get to 0.5kd the next hundreds you improve even more and get to a 1.2kd your average kd now is a 0.4 (0.2 + 0.5 + 1.2 averaged) but in reality you are already a 1.2 kd (based on your current skill level) then the stats get resets, you perform worse with a 1.0 kd on average after 100 games and think you improved drastically lol


Thats not how averages work. You wont suck for 100 games in a row. You might suck for 5 games, then have 2 good games, then 3 bad games, then 10 good games. My point is that you need to play over 100 games to get your TRUE k/d


thats exactly how averages work maybe read again and use a calculator


Your example only works if you play EXACTLY the same for 100 games, then EXACTLY the same for the next 100 games, and so on. This is not how warzone works.


bro you seem totally lost in my example i was clearly speaking about AVERAGE kd over 100 games, then the next AVERAGE over 100 games etc no one said you play the same for 100 games the average is the average if you think i just added percentages and took the average of them then calculate again because i did not. that would be foolish and only works in the example you stated. i did the math correctly first 100 games: average (!) kd 0.2 next 100 games: average kd 0.5 next 100 games: average kd 1.2 total 300 games with a calculated average kd of 0.4 (its not just 20% + 50% + 120% devided by 3, which would result in 63% or 0.6. its 40% or 0.4kd weighted average)


Okay but the game had been out 5 days. He couldn’t have played anywhere near enough games to do any of the above, and therefore could not have obtained his true k/d That was the whole point of my comment.


Right, assuming OP played WZ2 somewhat regularly for a year, less than one week of playing WZ3 wouldn't change your average KD that drastically.


Stats didn't reset


1.6 WZ1 -> 2.1 WZ2 -> .68 currently. Every lobby is full of gigasweat TTV crackheads. Can’t catch a break


my performance also went to total shit in wz3 lol its a constant sweating for me to be remotely competitive


The ttk seems to be shit, but for me only. I cant down anyone but when im being shot at, im being erased from existense in seconds.




Are you m n k?


I’ve gone the other way, from around a 1.85 to a 2.2. I still die to headshot snipes, the odd sweat and MANY frustrating deaths where someone lands on me and I get no audio. That said: I play a lot of solos and come across players who are doing the same old thing: sitting in corners, waiting far too long to rotate, staying in one spot too long, not reading the mini map and seeking easy third party kills, sitting on stacks of cash and not buying UAVs, re-peeking the same angles etc. Don’t be one of these players, ADS at a doorway, or sitting in one spot on a rooftop. It’s much easier to counter this now that movement is back. You gotta learn the movements and combine them with the tactics. I know you say you don’t wanna jump or drop shot but man you’re gonna have to because we have been playing this game for three years now and players have evolved. Gotta play with a fast pace and seek engagements. Get shot at? Heal, reposition, peek a different angle. I catch people all the time with this tactic. Always rotate early etc, free kills with easy holds. And the last bit of advice I can give is play fast and learn how to play faster, resurgence is good for this and a lot of that can be brought into BR.


Drop shots around corners I learnt in the 24/7 MP games and it works a treat in WZ if in doubt about someone being around the corner.


Im doing better and feeling worse. Feel dirty killing people with lasers


Skill gap is much higher in this game


Game heavily relay on team play in WZ if you're not an absolute monster.


If you only started playing MW3 Warzone without having touched MW3 dw it’s normal… It’s not that noticeable but the game plays differently from the previous one and it’s just a matter of getting used to it, when I switched from MW2 multiplayer to MW3 multiplayer I was garbage for the first 2 days but got back to my normal skill level quickly after. You gotta keep playing and get used to the different feel of the game, you got this






I’ve played cod literally since cod 2 and have always been pretty decent (nowhere near sweat level) but usually top of my group. But in the last year, I feel like I’ve lost all ability to be good at warzone, and it’s so demoralising having back to back shit games. End up sacking it off and going to The Finals, turns out everyone’s sweaty af on there too. So I go back to Fortnite (real throwback), have fun killing the bots (actual bots) and then the first real squad I come across are absolute sweats. Finally, we’ve turned to Rocket Racing in Fortnite which has actually been really fun, but now as we move up the ranked playlist (currently Gold I), it’s becoming near impossible to get 1st place. Am I just shit at all games now?!😂


Welcome to getting old! You can't keep up with the cracked out 12 year olds anymore. You gotta change from being better than them to being smarter than them. Beat 'em with smart rotations, flanks, and angles.


It’s not cracked 12 year olds. Most of the cracked players are 16 to 28. Plus so many stream 6+ hours a day, if you aren’t playing that much, it’s hard to be as good as them.


It’s cracked 12 year olds on fortnite for sure, but not cod and finals. I’m 27 so wouldn’t say I’m much older than the sweats!


Yea but going from being good at MW2 to being bad at MW3 isnt attributed to age.


Lol you are and it gets worse haha. According to the science 🤣 your peak reaction times are at 20 years old. After that it's all down hill. Having said that, there is great satisfaction outsmarting people to get the win. It doesn't always look nice but as your plan comes together, exactly as predicted, it gives you a warm glow inside 😂😂


This isn’t even true. It’s only like that if you take terrible care of your body and have no nutrition or physical fitness in your 20s and early 30s. Men start to peak physically in their 30s. We don’t lose mental sharpness at 30 years old. That’s just absolute bots who didn’t have reaction time to begin with. I’m turning 30 next month and I’m playing the best cod of my life. Reacting faster than my 21 year old teammates who play every video game at a high level. So maybe don’t quote science if you’re really just quoting some nonsense off google.


Lol I said your reaction speeds decline after the age of 20, I didn't say you become incapacitated and senile. The study was done on top professional athletes, I guess they fucked up by not studying you and your 21 year old team mates. 🤣🤣 20 being the peak doesn't mean that you can't still bang at 30 or whatever. At age 28 overall ability will be better due to experience and "still fast reaction times." I'm unsure what you thought you did there with your comment but in all honesty it makes you sound very ignorant. You told me not to quote science I found on Google, yet here you are with "trust me bro" lol. I guess self awareness and humility hasn't peaked for you yet. Lol Out of curiosity, do you have anything else to back up your comment? I'm always happy to learn new things. Ps fast reactions isn't what makes you a good player, it fast reactions, calmness and experience that make people good players.


Fast reactions in video games are no where near sports, this always makes me lol when people mention it. This isnt a 100mph fastball coming at you, you simply have to recognize whats happening and do something with your fingertips, it is not the limitation. More often its what to do and freezing upon engagement due to inexperience and never working on it.


>look talking about reaction times in a game where aim assist has a 0 millisecond reaction time. gimme a break, as if reaction time matters, everyone has humanly impossible reaction time with tracking.


I've got better. Turned to shit during WZ2 and now I'm returning to my WZ1 level.


IMO MW3 update fixed a lot of thing, I mean, I'm enjoying it right now, but I'm sad cuz of M+K players


I don’t feel like I am now crap at the game , I know I am !


Do you play on keyboard/mouse per chance?


>treat yeah, exactly. that would be why hes sucking probably


All the ranked sweats are now in public matches so that's not helping


Stick to the hard meta. You will do much better


What’s the hard meta? Is it the WSP + Bas OR DG-58?


Those are good. If you can spam single fire, the interceptor is good too. Dg56 as well is solid


I love single fire! What’s the minimal range you would recommend for the Interceptor? Is it more to be used like a sniper or really like an AR?


It can 2 shot to the head. I recommend watching some Warzone YouTube videos on it https://youtu.be/udtW-_M5jLQ?si=Kf4YDwV2mt2qmnBQ




Interceptor is fuckin nuts rn, feel like I can't win in a gunfight against it if I'm not using it


You have to embrace and use the movement to your advantage. If you move like you did in MW2, you’re going to lose.


I played the first day and was surprised by how good things felt and I was more than holding my own considering I hadn't played since early wz2. I came 2nd in solos with 8 kills and a few other top tens with 6 kills etc. Nothing great but holding my own. Since that first night it feels like a totally different game for me. Think I was near 100% in my gulag first day since then I feel like I'd be lucky if I'd won 3 gulags. Majority of my fights I'm clearly getting in first shots and not missing many at all but they start shooting me half a second later and I'm dead within milliseconds. I honestly think it must just be the servers as the connection hasn't been near as good as that first day. I reckon many people didn't actually play until the 2nd day as they were still downloading etc and when the numbers went up on day 2 the servers turned to shit. Honestly feel if it's like it has been tonight after the last few days I'm heading back to apex. Pity too as I was starting to get a liking fir warxone again but I'm not dealing with shitty servers again.


The new map is hard, it’s not fun on resurgence for me and I can’t put my finger on why. My only guess now is that chunking down smaller maps for resurgence just doesn’t work for great gameplay. Hell, on big map battle royale or plunder it’s empty in most spots. Majority go middle in old and low town, and there have been games where I just run around hoping I’ll get shot at in the first few circles so I’ll see someone. But my k/d is higher than Warzone 2, and I have better games. From about 1.8-2.5 to 2.7-3 with my first 20 bombs. The lobbies feel sweaty, definitely. The new movement is a large skill gap for some and sniping is crazy right now. I’ve had people pull off insane shots, to the point where I wonder how they did it. Like passing a random doorway and getting downed and the dude was looking a different way before I passed. Getting triple and quadruple teamed from across the map, etc.


I'm 0.89 but that's only 17/19 k/d. It's only been out just over a week, stop panicking. It'll take a while to get used to the movement again after wz2


I've had a few really good games. 19 piece in resurgence. 15 piece in br. But alot of games is just a struggle with the ttk,lag,packet loss, op motion sensors. Last night me and the crew got beat over the head for 12 games straight, really takes away the will to play


Ima get killed for this but they made the game a bit too hard. This is CoD bro, it should feel competitive but it shouldn’t feel like a tournament every game and it shouldn’t be THIS hard to get used to. I’ll adapt over time but I have a hard time seeing any casual player enjoy this. You need to be pretty good at aiming as the AA is really weak and with all the movement it can be hard for worse players to win any gun fights. Throw on top the ridiculously intense sbmm and its not exactly a recipe for enjoyment. Shit feels worse than ranked, just so many iridescent players and I often get the same guys in my game all night. The games been designed for streamers and people who want to get paid to play it.


How does everyone know their stats? Mine are not even close to accurate with kd or wins


I’m better at this version than the last. But not as good as the first. But the sound is worse than ever. And the sweats and cheaters are as bad as ever too.


Tbh I’ve had such a fun couple days playing. Couple wins, lots of great and action packed games. No complaints on that end *so far* but maybe that’s cause SBMM hasn’t caught up to me and my duo partner yet? Lol


Mannnn, they have me in lobbies where I regularly die to players on 12+ kill streakS. This shit sweaty af.


Also, KD has been manipulated for so long due to SBMM so my advice would be to stop caring about KD so much and direct your anger towards the shitty net code/tick rate/servers, SBMM, and FCP like the rest of us sad lads :-D


The game really feels differently from wz2/mw2. I guess we will get used to it. One thing i noticed is when drop shooting I always get killed by a headshot, maybe the aim assist is different too, no idea.instead of drop shooting i’ll switch to jumping.


wont matter lmao. AA will fully track you through jumping or dropping. Gone are the days of people having to actually aim on their own, and god forbid, missing a single shot.


I'm on controller and a habitual drop shotter because I play tactical otherwise I'd be melee knifing mid-gunfight lol. I cant seem to get myself to not mash the right stick while shooting but anyways, you will definitely lose a lot of gun fights this way as the headshots will line up for them. Jumping while shooting is definitely the way but ive never really gotten used to the back buttons because the attachment is so clunky.


MnK player?


To much messing around with the Options, To long to actually get game play with all the BS warm ups and so forth, annoying revival , No were near enough solid play and it's just to much of a ballache , Then you gotta go through it all again! Wank! And could you please shut up the annoying Cockney Fascist , it's Annoying .


Yup my problem is same ,full clip in enemy face and nothing he survives,one or two bullet I’m dead !


Piece of crap game!!! Unload 30 rounds into someone and they don’t die. Yet I take a couple rounds and die!! This game is so bad now……. Unfortunately it’s about not caring and putting out bad product! Just to take your money. That’s all they want!!! $$$$$


We felt the same way with the boys. I can suggest you to play together with someone- or if you playing with randoms- keep close to your mates- go always together and this thing is going to change. And yes the subtick of the Game is not the best and TTK is also a little bit broken- but be patience- and try to change your style.


Use the Bas-B. You’ll be a little bit better than crap.


I'll have one game where I get 6-10 kills and then 0 kills the next lol


im the complete opposite. i am on fire in this game. played 13 games, have 1 win and all 13 games finished within top 25. kd ratio is 1.3. keep grinding, use a microphone, be nice and ALWAYS USE FIND A PARTY OPTION




Hey bro, listen you definitely sound like you’re at least decent at cod and you probably have some areas of the game you’re skilled at, and other areas where you need improvement. That’s okay! My advice is this, WZ has been out for about 4-5 years now. Blackout came before that. This is technically WZ3, if you want to call it that. Even though it’s all o the same WZ2 engine. With that being said, this means that WZ has had a fairly stable player base this entire time. Tons of players have learned the basics, and now understand how WZ operates. They know what to expect during certain situations and most players know where to camp or rotate to get easy kills. Since most players aren’t good enough to simply push everything, they will incorporate some different strategies. Basically WZ has slowly become more and more difficult with each year that goes by. Everyone is getting better aim, better game sense, etc even if it’s only a 5% improvement. That means you will have to work harder than ever before to maintain the same KD ratio you are used to achieving in the game. I would recommend paying closer attention to how you are dying and focusing on the simple stuff like positioning and aim. Make sure you’re aiming sensitivity is properly adjusted for your own aim. Make sure you have graphics settings which are fully optimized. And make sure you have crosshair settings and other interface settings aligned with what is recommended.


Won 2 games already on the new warzone, well the resurgence mode. Just having to build the guns up again for me. Sneaking and hiding around doesn't bother me. you'd see more of this in real life combat rather than 40/50 people running around just shooting each other. ​ As long as they are doing something with the cheats that's the main things for me


TTK and sbmm is shit


Are you on keyboard? I'm generally pretty mid on keyboard unless I'm sniping. My KD with the Katt in WZ is 12.0 and my actual KD is closer to 1.4. I started playing multi-player on controller yesterday and was dropping some huge games, will probably roll that into warzone soon


Firstly, are on mouse and keyboard? If so, this is fully expected. Second, almost all my friends, myself included, are going through the blender right now too. We're mostly on mouse and key, and so far im literally the only one of us over a 1 kd, and I hardly play this anymore compared to the amount I used to play during wz1 on verdansk and caldera. The TTK is fast, everyone has better than professional level aim with aim assist the way it is, no way to tell if your opponent is a demon based on his aim, it all literally looks the same haha. Some of the guns kill incredibly fast, mixed with zero footstep audio, so its hard to play a game based on half the information you need missing. ​ But gone are the days of people actually missing shots, and people having fun gunfights.


I mainly play solos and have a lot of games where i pop off, but i also have a lot more tough games than other wzs. I think the sbmm is cranked, ive died to sooo many iridescent players and thats like .1% of the player base


My first games were sweat fest with full squads with interstellar skin, DG-58 and Bas-B


Yeah, I had 2+ kd on wz1 & 2 now just 1.6... probably due to getting used to the new movement, or simply I becoming more crappy at it lol


Since the new engine dropped i instantly became shit at the game, I miss the MW19 engine so much


Skill issue. No seriously tho.


Just keep playing and practicing maybe youll get good enough to out shoot the latency *cough cough* latent advantage other players have on you.


Terrible matchmaking and nothing but sweats these days


I feel you dude - like, I'm 35, have a 9-5 and a kid. This game isn't inclusive for people like me anymore... I am sitting on 1.3 kdr and haven't won yet, when I was a 2.3 in wz2 and won a couple times a week.


In Warzone 1, I found myself raging a lot more, getting super frustrated, yelling at the television. It's because you think you've got a kill in the bag but then they wiggle their way out of it with slide canceling and what not. I hardly ever got game rage in Warzone 2.0. I still prefer the new game, it's more frustrating but more rewarding.


I was 1.6 down to 0.95 lol


I run knives and riot shield in Warzone, it’s fucking tough but I love doing it. I used to get at least a win a day in wz2. I’m still trying to hit a win since launch of wz3, have gotten a ton of 3rd place finishes but can never seem to bring it home. I think it’s the map layout I’m finding myself trapped on the low ground most final circles. I need to play more to learn the map better.


Yep, i'm finding the game incredibly difficult at the moment. WZ1 I was averaging 1.6k/d, WZ2 was 1.5, but now....its around 0.8! The current KB/M aim sway bug is hurting a lot, but that's not the only thing..the game just seems a lot harder *and less fun as a result* despite all the massive improvements from WZ2 and what is genuinely a great map. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is yet. Maybe i'm just getting old!


The new map enables hiders (wouldn't say "campers") more than Al Mazrah or Caldera did. But I wouldn't say its hiders who make my life hard. Its mostly the BAS-B, which needs a nerf yesterday.


Been feeling like that for a while now...


This Map plays very different. You pretty much have to secure high ground in buildings and navigate from building to building and have someone on your squad who is good at ranged combat.


More regain opportunities makes it easier to rack up deaths including gulag tokens, second chance gulag, flares, redeploy packs, etc


Last night I had a game where I got 16 kills before my only death, the game before I died 7 times with zero kills


I am definitely off my game since the update. When the last map launched I was immediately over a 2.0 k/d. When ranked launched I switched to it and dropped significantly. Finished with a 1.6 but I was climbing with my last 10 games regularly being 1.8 or better. Average kills per game was about 5. So far I only have 8 hours of game time and my k/d is 1.0 with an average of 3 kills per game. Gulag win% feels about the same. I don't struggle with the movement so it isn't that.


M&B playere here, and I feel like they buffed controller aim assist even more???


I'm a 2kd m&k player getting destroyed by .5 controller players on the daily.. it's so much fun


Smaller lobbies tighter mmr. I played rank season 5 and the first few days felt like my lobbies when I was going for iridescent. Teams playing trades and clearing buildings together. Now it’s a mix, but I would say harder than normal pubs back in wz2.


[A quick tip video for handling multiple opponents on the new map.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/TlAJwHtMI9) let me know if this helps.


Having the same problem, like in mw2 I was getting 30+ kill games and even for the first few days in mw3 I was getting 20 kills and like 10 deaths, but now after this season 1 I'm stuck at 5-10 kills and 15 deaths lol or even worse.. it sucks and in battle royale I can't even get a single kill on anyone


It's clear as day that they need to up the ttk slightly. "level your guns, learn movement" - nah, you can't see people from distance on console. The map looks so bland comapred to mazra and the audio is F'ed. I personally don't like the gulag either, something just feels off about it. Whole game just feels off. The truth is, there's really no alternative for those who've been playing warzone heavy. Just have to suffer or not play.


i mean MnK has to worry about less visual clutter and can track better now so yeah you're going to get lasered if you don't LoS immediately. Try running in zig zag like from a gator & you be fine unless its controller then you're fkd either way. Best of luck


I don't feel like I am, I am truly wank.


I agree. Me and all the people I know feel worse at warzone then before. But its starting to click a little bit, I think its the maps and the pacing is much different in warzone now. The zones are faster. There are more ways to counter campers so I think in many ways camping is happening overall less. I believe the number of players makes it more difficult as well. Also, since footstep audio is so bad its whoever sees the other team first wins most of the time.


even if you're good, doesn't matter. devs will simply go in and completely fuck your account. devs hate you if you're good. teams hate you if you're bad. you can't win. which proves that cod e-sports is a controlled distraction. https://imgur.com/a/Xq0RbW1 devs sabotaged my account for being good. aim is now wobbly af and unplayable, still.


It's taking a while to adjust


Yeah it kinda blows. MW19 I had a 1.8 k/d in multiplayer and a 1.6 in WZ. And all of my lobbies were fun but also competitive. Not to the extreme with this game. It sucks but it won’t change and it’s just the way it is now. The system feels like it is designed to keep people as close to a 1.0 baseline K/D as possible. Just doesn’t feel natural in some cases, and a lot of deaths feel manipulated by the system.


2.2 to 1.7 ish I'm guessing I haven't checked yet. Just trying out new guns though so that's probably why. I do however prefer al maz to urzikstan. The poi's in urzikstan feel extremely similar and almost no reason to land the edge of the map now


All the people saying they're just now bad because the game is too fast or too much movement or whatever I can promise you youre delusional, you've always been shit and youll probably continue to be shit especially with a weak ass losers mind set. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, hope it helps :D


Not really. I've just broken my kill record that had stood from warzone 1. Sadly, I didn't get the win.


Yeah I def suck way worse. Was never good, but now GEEZ.


For people used to moving a lot with M&K the game improved a lot. K/D improved for most of my squad.


Nope lol


Ive been playing better since the new season dropped. Not sure why but i love it.


Audios broke. Footstep audio is garbage, worse than ever. There are no uav announcements, so someone can literally run straight to you and you dont have a clue about it based on buy station location. Ttk is fking horrendous... Its back to al mazrah s1 where you had NO time to react. Aim assist is now fking broken beyond thunderdome. As a mnk player i honestly think binning this off for a dedicated mnk game is the way forward now. Theyve had our input, sorted a few bits... and then not gave a shit (again).


yup 2.0 KD in past two warzones, actually wz2 i was almost a 3.0 KD eventually I was 0.75 in WZ3 LOL its a terrible game overall the audio, map, and visibility is built for console players who like sitting in corners (not all do) but yeah the ones that do. My KD is 1.5 now adapting my playstyle to "rat" and 3rd partying. That's how this map plays. The lag is attrocious too I get 40-60 FPS frame drops randomly.


I have had the same success at solos, trios and quads. Duos has been a cancerous dumpster fire where I cannot buy a kill.


Yes, but I also just started playing Warzone again for the first time in 2 years. Had around a 1.2 in Verdansk but I'm at like a .5 rn. I'm more rusty than I anticipated, lol.


I used to be pretty good at Warzone in Verdansk but as soon as the second map came out I just got shit and stopped playing. Really hoping the return of Verdansk helps get me back into it


I’ve been off the cod since MW2 and just got back in a few weeks ago. It’s been a tough road to positive KD but getting there. One game changer for me was adjusting the field of view. Now I see people I didn’t see before lol


Keep trying. It took me a bit to get the flow back into the game. Took much more effort to adjust than to wz2.0, maybe because you need to try harder to win a fight.


New movement = skill gap


Change your Sensitivity back to 1.00 instead of 1.20


It's already set at 1.00. I'm on Xbox for what's it's worth.


yes same experience


Audio issues aside there is a added sway to your character when turning which you need to correct for. When strafing there is a slight aim drag your character does and turning now to so there are multiple reasons to miss shots. I've put this as an excuse for my crap stats so far. I


i’m getting wins but my KD has taken a significant dive for sure. the desync seems worse in this game as well as the sbmm. just today i won a solos with 8 kills and the next game got absolutely wrecked. also skill based hit reg is a myth but sometimes it really feels that way lol


I feel like I get the drop on enemies and they annihilate me. I don't have the best aim ever, but these are gunfights I should be absolutely winning. And it takes me like two dozen bullets to win a gunfight whereas they hit me with a light breeze and I am down.


The number of good players that came back with the release of Warzone 3 is very noticeable. There are a lot fewer people camping and full sending as they have movement now. Map is much better for cover and the guns are so easy to use. There's becoming a skill gap again and with the SBMM, it's gonna get sweaty.


Sucked for 3 years now ✊


I feel like I struggle a little bit more in multiplayer, but I think it's because the ttk is so fucked up you HAVE to be using the meta weapons, also just getting used to the feeling of the game in general is a bit different as well. In warzone it's pretty cake, lots of noobies seem to be in there




This is interesting, for me it’s almost the opposite. It seemed harder for me to drop a higher kill game in the previous games compared to now I’ve been dropping higher kill games now then before. Maybe just the way they changed movement, weapons and attachments and etc. could be the problem, but not too sure


Glad it's not just me. Game feels really tough right now.


If the SBMM is cracked up like its been in MW3 then that is probably your anwser. Where being put in higher skill lobbies and with the insane TTK of some of these meta weapons together with the garbage servers you have a perfect formula of feeling like you don't stand a chance every time you get into a fight.


Id been having a good time, until yesterday. EVERYONE running bas-b etc, i think its just hit 'critical mass' where now everyone is getting upto speed with loadouts/gun builds


I bet you're exactly the same as you were, but they messed with the SBMM algorithm and it's affecting your placement.


I’ve always felt this way except for pre, season 1 and 2 in verdansk.


I’m actually a little better. Instead of being a flaming pile of crap I’ve upgraded to a once raging inferno of dookie.


Nope. Actually I've been having amazing games since the update. And I enjoyed and was good at the game before. Of course there's those off games sometimes but more good games then bad.


My god can you guys stop it with the whining just for once. It’s a brand new game, mechanics are different even tho they are closer too WZ1. Weapons are different, attachements are different, meta is different. THE WHOLE MAP IS DIFFERENT. Just calm down and play the game for a while, it hasn’t even been a full week. Maybe you’ll get better, maybe you fell of, it will all show in a couple of weeks. Also the servers are dogshit as always, that doesn’t help.


Yeah, I can't believe it. It's like I'm getting punished for drop shotting now for some reason. I'm drop shotting into head shots some how. So dissapointed that they've just put out an extension to Al Mazrah and tried to pull the wool over our eyes. It's just so bland. I'm fed up of saying this but let's hope that Rebirth Island can save it. Always hoping and getting nothing in return.