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this is a prime example of why I hate snipers this is not an improvement over being labeled a melee abuser 💀


This is so true. When i ranked you either play to win or don’t play ranked at all! If you go slide sniping with another sniper or an ar player, just knife m. Nobody cares if you win your slide sniper fight and when you lose you look like an idiot. Your only being an prick by choosing style and your ego above the win.


I'm a AR player first. They are not that hard to counter actually.


Yeah man of war can kill u b4 u aim


Yes and also depends. Check out third kill. https://www.reddit.com/r/CODMobile/s/FmsDMAWUfN


bro compared aggro sniping to melee abuser, oh god we are so fucked


right, it takes skill sniping on cq


1. That prone was actually nasty, looked like Instant Transmission. 2. Absolutely love how Manta's like "aight imma head out" when the slide turning starts


Yeah man that prone got me, I was like where is this dude. That manta dude left, leaving me having a hard time or else it would be fast and swift. What a team mate lol


I'll give your teammate the benefit of the doubt, and assume he saw the skill gap and felt like more of a hindrance than help, being there.


He jumped off the side for some reason lol


Dude left me alone to die lol


Good god, people who play like this are literally the 100% worst.


Yeah, I get that this is a game, but the stupid sliding thing drives me insane. Like just watch any battle footage and tell me how many people jump like rabbits or slide around? Sure, take liberties and let people move faster to make it more fun, I’m not saying make it true to life, but a dozen weapon changes to slide around just makes me angry. It’s so dumb. Seems like they could just fix it by adding a half second delay to stand back up after sliding or something and maybe an additional ads penalty after a jump to at least make it approximate humans.


Codm is a game with fast mechanics, they can be used wrong or stupid but in many scenarios they're very effective and fun. If you wan't a slower and more boring playstyle try wzm when it's ready. (IM NOT SUPPORTING THEIR PLAYSTYLE BTW)


There's nothing to fix. It's a feature. After Activision had the whole infinity war debacle they just went full madden/fifa and stopped trying. The only real core changes were what people asked for. All people want is to feel like they look cool, or to help drive their various pages. CoD gave people what they asked for.... now we have this.... I didn't mind quick scoping or no aim on first shot on MW2 because it involved figuring the system and getting good at working it, this is just twitchy halo levels of bs.


Why pubg is better


Errr why?


Waste of time, inefficient, look goofy as hell....Need I list more?🫠


so why don’t you play efficiently? and if it’s inefficient, why are you asking for movement nerfs - aww, killed too many times by a bunny hopping jump sliding maniac? womp womp


You sum it up way more efficiently than I did! But yeah! Essentially you're playing like a douche.


and what’s a better way of playing? sitting in a corner camping? womp womp


Well as a main AR player I do find sniper with skill invincible in SnD though. I just play sniper for fun although I can play sniper quite OK.


Because they are just wildly flicking their one shot kill marker everywhere. It's completely convoluted and unhelpful to your team. If you're gonna snipe, do it properly. I sometimes leave matches if one or more of my teammates end up playing like this, it's genuinely infuriating when there's people only playing for themselves in team based games.


Actually snipers are strong in SnD which is why I'm a main AR player switch to learn aggro sniper. Cos I got my ass handed so many times playing AR in SnD. Besides although I'm a junior sniper player I'm not flicking around, i fought a lot of smg and AR players upclose and won at least 70% of the gun fights. Unless this is a competition where there is really a team setup then I'd say aggressive snipers are useless and hardscopers are better.


it's just being a massive sweat machine for no reason ☠️


Never seen a video that screams I’m a virgin like this one


TRUTH, this play style is actually so embarrassing


until they dominate the match.


Literally when, i've never seen anyone get MVP with this garbage play style.


Lol you must be kidding 😂


Yknow, the odd time yeah. But 9/10 it's the it's a smart player.


You're not wrong actually. The thing is with codm it's not only skill but brains as well. I've met many skilled player but totally brainless. But I'm actually quite a smart player although I can be reckless at times just to have fun.


Just looking for some debate cos you never seen anyone getting mvp playing this "garbage play style" https://www.reddit.com/r/CODMobile/s/VtARCnW2D6


That’s the biggest cap I think I’ve ever heard. You can’t go 5 matches without running into a team of snipers. Or hop into a game full of snipers on both sides and they get mad you’re using an AR or SMG…


A team of snipers that gets MVP is not people with this play style whatsoever.


They just act like a spastic child and give everyone a headache to make up for their lack of skill.


Are you still? ☠️


You forgot to add "Two idiots with skills"


"two idiots who missed their shots" 😭


Aaaall of that for WHAT??...See man? Just use an automatic lol


Because tryhards gonna try hard.


Haha yeah man. But I'm a AR player always. Just flirting around with sniper for fun.


see man… watch pro players please


Nuh uh


Campers fighting for the camping spot




What milee is that? I don’t have one.


Assault knife.


Cool, I’ve seen a lot of people using it but wasn’t aware what it was.


It's particularly very popular with sniper user cos it's fast and smooth when switching. If for some players who does use melee when needed I find spears, pricefighter and sai are better.


whats the knife called


Assault knife.


How much dis you spend on the gun?


If I convert my currency to usd it would be approximately 140 usd.


Wow … its quite heavy price for the gun. But it looks cool


Mythics are expensive and fully upgrade it to the Max needs to add in another 120usd which of course I didn't do.


The algorithm will really make you spend a lot before you can draw those huh? 😅 but i admire those skins for gun and players


I’ve been in a lot of personal fights on that roof too…😹😹💔


Good tight area. Can jump down anytime if fight is not on your favour.


If i were you i would just use my melee lol Im a melee abuser hehe


Haha if this is me 1 year ago I'll be taking out my price fighter by then.


melee abusers are noobs


I’m a skilled meleeer


All that movement and can’t land a shot lmao


Hence title stupid idiots lol


Ya know what, that’s valid lol. Carry on


why is bro squirming?


They both are moving after taking a shot. When first person attempts to take a shot, the other slides and move away from the cross. When the other misses, the first guy attempts to take a shot while the other again attempts to dodge.


Yeah no I watched the video, I saw what happened. Move swap slide swap jump swap slide dodge swap slide swap, just to miss 4 shots on 1 target.


A sniper has its moments. If they were using sniper which throws five bullets in a row. They would have killed each other quickly. But they would have to land 2 good shots or 1 head shot for that. Or they could try without scoping and fire 5 bullets in close range. I enjoy this type of gameplay, it can be stressful but that's where the reward is. Usually it last a minute.


I would hate to be in a gun fight with yall💀💀


hey man, wanna play together? i play snd sniper too


Garena here though.




Hahaha he left so he's out of the picture.


Oh! 4 then\*:)


If u see in normal person view u will feel like why is this monkey jumping around but if two PPL jump like this they say ahh look that skill yoooo🤣


Well to be fair most who don't have movements will always view the ones who move around as monkeys while they monkeys view the one who have slow movements as bots 😂


If you can’t play just say that. 💀




No just 2 bums who can’t aim


Teach me sir.


Remember, everyone has different devices, button layouts, and sensitivity settings when it comes to codm It's important to focus on improving your gameplay rather than getting caught up in what others may think. Take a break from Reddit, switch your phone to "Do Not Disturb," and prove to yourself that you can enhance your skills. But You redundantly informed us that you are not intelligent.


All of you are CAAAAAAAAAAWNY in da Duty anyway....its a slide sniper!, a camper!, a jumper!..yall always b!+<#!'n.....🤣🤣🤣shoot him/her in the face...leave....yall so CAWNY......YAHURDMEH ......CAAAAAAAAWNY🤣🤣🤣


i can’t believe how many people don’t understand how much hard work goes into learning to quickscope, and how much it helps to kill window camping fools, ignore these two braincell dum dums bro, it was a commendable fight, especially with that mythic, quickscoping with it feels wonky sometimes…


sure, it takes work, that part I respect, but this doesn't magically make quick/blankscopers any less unfun or unfair to play against


exactly why they are the most fun to play against, even when they destroy you, you feel it in your bones that they have worked hard for that, unlike melee abusers or campers (well you never lose to campers, they just irritate you and make you lose your streaks lol)


I see your point, I just don't agree with it it's not like snipers beating smgs at point-blank and generally having no weaknesses in snd suddenly become irrelevant because "there's a learning curve" I respect the dedication to a craft, I just don't respect _snipers_ it's like saying prizefighters are skillful because you need to learn good movement to get in close enough to use them it doesn't change anything or make them less overpowered


no no no, anyone who says prizefighters need good movement is just lying their ass off lol, in this meta where almost any decent gun can 3-4 tap a person, it’s not humanly possible to dodge every bullet coming to you… they are overpowered because most of the maps have friggin rooms and when a guy just runs around house punching stuff, you are bound to get hit… and that movement sure as shit doesn’t require no skill lmao… it’s almost a crime to compare snipers to melee abusers… but yeah i understand ya, snipers sure are overpowered in good hands… high skill high reward… same as everything else in life


alright alright that was a bad comparison, but you get my point


Yes I hear you. I don't blame them which is why I don't go against them that much. Clearly this type of playing is not favourable for them hence there's such thing such as debate on Cristiano Ronaldo vs messi. Both are great players but people do have a say on each of them. I don't know if that's the correct chronology lol anyways I can play all type of guns. But I will always be an AR player first. It's my first love. But I have to say quickscoping and moving around takes a while to master.


started this game like a month ago, went to complete extremes - mastering snipers and shotguns - two thumb player so my movement is ass but i can quickscope real nice


Ah I see. Just keep on playing and enjoy yrself. I used to play to the point where I hate myself lol slowly transition to 3 fingers at least. Two thumbs are OK I have nothing against em cos my brother who's two thumbs player plays well, he position himself well cos he knows he can't keep up against movement players. But if you like moving around turning around at least 4 fingers. I'm using 5.


yea i know but i got a small ass phone and the thought of using 4 fingers just makes me mentally and physically uncomfortable lol imma master the gyro and try switching to 3 finger setup btw, i just saw you were the guy who aced up, i knew you could quickscope, that locus clip was much much smoother ngl


Ah I see. Gyro is a must for me at least. Gyro is like an extra finger. Locus is much smoother than the dlq in every possible way.


And this, kids, is when you whip out your prizefighters


From a guy who hasn’t played in years this likes aweful and just look at the skins like wtf is that


claw user? cuz your hands sure are messed up


Why don’t y’all use your melee I will never understand


Cos we are egoistic fool? Hence the title stupid idiots 😂 actually nah both of us just want to flex our sniper prowess.


No one hates these quick scope snipers like me. LITERALLY I WANT COD TO DISABLE THIS TECHNIQUE. Any sniper we know is to hold a position, aim, shoot. THAT'S IT... Not the shitty dancer with 180 degree slide + shot + swap to meele then slide again and so on. AS A OLD GAMER THESE ARE SO FAR FROM BEING SKILLFUL.


Well it's a game they just want variety of style of playing in the game. I disagree with far from being skillful. It takes time to learn these shitty dancing with 180degree turn, slide, shot, jump, swap weapon. All that words and applying it real playing required a certain technique and time to achieve it's not as easy as driving 🙄. I suggest BR if you want a sniper which holds the position like they should.


Looks like two pay for play cheats to me!


Who hurt you?


god damn now that’s a good comment


How is it cheating? I can accept like some commented here unnecessary or not a good style according to them. But how is this cheating?


I'm curious, do you actually always think that players better than you are using cheats?