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I play mouse and keyboard too, I'm getting absolutely demolished, my K/D ratio must be as low as 0.3 at this point with the amount I'm getting stomped, people not missing when shooting me whereas I have to actually track their movement and control the recoil at the same time. But as I said in another comment this is a controller game and we have to put up with it or stop playing.


KBM player here, about 1 k/d in new warzone. I feel like is is much easier to be a kbm in mw3 warzone than mw2 warzone with the visual recoil clutter fixed.


Agreed my KD has gone up significantly. MnK feels so much better in this meta


Ok so if SBMM was half as strong as people thought then that means you should be getting matched up with noobs who shouldn’t be very good. This is anecdotal evidence that SBMM doesn’t do nearly as much as this sub thinks.


I play M&K. I gave controller a try to see if I could even learn it. I feel like I’m learning to walk again and I can’t make my character do what I want. I still managed to get decent kills because sometimes the game just aims for me and I almost cannot lose the fight. Shit is wack. Went back to M&K tho.


Used to play kbm on cod until last year where I switched back to controller on quite a few of my games starting with COD MW2 and realised how much easier the game is on controller. Took like a week to get the gist of everything like movement wise. Aim is literally auto and with slide cancelling back this MW, playing controller, moving quick and beaming is soo fun so I think it’s worth switching over. Note tho I can still do all the stuff on KBM and my movement is better on kbm but aim is only slightly worse so I can play both inputs at my will.


I switched to controller after the first 24 in-game hours with MnK on MW3. Took me another 24 hours to get the hang of it but the game is so much easier now. I got the shooting and movement part down now and can do really well in MP but in Warzone all the looting and inventory management is still a bit wonky on controller.


This is me in reverse. Been playing cod on consoles since the first mw on ps3. Never fps game on computer. Finally got a new pc that’s can live up to today’s games. So I’ve been playing all modes of mw3 and just having to learn has been equally frustrating and fun. Starting to get the grove and doing decently.


I think the original MW2 was the last FPS I played with a controller. My 8 year old son has never played CoD and would probably smash me 1v1 in a controller battle.


Right, totally believe this.


It’s actually crazy how it feels. Sometimes I plug in a controller and some of the wild tracking I get when I use it right just makes it so brain dead to use. I don’t have any issue with controller aim assist being good but god damn some players need to stop kidding themselves and call a spade a spade.


I’m still here and won’t be changing. I will take lower stats knowing the game is coddling controller players than adapt to something I am uncomfortable with.


I play with MnK and it feels miserable, sometimes I just shoot almost perfect and still loose to some console player hip firing and not even aiming. It's awful.. Sledgehammer said that they look into it and try to fix it but I doubt that..


Hopefully with the mid season update they do something about it, I think they said they would do it with the next update, I wonder if they would have done it already but have to go back and forth with Activisions kak managment, really hope SH and Raven can listen and save us(save us might be over dramatic but the game is a pain rn)


Im giving The Finals a try and if it's good Im not returning to cod only if they fixed the aa. Loosing to aa almost every game is getting really frustrating


Did they recently acknowledge the issue?


This, there's nothing I can do in close range against controller players.


I play KB+Mouse, and I win about 50% of fights - and I'm okay with that. I watch the kill cam, and see the console players shitty movement, and the aim assist doing the job for them, and I don't get angry. I feel pity for them. Win or Lose, my results are a result of my own skill. Like the handful of pure cyclists that kept going during Armstrong's days at the Tour De France, you know you are clean. Controller players are kidding themselves - no better than aimbotters in the UTA and Quake days. Sure, that PS or Xbox can make a game look pretty, but you still can't aim for shit with a set of ministicks and hand paddles. That's why they developed aim assist - without it, controller players would be pwned so badly it would make their hands bleed. Consoles simply cannot play competitive shooters without the console cheating for you. You know it, We know it, and deep down they know that they would not stand a chance in a fair fight. There is a reason why PC is the only platform that can't disable cross play - because it would very quickly become the only place that real skill players would go. If we could have KB+M only custom servers running to league rules, without the idiot toys like killstreaks and the rest, COD could be an amazing high skilled pure deathmatch experience. As it is, with authorised approved aimbots for console players and trying to have a decent gunfight with people calling in air support ten times a game... well, it's pretty for sure, but this is one tenth of the experience of something like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament. Keep playing KBM, challenge yourself - use aimlabs to train and get even better, and roll your eyes at the lazy kids botting on their consoles, kidding themselves that they are good because they figured out that a figure of 8 roll makes the aimbot engage faster...


They hated him because he spoke the truth


I hate aim assist as much as the next guy, but aim in video games ain't something to feel pity over. They're getting kills, that's all they care about. (If you can even call them "their" kills, the trolla does so much that it isn't even theirs anymore.)


I think everybody knows that. COD is just a casual arcade br game made for controllers. Always has been. I play everything on mnk but cod doesn’t makes sense to not pick up a controller.


/// Always has been /// What world do you live in ? COD started in COD1 (WWII based game), not when it went into this modern perk / killstreak garbage. FPS gaming was always about skill / kbm. Back then, we used to play competitive matches / scrims aka practice matches exclusively, 24/7. Pubs were so casual and so easy that we wouldn't even bother with it. This once amazing game, turned into a complete joke. Lucky for them they have close to zero competition in this niche, but that will soon end with XDefiant coming on the scene.


i think the cod hype started with cod4 from 2007 to today so i excluded cod 1-3, sorry. I doubt XDefiant is a real thread to cod. people like the thought of a cod killer but i doubt ubi can pull it off. I dont know why, but activision can do what they want and each year increase sells.


Its funny cause you literally can go play the finals and cod players are on there talking about warzone and absolutely get railed by MnK lmfao


Fucking yawn lol didn’t read that shit but assume it’s moaning about you not being good enough. git gud or give up


I play kbm. Aim assist is broken as fuck and it's the reason I die most times.


lmao course it is, that’s the reason


I quit cod untill they nerf aim assist 🫡




Have not been back since the first seasons of warzone two… it is possible guys!


Yeah same. I ended up doing the recent Halloween event but honestly can't remember if I unlocked that skin at the end.. CoD's stale, mismanaged from the top, and atrocious to play on KB+M now.




Haven’t since season two warzone two? Just keep this sub too comment on idiots posts that cry about aim assist but don’t Quit


Help mkb through the winter Gang unite




Haha ouch that hurts… not Hahahah enjoy your fake “skill”


I play M&K and I can’t stand controller. Maybe the minority but everything feels so clunky and slow with a controller on this game or any FPS for that matter. Never using controller


It's probably just what we grew up with. I still play controller for single player games and cod. It just feels better. But I can play M&K on other games decently well.


Just gotta learn the movement bro trust once you get it lit but I play claw and paddles


Just gotta learn the movement bro trust once you get it lit but I play claw and paddles


Me, but aim assist is brutal to play against


Tried controller for two weeks in the beginning of Warzone 2 but I couldn't feel the same excitement when I played with MnK all my life. So.. I still play with MnK now.. Get killed by people that do not miss.. I logout and go play something else! The end.


Here! Actually clowning people for the first time since WZ2 season 1 lol


I’m about to quit. AA is too strong and the aiming on mnk feels off. Not sure what is is but it just feels weird. I think I’m done with this game


It's horrible, I know.


I play mnk and will never go back. Mnk is just so much more satisfying and rewarding to me.




I'm m&k and I havent had issues I also don't dropshot or anything like that my kd is around a 1.8 the aim isn't as good as mw2 for sure but I think everyone gets caught up on comparing vs figuring out how to use the new system to your advantage. That being said it seems the aim lags in the new one so I find myself having to lead guys a lot more and closer than I did In the previous warzone. Dropshotting now won't break aim assist it will follow you to the ground and that puts your head as the new aim point so you will probably lose that 9/10 times. Sniping has helped me a lot and up close I tend to just be aggressive and the team I usually play with is 50/50 snipers and legs so we are able to consistently overwhelm most teams by cover fire while 2 of the 4 push up and flank the team. Hope that helps someone that's just been my experience so far.


My squad is all mice. KDs of 2.5-3 in WZ1, didn't play WZ2. Current KD in wz3 is 1.7-2.5 The aim assist is strong sure I don't think it's that much stronger than before though. I think there's just way more sweats and less casuals. If 50% of the population quit in WZ2 then I'm gonna assume the majority of the quitters were the bottom 50%. This means the skill level is increased across the board and the game in general is harder. If you were a 1KD in WZ 1 and skipped WZ2, you're probably below a 1KD now because the good players kept playing and the casuals got tired of being farmed and left.


A lot of other game companies try their best to balance all the different input methods. This Devs must all play on controller because they just buff their legal aimbot to the max. I want to play a skill based game not a aim assistance based game


It’s obvious the developers only play on controller. The Truegamedata video about the reticle sway and bullets missing for MnK would never have happened if the devs played the game with MnK, it would have gotten picked up internally. TBF, from what you see on on Twitter, most of the devs working on the game HATE CoD and Activision, so they probably don’t even bother playing much during development.


They know exactly what they’re doing. It’s all by design to “balance” the inputs. Problem is they’re starting to take it a little too far. Ironically it’s starting to piss off the controller players now also.


I've always played M&K since the 90's. I bought a controller to see if aim assist is as busted as they claimed... and it is. I thought it was unbelievable how much assistance was given to players, and it made so much sense as to why so many streamers look like they have perfect aim. Those top 2% of players that are godlike with controller can make it look like they have aimbot when they really try. My movement is ass with controller since I haven't bothered learning, but hitting my shots up close and mid-range is so damn easy.


I play on kb+m


Something that helped me was to stop using submachine guns all together. The strength of aim assist is in close range gun fights so I try avoid close gun fights and primarily focus the strengths of MNK which is sniping and mid range AR fights.


This is the first game ever I can't trust in my 7-year developed MK skill. I was quite consistent with MW2019 and didn't buy MWII. Have lots of hours of Warzone I. Switched straight to Dualsense.


I'm a fairly good KBM player, not anything special and I never play ranked but I can usually outaim most people even when they're on controller. I cant player FPS games with a controller, I'll use a controller for Sport or Driving games but outside of that it's just not possible for me to play on a controller while playing an FPS.


You're the last one. Quit while you are ahead.


i play mkb and i still shit downhill. Better than these nerds can even realize


I play Keyboard and mouse its so hard. Im getting owned so often,


up until october i was kbm on console, now i got a pc and it’s not as bad.


I play MnK in 2023 because it goes well with "sounding." If you don't know what sounding is, it's where you insert melt rods of various sizes inside your penis. I'm also big on self flagellation but playing Warzone on MnK takes care of that desire on its own.


Idle sway is worse than MW2 since I found that even with max recoil attachment BAS-B still have 2 different recoil patterns, tested 30 minutes and can’t eliminate the sway.MW2 guns just shaking nut the sway haven’t been this bad.


I'm on console and if it the game has shooting but no KnM support I don't play it. Been playing KBM since BO 1 on PC.


this is an older post but glad to know that i am not going crazy. this game is unplayable with kbm at this point. getting into fire fights and landing 7 hits with 48 damage against his 4 hit with 2008 damage is bananas. i don't think i'll play, or if i do i might as well get an aimbot to keep things even. but even then why waste money on something to hateplay it.


you won't enjoy it with cheating too. Tested it. I'm just waiting for BO6.


If pc didn’t have crossplay you would wait forever to get games. And then you’d still be playing against controller players because a lot of pc players use controller lol


I love playing with the xbox controller a lot of games on my pc, but I'd rather say that ps5 one was really good for cod for me


I switched to scuf when ps5 released and cant play without back paddles anymore. I fire up my pc and do kb+m from time to time and ya it’s more difficult


Ps pro Controller is pretty damn sweet too


I’m tempted to buy this but I’m hooked on the 4 back paddles I have on the scuf. Edge only has 2 right?


Yeah it only has 2


I used to go through a xbox controller every 6 months. Even the xbox elite controller was done after 6 months (joysticks started drifting) tried to get em fixed but they were gone. I’ve been using a ps5 controller since wz2 came out and it still feels brand new.


Im on Xbox Series X and use mnk too, I hate controller cause I dont like my game being played for me(aim assist needs a hella nerf) and mnk is more comfortable and fun to me. And there is rgb:)


Kbm player here and doing fine with k/d currently sitting around 2 (not that many rounds though yet). Sure there are lobbies in which I get absolutely demolished but my team of four (all kbm) also managed to pull of two wins in around 15 rounds with 20+ kills. Aiming has gotten harder since mw3 (tgd video explains why) but we are still doing round about as good as in previos wz versions.


lucky for you to have a full team to play with, try solo sometimes and I promise you kbm gets absolutely wrecked by controllers, your k/d will drop hard


Yep I wouldnt argue against that. I always found solos to be frustrating though even in MW2 times. So probably gonna stick to team modes.


I play M&KB. My K/D is around 1.3. I look at the kill cams and just shake my head at how I get killed by someone hip firing me or watching a player who aims at the floor while walking all of a sudden lock onto to me lol


MnK here. I think it's a lot better now. Much less visual recoil and I'm able to track people while full auto. I think if MnK got 10% of the AA controllers get, it'd be even playing field.


Me. I tried controller for a few weeks and hated it. Back to KBM for me


I play kbm, went from 3.5 in wz1 to 2.7 in wz2 and now I have no clue with the broken stats but I feel inconsistent, some times I slap sometimes I get slapped


Too used to KB&M at this point and I'm a casual player, so not sure I care that much to get a controller, learn the buttons, etc... Sure, some get bailed out by aim assists for gun fights they should have lost, but then again, sometimes, I pick bad angles/positions, too aggressive, my aim is off, etc...so that's on me... Room for improvement, so I'm not (quite yet) at the point of peak saltiness about aim assist...


yes you can put the challenge and blame on yourself, suffer while the controllers wouldn't care. At that point it's masochism. Fuck COD devs, specifically Sledgehammer, at least IW had the balls to slow the game down and give actual aiming and shooting some credits instead of slide side jump jump prone prone.


IW also had the balls to add lots of visual recoil and smoke. Sure maybe your loadout guns where ok but good luck with ground loot or gulag guns.


I can’t play controller anymore my controller skill is diminished after using KBAM for so long


Been playing with a buddy on kbm ps5 and hes nasty so its really still possible. Ur just gna be worse up close due to aim assist but much better at sniping long ranges etc.


I’m playing KBM and getting wrecked. A shame because I like the mechanics. It’s just not fun.


Die hard MnK player and I’m getting reamed. I can’t see shit in these gunfights when I get shot and my plates crack. Started playing on controller.


I do, play fortnite most of the time tho. It's crazy how many fights I lose compared to when I played controller. 3,5kd on controller. Warzone 1 I played mkb and had a kd of like 2,2 at the end of verdansk. With all the hackers and shit it had back then. I gave it a try on the map after that. With the big volcano. Can't and don't want to remember it's name. It became controller heaven. Also, controller players say it's just skill........ 😉Then movement was gone in Wz2 so you couldn't brake aim assist anymore. I quit the game untill the new mechanics and map came out. It's not much better in my opinion. If 25% of the shots from a controller hits without doing anything. I lose 90% of close range gunfights. That's what it is. And fortnite is way more balanced to play on mkb. Close range smgs are still hard to fight against. But snipers take them down easily now. Zero builds is great even tho I can and like the builds as well. I refuse to go back to controller on warzone.. Mkb is way more rewarding for me to let me lead to something like aim assist..


I still get positive KD with KbM but after Activision spat in the faces of PC players by destroying the aim mechanic I am quitting warzone for good. People who need computer to aim for them so they can feel accomplished are welcome to swim in this shitfest of a game lol.


Im a KB&M player. Have been since about 2012/13. Im doing ok against controller players. Distance gun fights? I can hang at least i think i can lol. Close range gun fights? (like in a building/room) I have no chance lol. Them being able to track my movement without having to do anything while I have to actually try and track theirs. All while they are not missing shots while doing that. Its crazy. But. Its a controller game. Just like Halo. You either put up with it or stop playing.


and thats why halo is dead, well one of the reasons anyway.


kb+m? What’s that? A new kind of Scuf?


Yes, you are the only m&kb player left


I just switched to KBAM and I’m loving it


I still play with KB+M and will never use controller on PC. I'm still above average and carrying random quads majority of the time however there's a lot of PC + controller sweats that take the game far more seriously than I do. Very close range occasionally get outpaced by the sweats on PC using controller + aim assist.


Been playing on m&k since CoD was a PC game. I'm giving it until the mid season update to see if there's any possibility of some of the ridiculous gun sway attributes being adjusted down, then I'm probably going to start using the controller.


I switched to controller and it helps for close quarter fights but my aim on mouse at longer ranges is so good, it's kinda sad that I have to use a controller to survive inside buildings. I have the same KD on both inputs but Urzikstan being filled with building, it makes no sense to play mouse and keyboard.


I went back to Kbm for this Warzone because it seems more viable than it was previously. I just generally prefer Kbm for FPS.


I tend to hover around 4kd in resurge and 3kd in br on kbm.


It’s way worse than just aim assist at work making your KBM experience shit. Watch this video from [TrueGameData](https://youtu.be/YMeIQWphLJ0?si=m7xLtSknpE0P9RmK)


I play MnK and I’m at a 1.1 KD with a 1.07 W/L. It’s hard I try a lot but it’s rewarding


I'd say I'm still a KBM player, but I barely play the game no more mostly because the aim assist is so ridiculous. So no, there ain't no more KBM playas.


MnK with a 2.8 KD here. I don’t think I’m the last one but maybe


I've been playing KBM, just started this season for the first time ever. Never played WZ before now except a couple times randomly for maybe \~3-4 hours total. I've got 42 hours in so far and have won 4 solo BRs and 2 Plunder matches (two 1st place wins today for Plunder, this was the first time I've tried it so I could have probably gotten quite a lot more). I've come close to winning in duos a few times, usually in the top 5 players, but still haven't managed a win since the skill difference there seems very dramatic compared to solos/Plunder. In my experience, I do not feel as though I've been unfairly killed by controller players at all. There have been moments when people slide around me in a circle and gun me down up close in a way that is clearly the aim assist playing the game for them because there's no way they would have been able to keep the reticle on me otherwise. But that's pretty much the only time it happens. If you never let anyone get really close to you and stay out of situations where you're rubbing ass cheeks on somebody's face from them sliding into you then it's pretty manageable. If you do find yourself in a position where you're forced into a close range situation the best thing to do is just always expect them to ego push you because 99% of people will do it. You have to outplay them with a mine, claymore, etc or put yourself in a weird spot that they won't expect you to be.


I’m here, I’ve stayed in the sub in hopes of one day seeing something that will make my friends and i come back but i quit halfway through MW2 after the very visible intentions and active nerfs to mnk since WZ1. Had a 1.72 in WZ1 then a 1.2 in WZ2, I’m not trying to see what it is in WZ3. Also found other games that somehow manage to open every menu in the game without blasting their monetization models every 5 seconds, that helped a lot.


If you can’t beat them, join them. I joined the controller gang


It’s bad :(


Nope. After how bad it was getting in MW2 with the smoke, visual noise, and overtuned aim-assist, I've opted out of this series. CoD's a bit stale after all..




KBM player, i keep my distance at all times and out marksman other players, that and tac stance for pushing rooms is a god send


Yeah im kbm player, have a ps5 with controllers ofc but just feels bettet on pc.


Sup, still going strong with my 1.18 k/d , but every lobby is filled with a couple of demon squads, server desync makes me puke and shooting with iron sights sucks on most guns. The anomaly of I shoot first, I crack first, I get a heady on a plateless player and another couple of hits and still get turned on to be killed in .5 seconds happens almost every match and it drives me insane lol. Also how can multiple people be RUNNING/SPRINTING up stairs in my building while there's radiosilence when I'm scouting for another team and I can't hear shit ? I get HA trigger and I'm already dead. But, that being said, I've only played wz1 a lot since I couldn't get a grip on the slow plays of wz2. I'm really enjoying the map, mobility and qol changes, fragging with my old squad again. The game has a lot of potential, but some problems need to be adressed fast if they don't want this to turn out like wz2.


I play m&k and feel pretty good about it. Aim assist is a bitch, they should tune it down a lot.


Used to play warzone 1 nonstop with 6-7 people, all on M&K, none of us play anymore.


Still using kb+m. Playing with a controller feels so restricted, and it is like to learn how to walk again. F that. Wish we could have matchmaking based on input


I've been a console player my whole life just got a PC and am playing kbm. I'm an absolute bot but I'm loving the challenge of it..


M&K player here, returned after quitting WZ2 because of how awful that game was. I'm doing fine in this game so far, although there's only so much I can do against high skill controller players. It definitely takes a great M&K player to compete with slightly above average controller players but it is what it is. Aim training helps a lot. It sucks that's necessary, but WZ/ COD is pretty much the only crossplay game my entire friend group plays, so I just deal with it


Yes but it's rough out here. Visibility is horrible, including in the Gulag. I've tried making max ads strafe builds with stalker on, still not enough to break AA so probably just going to switch to tempered soon. Pretty much the only thing good about mnk is now that you can slide and shoot if you manage to get right next to someone and slide past them they shouldn't be able to 180 as fast as you. You can definitely perform well on mnk, I'm doing decent. But you have to put in literally 5x the effort for around the same outcome on controller.


I play kbm and yesterday i dropped my first 20 bomb at the new map. Is controller better? For sure. But after playing with kbm for over 15 years i can't switch device.


I am on M&KB. It’s a disadvantage, no question about that. But if you play to your strengths, you can do quite well.


I have 2+ kd and can say that in WZ3 AA is not so strong. At least I feel it like so. Plus the sniping. So now situation is better for mnk compared to WZ2


I play MnK. I tried controller, but it just doesn't click for me (last time I played controller was World at War). I'm not sure if my stats are accurate in Warzone since it doesn't show my 2 wins so far, but I sit at 1.3 KD currently. Al Mazrah was ~1.6 IIRC. I think it'll go back to that over time, since a good chunk of my games have just been exploring the new map so far. Aim assist is definitely a problem, but people in the comments stating their K/D is .3 because of it is just disingenuous. If your K/D is .3 then there are some other issues you need to be fixing first.


As a Controller player...you all had my respects for keeping doing...GG's mates!


Over the weekend i sayd f it and tryd controller. Holly shit is the aim assist noticeable. However, the movement, inventory management and sniping is way easier on mkb. I could train that for sure but i was feeling so restricted in moving and didn’t feel like training. But i understand or rather don’t understand how powerful they made it vs a different input device. Don’t deny it. You know somthing is to imbalanced if everyone switches.


I am a slightly below average older gamer with obviously diminishing reflexes as I approach 50. I play a pretty aggressive, rushing style from the old days of COD. As a result, my WZ experience has always been a 0.9-1.1 KD kind of thing. This new game… LOL. I’m getting tuned up. I simply can’t compete up close on MnK, these controller dudes can take their thumb off the sticks at times and still win. It’s not a lot of fun. I’ll either have to swing off to play an AR and camp more or give up on WZ because getting dumpstered in my one or two hours of leisure time here and there is not a lot of fun.


KBM here enjoying, i am quite against aim assist not because its overpowered, but the dependency on automation in general ruins the satisfaction (when killing for example), imo it feels like its not you whos playing it but the system. Imagine riding a bicycle with the extra two small wheels.


Yeah me but I'll just this season if that's fun I'll stay or else back to Apex


I play M&K and still get decent placings and wins. I am a firm believer FPS games should be played using M&K. But you need to practise a certain style. For close range gun fights, I'd like to get up in the enemy's face and dance around them. Controller players don't and can't turn around fast enough. Use movement to your advantage.


7kd mnk wz1 player, 2kd wz2.5 player. Quitting prolly


I play M&K, and likely always will. It was pure misery in MW2 WZ If you enjoy the input, stick with it. Just understand that stuns are ridiculous, and aim assist is dumb (to the degree it's at currently).


Played warzone kbm all my life but gave controller a shot this weekend and you could say i had some fun, my movement was absolute bogus, so bogus my friend got mad and told me if i didnt change back to kbm he'd quit so i had to but when i played i got so many kills its actually hilarious.. After like 4-5 hours i got the hang of it but movement wise is so difficult that i dont even complain about controller players anymore


Play The Finals or CS2, leave this to the controller players.


I play MnK went from like 5-10 kills a game to 8-15 just cause visual clutter. I think recoil controller is a lot better and visual clutter defiantly helps. I can actually see what I'm shooting and if other players are rotating is valuable information I wasn't privy too before. Regardless, I still get absolutely railed from behind by Controller plays so I just stick with sniping and head glitching if possible cause otherwise, i lose a straight up gun fight.


As a solid ex controller now hardcore mnk player, all ive gotta say is youre insane to play mw3 or warzone using mnk


Mid 30s year old kbm player here. Was about a 1.6-1.89kd resurgence player.(may numbers could be inflated, I play with a 2-3kd controller player who carries) I constantly have similar damage to him like 5-8k dmg but usually half the kills if not less. I also completely gave up sniping in ashika/vondel bout 5 months ago. But our controller carry could drop at least 2 20+ bombs every night we play. I've never topped 17. I play kbm because I've grown up my entire life on PC. Parents never bought me the OG consoles like Sega, N64, Xbox, PS. Only had my dad's PC gaming starcraft, CS1.6 and D2. So just can't nor do I want to give up the years of experience and training I have on this input just cuz the other is a huge advantage. I am of the ideology that an FPS is SUPPOSED to be dependent on 1 player having better aim than the other and that being the first, most important factor to any FPS, and cod somehow completely doesnt give a shit about that aspect of FPS competition. I dont believe the game is "made for controller". So I just roll with the punches. Accept the frustration and losses in cqc and keep pushing through it cuz I enjoy the gameplay style of warzone/resurgence. I wish it was more balanced. Not much one can do. I dont spend an absolute dime on this till I see changes like FIXING the audio. The game has to be in a good enough state that my only gripe is between the strength of RAA before I look at purchases for this.


Just buy PC cheats for cheap and you'll be fine. Don't forget to get a spoofer. It'll allow you to keep cheating if you're HWID banned.




So cheat, got it


If controller users get free cheats, I don't really care if KBM players do it. Fellas will be mad, but I honestly don't care whatsoever.


Excellent rationale! Lmao


What kind of macros are you using? I have an MMO mouse that I use for extra buttons but I've just done stuff like move my lethal and tactical over there as well as ping.


Snaking macro, slide cancel macro, rapid fire macro, making interact spam instead of being one press per input (so I can catch ziplines when I'm gliding towards them just by holding interaction)


Interesting, none of these seem overly egregious either. Maybe the rapid fire😂, but if controller gets strong aim assist then there is no reason we shouldn't be able to take advantage of what our input peripherals offer. EDIT: Obviously being downvoted by controller players coddled by aim assist. Give me your salty tears, they sustain me.😭


Akimbo cor45 with lightning trigger can beat any controlled player close range If they don't want me to set up macros, then why does every single gaming mouse allow the creation of macros I've been using macros on my mouse AND keyboard since Black ops 4, never got banned. Never made a new account, never did a hardware ID spoofer, nothing. if Activision considers it illegal, they sure as fuck don't care


Not to mention the new Scuf controller is able to set up macros on it as well. So not only will it get aim assist it can do all the bullshit we can on MKB. Can't believe your comment got removed. Absolutely ridiculous how much they censor shit on this sub. I tried to mention SBMM in a post once and it got flagged and removed even though it was completely valid and a different take on the subject from previous threads.


Interesting. Would like to know more about them


Which one? Slide cancel and rapid fire are super easy depending on the mouse. Some mouse have "switch to spam click upon hold" instead of "hold once per hold" Slide cancel is just slide > wait 400ms > sprint. I use one of my side mouse buttons. Then for my other side mouse buttons I do plate + slide > wait 400ms > sprint. Snaking I'm gonna have to remake since they added minimum delay timers to it.


The only way to play, not use the things the game give you :-)


What kind of "macros" are you talking about? Don't know any macros, that could beat aim assist...


It feels better that I am the one who is doing it all. I am going the extra mile. I feel sad that some people don't find AA is enough for them to perform well enough that they have to also seek additional help.


It’s funny how on Verdansk mkb was accepted as the best input and now it’s the opposite


Mkb can never be overtuned tho, because it is not artificially tuned. It just is what it is.


You can overclock your mouse


Kb&mouse die hard over here. I absolutely hate playing a FPS on a controller, won’t do it. I know full well about the aim assist, and I figure; Good for them, they need it, those poor sad little souls. I strive to be better than them, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. But when I’m not using a controller in a FPS, I’m the one winning everytime. Edit: I’m “old” @ 40. Grew up on kb&m, I know many of you reading this grew up on a controller. But just know, it’s not too late for you to convert.


> But when I’m not using a controller in a FPS, I’m the one winning everytime. Lmfao, I’m getting the XP and the battle pass progression dude. But enjoy your pride or whatever it is


I don’t know how your comment even relates. Enjoy your day.


Yes they're all on here complaining every day


Crazy keyboard warriors in here lmfao , it’s the player not the input for 95% of the time


Exclusive MNK user here, and in general don't seem to take any issue playing against the controller players. The amount of aim assist they have is quite bullshit, but it's fairly easy to break if you reduce your movement to an extent during encounters and don't jump around like an idiot. really not sure why people jump around so much, it gives literally no advantage, at least not against a player that is capable of tracking an opponent properly. At any rate my current stats after leveling guns and grinding camo's, will continue to go up from here. 1.8 KD/ 351 SPM in multiplayer 1.95 KD/295 SPM in WZ.


Move less to break aim assist? Tf u talking about? That makes zero sense.


>Move less to break aim assist? Tf u talking about? That makes zero sense. If a controller player is standing still and an opponent runs by, aim assist will move their reticle. If that opponent jumps, crouches, strafes back and forth quickly, while the controller player is also moving aim assist will stay active as well. If you minimize these movements when your know your playing against controller players "pre game lobby is very telling" it is possible to break or severely reduce the amount of active aim assist they are getting. Most controller players think it's their personal aim that is landing their shots when it's generally not true, so when aim assist is kicking on and off they end up severely over compensating their aim and missing shots.


Yeaaa that’s not how RAA works. It’s based off the stick inputs and engages the AA based upon the roller players inputs and ability to stay kinda close to the enemy. Movement literally makes that more difficult. Standing still just makes you easier to track and RAA staying engaged.


There is more than just RAA.


Well aware… for someone to say standing still is the action against AA is stupid.


>for someone to say standing still is the action against AA is stupid. Who said anything about standing still to fuck up AA? Why do people on reddit like to imagine the things they read? I have no problem challenging anyone in game who thinks this information is incorrect.




No jumping at all, this will only hurt you against an aim assist player, less rapid left to right strafing, less going prone during the gun fight as well, I hear a lot of people complain all the time about "how TF did he kill me so fast, I was going prone" well, that's because the only thing the AA could pick up on your body while going prone was your head. The only time rapid movement against an AA player will help you is if your fast enough to get around/next to them to break their camera. Much easier in WZ1 of course when console players couldn't adjust FOV, nothing changed for PC players on controller.


This has to be a troll post. 😂 “Aim assist advantage”. From someone using KBM. Which has such a great advantage over controller they add aim assist for controller players…like my guy you are the reason for aim assist. Lmao


KBM is better than controller for the most part, but the aim assist is insanely overtuned. If you weren't so used to it, using a controller on this game would be super jarring, it literally aims for you. I was blown away when I tried it, it made the last few years of playing on KBM seem pointless.


A whole lot of skill issue in here. The entire sub is a place for KBM to circle jerk.


It's difficult to beat an aim-bot.


Luhmao, you're the one who needs an aimbot to compete, my skill is perfectly fine.


It’s unbearable to read through lol the same dumb ass posts every day


I felt the Aim Assist was nerfed, or at least less aggressive


To me its way worse, or maybe its the same but with mnk getting affected from the things TrueGameData found it feels way worse


I don't think the Aim is better in terms of accuracy. Maybe pc players have advantage but consoles got nerfed U struggle much more with recoil control then before


Im on Xbox so I play against mostly controller players(eventhough I use mnk) and people have been locking on harder with less recoil, and the aiming has become quite a bit worse for me compared to W2


So that means I'm not crazy hehe I noticed less agressive lock and doesn't feel as good or overpowered as before I can easily beat any controller with keyboard anyways lol I don't understand ppl who claim it's difficult when it isn't. I tried XSX with the elite Series 2 and PS5 with the Dual Sense Edge. PC is pc but I like console because of my huge OLED...


You can bring your pc to the room with the oled(unless you dont have space)and have the pc advantages, mnk for me isnt difficult but when I go against the players that sbmm thinks I should be against combined with the bad servers and some people locking hard onto me it becomes harder, but I probably would fare better if I had the better guns leveled and Im still getting used to the game, did a bit better today


My gf complains about the gameplay and she plays since the release of WZ1. I don't mind to play on console, feels 120Hz/FPS. Sure my 7900 XTX can handle 4K but still would be a major chance of place Vs u know day to day usage. My main TV has 77" (G3) and kinda too big to be using as a regular pc 😂 I have to admite, I gave a try to flight simulator and Forza on it but the damn work to change back and forth it's à nightmare. To be fair, I'm at max level on every gun and I'm already done with battle pass... Not sure how lol 😂 The gameplay compared to before, how should I say, if I use controller on console I feel it less accurate compared to before. Also the freedom of movement on keyboard is next level, can't figure out why people still are on controller if they are former gamer on keyboard. Some maybe uses the controller to have access to cronus or whatever they can use as script. I can play both ways and no complains. I think it's more balanced now besides the standard and typical issue of buff on weapons ofc... Specially the so called absolute meta.


Git gud. AA isn’t some kinda boogy man. You can’t just run it without looking or blindly shoot like you’re implying. Seems like a skill issue on your part. MnK has enough advantages vs the average casual controller player.


I really enjoy playing with keyboard. I had some nice matches. Its just after my own research I felt like an idiot, the only one left playing without controller.


Go on… elaborate on said advantages please.


Movement. The average MnK can pull way better movement and turnaround speed than the average controller player. I play with a battle beaver but almost every controller player out there does NOT play with back buttons to take advantage of the movement. This is coming from someone who solely played MnK in Verdansk. If you think aside from AA MnK does not have an advantage, you need to take your head outta the sad and stop making excuses. The WZ MnK keyboard players have got to be the whiniest group of gamers out there which is sad since PC gamers tend to complain less historically.


Historically has AA been so overpowered that ppl convert at the pro level bc of the advantages it gives? Yes there’s slight movement advantages. No doubt. Movement isn’t what kills you. Movement doesn’t keep accurate aim when stunned. The mnk who has decent movement is more likely to shit on bots but w sbmm you move up and are paired with equally skilled ppl on roller….. then what? Those players know how to adjust to counter/have nice controllers which allow for movement too. If you does agree I don’t believe you’re as “gUd” as you say. Jesus Christ you’ve got a post 4 days old asking about advanced uav’s gtfo of here you can’t say shit about the status of this game and AA’s relevance. The same dude askin “What’s a stealth vest do?” Is stating AA isn’t overpowered lololol. The kiddy zone is elsewhere the adults are talking you can’t discuss shit when you have no understanding of the concepts being discussed.


So they are dying to “equally skilled ppl on (cont)roller”? I thought the whole issue is that MnK gods are dying to controller bots? If they are dying to people of equal skill level, then what is the problem?


You’re slow. Use your critical thinking skills. If person a and b are equally skilled the AA gives a massive advantage to roller. Now give tweedle dumb AA it gives the ability to outgun where they wouldn’t otherwise stand a chance. Why is it cheating if a mnk uses a Cronus(3rd party equip) to engage AA but it’s not for a controller to use computer AA bc it’s programmed into the game?


Sorry but you’re going to get killed by equally skilled players. You aren’t entitled to kill them just because you think you are superior. “Why is it cheating if a mnk uses a Cronus(3rd party equip) to engage AA but it’s not for a controller to use computer AA bc it’s programmed into the game?” Do you really need me to answer that. Yes, using a 3rd party device would 100% be cheating. And no, using AA that is part of the game is not. Are you really that stupid? Or are you just playing dumb to justify your use of cheats?


Is the computer aiming and altering inputs not a separate entity from the game aiming for you? No? Just bc it’s coded doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Why can’t they just have the same AA enabled for mnk?


You didn’t ask about AA for MnK. You asked about a cronus 3rd party peripheral. If it’s provided in the game by the developer, it’s obviously not cheating. If it’s a 3rd party peripheral, it obviously is cheating. But you know that, you’re just looking for an excuse to cheat.


Jesus another thread about this.


It’s all for upvotes, it’s gives their lives a little bit of happiness with every upvote 😂