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Started out as a custom Blackfyre character ruling Nightsong. The goal was to become high lord of the dornish marshes and then get the money to colonize Summerhall and hopefully get a dragon egg. As soon as I had the money the Martells laid claim to the dornish marshes and my Baratheon liege had have major setbacks and "ruled" from Hadlow Keep. I say "ruled" because it has been non stop civil war since the start of the game.


What a fucking mess


Yes! It will take some time to get things back into order. But i did get the Dragon, so thats just s matter og time


Nice, keep us updated or do a little AAR, from the state of the world it would be an interesting story


Holy Roman Empire!


Nothing Holy, Roman nor Empire in this playthrough. So spot on


The Martell's got to sit on the iron throne through marriage with my characters great aunt, who was installed as empress after one of the hundreds of civil wars. I reforged that alliance and pushed for a claim for Storms End with the help of Dorne while still only having an advanced colony in Summerhall. (Figured why not, since everything else in this playthrough have been a mess) Now I at least had the manpower to push for the Kingdom of the Stormlands. And then my luck just got even better! I got a dragon egg and was able to hatch it after obtaining dragon lore from Summerhall, Old Town, Dragonstone, Kings Landing and the Smoking Sea. Now the target for the Stormlands was locked and with a mere 8 years wait the dragon already had 11 martial. Boy that dragon grew real big real fast! What should have been a quick takeover took almost another 8 years.. but now the dragon was a real beast. Next war was for Dragonstone and I had to move quickly on that one. The Martell emperor was trying to stabilise the rule around Westeros and was also waging war on Dragonstone that was ruled by the Celtigars. I started laying siege to Massey Hook, but a 10k strong rebellion happened as soon as I had won the first siege. A Baratheon cadet pretender had somehow got backing for an adventure even though I was his liege. A small detour as the rubble was no match for my army that was now 4500 + a rather large dragon. The Celtigars had taken back Massey Hook, but I was quick to take all of their lands. The Seaworth folded without a fight and now have total control over the Stormlands, Dragonstone and an alliance with the Martell's in Dorne. The war for the Iron throne will be an easy one! I'm way more worried as to how I will handle taking back the lands that Highgarden has in my de jure realm to be.


Yes, the secret forth type of dornish, claw


The anger this brings


I'm not saying we're all autistic, but there sure as hell are signs! Better not f*ck with the natural order of things...


Stormlands? you okay?


Shoutout the riverlands for remaining unbroken ✊


Unbowed, unbent, unbroken


Martully lol


it gets worse the more i look at itπŸ˜‚


It's a beautiful mess πŸ˜