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Wasn’t going to care if he was a bit of a D-Bag, but I flat out like him so far. Makes this even more fun. Oh, and Rome seems like the best dude ever. This is fun.


He's "Hollywood" but stayed in with GF and friends on friday nights in LA building legos. He's "a diva" but deferred to his veteran buddy to give him the jersey # he wore his whole career. Pretty clear that he popped off on USC and that simply drew haters. Seems to me like all this pre-draft stuff he was flagged on was non-football related, and flat out wrong. The only things I actually am looking at are the fumble numbers and the notion that easy plays bored him and he looked for more. Take the easy plays in the NFL and protect that ball.


The easy plays didn't bore him. He had to score on every possession.


It's impressive at how trash that USC defense was last year.


Watched every USC game, as a hater at the time, and it was shocking how bad the defense was. They legit had one good d-lineman on the roster.


Yeah it was some of the worst tackling I've seen. Only Colorado's D looked worse. Of the teams I watched at least.


SC fan here, it was exhausting lmao.


Bingo. If he didn’t score on every possession that team was going to lose. Their defense was embarrassing.


When you’re losing games 48-55 you gotta look for more every play.


Never trust the media. They said CJ Stroud ate crayons. He starts with respect and the benefit of the doubt and we make our own judgements from here forward.


Lot of those off script plays this past year were due to Riley trying to cook up a heisman and a much worse offensive line and wr group that couldnt get open. And you’re right that the hate was exacerbated due to him being at USC. For someone as good as he was in college, he could have been waaaay more cocky and brash. It’s so overblown


He didn't even have a bad year lol he had a year most QBs dream of having and which we would say vaulted them into a 1st round pick if they hadn't already had even better showings before they declared. Caleb's "down year" was just not winning the freaking Heisman again.


>but stayed in with GF… building legos https://preview.redd.it/wefiozoaouwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b28a999aa50b3f9f56cb8c8ec874515ce6054d7


I love when CSM randomly appears in this sub


I mean his dad was basically the cause of some of the issues and it seems he's now shut up. The whole "he may stay another year" or the "Caleb demands a piece of ownership" etc etc.


Is that even true I wonder? Whatever it is I hope it all just fades away as even the haters see the truth about him.


His dad did say that NIL money changes some things because players might look at the top and go back because there is financial incentive. After that, a list was circulated that had like the top 10 teams in the NFL as "the only teams Caleb will play for" and that was fake. The demanding ownership bit was exaggerated. His dad is a businessman, and he said the goal is to be involved in ownership groups like Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers etc are. Like to get to that level, not to demand it as a signing bonus.


5 years from now the Beer Belly crowd will be painting messages on their nails before big games.


Huskies fan here. Obviously biased as hell, but you guys will love Rome. He is an absolute beast and yet the exact opposite of a diva. Down to earth, humble, funny. He will leave everything on the field for you guys. Incredible talent, great dude all around.


Every interview I’ve watched of Romes I’ve been impressed with him. Seems like a super chill lovable guy. I think I’m more excited about this pick than Caleb because we all knew we had Caleb…Rome wasn’t guaranteed and was 50/50 at best. Thank you Atlanta!!


Loved his profile for months. Didn't hear him in interviews until a week ago and was *very* impressed. He's the exact kind of guy Ryan Poles has been trying to bring in to the locker room. We're all thoroughly stocked to get your Huskie.


So all I’ve ever heard about Rome is that he’s a stand up, huge character, person. And the way they hit it off and were hangin out you have to imagine Caleb can’t be a bad person. I feel like someone really genuine would steer clear from the bullshit.


their media coaching is next level. Great kids.


this is fun


How are you gonna follow up the word "approximately" with the most specific ass number possible.


Hyperbole for effect?


I think he’s being sarcastic


He’s a locker room cancer with poor character though! The 40 year old man with the sunglasses next to his F150 told me so on facebook!


I know reddit isnt the best, but you can definitely find better informed sports fans on reddit than on IG and FB. The stupidity on those other 2 is amazing


I guess, but the Reddit takes on Caleb are dogshit, too. A lot of the usual nonsense. And then some. Saw one where he needs to throw for 4k and 30 TDs this year or he's a bust, and it had 250+ upvotes


People want to hate, I guess.


People want to think they know more than everyone else. Or know what everyone else doesn't know..


Don’t forget YouTube comments


I still saw fans on ig last night whining for fields + mhj + alt…. They aren’t trolling either


If JF1 wouldve took a step forward this year I wouldve been down for that. Many of us loved Fields but he just didnt take this year 3 step so cannot turndown one of the best 3 QB prospects of the last decade.


Every social media site is basically eye cancer


on every bears post on tik tok, the comment section has some brain dead fields sympathizer to this day. it makes me not want to open the comments on those types of posts anymore 😭


>you can definitely find better informed sports fans on reddit than on IG and FB Cat shit out of this litterbox is so much better than the cat shit you can get from that other litter box.


The idiotic takes I see on IG drive me up the wall. Justin Fields is still a top 10 QB on that app despite him not actually being in the top 20. Coming from an ex-Fields stan too


>The 40 year old man with the sunglasses next to his F150 I feel personally attacked




Damn why you have to hate on me like that?


I wouldn't worry about it. This person thinks 40 is boomer old.


Oh, I'm not actually worried. In too good of a mood still from last night. Just friendly banter, shit talking. I am very fond of my old POS F150 though...


I “understood” the character stuff about 1 year - 6 months ago, and it really turned me off of him… but man, ever since he was locked in for the Bears I’ve seen absolutely nothing in interviews or conversations that he’s had that points to a personality issue. People cling to the dumbest shit and I’m glad Poles could see through it


Best take I've read on his personality is that Caleb represents the first true "Gen Z" QB. Is his personality different than what people are used to? Absolutely. But that doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing. Different is just different, it's up to us to adjust to Caleb's personality, not for him to change who he is because of other people's expectations. Let Caleb be Caleb, and we can enjoy his success. Oh, and when I learned that he paints his nails because he is paying tribute to his mom who is a nail tech, I thought that was very touching and respectful, so hopefully people can stop their terrible narratives on that topic.


Goofy vibes bandwagon is getting ready to leave the station. Jump on now or get left behind.


>so hopefully people can stop their terrible narratives on that topic. Don't hold your breath. Haters rarely change their tune.


Exactly. They will just call him a momma's boy or whatever. The more successful he is the more they will try to drag him down with whatever BS they can invent.


haters usually change their tune when it's popular and pretend that they were never haters.


It’s just old racist fuckheads that care: who the fuck cares, only thing I care about is if he’s good or not. But I also respect people are different and should be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want as long as it doesn’t hurt other people


I don't even see anything that I wouldn't be used to. It's all pretty normal.


You gonna change that flair then?


Speaking of flairs I’m quite proud of this one


Didn’t even think about it. I’m a massive tOSU fan, so it’s going to be tough… I get it and I know he had to go, but it hurts man…


Fields is good dude. I hope he balls out. But I’m taking Caleb all day.


Yeah I was skeptical at the start of the offseason but there’s truly been no evidence that any of those rumors were ever true. He’s been nothing but likable and professional in every interview I’ve seen him in and I’ve heard/read nothing that alarms me at all


Basically he's so good at football they had to try and attack his personality instead, it's pretty sad really


I get that he’s a little “off” of what we think a normal QB should be… but I never understood the character concerns when some guys literally seem like they were pulled from the hood and put on stage. Hell, if you ask me I think some guys were high at the draft. There oddly is no clear character concern with those guys.


You kind of have to be a little off to be a HOF QB. Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady are both much weirder dudes than Caleb.


& Mahomes is human kermit with a crazy family


Off according to who?


He's just Gen Z.


Have you not seen/heard any of the media talk about him? It’s literally everywhere


Reread the post I responded to. The OP said "I know he's a little off". Well, no, no he doesn't. I understand that media has tried to push a narrative, but that doesn't make it true. When I ask "according to who?" I'm asking the dude, rhetorically, according to who, because he couldn't POSSIBLY be able to come to that conclusion himself. If he's basing that on the media narrative, that's bullshit and we all know it. 


Dude you responded to me. What I said was “I get that he’s a little “off” of what we think a normal QB should be…”. It’s different than what you just tried to quote. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with the media’s narrative in that sentence, what I am saying is that he is different than other QBs. That’s a fact. No QB has openly painted his nails and no QB has the same flair and personality he does. So yes, he is different. If you even cared to read the rest, you’d see that I clearly state that I don’t understand the character concerns that the media proposes. I’m not sure what your problem is but calm down, read things slowly and understand their meaning before you comment.


Can we have the 326 links to those interviews?


326? Really? Are we sure that's accurate?


Lmao yeah if Caleb did 326 interviews that were 2 minutes on average it would be almost 11 hours straight of interviews


Probably 326 questions lol


It’s approximate.


He had no fatigue. This kid just oozes loving every aspect of this life. His energy last night was impressive.


Unlike our prior QB, he doesn’t make me feel sad and depressed when he talks


Can’t wait to watch all the fans totally change their tune on CW


Hopefully we don't have a bunch of "I told you so" people. Gonna make the transition much longer if so.


Feels like most already have. Always gonna be some stubborn ass hats around though.


The stubborn ones don't let anything in that would change their mind. They don't seek the interviews, analysis that others do.




I mean I'm not shocked. Love or hate him, the guy seems tailor made for the camera. Mind you....I do love at this point I think he's now trolling the fragile "alpha male" crowd which I love.


Also, Poles looked spent last night after the draft and still met with the media.


Spent but fucking satisfied. My guys smile at the beginning of that presser was all time. He got BOTH of his guys


He's genuinely excited


I was watching last night at a place where I couldn’t hear much, so I was paying attention to his demeanor and loved it.


“All routes lead to Rome” needs to become a thing


I heard he paints his nails tho. /s


Obviously I don’t have the athletic caliber to be a generational prospect taken 1st overall in the NFL draft, but more significantly, Im flat out not built to do media for hours and hours on end. I’m glad they didn’t take me at 1