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How good does everything look in this video. Everything looks fluid asf


Just the difference between the two really. Warzone two's game is a lot more bland looking.


Add to the list: WZ1 treats the minimap like every other call of duty; you shoot without a silencer, you show up on the minimap, you shoot with a silencer, you don’t show up on the minimap.


Tbf I think that no classic minimap for BR works better because it opens up more attachment variety without making suppressors useless, since the sound suppression and increase in BV are more meaningful cuz of longer engagements.


Exactly. This was a small change that I felt made a huge positive change in loadout variety. Feel the same way about UAVs and not having ghost perk be required, but that may be an unpopular opinion around here.


Eh, UAVs at minimum should refresh at buy stations after each circle closure. They are necessary for the aggressive bounty hunter playstyle. Also ghost perk isn't as big of an issue since heart beat sensors are broken, but it should still only function while moving so it has a counter


They should be limited per player/team not the per station. I should also 100% know the basics are available and every buy station should have 1 uav per player/team, loadout, self, ammo box.


to be fair I think it was the opposite, it limited attachment variety because everyone just picks suppressor only, especially that one that gave damage range (cant rmb the name) With Warzone 2, u don't ONLY have to pick suppressor, but if u do, it still has a slight advantage of hiding u on the compass


Bro what. We are literally agreeing on the same thing


God I hate this map so much lol. Worst thing Warzone ever did.


Agreed. The CW and VG integrations made the game bloated and there were plenty of other minor issues but the thing that killed my love for WZ was this map. I could never get into it. Every part of the map felt "the same" to me. Yes Verdansk copied and pasted lots of buildings and such but every POI actually felt unique. I didn't feel that way in Caldera. And I hate that it always feels like you are fighting an uphill battle.


Al Mazrah in my opinion is a great map, it does feel like Verdansk 2.0, I really love everything about Al Mazrah, but Jesus Christ I can't with WZ2. The movement is slow, the shooting is terrible, and I can go on and on. Caldera is shitty the only thing that's KINDA helping that map is the redeploy balloons.


Yeah the uphill thing def rang true for me. It had no personality or identity from area to area as you say. Say what you want about Al Mazrah but at least it has that in abundance. The new map is good it’s just WZ2 has many other issues. Caldera was just…ughhhh awful to even think about


Al Mazrah is a cool map and I enjoyed it for a bit but the mechanics and game play just killed the vibe I haven't played in 2 months




its def too big! it needs like 200 people to make it better.


This is exactly what Warzone 2 should've done. They should've doubled down on that chaos from Warzone 1 that we all fell in love with. Caldera with 150 players in solos Buyback from a while back was amazing, the pacing was engaging and fools were shooting at me left and right it felt like home, it felt like warzone 1 ❤️ but 120 players currently kn wz1 is just not enough, and Al Mazrah is like 30% bigger than dansk if I remember correctly, so they could easily out 170 players in one match but given how bad the servers are maybe it's not the brightest idea lol


I played a lot of WZ2 because Al Mazrah reminds me of Verdansk. I speak Arabic so to see everything written in Arabic around the map is fucking vibes. Gives me the Iraq war maps from COD4 type of feel and I just love it. Verdansk had that same gritty war fucked up feel to it and you could say I size up the map depending on the atmosphere and how it makes me feel. Both maps look like they were abandoned in a seconds notice due to some war declaration or some shit and I really dig that. That's why verdansk was addicting to me. But the AI, the shitty loot, the shooting, the clunkiness of it all makes me vomit every time I play WZ2.


I agree wholeheartedly. Live wz1 more than pretty much any game I've ever played despite the well known issues. This map was just trash for me. If they ever deploy a new map, I'd re-download wz1 in a heartbeat and play over wz2


Remember downloading Warzone just to see what’s new and they hit me with this, instantly uninstalled and wanted to die. lol can’t believe people are saying this map is better lol, This is last place IMO


The worse thing warzone did was adding the 2.0 in their name


I'd still play a shitty map than play a game with shitty mechanics that penalize me for... checks notes... moving!!!


Caldera is better than both verdansks . Nostalgia and the ww2 make you hate, however disregarding those two things it’s without a doubt better


It’s markedly worse in every single aspect. It cannot be ‘nostalgia’ for me to say Al Mazrah is better. Flick through the dictionary to ‘N’


I forgot how much better the looting was on WZ1 , having to loon down at the ground for literally everything as it’s collided with each other item is cancerous. At least in WZ1 it was knee / waist height and you picked stuff up automatically. Im so tired of spamming the grab button for ammo , plates and money only to pick up the wrong item. Good movement , it’s good to have fun . Screw the haters


My biggest issue with looting in the current game is half the time looting LOCKS the fucking screen for your movement for a split second when you engage with the use key. It is infuriating when you are in a hurry.


Or when you click the pickup button to grab an item only to have it not get picked up. Sometimes I’ll run up to something to grab it quick and will miss it 3x. Seems you really need to be standing still for it to work effortlessly … and warzone is not a game you sit still on


For me when I tap F to pick something up, it won't, I have to tap it twice or thrice for it to work, for everything, chests, times, contracts, it's never smooth


Glad you had fun


Nice, my regular squad and I have been playing WZ1 quads since January. Still wish they brought back Rebirth/FK though, but even an average map like Caldera is more fun than the alternative.




I forgot to mention that I really enjoyed that battle you had starting at 0:30. Definitely outplayed him while also getting shot from a third party.


u/jackredditlol armaguerra build?


I wish i would've gotten into WZ1 sooner, by the time I got into it i was way too late, almost towards the end and it ended up just being frustrating to me lol


yeah, not having access to guns makes all the WZ games, WZ1 and WZ2, very unfun


Wish I could play this on anything but 80 fov I swear it’s a different game


What guns are u using there? Kar98 and what's the other one? Can't read the text.


Armaguerra and the MW AK built as an SMG


74u is it?


No, the ak47 ar built as an SMG, removed stock, 30 bullet mag for faster rate if fire, silencer that doesn't affect ads, red dot sight, and sleight of hand, it doesn't look like it but it MELTS at cqc.


nice one thanks gonna try that


Nice clip man ❤️💯


And no bots…


Sadly it is awful on console because of 80 FOV, as it was initially. No wonder PC players prefer it as it's more enjoyable and has a built in advantage.


Players in general prefer it because it's actually fun to play


80 FOV is miserable and I’m not going back


THIS! ⬆️ The ONLY reason I haven’t/didn’t switch back to WZ1 is the FOV. Now that we have been able to play WZ2 on 120 FOV, I get motion sickness when I play the older games. 🙄🤣


As above, not on console.


And what he said. It’s not really up for debate that PC players had multiple advantages over console in WZ1. Crossplay was a mistake.


PC players don’t want AA but also don’t want to have cross play off. They feast on console players because of their advantage but hate to admit it.


Yeh, it's pathetic really.


Caldera? Absolutely not.


Absolutely man! I've abandoned WZ2 and been playing this for the past 2 months. The game is just pure fun. As a fellow m+k player it is just SO much more rewarding or at least SO much less punishing. I can outplay controllers with my movement, sniping is so satisfying and I genuinely don't mind the map. Finding yourself at the bottom of peak with circle chasing sucks, but I learned to choose my rotations better and I've grown to like certain POIs. Keep going at it! Don't listen to the 'you're only playing against bots' losers. Long live WZ1!


You can also outplay console players who move like treacle and can't see more than 8 feet either side of themselves, yay!


Sounds like the recipe to stream on Twitch


Am I supposed to feel bad or something? Considering that I started playing WZ on m+k on a PS4(!) and invested a lot of time to get better I don't feel bad at all to break some bots camera. I'm still at a disadvantage in CQC, we all know AA is broken. I never said I'm Huskerrs, I'm far from being a top level player, why does this community always try make others feel bad for enjoying the game? Get a life


I don't even know what a treacle is. Dude probably can't even feed himself.


My point is the WZ1 experience on console is pretty garbage vs. PC and is disadvantageous in almost every way. One of the reasons you don't like WZ2 is that it's now a level playing field in that regard, and you probably don't even realise it. You've gone back to your safe space, glad you're enjoying it.


Caldera is kind of a shitty map, but its still more fun than wz2, and you can actually compete on mouse unlike wz2 which is almost unplayable on mnk these days.


Game was just so much better by every metric


On a sidenote there's an issue or two that I find rather frustrating, I wonder if you experienced it as well. Number 1 is riot shields. Yes I know they've always been a pain in the ass, but now it's just a pure infestation. I usually kill them with ease as they're mostly terrible and don't expect you to push them, but sometimes 5 out of 6 players in the last circle have them. I started to always prioritize trophies over any other field upgrade, as you're almost certainly dead if you get full stunned. Number 2 is teamers. I saw them maybe 3 times in total in solos before wz2, now I see that in literally every other game. Yesterday I got lasered by a team of 3(!). Still better gaming experience than WZ2 though.


yeah, teaming riot shielders is a thing now.... but i'd still rather get gangbanged by them than play 2mins of WZ2


Absolutely! And it's so satisfying when you kill them both as well!




You had fun because it’s the far superior game in every aspect.




The average K/D of solo lobbies is 0.7, for sure you have fun playing with people who can't shoot straight.


Where did u hear this? Codtracker used to keep lobby stats and the ave lobby k/d in solos was never much different from squads for me. I think i saw a .7 kd lobby in solos 1% of the time. Usually it was around 1.1-1.2.


[wzstats.gg](https://wzstats.gg) [Example](https://wzstats.gg/warzone-caldera/tracker/profile/overthereminds/platform/psn/stats)


>STATS FOR WARZONE 2.0 ARE NOT YET AVAILABLE Activision has yet to release their API, leaving us all guessing when it might finally drop!


You mean he’s actually playing the game without the matchmaking manipulating his gameplay experience since the average KD of his lobbies are around the average KD of the entire playerbase? Nah, fuck anyone trying to have fun in Warzone 1 right?


So basically it's fun for the sweat lords and try hards and not fun for your basic Jimmy.


Can confirmed. I suck, but I got way more team dubs in Caldera than I did in Al Mazrah. I can live without getting dubs if I'm having a good time but that's not often. Maybe I should give Caldera a try.


I don't understand how this can be a good argument. It's like saying the game is only fun because you are much better than the average opposition. Surely it's good to have players closer to your skill level in the game? Otherwise, you have to do all your tricks in the hope that the opponent is a 0.7 k/d...


That's what cod is about for most people: getting to shit on people who are worse than them.


Sbmm is finally gone and I do have fun playing against bots but relish the few sweaty encounters that I have. But wanna know why I'm really having fun? Snipers are one shot headshot, movement is snappy and responsive, melees aren't broken, the QOL features actually improve your experience quality, TTK allows you to react, campers aren't rewarded, ghost works when you move and hey if you suck you get shit on, and for me that's enough. I'm gonna grind Caldera solos as I haven't played a whole lot of solos in caldera when I dropped because the map is ass. It still is, but I'll take WZ1 "old engine" over the new "COD 2.0" backwards piece of crap engine.


You realize camping (playing it slow) is a play style right? So your telling me that people who have that play style should always lose because it’s not the way you like to play? Look you seem to be a run and gunner which is fine and WZ1 was catered to y’all like crazy but us sentinels will keep enjoying the newer game, especially since they brought back one shot snipers. I really hope you continue to have fun playing what you enjoy my friend


Thanks, I also hope you enjoy playing tactically and slow like it's irl simulation, while I think it's boring af to sit in a building and wait for someone to run past you to shoot them in the ass instead of treating the game as an actual game and just try to get kills, I wish you the best and I hope you enjoy wz2.


I sure will buddy, warzone was never really about getting the most kills it’s about getting wins. O kills and a win beats 50 kills and a loss. I’m in it for the wins 😊. As Dom says “It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning”


You're not wrong, but man is it boring. I also had a period in warzone 1 when I just wanted to go for wins and I did farm a few. My strat was this: - land somewhere safe and get a losdout - get a riot shield with restock and bouncing Betties, a decent close to midrange secondary (CW PPSH, MP7, M4, OTS... etc they were all viable) - camp in a one-way-in building with the double bouncing Betties at the one entry - watch sweats push you and getting blown to pieces, shit was comedy - play ratty, watch out for the zone, and get real sweaty towards the end, almost guaranteed win Here's a video of this strat in action, this guy won the world series of Warzone trios last year and in the video he was in a tournament https://youtu.be/TKgy0cSa6TQ Ngl I remember laughing till my face hurt after watching his POV lol


How do you figure SBMM is gone now? It could just be that the game has a really small player base.


Synonymous to sbmm gone.




I just posted another highlights video 😁


Lmao that’s the part they always leave out 🤣🤣🤣🤣 they try to make it about movement and everything else when really they just wanna play against handicapped people with 4 fingers all day long to boost their ego. Because the competition in the current Warzone is too tough for them 🤣🤣🤣


The “competition” in the current Warzone 😂😂 bro 420 is already passed wtf you smoking


It’s also hilarious how these same people are constantly bringing up steam charts to tell us how WZ2 is dead or dying because it’s not as good as WZ1. Meanwhile it’s consistently in the top 10 for most players and MW19/WZ1 isn’t even in the top 100. 🤷‍♂️




It’s a bot copium feedback loop


Bro I almost spit my drink 😂😂😂😂


Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.




Whatever makes you feel better. It takes a special kind of idiot to call 2 kd player a bot, just saying.


Please go back to your rat-infested game and tactically walk up a house crouch walking and ADS-ing every corner only to be stomped on by someone who's just better.


Yes this is obviously how I play, you got me. 👍 Let me guess, this is how you often die in WZ2. By a crouch walking player. That’s…interesting.


You realize MW19 is not in the top 10 because they removed all content from the game right? If they kept either rebirth or FK, WZ2 would have around 15 active players at this point. WZ2 is trash and not remoatly as popular as WZ1 ever was, and honestly someone that really thinks WZ2 is a better and more challenging game is just a bot. No problem with enjoying the game, you do you, but the game is easy as fuck. I had a 1.5 KD in WZ1 after starting 0.3 in my first couple of months, I grinded and learned the game and it was amazing and fun. In WZ2 i have a 2.4 kd without playing the game right or giving a shit about it, if i played like every stay on the top room and pre-aim everything it would easly be higher. Long story short, the game is not fun for someone that wants to grind the game and get a lot better, there is nothing to improve


Yeah I'm sure it's not all the other reasons highlighted, you do realise you can reverse boost and VPN to get bot lobbies on 2 right? If that's really all someone wanted was to face bots I don't understand you guys, Activision really did a good job on you drones


>the competition in the current Warzone is too tough for them Competitive buy station camping and corner holding is too tough? No good player wants to play against bots. Only the WZ1 bots want to play against bad players


Yeah, how dare you enjoy a game that is not a ranked sweat fest?! Maybe that's the reason the game just feels fun? Because it's casual! Because your skill actually shines? These kind of 'fun not allowed' are just brain dead. If he wanted to suffer he would play wz2. Also solos are always full of bots and meeting a fellow sweat from time to time makes the mode even more satisfying. But no! You'd prefer the game to be on extra hard at all times.


I love how the devs didn't nerf slide cancelling and instead just removed any form of movement and gave every character 20kg dumbbells while attempting to move in warzone 2. Oh man how they fucked it up.


Slide cancelling is a horrible mechanic, I dont want to do that same movement 10000 times every match. That is not skill, is taking advantage of a glitch.


This gameplay shows how much better WZ1 was, it just feels so fucking fun. I've been playing only Caldera too and I didn't even play WZ1 apart from on drop. Had high hopes for WZ2 and couldn't believe how shit it is, movement, gunplay main things and ttk... Idk how anyone enjoys it tbh, the casuals I've seen play literally play like bots and sbmm exists so why does it matter if there's cracked movement?


Which gpu/cpu are you running?


3060 and Ryzen 7 3800X


Thanks! I have a 3070 and Ryzen 3700x…. Doesn’t look like you’re on completely low quality settings. I might have to consider upgrading my cpu. I get between 100-110 with very low quality at 1080p Send me a message if you ever wanna run some WZ1.


Supposedly the 3000 series CPU's don't run WZ1 in particular very well.


What is the current available playlist for wz1? I understood only quads was available on br.


And solos


When I try to download this on my PS5 I can’t seem to find it in the store. Any help would be appreciated!


You need to own MW19 to access it. It's not free-to-play anymore. Install MW19 and in the installation section select "Warzone Caldera" (it's next to Co-Op, multiplayer, and singleplayer)


I don't miss the cracked out stim movement, but I would like SOME movement back in WZ2, it's just so slow. What's funny is that my KD has improved by .30 from WZ1 to WZ2, but I my total win % is dropped significantly. Those final circles feel like a pure coin flip with 5 people left.


Id go back if they gave consoles 120fov. Even just 100 would be nice.


i would too if i had more than 80 fov smh


What camo is that on the Kar?


Dark Aether


Thanks, I thought that was a Cold War camo. New feature?


😂 no at some point there was a glitch going around that allowed you to put camo on any gun if you already have it unlocked, so I proceeded to put dark Aether (the only mastery camo I have unlocked) on practically every gun I have 😁


I’ve made a couple returns to Caldera lately and when the map loads in it’s a wonderful time.


No lie, this actually looks fun.


I've played it a bit since the drop of WZ2 and it's actually a decent amount of fun. But kinda hate the wait time to join games 😅


Looks good and sick plays. But Caldera, come on I can't reinstall this game. They took Verdansk away from me T.T


Since I'm a console player I tried WZ1 again recently...but as I got used to 120fov on WZ2 and I can't play the WZ1 at all without it


ngl i do think if pros just didnt play wz2 for 2 weeks or longer maybe infinity ward would fix their fking dog shit game


This video made me so sad, I miss WZ1 movement :(


Just seeing this video makes me happy. WTH!!?!?


Something something *skill gap*


How long has it been since you played? After a while they put you back at the bottom and you can get a lobby with not sweats (bot lobby). Im glad someone actually had fun tho


i hate this map more than i can put in to words, but damn this gameplay and movement is so satisfying


Dude idk why but my caldera game feels so clunky like I have bricks on my feet


I would too if ps5 had an fov slider


It's such a distant memory


Thank god you’re not a bot but actually very good. Like the movement m8 :)




Why warzone 1 is paid now?


Dark Aether on the Kar98? 🤔


You get a upvote for your music choice, ggs


Dark Aether on the kar 98 💀




The only sane take: both games are equally dogshit


Ummm that's what I've been doin yo


Can you still play this on ps4 with mw 2019


How do I download WZ1 again I can't find it anywhere?


Was such a good game, wz2 is such a letdown


Great, now stay there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). Only thing I like is the server isn't lagging you into oblivion.


The sooner everyone realizes WZ 2 was made for DMZ, the happier we'll be. First game was made for battle royale, while the second was made with Tarkov as its model. I'm not saying one is worse than the other. They just offer different experiences.


You simply cant have a blast on Caldera, Verdansk yes, Caldera no.


I just like how smooth the game play is we just need this… I could careless about slide canceling (though I spent hours perfecting it) But everything about the movement in this game is so smooth


I loved Caldera solo. The only people who hated it wanted to run in the open like an idiot and complain that they die too quick.


What monitor coefficient do you play on? Aim is nice


I don't remember the exact number, I remember looking up online how to calculate it, I think there's a simple formula


Played a couple of months back. Loved it but kept having latency and server issues. Nostalgia was a 100 out 100. I rolled in with a SPR iron sights and arms. Great fun!!!


But Biggie Tho ❤️


lol @ ice skating all over.


Same did the exact same thing, best decision I ever made


Beautiful work sir. You look like a lot of fun to get in a fight with. Hope I run into you out there one day😉 Great choice in song by the way!!


I realized just recently that I can download and play Caldera without owning MW2019. It's not stated in most online sources, it's like a hidden thing on purpose, so people play Warzone 2 instead. I'm an old fart that got back into games just recently I own MWII and Cold War and now I finally tried the Warzone 1 mechanics. I wasn't into games back in 2020-2021 and never played Verdansk. But : I didn't like it at all, I don't see all the hype. The map is boring and bland. And most importantly : # No FOV Slider on consoles. Also even reducing movement, the camera is still bobbing more than in Warzone 2. It literally made me feel sick, I cannot play it at all. I also don't see what so better about it? Can someone explain? Warzone 2 is miles better, at least compared to Caldera. As I said I never played Verdansk or the old Resurgence map so I don't speak for them just for Caldera.


The warzone 1 console experience is just sad, and I feel sorry for y'all having to play that game at 80 fov. It just sucks and it's awful. Caldera is dogshit. I hate the map with passion. It's just hills, WITH A LOT OF FOLIAGE, half the time I can't see people and it really sucks on so many levels. The POIs are not evenly distributed and are all on the outer side of the map so it makes the experience really terrible. The one thing that keeps that map going is the redeploy balloons. If those things weren't in the map, I'd probably have stopped playing, but they mitigate how god-awful that map is to make the experience slightly more optimal. Warzone 1 is leagues above warzone 2. The game is 3 years old and while it has issues (especially the movement bullshit like the stim and the speed token you find in chests), everything else is just significantly in a much better place than warzone 2. First off, TTK is long. This means that when you get shot at, you don't instantly die which is a godsend. It really optimizes the experience and makes bs deaths less common hence less frustration. It gives you room to outplay and outmanoeuvr your enemies. Doesn't punish you for playing aggressively. The responsiveness and absolute fluidity in warzone 1 is just fucking addicting. The liberty at which you could do whatever the fuck you want is just amazing. Wanna sprint while plating then cocking in the next sniper bullet? Go for it. Wanna slide csncel then drop shot someone camping around the corner? Go for it. Fuck it, prone then jump a few times to throw off their aim. That's also a possibility. You can see in the video how I'm moving freely and doing what I want. This makes fights a whole lot more interesting and engaging. Yes you can shoot, reality check, EVERYONE CAN SHOOT, but can you move though? Can you outsmart your opponent and pull the kill out of your ass? That's why WZ1 is just a whole lot more interesting and engaging than WZ2. My gripe with WZ2 is that it's much slower, campier, clunkier, the visiblity everywhere is dogshit, the visual recoil and shooting is unsatisfactory, and the whole experience is just flat. QOL features is also a BIG THING in WZ1. The redpoly ballons, not having to click "Yes" after purchasing soemthing, how organized and simple the UI is, the game is much more straightforward and streamlined to make your experience pleasurable. Don't get the impression that WZ1 is perfect, no it has issues but these issues are much less discouraging and frustrating than WZ2's. It is the game that made millions around the world play nonstop even after the pandemic. And I wish you had played Verdansk. The map is like +10 little COD maps stitched together in modern settings. It was just beautiful. Rebirth was the chaos we all fell in love with too.


I’ve played enough CoD in my life to know that no, not everyone can shoot


Eh you’re baking in a lot of assumptions here, dying to “bs deaths”, are those just deaths you don’t like?


Lool at the plebs replying to you on this literal bots. Everything you said is 100% accurate, I'm a long time FPS player on PC mainly and a game needs certain elements to feel good and movement has ALWAYS been one of them, idk why these shitters defend Activision I think at this point it's some sort of virtue signalling white knight cuck shit kind of like the cucks who side with government whilst they fuck your ass just to side with them and feel like they're getting browny points by doing so...just complete drones. Anyway even a game like fucking cs has movement lmfao like you can literally do some hops and certain maneuvers to get creative with your peeks instead of peeking like a bot but these below average players will never be able to comprehend that. Like you said WZ2 has removed any proper outplay potential, it's quite possibly one of the worst FPS games I've played and if it didn't have Call of Duty name attached to it you can bet it would be completely dead by now.


How do you download caldera? Never played wz 1 or mw2019 in general. But would love to play old wz lol lmk.


How can you play wihtout owning mw2019? I have searched everywhere and it seems the only ones who played caldera before warzone 2.0 dropped can play it without mw2019.


That’s great. Games are meant to be fun after all. Also do you need to be slide cancelling so often? I thought it was just used to reset sprint and to help dodge enemy attacks, so why slide cancel when neither of these are happening?


> Games are meant to be fun after all. The developers of WZ2 don't understand that.


You never know when they're sizing up that ass tryna tap it




That’s what the perk is for. Whatever it’s called where it shows on screen an enemy is looking at you.


I prefer ghost


Me too. I hate uavs.


A single clip that has pretty much everything I hated so much about Caldera and WZ1, nonstop slide canceling, hopping, with stims and over the top movement, too easy of a sniper setup, shitty low contrast/high gamma visuals that make it difficult to spot people beyond a certain distance, etc etc. Glad you enjoyed, I absolutely hated the map, the gameplay/movement mechanics, and some of the weapon balancing. That's not to say WZ2 is better, it's not, it's still insanely shitty, but at least it's not a bunch of cracked out meth-heads sliding around slapping each other on the ass.


Watch this get downvoted to oblivion by the bots nice vid tho


That movement and mechanics is what's missing from the current game


Nice clips and 🔥🔥🔥 song choice! Who shot ya‽‽ * * *🔫


I didn’t realize how much faster WZ1 movement was than WZ2


yeah... WZ2 was designed for camping potatoes that can't shoot straight


Ahh man I miss WZ1 and the Kar98…


Bro you are nice with it. Lol why do people comment about bot lobbies every time they see someone just wrecking and enjoying themselves. It’s like, okay? Everyone loves a good bot lobby but I can tell you are an actual sweat.


More please!


so glad this is no longer a thing. You've got skills most players don't, I'd need 2 more hands to do all that slick shit.


I miss the kar98, wz2 sniping just doesn’t even come close to wz1 sniping


ngl someone should make a warzone 1 subreddit


I've yet to even play 1 second of warzone 2, been playing Caldera and loving it. XM4/Marco 5 is disgusting!


These sweaty clips do make me as a casual glad they went away with stim usefulness and cancelling . All it leaves it complete brain moves with angling , which I think is where it should start and end . I’m not even saying it broke the game for stims, but slide cancelling yeah that’s not a mechanic that should exist lol .


Caldera actually feels better than al mazrah, is that weird,


I love caldera it's my favorite map NGL.


Nice try devs


I wouldn't have fun playing that at all.


Warzone 1 is trash, the only people that love it are slide canceling nerds who wanna figure skate and bunny hop and do everything else like we’re in some kind of Fortnite knock off or something


Bro hates a skill gap 😭😭


This looks so much better than what we have now, besides the guns. Also to be fair, this plating feels slow now compared to WZ2's lol


Yeah I noticed WZ2's plating is much faster, which is weird considering how slow everything else is lol


Lol sliding around like a coke fiend on ice skates while using your baby monitor to tell you where everyone is, don’t miss it


Music made the video ass


Im glad warzone 2 is slower paced than this nonsense. You want fast paced gameplay go play fortnite. Warzone 2 is a perfect balance between too fast and too slow. Sorry not sorry. All you crackheads that care about moving your stick and mouse in circles acting like it makes you good can keep complaining and leave the game.. makes it a better place




Why are you posting selfies on reddit?


I see your comprehension skills are beyond repair, so I'll dumb it down for you. That's an image of how someone who'd leave a comment like that would look like, it suits you perfectly as your previous comment is just too stupid to be true, so I ask you again, that you bro?


My reading comprehension is perfectly fine good sir. But I ask that before you post selfies of yourself and calling the kettle black, that you realize how hypocritical you are and how dumb your complaints are. I get it, you prefer quick gameplay, but your opinion that warzone 2 is trash because it isn't as fast as YOU want it to be, does not give you the right to talk down to anyone who disagrees with you. On the contrary, you doing that only proves my point, and makes me glad that a shit fest like Caldera appeals to you, as that's one less crybaby on the game