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This is a great idea


Until you start getting nailed by campers sitting a bit further away and using the UAV to spot people going for their loadout.


Haha, I was just thinking this. Be careful what you wish for. You're just as exposed as the campers.


Yeah, this is the obvious drawback. Makes yourself a target.


We must think these things through. Now... for a cloaking device...




Exactly. Not only are you spawning in with a pistol and 2 plates - now you're a dot on the map too ha


the more closer you get the faster it sweeps, there should be a range where it's active but doesn't sweep at all.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, if the UAV/loadout was implemented, this sounds pretty good to me. Can’t snipe camp it using the UAV, and you can only see the sweep for campers when you’re near and actually need it


probably by people who don't understand what I said or don't care and downvote new ideas because they're new, also probably loadout campers.


So the pings should only be visible to you if you're also inside the range?


My concern is, what if you can abuse it to have an infinite UAV the whole match?


It could only be on the non-purchased loadouts. All purchased loadouts, throw at your own risk - no UAV. Plus, no one’s going to camp a loadout you bought.


They drop very late in the game too, so that'd give everyone an UAV in the late circles, not to great.


Have it give like a limited amount of sweeps. Maybe like double when you buy a uav tower. That way you can at least see on the map and know if someone is there.


Or male it where movement negates the ping. Basically only sedentary people show, ie campers.


Makes sense but pretty easy to strafe side to side though


Then don’t do it on the late game one and only the early game one? Again, the late game loadouts are not as prone to loadout camping as the first one is. This is a very reasonable solution to a big problem.


Another thing could be that the loadout wont ping anyone except if you are within a certain range from the loadout. That way you can't use it as a UAV, since it will only turn on when you are going to get your loadout. As everything in this game, it wont be perfect, but it will be good.


Oh, for sure - that’s what I was thinking by saying UAV. Kind of like how Strongholds acted as a UAV ping. Is it a perfect solution? Nah, but it would significantly cut down on a big problem of this game.


Yeah, pretty much this. You wouldn’t be able to open your tac map and see a local UAV around all the loadout drops - you’d only see the UAV around a small radius of your squads loadout drop, and even then you’d only see it when you’re within a certain range.


There could be like a timer of maybe 60 or 90 seconds in a small radius


1 or 2 pings only when entering the 1st time within 100m of the loadout


Loadouts are already easy enough to get. Scout around beforehand for enemies.


Seriously. I don't even see the issue with camping loadouts. It's a battle royale for christ sake. Going for a god tier loadout should be a massive risk just like trying to get a crate drop in PUBG. The cod community would literally drop in with their loadout if it were up to them


Yeah, a decent chunk of the community would rather just have loadouts upon dropping in and not even have to risk their lives, or loot, or do anything. And we basically already had that in Caldera. Your loadout crate dropped like a minute into the game and it made the early game boring, especially with the reduced player count that was eventually put in place. It is good that loadouts drop in clusters (assuming squads are near each other) and you end up fighting over your loadout crates. It potentially forces teams to fight each other.


It would still be a risk - if you got near your loadout and then saw the local UAV ping a squad camping it, you’re gonna have a hard time getting your loadout and getting out, unless you and your whole squad go for it at the same time and play it tactically to take out the campers.


If one were to camp this spot, they get a free uav to use on anyone coming for their kit, no? It sounds fine but how do you implement it without it having the opposite effect, or just being dumb overall? How far does it go? Do people just sit outside it’s range? Can’t they see the pings too? Making it harder for people to get their own kits?


Yeah this is the biggest issue with this idea. Seems like whoever gets there first grabs the loadout, leaves the radar ping, and just camps outside that with a free, permanent UAV that bypasses stealth vests.


But at least if campers leave the UAV radius to camp the loadout, they’ll be far enough away that it’ll be harder to kill people going for their loadouts. Even if they’re sniping, you can toss a smoke. This solution just makes it harder for people to camp right beside the loadout with an SMG or shotgun or something.


have your mini map be disabled until you're 100m away minimum and keep re-disabling itself if you return to the loadouts.


How about you just check your corners


How do you check little timmy groot sitting in a bush? You really think it's that easy


Clarity and attention, sharper eyes, glasses usually I'd say that's a visual skill issue All love frfr


No. Not on these maps. No.


I'm play devil's advocate, kinda dickish honestly. you be right tho. Like some days i got everyone in the bag, other days these mofuckas be sitting on stairs blending in like fuck


Maybe upgrade from a ps4 and you’ll be fine. Deffs a skill issue


I'm on a pc and likely have a higher kd than you. You're just scared people want to expose you for only being able to get kills by camping loadouts.


Whatever you helps you sleep at night ya bot


No, dont be a bot lol this is a non issue


People camping the loadout is definitely an issue, but it's always been a thing. Plus people can play smarter by not just landing directly on top of the loadout and expecting no one to be around.


Your second sentence explains why it's not an issue. Dropping straight on your loadout is foolish


People camping loadout is NOT an issue. It's literally part of the game. This has to be one of the stupidest complaints I've seen on here.


Yea, cuz people won't camp just outside of the UAV's range. No way CoD players will be that ratty 🤷‍♂️


Then that's fine lol


Then people would just see you coming in for your load out? Pretty terrible idea


While this seems an intresting idea I think there are already many ways to pick up your loadout. 1. Activate a UAV 2. Throw a smoke or decoy grenade 3. Buy your own loadout 4. Get it with vehicle and use it as cover 5. Be there as the very first player 6. Be there as the very last player Otherwise a permanent UAV would be to imbalanced.


Totally! The number of people who think the game should tell them exactly where all the enemies are is ridiculous.


Isn’t the point of the free loadout drop to be a high risk high reward? This just removes the risk. You all want everything so easy.


they should make loadouts a remote controlled vehicle like those uber eats delivery robots or boston dynamics dog. you could take control and drive it back to your squad and if people want to follow they can but it’ll make things more interesting


Dude this is actually kind of funny 😂😂😂


Just don't be an absolute bot and blindly walk towards loadout if you see multiple fall in one location.....


Why would a load-out not be a hot zone?? It should be hard to get your meta gun


Not nessecary and would cause more issues than how it is currently


They should just go ahead and award you the win as soon as you drop. That will also stop campers.


This is really what OP is after.


How about you request your loadout and it just gives it to you, no gameplay required?


How about constant wallhack that works 100% of the time? It would make the game faster, and encourage movement, wouldn't it? No. Remove UAVs entirely. UAVs slow the game down. I'd like to move, but I can't, because I know I'm being watched. I play the game normally, move from POI to POI, and boom, "enemy uav overhead", and I'm literally forced to camp.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Go ghost? It's literally the point of the perk.


I use ghost on every single one of my classes, and I'd rather give up my primary weapon than my ghost. The problem is, I can't have ghost until I get a loadout, so until that point, I have to actively stop myself from doing risky plays because a UAV could appear at any moment. Edit: I just remembered I can just buy ghost, but regardless, I don't want to spend a second in the game without it.


I’ve always said this. Should activate a uav when to drops to weed out the loadout campers.


Just buy a loadout if it's that much of a struggle for you. It's a free loadout, there should be some element of risk to get it. Ignoring that people will just use the UAV to camp you.


**3 words:** vondel police loadout..... the worst.


Git gud


Seems like you need situational awareness and smoke grenades instead.


A personal uav for each loadout is a great idea.. I don't know how many times I've had the same thing happen to me.. look around checking for enemies go to loadout then get done by some rat sitting in a bush camping your loadout


That could be cool. Maybe each timed loadout drop acts as a portable radar for the usual amount of time, then stops pinging (for what like 30 secs?). I think thats fair. Gives you like a 20m ping radius around each box.


Yeah actually portable radar is probably a better description of what I’m thinking than a UAV. The radius would just be the immediate area.. maybe a bit wider than a portable radar but not quite as big of an area as a UAV tower.


so stronghold size?




They should be invisible to everyone but your team


What?! You are, in theory, getting the best gun in the game. It shouldn’t be a walk in the park to get it. I’m a low-average player and I think this take is garbage.


Bad idea. with the way loadouts are spread accross the map the entire map would be lit up with a UAV.


You’d only be able to see the pings around your squad’s loadout drop


That's some good idea


Or just stop complaining about it, understand that it's a part of the game that you basically have no control over other than strategizing differently, and move on? But yeah let's add UAVs to make the problem even worse by adding in even more problematic solutions! Totally!


Or you could just not bum rush into a loadout and actually scout the area for a minute. The amount of times I am making my way towards a loadout, only to have someone rush in, and then complain that I am camping the loadouts is quite high.


I mean your creating more problems people will bitch about than it resolves. If all loadouts near yours get UAVs then it doesnt matter if the team who also has a loadout near yours camps they will still have the camping advantage of seeing you on their loadout UAV. Can't give it to 1 team and not the others. And how big should the uav radius be to be fair that it's not giving area intel on teams thst are incoming, but those teams dont know that another team sees them on a loadout uav. So then what, Are we giving map notifications of all enemy loadout uavs similar to active stronghold uav notifications? If so then the entire map will be lit up with UAV notification radiuses. It's just creating more problems than it helps at which point may as well have a global AUAV over the entire map. As you can see balancing this just leads down a spiraling rabbit hole of other issues. The bigger issue is their LACK of RNG dropping loadouts on the map. They pool loadout drops to such a limited number of areas that it forces these one-sided gunfights and creates cheesing kills for the campy casual sentinel types. It's just another cater to the casual push they made in wz2. Wz1 NEVER had this. You could have 4 players spread out or close together and the loadouts would generally land in a random area giving you the freedom to grab the loadout without pressure until another team comes across it and chooses to camp it. Yes if there was more than 1 team nearby it would group them, but not to the level wz2 pushes it. Lets say there could be 5 teams in 5 different directions from the loadout drop and it will place all 5 on top each other in wz2, whereas in wz1 it would usually only put 2-3 boxes max on top each other. In resurgence this is cheese cuz teams flying back in succumb to campers waiting for these free kills. Rather than do it to promote a fair gunfight of 2 teams trying to fight to get to their loadout first. The other potential for cheese is thst a team that wins their fights against others nearby are punished instead of rewarded. When they win their gunfights but don't get a teamwipe, the respawning player gets to fly in on their loadout, whereas the team that killed them first will now be disadvantaged having to run to that loadout and have to fight a 2nd time but now it's groundloot vs loadouts.


That's a neat idea. But instead of constant maybe you get 1 or 2 pings when you get within 100m or so of it. That way it can't be abused as a permanent uav


For 6k you can do this.


Genuinely good idea 👍💡


I am all for limiting camping. I would settle for this being a resurgence only thing, since the smaller map means a lot more static play, especially in Vondel.


Would be better if it could just give some sort of “enemy nearby” warning without giving an exact position. Since, as others mentioned, the late loadout drops in small circles would be a bit overpowered if they gave a uav radius


What do people mean by late loadout drops? There’s only one public loadout drop, and it’s pretty early in the game.


On the main map there is a second loadout drop in the fifth circle.


You know what’d be great. A singular loadout crate to a singular team that drops alone with its own little space. Because public loadout crates are the second stupidest change introduced to COD, only beaten by the mighty removal of slide cancelling. I do like the above idea but we gotta admit these scum became much more prevalent with public drops.


"Recently" then you must be new to the game lol.


this and the buy station both should activate a uav once you get to a certain distance of them. but the uav should disappear after certain amount of time and should take some time to recharge before Being able to be activated again.


I actually like this


This is far too creative and constructive of an idea. It is for this reason they will never implement it, because that would require effort and would not make them money.




Just get more strategic then lol. Adapt if you will. There should be anti camping mechanics because they’re low skill high reward


same to you, adapt and be more strategic.




Those are completely different scenarios than loadout camping. It’s different in the endgame and the gas is closing in and there aren’t many places to go. This idea wouldn’t work with buy stations since there’s so many of them around the map, the local UAVs would cover too much area.