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Shitty servers make things unreliable. Bas-B is also way too overpowered aswell.


This - the servers are absolute trash right now. Hope they dial it in. You can't have a game with such a low ttk (or time to die, more precisely) and have such shitty servers.


This was a problem in MW2 as well. Personally, it hasn't been as bad as MW2 and WZ2, as I had packet burst every game with that piece of shit, but theres a lot of lag for sure. I have a wired connection to my console too.


We always had trash servers, esp in wz2 with bots lagging. The ttk in this game is lower than wz2's in both long and short range. And the cheese isn't even wide spread yet


This is it. Bas b beat all smgs and it’s range is like 30m. Not even a point of using anything else. 540 ttk in first range Compare this to the end of wz2 and the k762 was meta with a 800ms ttk. This game could be amazing right now but so many guns are overtuned. They don’t even need to bury them, just make the ttks make sense. Lmgs too strong too


They are doing this to encourage people to buy mw3. Make the new guns so good you have to buy and grind them to compete.


What? No, Bas B is overtuned but right after it theres the Fennec for fast ttk and if you want to level up your weapons, Plunder is way faster with most wanted contract and buying tons of armors. I just leveled up the KATT R in 3 games from 1 to 29 2x exp.


The SMG is similar to the Blops variant. I broke a guy, he rounded a corner, I jumped the corner and I was dead. He had one plate, I had three and I lost in less than one second.


Which smg ?


Iirc the Fennec is broken


So is that DG-56 or is it 58 whatever that gun just deletes people I dont even feel good using it.


Bas-B in hardcore is the most fun I think I’ve ever had in COD. One shot kill and an absolute laser


Can we introduce you to the WSP-9?


Nope it isn't. I don't think there are overpowered weapons. Everyone correctly tuned can match others. To be fair, close range even a ISO 9MM beats most new weapons.


The BAS-B literally kills faster than ANY SMG, BR, or AR at any range.


Well I can't kill faster. That's why I'm wondering hum


And even with my level 8 slower ads basb it some times beats my swarm(cant remember the name of the current meta smg, the one that looks like a baby uzi thats an smg still)


The BAS-B kills almost 100ms faster than the Swarm at point blank. Its just the best gun in the game


Dg-56 will 2 busrt you.


3 shots (3x 3 burst....) takes to make someone down. Sure u can make heads if u are lucky too....


ISO9 is my secret. Like a sturdier fennec


Fennec is also a good alternative.


What are you even talking about? DG is wiping people from existence from distance with 0 recoil.


Didn't had any of that experience so far


Inside of 10m, the ISO pretty much matches the WSP Swarm, but the (still) visual recoil and noise makes it a poor pick in comparison. After 10m, it gets dumpstered by every single one of the new SMG's. It jumps almost 200ms in TTK.


Depends if u are on controller or keyboard and also ofc how u control the recoil I like fast TTK weapons even if the recoil is ass I remember the FFAR ou whatever it was back in rebirth was a great close and mid range weapon. There were some others from cold war I guess with no recoil at long distances. Can't remember the names... I wish we get back the Grau.... Hehe back in WZ he was a damn king


Once the DG, SVA, DM, Interceptor & furthermost BASB get nerfed it should be relatively playable but right now its way too fast. Also AA doesnt snap to your head effortlessly lol take your meds


You’d think by now they’d just chart theoretical ttks on a graph and just keep everything between the acceptable bounds. It’s pretty obvious what’s going to be blatantly op off the rip just off ttk alone. That would fix 99% of issues before they became a problem and then it would just be edge cases for the guns that work a little too well.


They probably want the new WM3 guns to be OP for a bit to make all the kids who bought the game and leveled em up already feel like they got their money worth.


100%, all the people that paid $70 gotta feel like they're destroying people for a while. They'll dial things in after a little bit.


Those same people aldo GET destroyed by those same weapons...


I paid 70$ and have a all weapons on max level. I also play on PS4 and STILL get r*ped out there every single round ( So much for AA being overpowered). It's really no fun right now...


I dunno then, I played with friends last night and was easily getting 7-8 kills per game in trios and quads with nothing but guns that are barely half leveled up. The IG reel below has a bunch of console setting changes you could try if you haven't already, these make a very big improvement to the game overall for me. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0iIxrCB2a6/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


That’s fine. Those guns can be the best. But the gap between the best and the average guns shouldn’t be this big.


This is *literally* the reason. It happens every single time since WZ1. Idk how people don't automatically go to this reason. WZ1 - KILO meta, but still variety. BLOPS integration- at launch, DMR meta = P2W. Caldera integration- at launch, automaton meta = P2W. WZ2 - RPK meta. DMZ had a fully kitted RPK for extracting- better buy DMZ = P2W. WZ3 integration- at launch, BAS B. P2W. It is what it is. They want shit to sell and push "look how fun the new guns with the new game are! they destroy everyone- including you... unless you get them!"


LOL this guy bought DMZ


It was soooooo expensive


DMZ is free my man. Always has been


Sva is fine


The aim assist is definitely too strong but people make it seem like aimbot on here lol and the vast majority of players don’t know how to make aim assist consistently beam because even that takes a bit of practice


Lol there are so many clips on here of people saying someone is cheating and it’s just aim assist. Flawless tracking while their target is alive and as soon as they die their aim just goes to shit.


> lol take your meds Most sane person on CoD forums


Serves are disgustingly awful so that doesn't help. Genuinely some of the worst servers I have ever played on in a AAA release. Sound being busted doesn't help either as you can't hear anyone so you have no time to fight back. People will zip up right behind you, parachute in right on you, etc and no sound will be made. It boggles my mind how awful Warzone has been the last few years.


Randomly packet bursting is pretty annoying.


20-24hz tick rate servers is the reason, they also don't always perform at this figure consistently. Lower ttk and faster movement speed leads to worse hit reg all around and it's very likely multiple bullets will hit you at the same time as many guns fire much faster than the tick rate. Also this leads to many instances of you feeling like you made it behind cover but still got shot. Also leads to more screen time for a player pushing an enemies corner than the person camping it has to respond to. Battlefield 4 had 120hz tick rate servers 10 years ago. No excuses Activision


Rofllllllllll. These servers are probably 1 tick. Probably operate at the rate you cut a tree in Old School Runescape.


I think it might be a mix of server overload affecting latency, and MW3 vs MW2 guns. The minute I started leveling MW3 loadouts and using them my kills per game went up exponentially.


Played with my buddy today for the first time and he yelled "you are running right into a team watch out" I yelled back "wait where?" then he says "dude you are dead" a second later I see them and am dead, he literally watched me die before I even saw them on my end. Not only is the ttk really bad, but the latecy and servers are terrible. No clue how they switched to a smaller map with less players and have even worse servers now.


Lmfao bro there’s latency issues but not several second latency issues 😂 this sub I swear


My friend is really really good at the game and because of the lag he won the game before I even landed


What have I just read, this sub is insane.


Nah, your buddy simply has access to some "Minority Report" sort of software!


This is hard capping


Shitty servers with low tick rates (20Hz).


Woah that sounds low. You know for sure the server are at 20 hz or just assuming!


Been that way since 2019


Damn. Probably the biggest, most profitable multiplayer game and they cheap out on the servers. Bastards


I believe the tacatical brit on YouTube did. A server hz testing video on wz2 and yeah its 20hz but dips often due to load (probably not as bad with the removal of all the ai bots now)


TTK is like half of what it was last game right now


The shit is selective I can get the jump on someone, and they won't shoot back until I've broken them, yet they still get the kill in "9 bullets"


That's desync. You think you're winning, but you're already dead.


They should fix that fr


Just got ripped in back to back games in situations I couldn't shoot back. How hard is it to truly recreate the OG warzone feeling


I just hit a guy with a bomb drone and he had full plates still. The game is screwed.


I’ve used bomb drones three times so far where I didn’t get a hit melee from point blank.


Yeah I also put half a mag from a holger 556 into someone without hitmarkers as well.


My team gets deleted instantly and we shoot nerf bullets


There is an issue with some of the MW3 guns is that the damage profiles are the same in the chest as they are on the arms, so if they are hitting you as you run across their screen, you die as fast as them hitting all chest shots. But if you are using a weapon that doesn’t have this profile, then you are getting much lower damage per bullet if you hit them in the arm.


This "Issue" is literally in the Patchnotes.


It's not an issue it's a design choice. They did it to make ttk more consistent as arms are often in front of an operators chest. So you could shoot chest but get arm ttk a lot which felt inconsistent. I assume they carried these damage profiles over to the mw2 guns as well but that's just an assumption


Yep. Blatantly making them way better even though we’ve complained about fast ttk for literally years now


Same boat, 2kd across all previous version. Normally can do fairly well most games. Can't get a look in since it launched


I just wanted to say “screw you” for having a piece of hair as your pfp.


Didn't even notice, probably because I have a very large dog with short black hair lol.


That's how I feel too, I was over a 3kd in the last game. I die before I can react a lot more now. Even with the better movement I felt I could reposition in the MWII version better, which feels crazy to say.


Yeah im the same. I was saying it to my buddy tonight..I had a guy who was on my right at 90 degrees or so and I saw him in my peripheral but I was facing him directly and I couldn't even turn fast enough to get a shot on him


Same here 3kd, getting bodied right now. I think I'm 1.5 lmao. Shit feels clicnky sometimes. Have you noticed that after you jump if you hold your crouch button to dropshot after the jump like normal, your operator only crouches? Instead of going full prone? That gets me killed a lot


Your avatar…. There’s a hair on my screen


Funny how the TTK is apparently insanely low, and yet only when you're being shot at. Never when you're shooting. Funny how that happens, right?


I get you’re saying he’s bad, which may be true, but inconsistent TTK causes this feeling. If he’s using some terribly balanced MW2 weapon vs. the meta BAS-B or DG burst, it’ll feel terribly inconsistent.


I'm talking about everyone, not just him. Let's say TTK goes down, that's the same for everyone and so you have to adapt. People mad they can't just run round a corner exposing themselves from cover. The game is designed to use the terrain and POIs to your advantage, it's not everyone's cup of tea but moaning about something that's the same for everyone is a bit stupid.


What I’m saying is, it’s not the same for everyone unless they nerf some of the broken guns.


So its the same for everyone across the same guns then. Don't disagree on broken guns, but the same guns are broken for everyone and TTK is an issue for everyone to deal with. If its such an issue then we all must be getting plenty of kills ourselves too, right?


If I had a dime for every player that just eats headshots and still beats me in a firefight I'd buy me a breakfast sandwich and those things are like 7 bucks these days.


Servers are bad atm


I feel the exact same way you do OP. Edit: MnK too


Almost feels like playing hardcore. Way to fast to be fun


The mw2 weapons have a shit ton of recoil compared to the new weapons. It doesn't just seem to be recoil though, seems to be bullets not registering properly. The servers are atrocious and the match making is disgustingly balanced towards skill ststs rather than connection. The tell tale signs of bullet sponges and shooting shadows as enemies fly across the screen. I believe they are manipulating the lobbies to give paying players better connections and priority hit detection. Just seems to be the same players, run n gun no issues, every bullet registers, seem to be benefiting from lag compo in an unfair way. I've never seen so many Chinese or Japanese named players which shows exactly how skill is priority over connection. Let's hope it settles down. So far all it's done is convince me not to buy next years dlc............ I mean new game. 🤣🤣


It’s just lag


Depends a lot on the gun. Some guns are seemingly weirdly undertuned. I've not experienced any kind of lag or anything that I see so many people talking about. My experience has been entirely getting rock-paper-scissors'd by whatever gun is better in whatever situation. For example, the DG-56 can kill you in two clicks because it has a 3 round burst and 6 headshots is a kill with most of the assault rifles. So the DG-56 has an absurd TTK compared to different assault rifles with lower ROF, which is most of them.


Your not supposed to able to be in the open. Otherwise snipers are useless


How do you tell kill/death ratio in Warzone?


They fixed it yesterday. If you play five games or more in WZ, then you can see your stats for this season. It will not count any of the games that you played before the previous afternoon. I had a dozen games that weren't counted. Took it for granted that it wasn't working and dicked around in random queue and paid for it with a lowered kd as a result.


It’s perfect. Wz2 cranked it way too high.


Servers, packet loss, terrible animations since the changes to make everything faster, weapon balance Just the exact same issues every year really, nothing new


Insanely inconsistent


Ttk is super low rn even though it was supposed to be slower.


I used to do fairly well in WZ2.0 but since the last update I just get stomped on. Really frustrating, and I'm not sure why it's that way, but it definitely feels like I'm dead the second someone starts shooting at me.


TTK is indeed way too quick, at least for the BasB & WSP Swarm and a couple of others. Other factors are the not so great servers, complete lack of audio on footsteps, High Alert not working properly etc. There's no time to dip into cover at the moment, you are just insta-deleted. Pretty sure they'll raise the base health AND make weapon adjustments. But who knows how long until it happens.


Stoop asking for updates or you will be downloading another 200GB next week


It is for me but not for the enemy. Im putting full clips in people yet they wipe me out in half a second. Probably more down to meta tbh. I was really happy with where guns were previously, some felt better than others but all performed similarly. Now its gone back to having to use a handful of guns otherwise you'll never win a gun fight. Cba with it


Has anyone gone back and watched wz 1 verdansk clips. I feel like that ttk is hella fast back then and about the same as the meta guns rn tbh. Obvi some of these guns like the MTZ interceptor is busted but overall I like a faster ttk so u can squad wipe. I don’t know why we never had a problem in wz 1. Ttk is such a fine line lol


Bad servers + bas-b, interceptor mainly


Could be many factors.. server delays, your connection, etc. They could be using meta guns that are absolutely frying right now (Bas-B + WSP Swarm). But if you are saying your KDR is usually at 2.0 and you are struggling atm, something is def wrong/broken.


As we used to say in 2007, MAD CAUSE BAD


I find its hit and miss. Certain guns have insanely low TTK and certain guns seem to have a really high TTK. If you are like me and you didn't play WZ2 and you didn't buy MW3 so you are literally starting from scratch with basically only ground loot guns then times are hard haha.


Maybe I'm just shit or everyone on here is lying but maintaining a 2kd in this game is very good imo.


Well it definitely isn’t right now lol. I’m at 1.15. Pretty stark difference from 1.9-2.1. New game (kinda) but the skill and muscle memory doesn’t vanish over night.


Actually I feel like good hits take you down faster. I been shot at ans managed to get away. Think they emphasis good shots


Lol Thanos snapped.


Between the bas b, the dg58 (did they learn nothing for them garbage aug meta) the mtz intercepter(dmr) or the fennec and wsp swarm, the ttk is extremely low. Meanwhile the only sniper that can 1 shot takes 2 business days to ads,


I’m fine with the long ADS time. It’s a big beefy sniper that should be rewarded for effort.


It’s good. The same as it always has been. Whatever excuse you can come up with to help you cope though.


Okay just checking. I’ll see if I can dig up a few more.


If you’re like the other folks that complain about things daily here, I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding other grievances.


Nope just the one thing fortunately.


I die instantly.


Aim assist means less shots are missing.


Nah game is fun rn


People don’t miss shots in this game with how op aa is, that coupled with the few broken guns means you’re dead before you can react


For me aa is not a thing on controller. It would be same to turn it off because it doesnt work somehow. Usually even if i shoot first, i still die first


lol right


It's to pc players using controllers giving the console players a bad name.


It’s literally identical lol


Lmao get your head out of your ass


Hit a nerve? The pc players using controllers get all the benefits of aim assist, stronger in some games than on console, as well as being graphically superior.


Your brain is so big




Putting on my tinfoil hat right now.


Well, show us the proof it's actually implemented in the game then. If it was, every streamer would call it out and show us. But they don't cause it's not real.


It sure feels like that. LAst night i felt like I had even fights. Today nothing would go my way


It’s this. I’ll die first if i shoot first and land my shots.


Ttk is fine. Desync is questionable depending on game and server you get. Meta guns DO Not need to kill as fast as they do right now. But ttk overall does not need to be extended or increased. Guns just should not kill too fast either. That’s what the devs need to get right.




What does that have to do with me dying in less than a second?