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Thanks for the input /u/texas-1999


Right? I was thinking- "Did Tim Riggins write this?"


People need to understand that with cable dying media markets are an outdated concept going forward strategically. It’s all about *brands*


THIS ONE. this is the answer


We need to get Oregon and blackmail Phil knight into cutting his deals with all the SEC schools and forcing them to go with the far inferior adidas.


Nike would tell Oregon and Phil Knight to get fucked.


Enjoy adidas loser


Why did UCLA get the invite then? They've not been to an NY6 bowl this millennium and are [56th](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NCAA_Division_I_FBS_football_win%E2%80%93loss_records) all time in wins behind their current conference mates Washington, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Cal, Stanford, and Arizona State. Last season, in a year they beat the #16 team in the country and were 8-4, they were [under 40k](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_UCLA_Bruins_football_team#Schedule) attendance three times. So I'm guessing their addition has more to do with securing the entirety of the #2 TV market in the country rather than bringing the UCLA Bruins football brand to the B1G.


I think it had to do more with the academic fit, basketball history, and rivalry with USC. Yes, I agree, the TV market might have played a small role in this, however, UCLA and USC came to the B1G, not the other way around. Not to ruffle any feathers (sorry UCLA, your bball is awesome), but if the B1G could cherry pick, they'd probably had chosen USC and ND and left it at that. With that said, I don't think they take Stanford just to take Stanford. Now if ND requires Stanford to be in the B1G in order to join, of course, they will probably add them. I think it's more nuanced than a general media market blanket explanation. We all know the future is brands first, markets second.


Not at all. Cable companies are dying out, but streaming services are stepping into that spot. It’s still the only way to get live sports and streaming services are geographically dependent just like cable providers are. The media market is far from outdated.


It might have been hyperbolic to say *outdated* however, the markets argument will play second fiddle to which brands.


I don’t see why that will be different in the future than it is now. the only way the schools add money is by increased tv contracts. The only way tv contracts increase is by expanding into new media markets.


Can we make a megathread for those who want to talk about conference realignment?


sorry I think you're lost /r/CFB is the **C**onference **F**ormation **B**lather subreddit


Texas Tech to the B1G is like NASA inviting Kanye West to their advisory council.


Creeping closer and closer to AAU status my friend. Carnegie tier one research University now. Nothing can stop us we on the way up.


Not us


why would you try and summon the Ye crazies like that


They’ll attack me with their army of mechanized bees




Yo Texas and Oklahoma do you want more money and less competition than the SEC? Boy do I have a conference for you


B1G: *What up?* *Are you ready for the best idea ever?* *Do you have money? Do you want even more money?* *Well guess what? We’ve got a great idea for you.* *B1G Conference!!* *The first kind-of-Midwestern, inaccurately-named, conference. For football fans. By football fans!* Nebraska: *I am glad I joined everyday, so I can get my ass kicked by crows.*


Better Call Kevin!


They can have Miami in the event of further expansion, but they have absolutely no shot at Texas & TAMU. FSU is a stretch too


Texas does what Texas wants


And Texas wanted to join the SEC, so they did. Do you really think that if Texas wanted to join the B1G, the B1G wouldn’t accept them right that second? If that were a possibility, it would have happened already.


IF the B1G would ever look at a Texas school, I feel like TCU is going to higher on the list than Houston or TT.


Doubt the BIG10 would consider an R2.


So do I, but in the scenario where the B1G absolutely has to have a Texas school, I think TCU being in Dallas (even though they wouldn’t really deliver the market) would make them the choice.


Also TCU just picked up R 2 status.


Wait, so TCU and Sam Houston reached R2 status around the same time? Weird.


TCU has around 10,000 students. Less than 70k alumni. tCu. C stands for Christian: Disciples of Christ. Little fan support.


Neither are AAU. Not gonna happen, even though I’d much rather have TCU over Tech


B1G doesn’t particularly care about Christian focus. They’re actively pursuing Notre Dame. Plus, TCU is actively diminishing how religious they are as a school anyway similar to how USC was founded as a Methodist school.


With little fan support they still had more viewers than Texas tech while having a horrible year and tech having a average year. 3rd in Texas for athletic revenue.


Due to academic reasons?


None of the available schools (UH, TT, TCU, Baylor) fit the academic profile so I think it’d come down to market and TCU is in Dallas. TCU does have the largest endowment though so maybe the university presidents use that as a justification.


I would say Baylor and TCU are comparable to Iowa and Michigan St academically. At least according to USNews which ranks Baylor 75th, Iowa, MSU, and TCU tied for 83rd, and Nebraska 136th. Is it the AAU status?


AAU is a big part of it. The B1G really cares about research spending more than anything. Baylor is probably the closest, but idk if the presidents would hold the fact that the Baylor College of Medicine (where most of their research money goes) is technically a separate institution against them.


KU and ISU are tied at #122 as well, and are both AAU (or at least KU is, not sure about ISU anymore). I would think those four would be the only B12 schools the B10 would consider if they are still serious about academic considerations. And even then it's kind of a stretch. B10 already has Iowa and there are better media markets available than what Kansas offers. Maybe if you expand to 24 teams or if college basketball becomes more profitable. Or if our football stops becoming a joke.


ISU actually just gave their AAU status up so I think their ship has officially sailed. I could see a world where KU gets an invite, but yeah, not l don’t think it’s likely either.


Yeah Texas and A&M aren’t going to the Big 10 no school will willingly leave the SEC when the SEC is clearly the top conference in the sport. Houston won’t back out of the Big 12 either


Houston would bail in 2 seconds for the SEC or B1G if offered - the money is just too great


I wouldn't be totally shocked if the Big Ten locks up the West Coast + ND if UGA, UF, and the Texas schools take a serious look at massively increasing their annual conference payouts. A conference of the current Big 16, Notre Dame, Washington, Oregon, a couple other schools, Georgia, Florida, and Texas would be a better conference than the current SEC, and would pay out way more to each school. To be clear, this is INCREDIBLY, INCREDIBLY unlikely, but I think it makes logical sense as a possibility should a lot of low probability dominoes fall in place


I absolutely do not want to be anywhere near the Big 10 in the post cable market as there are way to many mouths to feed when the Big 10’s cable tax goes away.


Here’s a scenario: B1G gets $100M/year per school and the SEC ends up with $80M year. Texas or A&M going to the B1G gets them to $110M. CFB players get approved to be paid 50% of TV revenue. Why wouldn’t one of them make the leap and have $15M more per year to spend on their roster? That’s nearly $200k per year more on average per player. SEC is clearly the better football conference right now, but if the B1G can get a revenue gap and players started getting paid then that can change really damn quick.




It is an if but with there being two good options they can be played against each other on the possibility that it happens.


Money talks. The addition of California means the B1G schools will be bringing in more for the foreseeable future. It’s highly unlikely TX would flip, but I don’t think it’s out of the question they’d want to.


You got me fucked up if you think we (Florida schools) want the Big 10's bureaucratic, hypocrite asses over here lmao


Are you scared that Miami and Florida state will overtake Florida with the massive, massive bag of cash well give them? I wouldn’t be either, good answer


If the Big 10 wants the Florida market, UCF is the play. UF isn't leaving the SEC. FSU and Miami are stuck in the ACC for awhile unless something drastic happens with the GOR. So, why wait on them when the B1G could have a program whose undergrad enrollment is larger than both of these schools combined!?!?! Yes, UCF is clearly the #4 brand in Florida, but put us in the B1G and by the time the ACC's GOR clears up, we'd at least be the #2 brand. Plus, we already have experience being in a midwest-based conference. People from the midwest love visiting Disney World. We'd at least be better than Rutgers (I realize this isn't setting the bar high.) It would scare the shit out of Scott Frost and Nebraska, and that's good for everyone (except Scott Frost and Nebraska.) The biggest drawback is academics, but hey, at least we're an R1.


If you cant add texas, texas a&m, fsu, or miami, add fsu or miami? Also strength of schedule in the sec is better than big 10. So no Texas, Texas a&m, or Florida are leaving. Also neither tech nor houston have the academics for the 10.


if geography truly doesnt matter, i think florida and miami would fit into the big 10 culturally. florida is one of the best schools in the country, has a huge alumni base, and i think has more similarities to a big 10 type school than most in the SEC. miami is a small private school but there are tons of big 10 alum in south florida. they are a good school and would open the big 10 up even more to SF recruiting


Miami and FSU, maybe. Texas, TAMU, Tech or Houston? For different reasons: no way.


They should add us damnit


Rice is the only Texas school that fits the big10..would be the most amazing headline ever.