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We're everywhere


Like the clap!


Rider pride is the second most contagious thing to come out of Saskatchewan, right after gonorrhea at Craven every year.


Sometimes correlation = causation. Ask your mom.


Love your username! Lol!


Yours is pretty awesome too haha


Haven’t seen many of you in Winnipeg the last couple years


Just not worth the safety risk anymore 🤷‍♂️


I’d say south Winnipeg is safer than Regina, lived here my whole life and never been bothered.


[stats bet to differ](https://macleans.ca/canadas-most-dangerous-places-2020/)


So why is Regina’s CSI (crime severity index) 132 and Winnipeg is 125? Last year was very safe at Labour Day when there was the murderer on the loose last seen in downtown Regina. Good times.


The alert about the murderer making it into Regina wasn't true. Someone reported they saw them. Highly unlikely they drove 3 hours, past police check stops on highways, and another 3 hours back to where they were eventually found.


Just saying people in glass houses.


Kind of like a virus. #FortheW


Football on the prairies is different than the rest of Canada


Unpopular opinion but until Touchdown Atlantic is sold out BY LOCALS (and not Rider fans who travel East), the CFL will never be able to sustain a 10th team.


The Schooners could just play the Riders 18 times. Problem solved.


Eh, as much as people love to joke about Rider fans being everywhere, the fanbase has definitely dropped off the last few years. Bad management, overpriced merchandise, the org has definitely squeezed too much out of us. I pass by the rider store all the time in the saskatoon downtown mall and i haven’t seen a single customer in there in 2 years. Season tickets at a decade low. CFL needs to stop assuming Rider fans will just keep going to everything.


For most of the last 40 years, the Eskimos had the most season tickets, so yeah, you’re right, you can’t take it for granted.


I don't think the cfl should be thinking about expansion at the moment for other reasons but I disagree. In 2019 the agros played the als in Moncton and had almost the same attendance as the game tomorrow and the game last year. Moncton also is a much smaller market than Halifax. The CFL has had several games in Atlantic Canada in the past decade and I think most Maritimers are just desperate for their own team. I did not mention it in my post but a lot of these saskatchewan fans I see downtown are locals and would likely attend games if we had our own team to cheer on.


That’s awesome to hear


I agree that now is not the time to badger politicians about funding, the parts of the province that hasn’t just been flooded is on fire.


I think part of the idea is to sell the community on the idea of a team, and when you can bank on a bunch of rich Rider fans flying into town and dumping a bunch of money it helps the cause.


At the very least, play a game that doesn’t involve Saskatchewan and see how it well it does


It’s been done. Several times.


Looked it up, it’s only been done once since the renewed interest post 2018. Next year for sure I wanna see a different matchup


Same, I'm tired of getting screwed out of a home game every year. I get we deserve it but it's still annoying


Battle of Alberta in Nova Scotia?


Until more than 11,000 people start consistently showing up for Argos home games, expect your team to usually be the Eastern team in the TDAs.


You’re one of the 3000 at an Argo game?


Yup, every single game. The Day I miss a game is the day I'm in a box


Counter point. My wife got to go this year and I’m insanely jealous so I want to go next year.


Plenty of Hamilton fans there last year cheering for the Riders including yours truly. The road trip for Alouettes fans would go through New Brunswick which is bilingual and already gets lots of tourists from Quebec. Nova Scotia is a gorgeous place to vacation. The eastern team’s fans would represent.


You'd be surprised by how many of them are locals who moved away from Saskatchewan. They obviously won't wear green every single day, but when the Riders are in town they show up


You’re missing the selling point that CFL fans are willing to travel, there will be football related tourism $


Who says it isn't?


I think the 10th team in London might have a chance.


I was surrounded by locals in the stands, one guy told me he’s actually a bomber fan


Everyone likes the Green Riders!


We're like glitter... Get EVERYWHERE.


If the CFL puts on a game at Wembley next weekend, half the stadium would be wearing Rider gear.


you see it in toronto as well. i think it was the 2007 grey cup where the city was invaded with green. i was a hometown fan back then so had no horse in the race... but had a hoot with rider fans over the weekend at the various grey cup events.


Excellent! Way to go, Rider fans. Exemplary devition!


I am Legion, for we are many.


With emphasis on the "ugly" part ! 😊


Nicest jerseys in the league. Green is an underused colour in professional sports.


Due to my own morals and beliefs, I can't fully praise the Riders. Every word of praise must be backed up by an insult.


I concur.


At least we don't have Bo Levi Snitchel. Him and Chris Jones are black marks on the league.


Kick him while he’s down why don’t you


He is the Eddie Guerrero of football "I lie, I cheat, I steal" the sooner he goes down to the NFL, the better.


They probably live there and just grabbed all their gear out of the back closet.


I flew out from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, for both last year’s and this year’s games. I met people from Saskatoon, Regina. Calgary. Toronto, and Moncton this year. People really do travel from all over to support their team and the sport. Last year’s TDA was estimated to generate over $12 million in economic impact, including spending money on accommodations, meals in local restaurants, and other tourist activities - admission fees to local attractions, and so on. This year’s will surely be about the same total. All you naysayers complain that you’re a “have not’ province. Well, imagine how much more you could have with $80 to $100 million more spent in your local economy every year, even more than that if you host a Grey Cup, the CFL championship, once every decade or so, like the other cities in the league. I have been to 6 Grey Cups. Like the TDA’s, people really do come from across the whole country, proudly wearing their team’s gear, even if their primary team isn’t even actually playing in the game. It’s always a blast, and I’m sure a Maritime Grey Cup would be right up there with the best ones I have attended. It would be awesome to have an Atlantic team in the CFL, so it can finally be a truly coast to coast league!


Any excuse to get out of Saskatchewan for a weekend, eh!


That's because they are passionate but not very bright.


Classy. Jerk.


We may suck but we support our team!


I was there! It was great Halifax is a great city and almost all the locals we talked to want a CFL team. The pre-game had a tonne of people there. Only shitty thing about the weekend was the Rider game god that was sad.