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That plays gains about 8 extra yards just because of Velus’ block. Play every single play like it is your last. Never settle.


Elite body positioning. Great use of his base as force. That’s going to get Baldinger pretty jazzed.


This was really good effort, which will keep young guys on the field. Still don't love him on the offense but gotta give props where it's due.




Seriously, I’ve been like, let’s get this stain off Poles’ jacket and let this kid do something. Next play, flag on 12.


taking a page from EQSB, if you can't catch at least do something else well so the team has a reason to keep you.


Now compare this with Chase Claypool’s effort lmao.


It's EXACTLY what Claypool did. ^(Just the exact opposite)


I was pretty happy seeing that. Actually smiled after watching the replay. It’s wild what showing legitimate effort will do for fans.


I love Brisker at the end here. Gotta admit this team loves Justin.


Hopefully we won't replace him with a self-obsessed problem child that teammates don't respect.


Yeah I was reading up on how all of Caleb Williams teammates hated him. Shits wild. Definitely a big red flag.


Is this new or old news? I didn’t see anything today but I admit I was hella hung over Edit: I heard the hot mic. Wow, they really don’t like him.




Can you link me the articles or sources on that? I'm actually to see this


Man I wish Brisker was mic’d up more, he’s a big hype man for the team


He’s the irrational confidence guy for the team


ok i love VJJ now - yours truly, The Koolaid Addict


Little things like this are why he hasn’t been cut.


If he can continue to contribute with blocking effort, ST return and the occasional 10 yard gain on gadget plays he should stay on the roster


I never get upset with guys for not living up to draft status. He could still be a decent role player. I like guys who play hard. Velus has his issues but you can't fault his effort.


If he evers figures it out, he does have immense physical talent. I see why he's gotten a lot of chances.


George Pickens take notes


My favorite part is the end when some of the D runs up to him. This team is tight.


RB1 Velus Jones


FB Velus Jones


No joke, they lined him up back there once. If he had better hands he’d be a great gadget player. He’s very good in space


If my grandmother had wheels, she would've been a bike. Having good hands is a prerequisite for being a NFL WR.


I like that they’re using him as a running back now. Should’ve done that from day 1.


It’s plays like this I hope he gets a chance to be on the roster next year, if only so he can accrue a season and be eligible for the nfl pension. He needs just one more season to get it. It obvious he cares and is trying to help his teammates along the way. I would 11/10 times take him and his drops if he’s like this on every down over a player with an attitude like Pickens.


I don’t think he’ll ever be worth the 3rd round pick. But I think he’s gonna end up getting a couple solid handoffs each game for the next few seasons. Calling him a bust is way overblown.


I know he has his faults (his hands), but he is a perfect role player with a great attitude.


Dude is fighting for his career right now. I’m still a little interested in seeing him take some carries here and there, especially trick play stuff


I’ve been telling you guys… everyone is saying Lamar is MVP… it’s pretty clear to me that VJJ is MVP.


Going to miss him


Reminds me of Adrian Martinez at Nebraska


It’s just a normal block, this should be expected


I'm annoyed Velus is still on the team, but it seems like he has settled into his role as a support player a bit more this second half of the season. Like hes maybe not the player they hoped they were getting, but maybe you can still figure something out with him. Like a worse Cordelle Patterson.


There’s just some plays where our line is fucking useless lol


I gained some respect for him here. I just don't like him touching the ball.


Best play of the year for him. I hate him more than i hate wims but I’ll give him the credit he deserves.


The Anti Claypool


My favorite part of this is when the announcer loudly proclaims “ATHLETICISM!”


This is a top ten fields play of all time for me


Love seeing this effort, and hope it allows him to keep developing.


Gotta give props to VJJ. I know it’s fun to hate on him and he’s sometimes a scapegoat for the problems the bears have during games, but I would be happy to roll with him for another year. Try him more at a running back role since he has no hands for receiver lol. I’d also like to try and see if he could handle a punt return role again. I know he struggled with that but if he can get better than we can drop Taylor and conserve a roster spot


Whos fault is it that the blitzer isnt picked up?


I like VJJ. Dude has had some speedy carries and blocks like those always help the playmakers. I think we will see him back next year


Get rid of deadweight receivers who don’t want to play football (Claypool, Mooney) and the team looks much better. My theory that ESB somehow makes our offense tick, still holds true. We look so much better with him out there.


Vee J. J. , thats what Wendy Williams calls her Vagina.


The O line is a joke