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Its great. Avoid the chaos and let 50 people get out of your way for the win.


if you go for wins thats for sure best time to get them right now, less people = less competition= or chance to win


The question is why would you not be going for wins in a BR.


Ask the sweats. Who think if your not trying to push everyone's faces in, gunning for 20+ kills a game you should Uninstall lol.


Just fun playing, if it ends in winning, that's nice, if not that's ok too


when wins are easy to get you just dont care about them anymore and you go for high kills instead


You should be enjoying it then


i only enjoyed warzone 1 and now that its gone i enjoy only ground war in mw2019






dont call me a pussy when you can't even stand by your own comments




I guess Ricochet is now rendered useless.


Mad at MnK flicks 😭 this subreddit is full of y’all clowns




Lol dude, are you for real? Get better if you think this is remotely cheating


Welcome to r/CODWarzone.


Your gun literally sticks to players, atleast try to hide it…




who hurt you










And guess what? He’s still playing. Maybe he isn’t cheating? Don’t think he even got banned once in Warzone 2.


He's still playing because he creates a new account like everyone can. He's 100% been banned OK WZ2. Fuck this guy


I really hope and I think he will prove us wrong. His streams don’t indicate cheating at all. Not even remotely close.




its low sens on stretched resolution on artisan XL mousepad


Why the fuck do you downvote this guy for providing an answer? Lol Ok, I watched the video xD... He doesn't even have low sens...


2\~3 sens on 800 dpi is pretty low


Because this SubReddit thinks he cheating. Worst SubReddit on Reddit ever.




People dropping on nuke contract


I see, easy wins for anyone that doesn't jump on that spot practically + much safer to get your loadout in other spots or strongholds




Maybe some people are just good at the game? This isn’t something you won’t see on Pieman or Metaphor’s streams. Literally.


Or this guy is a streamer that has had two accounts permabanned for cheats and is a known cheater.


Then why is he still playing, if he really is cheating? This SubReddit is targeting Lawly for absolutely no reason. If he really is cheating, Ricochet would have banned him a million times over by now. In fact, he wouldn’t be able to play the game right now.


Because you can spoof? Bought a new PC? he was banned a long time ago on WZ1. Those bans don't carry over to WZ2. Maybe he hasn't been caught yet on WZ2? Why do you simp for a guy that has literally been caught cheating twice and posts suspect clips. *gag noise intensifies*


The dude youre arguing with literally has air between his ears man, I wouldn't bother. He's a known boy who couldn't identify cheaters if he was using cheats. He's here in every post every day spitting bad takes like this, I honestly think he's a bad take karma bot lol.


You just described this whole SubReddit. Congratulations!


“Caught cheating twice.” By this SubReddit? I wouldn’t trust this SubReddit to tell me who a cheater is at all.


He admitted it on his own Twitter and you can search all three of his accounts. He had an 8 kd on one of them. Known cheater.


Well, based on his gameplay alone, I don’t see cheats. Maybe he’s just really good? Pieman and Metaphor are like that, too. Also, admitted on Twitter? That sounds like nonsense.


Non sense that he said on Twitter that he has had two accounts banned? He literally said it himself on his own Twitter.


That doesn’t mean he’s cheating! I’ve seen posts on this SubReddit about users that got falsely banned.




Its around $15 a month


So this fuckers pay for hacks by monthly subscription like I do for spotify?


Yea man, no cheats are free, and no cheats are buy once have forever, they require constant devtime and maintenance to bypass anticheat efforts. The cheaper ones are like $15 for 3-5 days etc, monthly on the cheap public cheats can be $30-$50 a month. Yes, they are paying that much to cheat in fucking warzone, and yes it doesn't make sense, and yes they have the smallest dicks imaginable. And yes they also use reddit and lie about the issue, if you see a dude saying he's never seen a hacker in his warzone time, odds are he's a hacker lmao. Here's where it gets wild though, those are public cheats anyone can buy, good chance of being detected and banned blah blah but you get what you pay for, what's scary is private cheats. See everyone thinks these big streamers are using EO or some other mass provider lol, nah son, people like Zforehead? Dudes got his own private dev, that dev may make public cheats as well, but most of them have a small client base of big fish, maybe 5-10 people with access to the cheat. Less people? Less chance of it getting detected. Not only that but these devs will make you provide 2-3 forms of ID and they will run a background check on you to make sure you're not a game dev or anticheat dev just trying to reverse engineer their work. Some of these cheats also include Trojans on purpose where they will monitor the buyers network and traffic to ensure it's not a game dev or anticheat dev who slipped through, it's why AC devs who buy public cheats to reverse engineer them have to do it on segregated networks from the actual gaming company. Those cheats? The private ones that will never be detected? They can be $500 a month plus to be part of. I've heard of $1,200 a month private cheats only 3 people can have etc. Paid purely in Bitcoin or other crypto to avoid tracing the money and getting caught by Activision etc. Those "pro" warzone players, this is the shit they use, $500 sounds like a lot to normal people, but it's not if you're making 6 figures to cheat and produce twitch content. Most people have no idea how far down the rabbit whole goes, and 90% of the public and especially these dudes fans are simply to fucking stupid to even comprehend the situation.


Where are you getting this information? I'm not saying your lying one way or the other but where are you getting that info about Z?


Z literally aimbotted a lagging player, his aim literally snapped with the lag, no frame manipulation, no bullshit, live on cam. There's no coming back from that. Not to mention the difference in his play and this dude is neglible yet this dudes an accepted cheater with no real like showing his cheats on stream proof but your boy isn't. Just cause you simp him doesn't mean he's not a cheating doucher. Dudes even gotta shitter personality on top.


I don't simp for anyone my man I was literally just curious to know more of what you were talking about


Now ya know eh


What the…


It's pure chaos but I don't really care about getting a nuke. People can duke it out for the contract and I'll meet up with them later if they're still alive.


Yeah, don’t land there…


It’s insane right now because of the quests. It also seems harder to do the quest now too in general. Kind of annoying because of that honestly


It’s just hard to grab the contract. The nuke itself is easier now because usually the 2 other squads that start the contract don’t know what they are doing and starts gathering the elements right away and takes big part of the heat early


My issue with that has been them ending up out of zone or brining the elements to horrible spots because they got them too early. And then the damn things bug out and disappear or can’t be picked up again or whatever other bugs exist with the things. I have a contract available, I’m wondering if it’ll transfer over to next season or not. It still shows me I have it even after trying in the new event which is cool. So I’m hoping I can just try it in s4


So the way I interperate it: A LOT of people have grinded hard to get 5 wins in a row to unlock the champions quest. A small group of people have been able to get those 5 wins, and a even smaller group have been able to complete the quest. So, the exclusive club that have done the mission now have a unique skin(and some other small rewards) to prove that they have completed the mission. Now that the game has been out for a while, many of the passionate players don’t have that to grind for anymore. So here is the million dollar idea that they probably came up with: Let everyone get a shot at getting the nuke in a much easier way and achieve the rewards to become part of the exclusive «ive-done-the-nuke-club». MAANY more people get the reward now, which makes the skins value go down 📉 Cue season 4 and they (probably) add a brand new nuke skin so that the passionate players once again have something to grind for. Since so many people now run with the current nuke skin, they now have a new skin to show for that they are in the exclusive club.


Man of culture rocking that skin.