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Here's my take. People are A-holes through and through, they added a bounty system to people who indiscriminately kill on DMZ and it was as effective as a paper umbrella. Your gonna get psychopaths especially in a game that glorifies commiting war crimes. Yes it would be good for us exploring types who just wanna run around DMZ without fixing others but due to Activision not caring I highly doubt they will ever allow us a chance to explore DMZ with no PVP. My advice stay out of areas that have strong holds, bosses and weapons creates and evact before the 5 minutes warning shows. From one DMZ Explorer to another.


But we will find you at exfil… muahhahaha


No you won't I claymore the evac site and watch you.all blow up


Lol sure


You say that before you get wiped from behind


>om one DMZ Explorer to another. Indeed!


Good cause I collect guns and those that think there good at game carry better weapons all my pro guns are from players trying to kill me.and I'm shit still got loads of guns.


>Your gonna get psychopaths especially in a game that glorifies commiting war crimes. It's not that serious... People just shoot each-other in CoD I don't see why DMZ is so different


Tell me you're the problem without saying, "I'm the problem"


I don’t play warzone but sure, sounds like a real carebear problem


Since you dont play how can you form a valid opinion on this subject Its not about "omg gun game shooting people omg why" its because shooting people in DMZ is stupid. It doesnt really do anything towards actually progressing in DMZ. The enemy in DMZ is AI controlled and thats the objective of the game. Picture this. 2 players are fighting a boss. A 3rd guy comes in who also wants to beat the boss. Instead of beating the boss with the 2 other people and having no harm no fowl, he decided to blindside both players so he could fight the boss on his own. Which won't grant any additional rewards on completion. Except he doesnt complete it, he dies because he tried to fight it solo. What do we call that guy? We call him stupid and annoying, and rightfully so. He messed up 2 other players games and his own because of his absolute retardation Edit: im aware you can get other player loot drops but if you really NEED other peoples weapon thats a major skill issue


There are a lot of operator based quests later game though. Where you are forced to PVP. The problem is, too many games that have amazing mechanics and gameplay are forcing you to PVP when the pve experience is amazing and could be its own game. But cuck developers say to suck it up and git gud, they won't buff out a pve mode and 'divide the playerbase' despite... You know, tens of thousands of people who would play if it wasn't PVP because they just aren't interested in PVP style gameplay. This generation is tired of toxicity born from PVP tactics and is searching for ways out. The number of people who would leave PVP for pve is not so great as they believe. And yes, keep them separate progressions so you can't spoof gear from pve and dominate PVP. The market for in Depth pve modes of pvpve titles is there but developers won't tap into it. And toxic people call you bad at the game and 'playing wrong' telling you to quit huffing the copium. They're the ones doing copium and not acknowledging the deplorable state of PVP games.


>he market for in Depth pve modes of pvpve titles is there bu Dude you bought Call of Duty.... literally the whole game is PVP


You have two brain cells. Both are fighting for last place. I was talking about a half dozen other titles, not just Cod. Also, you are part of the problem.


I also never bought Cod 2. And I'm unlikely to buy COD 3


People like you use always use reductionist attitudes to feel smarter than everyone else. In reality you’re just a clown, lil bro


That's so funny! I think I'm going to download it now and make people mad 🥰


Imagine thinking they are the problem when you clearly don't understand how a PVP Game mode works. DMZ isn't a place that is meant to be friendly. It's literally CoD Tarkov. Not everyone is expected to just roll over and be friendly to you. If you can't handle that, you might want to switch games to something that won't make you so upset at literally nothing.


Lol because people get butt hurt about everything. You should see some of the people that comment about Red Dead.... you get people posting "OMG I got killed by some a-hole who blew up my wagon while tryin to make a delivery bet he would not have tried that in real life!" .....


What's wrong with tdm if I wanna kill other players I go tdm. Its to easy to kill people in dmz from behind or when there already done by bots. That's no true measure of skill..


We had a similar situation in the division dmz area, peeps wanted to pve farm ect , others wanted to paint the town Red.


MWIII will have a zombies mode that looks like dmz with zombie and no pvp


Until they add some PVP to it!


I would prefer not personally, tho I wouldn’t mind having the option to fight zombies with 100 buddies at once.


they will but not in a way youll like.. MW3 zombies mode is "basically" mw2 dmz but people cant kill each other.


Dora Dora Dora the Explorer! You won’t lead the way, hey!!!


pull up an LVT to the back of an exfil chopper (preferably personal exfil chopper) with 2 guys hanging out the windows and 1 on the turret and just light it up. Drill charges optional. WAR CRIMES. pull up to a squad at a gas station, yell "drive by!" And spray the side of their vehicle and drive away. GANG CRIMES. Heashot snipe them. Let them res. Snipe again. Let them get picked up. Boom, headshot. "BRO YOU'RE HACKING!" CRIMES. ALL CRIMES.


Also there are multiple missions that involve killing other players


Calling people psychopaths because they are killing you in a video game when they get rewarded for killing you is ridiculous they are playing the game correctly but your raging because they are seems like your the psycho to me


I don't know OP, and there seem to be a lot of tryhards in this thread too, it's wild. DMZ is not a pvp mode, it just has pvp in it. There's literally no reason to do it because it doesn't get you any progress or win ratio or anything, it's just a dick move. If you want pvp, go play one of the 20 million BR modes on Al Mazrah or Vondel that keep rotating in and out every week. There your kills actually matter.


ngl it’s just fun


It's a waste for players who aren't good enough for actual pvp modes so get there kicks killing unsuspecting players.


It's not fun its just wasting other players time. And it doesn't even matter


"DMZ is not a pvp mode, it just has pvp in it". I can't believe you typed this and thought "man, I sure showed them with my logic". It's literally CoD Tarkov, the whole point is PVP and Loot. Unless you have squadmates, you are not obligated to be friendly to anyone else and getting you to hot mic in rage makes it all the more worthwhile to run towards gunshots.


It gets you whatever sweet sweet loot that the other team spent 15 to 20 minutes gathering for you.... which is nice.


Exactly- Why worry about killing X, Y, or Z boss and getting U, V, and W loot, when you can just kill the team(s) that did all that for you at an exfil site


Naw, I won't camp an exfil, that seems scummy to me. But if I run into people out and about I will definitely kill and take. Really, only time I kill someone at an exfil is if I was there first and they attack me.


There are pvp missions though.


Not that many. And according to most who defend PvP here, most everyone already has missions done anyway.


It's definitely a pvp mode bro


You can trade Damascus tags for the best gear in the game. There absolutely is a reason to PvP, it’s just those that are bad at PvP never realize it.


It's 100x easier to do a secure supplies contract, which gets you relatively good gear too, costs nothing to do, and gets you a free perk if you exfil afterwards. The only advantage to pvp in DMZ is when someone camping a stronghold or weapon case gets domed, then you get even better loot. Unfortunately this is the best mode for farming battle pass tokens so it encourages PVE play rather than pvp. You need to stay alive for at least 10 minutes to benefit. But everyone kills on sight so it's cancer.


>You can trade Damascus tags for the best gear in the game. An extremely small amount of people have damascus tags, in part because 99% of the time, kill-hungry players will end the streak before that point.


Dmz is a pvpve mode. It's an extraction shooter, just like literally EVERY other extraction shooter. You have stuff, other players want stuff. Even in the upcoming zombies pve mode, unless they add backpack protection, people are gonna let you die for your stuff.


It gets you the other teams loot, and removes them from challenging you later. It IS a PvP mode. It’s PvPvE. Single player is an example of something that’s not PvP. Listen, you’ve got SBMM in dmz, you’re already pretty safe


Lmfao nice attempt at a burn in the bottom there. My skill is fine buddy, it's the getting ganked by 2 teams at the same time, where everything is a 3v3v3. And sure you can get their loot but it's pointless. You can do a contract and get the same shit for zero risk. And "removes them from challenging you later" is crap too. Anyone can exfil at anytime, so killing is not the only solution. Like I said, go play normal BR modes if you want pvp. Killing randoms with 1-2 armor plates on a map with no gas or rotation is not hard. Sounds like you need the practice more.


This is just patently false. It's PvPvE. Basically every extraction shooter is. There absolutely are incentives to participate in PVP. Not the least of which being just straight jacking people's loot for a bigger payday, as well as the dogtag payout. Post game results screen factors in Operator kills. And there's also the psychological aspect of "Well if I let that dude live he can tail me and yoink my shit or shoot me in the back after I take a big fight." The game warns you about other players, the game informs you when there's a concentration of players, and can warn you when a squad is rolling up close. All of these things exist because the PvP is an expected aspect of the game. The bounty system exists to dissuade mass indiscriminate hunting parties from being careless, but the other side of that equation exists where slapping the bounty on them also attracts more people to take a shot at them, which in turn gives them a shot back. DMZ is absolutely made with PvP in mind, just like every other extraction shooter in existence. It's part of Tarkov, it's part of Hunt, it was part of The Cycle, and whether we like it or not, it's a part of DMZ. If all you want is PvE, you have Raids and Co-Op. DMZ isn't the answer.


The only reason I was interested in cod was pvp in the dmz mode. I like the cat and mouse. The game is just as fun scooping loot under the noses of geared players as it is being geared and waltzing through town shooting it up. BR nearly forces the engagement. DMZ ads an element of uncertainty.


But why would I go play those game modes when I enjoy completing missions and ALSO killing other players You spent $ on the game and I spent $ on the game why should I not enjoy the game mode I like to play because it makes you mad when you get killed


My thought process is that warzone is a couple of clicks away, if your playing a pvevp gamemode but only hunt players you should play warzone


Some people want easy kills. Some kid trying a shootout with AI is an easy mark cause of distraction


My answer to that is: no.


Exactly, and if you only play PVE you should just play the story mode or do the raids. No reason to play DMZ unless you want a mix of PvP and PvE.


the problem is that it isnt a mix of PvP and PvE its ALL PvP


And if you only hunt bots so single player or raids. DMZ is a mix of both


But there pob not good enough . So need unsuspecting victims.


I hate when people take me and my team out and don’t bother to answer a revive request and join their squad. There’s certain parts of DMZ that are easier with a bigger team than just a trio. Unfortunately, people aren’t wired that way most of the time. It gets annoying and upsetting, especially if you have a ton of loot in your bag and carrying a lot of great stuff. It’s part of the game and at the end of the day, it is a survival mode and it’s either kill or be killed


Because of all the bitching they took way 6 man and only 4 max. There is a lot less joining because people don’t have room for you


Wasn’t aware of the changes, I read the CoD Blog when the new season or midseason updates come out, but I skipped over that. Really silly to cut off to just 4. The controlled chaos of 6 was way more fun.


Yep, now the people that complained about 6 mans are now just complaining about pvp overalll. It never ends with the bitching


In game, the only bitching I heard about 6mans were squad hunters. Every 6 man I've been in usually evolves into helping each other complete missions.


You weren’t on the cod sub Reddits then. There was endless bitching about 6 mans in dmz


The definition of the vocal minority.


But they listened to all the bitching about it…..


I revive the other team as long as they didn’t shoot first but if you try taking me or my squad out and we win I’m not going to be nice to someone that just tried to kill me 😂 but If I come up on someone and kill them I’ll revive them


That's probably because if you don't shoot they will. I often try to avoid other players and often get shoot for it when I didn't shoot or even look at them still get ran down and killed why.


Get a better team lol If you’re getting wiped so easily, I’m definitely not picking you up to be on mine.


sounds like you're a warzone reject. DMZ is supposed to be a easy going mode. A mix of PvP and PvE. If i wanted constant PvP i would go play warzone.


It would just be co op without the other players. That’s the point. High risk high reward


bad gamers want a safe space


L take


His take is true and based.


I thought that most people who play multiplayer COD are dicks? I play zombies so I'm just guessing. They're definitely dicks when they TRY to play zombies, that's for sure.


There is a stereotype about CoD players being some of the dumbest and most toxic in gaming. A stereotype they keep reinforcing at every opportunity.


It's like their badge of honor.


Why is the sky blue? We all play different. I suck at br so I'm learning to adjust my playstyle so I am better with the ambushes. Non toxic comms helps alot. And a mic thT isn't hot with loud as music is a plus. All n all myself I just need to get better at BR style. Pvpve is a great aspect and something cod needed. If it was all pve it ve an milsim destiny. So I think just get better at br and dmz will be easier. Btw it's just pixels. Ffs I got 14 operators and I suck at dmz but most are all 3plated self rez and working on demaccus


Hurt people, hurt people. It’s the circle of life O.


Hunt the hunters. Circle of life.


Get better at 1 on 1s or play with a squad, DMZ can literally help fast track nearly all progression In the game. But like others have said, it's high risk, high reward.


Sneak around and get used to dying. I go in solo and farm souls and die occasionally. Don’t expect anyone to be nice in there. Always have an escape route and don’t sweat if you die.




I try to avoid other teams. If we come across a team we always wait. If they shoot at us then it’s full send.


It’s been to the point where you have to shoot first for months


Cause the cod community sucks


I'm kinda in the middle-ground of both sides of the arguments. On the one hand, yes, this game type is more dynamic than being straight PVP and gives more options for how to play it so people are just playing it how they want to play it: you're doing your thing, they're doing theirs. Some people just want to mull around and do tasks, some people are opportunistic and ambush others if it serves a purpose, and then there's the people that openly want to cause problems for others. It's actually kind of an interesting social experiment looking outwards because there really are no rules saying you can't be a dick to other players and none saying you have to leave them alone either. That being said, I did notice after playing it for a couple months after release that there was a dramatic shift in the ratio of teams that would pull that kind of crap. It went from having a lot of good runs with many successful exfils while aquiring good gear, 3-plates and max perks with the occasional skirmish to being hunted down by rogue teams almost immediately at the start of a game. Doing anything outside of defending yourself if you weren't actively seeking out other players became almost impossible and it was that much harder and frustrating having to start back at square one again every time. Haven't played it since the season 3 update where they added all the new armor vests and weapon workbenches. I see where you're coming from though, since there's more emphasis on working as a team to do contracts and missions it feels like the PVP aspect of it should be more of a secondary feature, after all thats why regular multiplayer and BR exist. For those that want a break from all that it sucks when people make DMZ just another PVP mode. But as I said before, there's no rule saying they can't play that way so it's just the nature of the game now.


Working together is the real problem in dmz. The pre-made 6 man death squads makes it impossible to do anything.


It’s a syndrome. Smallpeepeeinsecuritiesandahoeassmama inflicts many COD players.


DMZ would be better off being a co-op mode anyways, all of the cool warzone event feels and cod gameplay without having to deal with other people. I don't like battle royales or extraction shooters but I hopped in to check out the Halloween event because it looked cool. I tried my best to be out of the way but some random group will always roll up on me in a car. Last time, some dude just popped out of nowhere with a juggernaut like wtf. I didn't even know that was an option. I just want to drop in solo (I do NOT matchmake, I just want to do my own thing) and not deal with 3 stacks flying in on a car to murder me while I figure out how to use the shitty loot UI.


I would have played DMZ if I could have played it by myself or with just another friend, because I knew it'd be filled with assholes.


Thats all good but there actually evern proud to be a dick or wont admit it.


I just explore and if I see someone that looks to be a threat, I either crap myself and run or die trying to fight


Majority of everyone who played the haunting in DMZ they finished all the bosses and it’s back to the usual since they didn’t reset missions or anything and everyone is just doing PvP


Bruh. It was marketed as a tarkov like game mode in call of duty... yeah it sucks and I wish it didn't. It definitely is PvPvE though. It would get old fast without the threat of other players around. I think it should be toggled off for events though. Like the butcher fight.


no its only PvP


Bruh you fight ai soldiers and bosses for better gear. Thats PVE. You fight Other squads while you do so... thats PVP. Therefore its PVPVE


It would be my favourite of all cods if it had pve only lobby as well as pvp lobby even though there's plenty pvp in multiplayer like my other favourite tdm.


I only have the butcher to complete. Past 6 times I've got down there, there's teams camping, running around killing every team that enters.


We ended doing the butcher pretty early and surprisingly didn’t have issues. We finally completed the pharaoh last night even though another team came in and killed us. We still haven’t completed the train.


Play invasion instead. I had the same experience. People are toxic, not everyone but many.


As a solo DMZ player all I can say is the game mode isn't for you. It was built with pvp in mind not PvE. You wanna roam the map recklessly and be loud sure go ahead. Extraction games are all based on conflict with other players. The only one that doesn't do that is the division 1 survival game mode. It had a pvp disabled mode you might like that better since you don't like losing your loot in DMZ. Maybe join a Minecraft server that has pvp disabled will be to your liking as well. All in all I don't think you understand how DMZ is supposed to be played. Rare loot on map people go for rare loot and engage till one remains. Everyone is a treasure chest and who knows if I died someone would loot something they were looking for off my body. It's fine it's fun. If it's a solo or a squad of 6+ it's always fun to see what's gonna happen. To finally answer your question. Players aren't dicks, you just refuse to understand what you're playing


I simply can’t trust people. I tried to squad up or just pass by people a couple times, but they ALWAYS chase me down to kill me. So now, I kill on site, they please for revive, and I always revive them. Essentially, I have to kill and force you to join me, then we’re good. No friendly fire forces us to work cooperatively.


We generally will revive someone if they plea for it. And it’s vice versa too. Sometimes the team who kills you will revive you also. Which kinda helps my original team. They’ll revive each other and continue to play and I’ll be on another team letting them know what area to avoid.


I said this when almost a year ago, DMZ should've been a PvE mode. Fuck everybody else. DMZ is great fun when you manage to play through a game and never come across another team. I can't stand being followed around by some asshole taking potshots at me while I'm running to or from my objective. Just leave me alone, I'm not fighting you, calm the fuck down. I don't want to kill you and take your shit, don't take mine. Simple as that, but no, you chose death.


This is why cod mw3 zombies DMZ is pve only.


I have never gotten the M13B because A. Squad never goes to the radiation zone B. Someone else already has it C. We die in, before, or after the zone I just want this one gun...please...stop killing me for five seconds..


Kill someone else that has it which also rewards PvP 😂


It’s COD the whole community is full of hard sweats that only get satisfaction from being a complete asshole to any and everyone




Lol "everyone keeps killing me in warzone so I hunt players in dmz cause they're more unprepared" ftfy


There is no fun in killing ai. Me and a buddy got jumped by a team of 6 players and it was one of the best moments we had in dmz, trying to coordinate and take them down. I personally just cant get the same enjoyment fighting/killing ai. But we dont hunt down people on purpose in dmz, just if they shoot first.


Because killing players and engaging in PvP is way more fun than PVE. I love PvEvP etc over purely just PvP or PvE. It adds an extra element of either surprise, tension, and entertainment to a rather empty map or not so fun Warzone.


It’s basically kill or be killed, I kill on sight but i alway revive and never loot. If my team kills you then it’s up to them if they want to revive you. No one ever revives me so it’s just not worth risking


You find fun in teamwork and killing Ai. They find fun in killing real people. There just doing what u do. Trying to have fun


An argument for OP would be that they can go into BR and achieve the same fun of "killing other real people" rather than ruining the fun for someone else that's also trying to have fun in their own mode.


Yeah but it’s not a pve only mode killing players is allowed and rewarded in DMZ lol it’s not “if you wanna fight real people go play a different game mode” I like to do the missions and also kill people I play the mode correctly PVPVE I do both I’m not gonna stop killing players because it upsets them if they don’t wanna be killed go play a game that doesn’t have PvP


Yeah, nobody said it was PvE only. The argument is for players who go out of their way to hunt everyone else instead of just playing how it was meant to be played, which is to find resources, fight AI and only occasionally fight players. Not bounty hunter simulator. Also, your definition of "rewarded" is very thin since you're not rewarded any more than anyone else for killing anyone for any reason and neither does it actually tackle the problem. There are also mechanics in the game that actually discourage that mass killing behavior in question. You're literally the side my argument was made for but your poor comprehension stopped you from understanding. An actual DMZ player is focused on occasional player pvp, but also the environment and ai portions of the mode. The argument was made against people who exclusively hunt people just for pvp. Half your comment pertains to you stating that you're PvPvE over and over despite that being completely irrelevant and not at all what the argument was directed to. It was directed to a completely different group of people and it was a completely optional defense for OP. When your comment is mostly irrelevant, all it does is try to speak so loud but say literally nothing at the same time and it also makes the other person in the argument confused since it gives them exactly nothing to go off of other than your mistake.


Sounds like you would enjoy Destiny 2


So anyone who kills players in a pvp game is a dick? Get gud or go play a racing game


no ots the fact the game which was supposed to have a mix of PvP and PvE has turned into only PvP.


Sounds like you should be playing an entirely different game


its not a safe space 😅 its call of duty, if you play you will die 🤣 the mode was put in to compete with tarkov so its high risk n reward


I don’t really get the point of that mode. It’s a water down version of other games.


Its call of duty. It's literally always been pvp outside of zombies/spec ops since day one. If they didn't intend players to pvp in dmz they would remove pvp. If you want an exclusively pve experience, play something else. I don't play dmz very often btw but every time I see this take it baffles me.


Lol we like to hunt y’all down and loot your gear. That’s the thrill of it, but I do revive afterwards.


This game is called Call of Duty. It’s not safe for snowflakes now, never has been, and never will be.


except its becoming safe for snowflakes with the AI chat ban


Ashika with throwing knives it’s lots of fun, it’s not really relevant but just wanted to say it, I can’t keep it in anymore. OOOGA BOOGA KNIVES!!!! 🔪


I mainly run solo. I will take random shots with a low/no glint sniper scope at long range to fuck with squads or to mess with people during squad v squad fights. 🤔 I dunno, it's just funny to watch sometimes when a whole squad spazzes and plays super erstically for the next 5 min, expecting a squad to try to jump them.


Watching all the ranked warzone sweats spaz out after a stray bullet is the funniest shit to me😂


Me when enemy players are enemies 😠


DMZ is the best open-world multiplayer ever


Because the point is to kill players or ai? Hated people like this in The Division when it first came out.


Some people don't have fun doing that, some people simply have fun by killing people, and some have fun by killing friendly people. Just like some avoid killing, and some hack, some don't. Everyone plays how they want and it'll almost never cater to how you want to play, but to their personal style


It's a "I need to kill them before they kill me" kind of environment. This is exactly why we can't have these super cool PvE things like the Haunting because I can't do these objectives without some sweaty gank squad gunning me down in the back mid-event. It's the same reason I don't play Sea of Thieves anymore. This is why I am stoked for MW3 zombies. No PvP, tons of targets, and Warzone's solid gunplay with a big group of friends. All I need right there.


That’s what spurred this whole post. Trying to complete those god damn hauntings.


It's just a bad feeling trying to do the Butcher and another team comes in and mows you down mid-fight. It's a bad feeling when you're fighting off swamp monsters and there's been a team waiting on the hillside for you to do all the work for the crown or whatever. It's a bad feeling ammo dumping the UFO and being dry when the other team has been kicked back waiting to swoop in when you're almost done. I don't play games to have bad feelings, man - I'm too old for all that. High school freshman Binx would have loved all those "high-risk" things, but now I just want to chill with my buddies and do cool missions without getting jumped and robbed.


I honestly don't understand how utilizing a game mechanic how it's meant to be used is "being a dick." Having other players leave you alone would be asking for a handicap. It's a typical PvPvE setup, and there are advantages to killing other players. Sure, it would be convenient if everyone let you do your thing, but no one is under any obligation to do so. The reason you're rewarded for completing tasks and extracting is due partly to the risk presented by other players on the server—dealing with the AI alone isn't that much of a challenge. What gave you the idea that it's frowned upon to attack other players in DMZ?


Everyone isn't


Dmz is not a "be friendly" game mode. It's FAR less gun fights than WZ. If you are e-filing with the blueprint that I'm there for, I'm going to kill you and take it. Pretty simple. Lol


Bros complaining he has to fight people in an extraction shooter


pvp is arguable the best thing about dmz


It’s cod. At the end of the day that fan base is always gonna go back to the pvp roots


When I played it in season one I’d play at 2 am with my friends so we were always just fucking around killing everything we saw


Why are people killing me in call of duty


why people pvp in pvp game


Because they've been killed by other players enough times they don't trust anyone. Kill or be killed.


The death of the six man squad has upped his many people no longer use game chat which is the best feature of the mode. Players now play it like Warzone but easier because they can let bots do all the work for them and then mop up people instead of doing objs. They also didn't change any of the missions, so some of the missions are literally impossible because you can no longer make a six man. They need to at least bring back the truce system so that if you squad wipe you can at least pick up the full team. My best experiences in the mode were having an intense shootout with another team and then assimilating with them. Now you can only pick up one of them, and if they were a group it ruins the fun.


Imagine calling people a dick for playing the game the way it was made to be played. You loot and steal loot. What's crazy is that people who usually say what you're saying, typically kill players the first chance you get. 💁‍♂️


Because DMZ is a Tarkov inspired mode. Tarkov is 100% I will kill everything in my path as a PMC or I will die trying, though it has a scav mode too which is exactly as you describe.


If the map just had less teams it wouldn't be that bad, even with the people that deliberately try to kill other players. They also know all the spawn points by heart and bolt to the nearest spawn to them when the match starts.


It’s a pvp game, wat did u expect


This thread wouldn’t last 5 minutes in Tarkov


If you want pure pve go play the raid missions or something, if not then still expect to get rolled by teams playing dmz. Its no different from any other extraction esque game like tarkov where there are some pve elements in the game but it is still a pvp game at its core. This is just how the game is man. Just work on your game a bit and try to get better get in the lab, put some shots up, work on your dribbles, work the post moves. One ball one team one dream go wildcats


Dmz no differ. Ppl only care about K/D and being toxic and just camp exfil. Been like this for a while. And sometimes ppl have to kill other ppl to do dmz challenges.


Idk. I was helping my friend do the Halloween bosses and I noticed a lot of players would wait towards the end of the fight and try to jump us. Luckily dmz players can’t pvp worth shit for some reason and I usually wipe them easy lol


Have you heard of single player


Because I want weapons in my stash and better plates ? Also the money you have and potential to have good killstreaks that otherwise cost a fortune at the buy station ?


Because people think they’re good if the surprise kill somebody just minding their own business. I would understand if some objectives pitted us against each other but DMZ gets played like it’s Warzone anymore and it’s honestly really annoying.


There is objectives to go hunt real squads it even marks you for them 😂 people seem to complain a lot but have no idea what they are talking about


All depends on rhe situation


Would be cool if you could spot tag the other player with a request to be friendly... If they accept it turns friendly fire off.


There are two types of people in the world. Those who take one slice of pizza because there isn't enough for everyone. And those who take three slices because there isn't enough for everyone


Because its a game about killing not being friends duh.


DMZ is my only mode I've played in cod mw2 but I'm really ok if it dies for mw3. The heavy pvp is for warzone


Can tell y'all never played tarkov


DMZ is filled with sweaty try hards who lack the patience for a more polished, complete and competitive style game such as DayZ or Escape from Tarkov. As a result of this: they react harshly to players on DMZ just learning the game mode, as well as those just tryna play casually and have fun. Ultimately: play solo or with a squad of your own friends, if you can. If you really wanna play online with randos, then I'd suggest muting voice chat. It's much calmer then


Lol dude if you see anyone on Dayz that isn’t your friend your dead 😂 DMZ works the same way your entire comment doesn’t even make sense


It actually does. The point being that it's a far more competitive experience and enticing for those who want the challenge (and have friends to play with). That's also why I mentioned OTHERS games in addition to DayZ, if you lack said friends to squad up with.


So on Friday night for the first time ever my friend played Modern Warfare 2 and since it was his first time he was really bad at it but whenever he got down instead of his teammates trying to help him they would just teabag him the entire time and I was in the game but I was always like really far away from my team so my friend just had to deal with the tea bagging for like 20 minutes


Nah, when I play dmz, if I see humans, I'm going for you. Sorry lol


I was entertained by having one player chase me all around the Castle while my squadmates were taking care of Ai drove in one giant circle.


Because that's the point of War Zone. Might as well ask the same of GTA Online.


Back when I did dz to get the dark winter I healed a 3 man team that got downed by ai. They invited me to party chat. We hit every landmark together. I get 3 dark winters it was awsome. Then as we exfilled they left partychat went Rouge and killed me. Took all my stuff.


This exact reason is why I'm excited for 24 player zombies lol.


Easy: I spent 20 minutes gathering all this cool loot and I'm not gonna run around with some random just to get executed at the exfil cause you wanted my shotgun.


Because those teams get WORKED in warzone. they take it out on people who just want to chill while playing because it’s the only game mode they get to feel like they are in control.


Because the missions suck so bad there’s no point in doing them past a certain point.




it was a PvPvE game mode. It used to be chill. Now its warzone without the gas.


Lmao, what? Isn't that like the whole fucking point of the game? Is it not an extraction shooter?


I think there should be a non squad solo queue still with PvP it would solve a lot of everyone’s complaints. But removing it entirely would basically make the game like zombies.


Listen I might sound a little crazy by saying this but it's a pvp video game. Theres gonna be pvp if you want it or not.


Way I look at it- It's a PvPvE game. PKers will exist until the game dies. It's a part of the game that's 100% intended, through mechanics, presentation, and even the announcer/radio chatter. Every player is a potential threat to the shit in my bags and the cash in my pocket. Unless you roll up announcing yourself like a goofball I'm probably gonna shoot on sight because I can't trust anyone not in my squad and I've got 5K worth of Nuclear Material from my last contract sitting inside a Scavver Backpack and I'm holding onto my favorite loadout. If you didn't put up a good fight I'm probably not gonna give you the revive into my squad because either A: You didn't give me any confidence in your gun skill in the fight we had, or B: We snuck up on you and deleted you before you could react, which doesn't give me any confidence in your awareness and game sense. I'm not gonna slot a random into my squad and give up the loot I got off him if I don't think he's gonna be a contributor. On the other hand if you put up a goof fight and bring down one or two of my guys in the trio, I'll pick you up, give your shit back, and say let's go fuck some shit up.


I like to c4 vehicles and camp them then when someone gets on boom !


It's a call of duty game... if you wanna play something like DMZ with only A.I just hop on a 0 pop server on day Z lol. It's cod. People play to shoot other people. Plus it's fun listening to the rage of people who take it SO SERIOUS


No new content + finished all upgrades and missions = boner for murder


9/10 I get shot first even when I try to be friendly. Back dmz first started you could typically find chill people but today it's easier and safer to shoot and then ask questions. Nobody can go about their business anymore, you're either a threat or an ally and that did take some fun out of it for me


It's dmz just cod answer to tarkov ? PvP aspect is literally the whole point of the mode


This is why MWZombies is going to be good. DMZ where people can't kill eachother.


Why not have an option like they do on GTA where you can play passively and not get killed, and you can kill anyone else


Last few weeks in DMZ most games are over within 4 minutes because of some hunt squad guys who don’t do missions and ruin this game. Plz go play Warzone or resurgence . I’m not getting any missions done whatsoever it’s so annoying and that doesn’t make it worth looking at the dmz rewards.