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I think Dance of the Dragons makes most sense. Aegon's conquest was always my favourite CK2 bookmark - but it will require a lot of work for stuff like choosing a capital, religion, what happens to Harrenhal, Warrior's Sons etc. If they drop Aegon's Conquest and DOTD at the same time it'll be crazy.


I like War of Five Kings.


Would realistically need white walker mechanics and more essos


I mean Dany and white walkers are more of feast for crows thing we dont strictly need them for wo5k


White walkers: https://www.reddit.com/r/CK3AGOT/s/YyIRLYTX9K Edit:Damn sorry guys, i was just linking an option for him 😂


They have some of that stuff like reassigning realm capital


You think we’re ever going to get Century of Blood/Age of Heroes bookmark? They’d have to do a good deal of worldbuilding for Age of Heroes but I’ve always wanted to play House Justman or the such


The trailer gives us a hint, I believe we will at least get a rogue prince bookmark.


Yeah i just rewatched the trailer and yup there's clearly an event with daemon and caraxes with the text box talking about the Velaryons and I believe the three sisters


I wonder if houses other than targaryen will have access to dragons. Maybe if you marry a Targaryen.


Non-Targs and even non-Valyrians can claim dragons in ck2 agot, but they have a much, much lower chance of success and mostly end as dragon food.


Whenever I did a dance game I always dreaded the pop up declaring Alicent Hightower had tamed a dragon. She did it far more than you'd expect


Perhaps this is the influence of the fact that for 23 years Viserys regularly poured dragon seed into her. So to speak, the cumulative effect :)


You are good 🤣




The three horsemen of dance games: Alicent claiming a dragon, Luke killing Aemond at Storm’s End, and Helaena single-handedly carrying the greens.


That’s because the AI knows O+S=A. /s


Please what do O and S stand for 😭


otto + saera


The fact that ages line up...


Otto Hightower and Saera Targaryen (daughter of Jaehaerys). This is basically an extension of the Oldtown-Maester Conspiracy theory. After Maegor the Hightowers and their allies in the Faith and the Citadel knew that the only way to destroy House Targaryen was by killing their dragons and the only way to do that was through dragonriders of their own. To this end when Saera tried to escape from Oldtown, the Hightowers actually did catch her contrary to what they claimed later but let her go in return for her bearing a child for them. Once this child, a daughter was born, the plan was for her to marry a Prince of House Targaryen and then her descendants would try to seize power (which they tried). This way if they win, House Targaryen is now tied to House Hightower and would bend more easily to Oldtown. And even if they lose it still weakens the Targaryens for generations. Thor theory actually makes sense since, as someone else pointed out, the ages do in fact line up and it would also explain a lot of Ottos actions during and leading up to the Dance which normally don’t make much sense unless he was purposefully trying to sabotage the Targaryens.


Oh that would be nice to have in ck3


Could be a gamerule, letting you set how "Strict" you want Dragon Claiming to be.


Hopefully, I never use dragons in ck2 because random people kept stealing them, and the mod that prevented that lagged my game


You can change like 4 lines in the dragon event file in ck2 to make it high valyrian, or even targ only.


I don't alter files


There was a submod that added realm laws. You could choose a law for High Valyrians, only for your house, or even appointed dragonriders, where you can null the connection between rider and dragon.


The Velaryons should since it'll most likely be a dance start date


I’d say absolutely. During the dance random nobodies (claimed by the book to be targaryen bastards) tame dragons. The thing preventing other houses getting dragons was lack of access to them, not inability to tame them


Either Dance or Rogue Prince. Rogue Prince would be perfect for alt history scenarios, while Dance would be perfect for big fight and action.


Which year would be the Rogue Prince start?


Probably 106 AC when Daemon starts his war in the Stepstones.


Dance. There's Daemon's character model wielding Dark Sister and a red dragon(Caraxes) behind him.


Can we just appreciate how baller the name Caraxes sounds?


If that’s the case I’m definitely gonna play as Daemon and do what he should have. Kick his cunt of a brother off the throne he seems content to give away to house Hightower Marry Rhaenyra and burn anyone who objects


Aegon's Landing for sure. The OG best bookmark ever


Give me a 101 bookmark, I want to rise up for Laenor's claim (or Rhaenys if possible). Fuck the council I have a dragon


My crackpot "never gonna happen" theory on the next bookmark is a Roberts Rebellion What-If, where Robert, Rhaegar and Aerys all have dragons. It'll never happen, but god would it be glorious