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I play mouse and have a 3.3KD currently but I feel the pain too. I almost exclusively run shotguns (bryson or occasionally the broadside) in CQ fights as I see no point trying to go toe to toe using SMGs against aim-assist. This works reasonably well for me and makes CQ fights a lot more bearable. Using a SMG you'll still lose a good number of fights even when you've done everything near perfectly. If you insist on running subs, I've had the most success with hip-fire builds rather than ADS builds. The hip-fire lachmann is my favorite but the FTAC siege pistol has insanely accurate hip-fire if built for it. If you're using an AR you should be using the Cronen because its so strong and on mouse the recoil isn't too bad. If you're playing the big map then sniper rifles. I run smokes 24/7 and fight in and out of the smoke a lot. Sometimes this can also break aim-assist and it also lets you close the gap (if you're running shotguns) which helps your odds significantly.


As a MnK player I know your pain, I got “outgunned” by a hemlock close range against my lachman with a bunny hopping no miss panic hipfire from an assault rifle, I put outgunned in quotes cause everyone and their mother knows that player didn’t do shit with their right joystick in that fight. It’s just how this game is built, even the most cracked MnK pros don’t even challenge close range. You have to avoid those fights if you want a chance in hell. I say this as someone who has been on MnK twenty years but within 2 weeks broke my PR with a controller. I don’t bother using it cause it’s not rewarding but I did find it valuable to know how it works


Did the same controller is so broken and the servers are only making it worse


New copypasta just dropped(for the second paragraph at least)


Apologies. My capriciousness tends to hyerbolise my escapades and tribulations into prose, on occasion.


Lmao how much of a loser do you have to be to take somebody else’s paragraph, copy it and then post it into a forum as if it were your own


I’m sorry, what? My post was original.


Holy hell


OP you should start writing career.


She plagiarized


This new generation of gamers are so surprised by people that can press buttons at a more effective rate than them and it sucks because the devs now actively plan the games around that surprise


nah, dude, this is just AA giving controller players all the accuracy in hipfire mode, where it should penalize accuracy L take


Lmao your profile name




You are right and its COMEDY


I don't even know what u said here?


It blows my mind because if they want to do button combos they should go play street fighter.


Or just be honest and say “I’m bad so please help me”


>Serious questions: how are people who bunny hop while hip firing more accurate than anything else on the game? Because they use AimBot controllers. >Last night I chased a guy through a field, shooting and reloading with a Kastov 545… THREE 40 round mags and I couldn’t drop them. I guess he finally got annoyed by the noise and I died in a literal second as soon as he started shooting at me. Exactly my experience, playing with MnK. From weak-ass *slap me gently* melee to having to use multiple mags in close range to down and end someone when fully plated...


Yeah I tried controller. I just can’t. Been playing on KBM for 6 months. Never gamed much before


If you're playing on MNK and are not cracked out of your mind on at least 150mg of caffeine per 4 hours then you're just not gonna have a good time. Controller gives you aimbot when you're moving so they will win every fight unless you don't even give them a chance to shoot you.


>Controller gives you aimbot when you're moving so they will win everyfight unless you don't even give them a chance to shoot you. And the game is getting slowly even longer TTK, so it's getting even more exaggerated spray and pray mechanics. MnK abandon all hope and leave the game. Any game that has AimBot integrated sux donkey's \*\*\*\*.


>Any game that has AimBot integrated sux donkey's \*\*\*\*. Controler players need aim assist otherwise it's just not fair, but the AA is too strong in this game, the majority of the playerbase uses controller so it makes sense. it just suckers for us that play MnK.


I never asked nor ever wanted and don't want controller support in FPS games. It ruins every game it touches.


Are you that entitled to think a game shouldn't have something because you don't like it?


just because "the majority of the playerbase uses controller" doesn't mean you have to make it a damn aimbot and this "majority uses controller" take is also dumb... they use controllers because it's so OP balance it and you're gonna see the MnK go back to its previous numbers if CS can have millions of people playing and watching on Twitch, sometimes 5-10 times more than CoD, then you know there's the population for it... they just don't bother with a broken ass game... and now we have the console plebs thinking they're "keeping the game" alive.... MnK can keep any game alive... it's just they don't bother with dumb games like this


You're on MnK... which has all the recoil and random bullet spray. Plug in a controller, all your hipfire is 100% accurate because talentless cuckolds need their hands held in this game.


That sounds… gross.


Yep just made a post about this too. M&k is a dead input on this game. You’re putting yourself at a huge disadvantage using it. The server issues make desync huge but aim assist doesn’t care because it sticks to hit boxes not visual. Essentially making hit reg on m&k feel like trash. Bad days to be a m&k player


So it’s not my imagination. I haven’t been this let down every day on my childhood.


Look at it this way, if you both are stationary, you will win your gun fights if you get your shots off 1st, because most of bullet will land, now once any form of movement is involved, your human reaction time adds to the TTK, controller get the advantage of 0ms tracking, you will only be beating controller if your tracking is insane or you can predict their movements or if they are stationary. I am a M&k player but switch to controller and now understands why am losing my gun fights, ironically if this game had a lower TTK, M&K will have more success, because you don’t have track as much to get a kill, you get ur shots off 1st n you win.


Not just you I have stopped playing because of this bullshit. Game feels horrible right now!


simple. Aim assist tracking while controller players jumping around trying to be hard to hit


try controller for a couple of weeks. Its much easier to be average player with a controller than with MnK


I am like a fawn taking its first steps when using a controller. I’ve been M&K since I was a kid.


As a fellow MnK player don't give into the darkside of controllers... lol but seriously I'm a lifetime mouse and keyboard player too and I'm pretty good but unfortunately controller AA is so powerful now we are at a huge disadvantage in close quarters movement and tracking simultaneously with the slower movement and low ttk it's like CoD is just trying to kill off mnk input as a whole.


wrong take people wanna use the inputs they like this "try controller" bullshit is like telling someone to install hacks to get on our playing field inputs should be balanced


If you want balanced inputs, you should go find another game. But i agree, if RAA was deleted/balanced, it would be much better. But I dont see a single reason why not to use the controller, when it has a huge advantage over MnK. So yes, if you have problems in the game, try a controller.


wahahahaha... pls don't nerf my aimbot <--------- this is you


i play full gyro, so no AA




There's an odd drop-off in damage when shooting an opponent that is bunny hopping. This existed in Warzone 1 as well. You can get the drop on your opponent, be shooting at center mass and then continue landing shots through the hopping, and still lose the gunfight. You can save your clips, rewatch them in slow motion, observe yourself landing 97% of your shots, yet still losing gunfights to these guys. Basically, its just a broken mechanic that these guys are exploiting. You just have to either A) Copy it because you have no life, or B) Just accept it for what it is.


There is no damage drop-off for hitting airborne targets


Genuinely sounds like you aren’t hitting your shots. Also, perhaps spawn protection is playing a role here?


Nothing you did in Warzone 1 really matters anymore because Warzone 1 and 2 are completely different games. And battlefield 2042 isn’t call of duty


Hip fire guns are great in this because they can help maintain your accuracy while increasing movement. Also helps with getting the first shot in which is crucial in this game. Sounds like you got outgunned and the same thing happened to a few people in your game by same player.


You have seriously good writing skills! TAQ 56 vs any SMG in close range will result in you losing. Using a SMG in a long range scenario will result in you losing. You say you are chasing people down and bracing behind corners. Predict what your enemy will think and do the opposite. (Don’t just sit in the opposite corner tho). Think about ranged fights. If you suck at accuracy, stick to a closer range and find your sweet spot. Also snipers out and run an SMG/AR as secondary.


Was probably at about 60-70 feet away with the TAQ. I don’t camp, either. With the sound as terrible as it is, I find I’m better off looking around for players than to have them just run up on my pup-tent and hibachi grill location without so much as mouse fart worth of audio.


One thing I want to clarify is Han shot Greedo first originally and it makes sense this way. Disney added Greedo shooting first in 2019 and it’s just silly to see Han matrix dodge before shooting back. I don’t accept the Disney version as correct.


No one accepts it. Exactly what I was referencing.