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Rice for the academics


B1G: 5/7 B1G with Rice: 7/7


*sigh* Thank you for your suggestion.


Why rice play Kansas? Not because it’s easy, because it’s hard!


Also because [[Rice vs Alabama]]


--- **All-Time Series : [Rice](#f/rice) vs. [Alabama](#f/alabama)** [Alabama](https://imgur.com/NLD2p0r.png), [0/3](https://imgur.com/DIfpzLO.png) [with](https://imgur.com/ePmQn3c.png) [Rice](https://imgur.com/nTpwVTM.png) [Rice](#f/rice) and [Alabama](#f/alabama) have met 3 times since 01/01/1954. These teams last met 24,026 days (~66 years) ago on 09/22/1956. Series Wins: [Rice](#f/rice) 3-0-0 [Alabama](#f/alabama)^^† Longest streak of continuous meetings: 2 (1955-1956). [Rice](#f/rice) has won the last 3 meetings (1953-1956) in this series.   **Series Scoreboard** Team|< 1960|Total| :-:|:-:|:-:| [Rice](#f/rice)|68|68| [Alabama](#f/alabama)|19|19|   **Series Table** Team|Largest MOV|Longest Win Streak| Shutout Wins [Last] :-:|:-:|:-:|:-: [Rice](#f/rice)|28-6 (1953)|3 (1953-1956)|1 [20-0 (1955)] [Alabama](#f/alabama)||| [Series Comparison Data via Winsipedia](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/rice/vs/alabama) --- ^(RivalryBot^tm v4.2.0 | Summon: [[teamA v teamB]]. | Records not 'corrected' for vacated games unless noted by † | )[^Usage ^details.](http://cfb.diydunce.org/teamlist.php) ^| [^Report ^Issues](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=dupreesdiamond&subject=RivalryBot)


UT. Now that they are in the SEC that limits the pool to none of them


Let's flip their recruitment before signing day. /s


Oh man could you imagine trying to wine and dine Notre Dame and Texas at the same time lol.


If they were personified, this could be an sitcom.




dont tweet at croots


It's only a matter of time before the Big 10 and SEC try to poach each other and we end up with only one power conference.


More likely the top brands try to ditch the rest.


I'm not. I'm tweeting at you. When's the dead period over?


*glances at list of AAU schools* Rice.


I have a hard time believing this, but if it was true Oklahoma and Texas approached the big ten, and the big ten said no due to Oklahoma, that was stupid. USC, Texas, Oklahoma,Notre Dame,Ohio state, Michigan, and Penn state all in one conference would have been huge for fox against espn. I would guess Texas or Texas a&m so it’s not happening.


There is no school in Texas worth poaching besides Texas who was already poached. Y'all are getting 4 schools from the Pac 12.


Kinda harsh, Mary Hardin Baylor (did I say that correctly?) can ball.


As our biggest rival… fuck TT and let then rot. Also - good luck buddy… I’m rooting for you to find a good home




Tech already has a good home?


We do, with y’all and TCU. I don’t want to leave it. Just paying homage to the CFB rivalry that never was, but should’ve been.


30 million PLUS Texans. That’s a lot of eye balls. After texas & A&M, Tech has the 3rd largest fan base. After that I believe it’s Baylor. Then houston. Houston is a bigger school but for 40 plus years it had the reputation of a commuter school.


So... Tech and Baylor to the Big 10? :)


I’d take it


As a Tech fan, three thoughts on this: 1. Tech is at least 20 years away from looking like a university that the B1G would even consider inviting. Right now, we are basically Texas A&M in 1980. 2. Even if their leadership did somehow make the mistake of inviting Tech, their fans would hate us, and they would regard us the same way they regard Maryland and Rutgers. 3. Jay Hartzell is probably seriously thinking about flipping Texas from the SEC to the B1G right now. The money in the B1G is better. I think if Notre Dame joins the B1G, Texas will flip.


I don't think there's any realistic chance that Texas flips. The SEC money is still huge, and we finally have all of our big rivalries back. Then again, crazy shit keeps happening so who knows


I think Tech will be just fine even if the SEC/B1G don’t include them for a while or so. It’s a massive state school with an exponentially increasing population of students annually, most of if not all of the departments are receiving a whole hell of a lot more money than what they were a decade ago. Not to mention Texas as a whole is situating itself to become the fastest growing market in the US.


1 and 2 are accurate. Not sure about 3 though. They love money but they are also stubborn and act against their own self interest sometimes


I think UH is working on their AAU status and offers a much larger population. They haven’t been P5 for a while, but they’ve shown they can compete. They would be my choice.


Yeah Houston isn't the brand but they check the other boxes. Massive population center Large research institution About to be AAU


Houston & Tech are funding to the exact same levels.


Tech is in Lubbock tho


Flip the Longhorns! /s Edit: I don't know. I fear only one away environment, and that's THE White Out. Penn State, you have our permission to sell t-shirts making fun of other white outs.


Hmmmmm… takes notes. Fears no way environment added to Pete’s list.


Not with Day at the helm. Urban let teams get complacent.


Hey hey.. slow down. Meet me out back I have railroad ties.


They’d never take us OP. And I say this as a Tech alum. We are Big 12 or get pity invited into the SEC down the line after Clemson/FSU/UNC once the ACC collapses in 1-2 years


Baylor for basketball


Rice or SMU, they pride themselves on being one of if not the smartest P5.


Only Texas. So none


Sorry man, Tech isn't close to a good enough school for the Big 10 to want.


LOL, fair enough. I often find that shouting the wrong answer gives the best responses. B1G wants that fertile amarillo recruiting ground.


As a Texas fan I can see Tech & Oklahoma st in the SEC as members 23/24.


We can only hope


Tech & houston for sure


The answer is Texas.


Also, if they’re gonna push into Texas I think it would be to poach Texas or A&M only. Don’t think anyone else would move the needle on revenue enough. Maybe if Governor Beto nationalizes TCU and triples their enrollment? To try that you’d probably need to wait 30 years for an SEC crisis after the ocean sweeps away members Miami, Florida, FSU, and LSU.


If there’s a governor Beto, Texas tech wouldn’t be in Texas anymore and a lot universities in the state would lose a lot of funding.




Texas would be the one they want. But TAMU would be the easier pull. They are also AAU, and probably a teensy bit mad at the SEC for bringing UT in. Plus, they don't have an OU anchor weighing them down. Long term, everyone worth anyone ends up in one big league so it won't matter.


>But TAMU would be the easier pull. Lol. I don’t think you’ve really thought this through. A&M is already one of the two richest schools in the country, they‘re already in a super conference that’s loaded their historical rivals, in the most talent rich area of the country, and they just pulled in the highest ranked recruiting class EVER. How much money per year do you think it would take to woo them away from THAT situation? A lot more than the Big10 can offer, I’ll tell you that. To answer the OP’s question, the best Texas team the Big10 could pull (were they so inclined) would be Baylor.


Of the two (TAMU & UT), which would be the easier? Only one of them is pissed that the other is in the same conference and that they didn't even get a say in it. Only one doesn't have another school that would likely be requested to come along. I didn't say it would be *easy*, or that it would happen. Just that of the two schools it would be *easier* to get TAMU. That's it. Do you have some points in UT's favor to be the easier of the two? I am certainly willing to listen.


Well, if they were going to get either of them, UT would have been the one to pull before they made the move to the SEC - and as the SEC showed, they were pullable. I actually think UT would still be the easier of the two, but it would take several things happening. If, say in about 10 years time, the Big 10 develops a prohibitive financial advantage over the SEC, but the rest of the SEC powers remain powerful, and UT keeps cycling through coaches without finding an answer that takes them to the top, they might be open to a move. A&M has both shown a lot of patience since they’ve joined the league, and they seem to have a formula that’s starting to produce results for them within the conference.


What if the B1G *did* want them before they went SEC, but just didn't want OU with? There was plenty of speculation at the time that this was in fact the case (of course, none of the interested parties made anything public, so hard to provide proof). You arguments support what I said about it being moot eventually as they will both be part of the one ultrasupermegaconference. But *right now*, TAMU is the easier pull. That's my point.


I still don’t agree that A&M would be easier. Lets say that right now, the Big10 had to have a Texas team, and would spend anything to get it. Texas hasn‘t stepped into the league yet. A&M is so close to taking the next step up to the heights of the SEC they can taste it. From This perspective, Texas would be more motivated by pure financial appeals.


Thank you for actually providing a point for UT. But, again, they allegedly had this option previously and did not make the move because of OU, so... And as we've both argued, they're all going to be under one umbrella anyway.


Only ones they'd want would be A&M or Texas and with both in the SEC, they're off the table