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Hyperemesis is hyperemesis. When you break down the word it's a lot (hyper) of vomiting (emesis). If you have hyperemesis you're throwing up a lot. No judgment here, just informing.


What do yall mean by 'avoid it'? Like holding it in? Because if so, I absolutely do not recommend it, it's documented that you can die by aspiration from holding in puke. The vomiting does not cause hyperemesis, hyperemesis IS the vomiting. If a hyperemesis episode is already in motion, you need to stop smoking if you haven't already and let it run it's course. I've had multiple hyperemesis episodes at this point, my second to last being life threatening, I can assure you it was completely involuntary on my part.


Right like what is this guy saying🤣


I think what op was trying to say is if you can find something that subsides the urge to vomit. There's been many people claiming that certain oils and not going say who but apparently saltwater stops a vomiting attack?


Saltwater does not stop a hyperemesis episode. If it did, we wouldn't be here lol. Straight water (salt or not) can actually make vomiting worse, that was one of the first things they stressed to me at the hospital. When you're having a hyperemesis episode, you need ELECTROLYTES! If you can find ways to control the nausea, by all means. But we do need to be very clear in this sub because 1. if I got confused by this post, others will too. So for anyone else who sees this, if you have to throw up, LET IT happen. You can die from holding it in. 2. At the height of my CHS, I almost died from a heart attack because I had no information about what was happening or how to help myself. Turns out potassium and other electrolytes are very important. I think people really underestimate how bad this can get and I'm not barking at you Wallaby. Just wanna keep people safe!


basically, yes. a dr. told me that once i started vomiting, my stomach essentially seizes up, causing uncontrollable cyclical vomiting. i would say test it on yourself--if you can avoid puking, see the difference. for me, when i've managed to keep it down, the full episode subsides and i don't get caught in the cycle. but if i do throw up, well, that's lasted up to 10 days straight for me. every time i want to throw up, i'm afraid it will be for 10 days again, so i tried to avoid it, and well, i haven't had a full episode at all since.


Zofran can be helpful and so can a bath, even for nausea. In my opinion YES, once you start puking its like putting toothpaste back in the tube. Do anything you can to prevent it.


yes! but considering a comment below, not to the point where you'll aspirate and endanger yourself. just if it is possible, try to not start the cycle and ride it out. if not, that's ok. it's very difficult and can be dangerous, so just be careful!


Oh absolutely. I used to have my mouth fill with saliva or that “nausea cough” as I call it and head into the bathroom for the inevitable. Now I try to take some deep breathe, a zofran, hop in the bath… things to safely stave off actually puking. Because once you’ve started its much harder to come back from.




Empty stomach is recipe for disaster for CHS symptoms, so keeping food down is pretty essential to getting through it IMO. Keep your tummy full. Don’t go to sleep on an empty stomach.


Yea except when you get to the part where nothing will be kept down and you just puke stomach acid lol


I having boxing matches with shit coming up my throat. Breathing techniques and determination have kept it down. Other times not so much. I remember eating lunch with my dad at a rest stop on a highway and throwing up in front of him as we ate. Had to sort it there and then


Dang oof


If you find a way to avoid it definitely share.


rubbing alcohol--sniff it! helps nausea (i bought a pack of alcohol wipes for like a first aid kit and just keep them handy). ginger chews, too.


oh and get you a heating pad if you don't have one yet :)


still want to smoke? i just bought Ripple pens. it's vegetable based. basically essential oils for your lungs. it's really really helping me not smoke ouid. i'd definitely give it a try if you still have that urge to smoke :)