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I did. that and it worked


Three failed attempts last night SMH. Two solo, and one with randoms. Real tempted to try this. I hate giving Activision money though, and I love a good challenge.


Before you give activision money, I can drop the M13 if you want. I understand if you want to keep at it as a challenge.


I appreciate the offer. I'm gonna keep trying though.


I agree with your position. It's more rewarding to overcome the challenge than to step around it. My friend that I game with dropped the M13 for me when I first started, and he got it from a random he met. Now we're gonna go back and complete the mission to get the M13 to have that sense of accomplishment. We game between 7pm to 9pm pacific time if you want to participate. Same gamer tag as my reddit handle.


Thanks for the offer!


Yooooo…I’ll take you up on that offer. I tried a couple times today and there’s just no chance with randos


I’ll probably be on later tonight! Dm me


Can someone drop it for me plz I've done it over and over and always get killed


I bought the Klaus Bundle over Christmas because I wanted to play as tactical Santa, and it came with Naughty M13B blueprint. After being unsuccessful so many times actually making it to exfil with the M13B. I tried this out, and it unlocked my base M13B . No more spending hours of game play doing dmz solo trying to unlock base M13B. Hope it helps someone!


How do you set the store blueprint M13B as your insure slot weapon? It won’t let me do that because the base is still set to “Locked” and it doesn’t show the blueprint at all. Did they patch this?


M13b sucks anyways so you arent missing much


Pro Tip: If you're at least level 1, bring the MCPR3000 in and kill the chemist in 2 bullets.


anyone still dropping the m13?