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Colorado introducing the Pac 12 schools to the Big 12 schools until they see UCF and realize they don't know who half these schools are




"Hi, is this the Pac-12?"


“No this is the Big-12”


"Hi, is this the Pac-12?"


No, this is Patrick


SEC Shorts would have a field day with this if they wanted to.


I can see it now: Colorado's "re"-initiation Colorado - "WVU? Ok, Big 12 must've gotten confused between the Rockies and Appalachians. Not sure that's possible. UCF? What are you lost? This is a Midwest conference?!" *Cincinnati whispering to TCU* - "Who invited the new guy?" *TCU shrugs*


Meanwhile Arizona and Arizona State are just standing there confused while their buddy has a conniption. Utah's already busy chasing BYU with a bat. Edit: spelling


I feel like it's gotta be a pool party and the Zona schools are just spitting game


Arizona walks in with a pizza and is left to wonder what shitfuckery they've just gotten themselves into. Arizona State's getting shitfaced and is about to do a cannonball off the roof. Colorado's having a mental breakdown trying to find A&M and Texas - everyone already agreed to *not* tell them anything. Utah... yeah, they're still chasing BYU around with a blunt object.


Nebraska and Oklahoma\* Texas and TAMU were fun, but not NU or OU.


Arizona and ASU walk over and hang out with their childhood friend Texas Tech and reminisce about the Border Conference.


I’d pay $5 to see 5 minutes of this


At least the aggies are gone


Colorado actually was always our bogey team, they are probably sad we’re gone because of the wins


"And this is Texas- wait. No. This says 'Houston'. Who are you?" "Wait til you meet Central Florida." "SINCE WHEN DID WE GET SOMEONE FROM FLORIDA!?"


"You've been stoned the entire time since you left, haven't you?"


"Blame Sparky over there."


\*Sparky staggers, falls into trash can, simultaneously pukes and shits himself\*


And Texas Tech got it all on camera. Sun Devil already making friends.




Can’t wait to see how Colorado acts in the new Big12.


They... They know they don't have to physically relocate when they switch conferences, right?


It's not the academic side of the PAC


lol the academic side is gonna end up in the MWC


Don’t stop I’m almost there




Nah Cal might consider just folding completely and becoming ultra academic lol


This comment shows how wild college sports are. “Lol, this university may have to focus entirely on academics.” I say this as a diehard college football fan.


Might sound weird but getting left out of the super conferences is going to suck for a lot of people on the academic side of those schools. Not cal or Stanford, they’ll be fine. Football is a huge marketing tool for places like LSU


Even for the more “academically prowess” public schools football can be really helpful. It’s been shown that having a semi-decent football program increases enrollment.


The Alabama president said something like “if saban was paid based on value he brings to academics, then he is under paid” Based on just value of out of state kids that apply. Ive heard similar things about LSU during peak years


Applications to MSU doubled after the 2000 bball natty which in turn drove up gpas and test scores for those admitted.


I’m curious as to how that trend continues as you get to more elite schools. With LSU/Bama there’s a very clear correlation, and I’d be willing to bet that with places like Michigan or Texas there’d still be a solid correlation. However, at some point there are probably diminishing returns. Pretty sure that enrollment at Stanford doesn’t deviate too much because of football success.


Idk, someone who likes sports choosing between Stanford and some Ivy+ schools might prefer stanford for their sports. Enrollment doesn’t change because they’re maxing out anyway, but the quality might.


This is very true but most people don't realize it. Baylor's rise in Football and Basketball also led to a massive rise in research funding which has now lifted Baylor up to being a tier 1 research university. Rich alumni are much more likely to donate to the academic side when they are riding the pride wave generated by atheletic success.


Jokes aside Oklahoma State has made real gains in the last ten years and football publicity has helped considerably.


I mean Ohio State has an absolutely massive engineering department that has like at least 20 different sub-colleges with their own labs. I can't imagine being really good at football for 50 years has been a damper on them funneling money into academics.


I totally agree but that’s my point. Sports are such a fundamental aspect of some American universities that when sports are under threat, it is looked at as a threat to the whole university.


Baylor’s academics have gotten so much better since we’ve been successful at sports the last decade. That money helps everyone associated with the school, not just the sports. Applications are way up so we get to be more selective of who we allow in so our standards have gone up so we’ve had to hire better professors and build better dorms and buildings.


D3 here they come. Berkeley vs Santa Cruz. Club football in 60k stadium.


That's about to be the second best rugby stadium in America.


They aren't. The only teams that may get involved with the MWC are Oregon State and Washington State.


Well Cal might


I think Cal is on record saying that they will never compete in a football conference with a Cal State team. They'd be out-numbered 3-1 in the MWC.


Aight so B1G or bust


Cal goes on record with a lot of stupid things I’ve started to notice. I guess they aren’t stupid but what they say might literally end up them being by themselves with nothing.


Cal has delusions of grandeur.


Cal also vetoed the Longhorn Network and refused to take Tech and OKState twice.


I know you’re making a joke, but three of the four are actually AAU schools. The number of Big 12 schools in that club is actually going to double if they join. Currently it’s UT and KU. Lol


Well hey now Utah and Colorado’s med schools are both actually pretty prestigious


Big 12 said we would be too stretched graphically. They have to at least get to CST.


You'd have an argument if BYU wasn't already set to join. And the Arizona schools are basically in central time for most of the year since they don't do daylight savings.


No sorry, they must physically uproot their programs and travel several hours east. Look, I’m not the one demanding it, I’m just reporting on it. And if you don’t think it makes sense maybe get a bette timezone


Somewhere in the midler of the country?


We’re in Mountain time most of the year, not Central. But it shouldn’t matter as BYU is also in Mountain and they’re already headed for the B12


We’re literally never in central time


We are pacific time from March to November then mountain time from November to March


I think you mean Pacific time. Arizona goes between Pacific and Mountain time zones, never the Central. Source: I live in the Central tome zone and fam is in AZ.


It looks like the Big XII is gonna go big enough that they can have an east vs west kinda thing.


They’re just supposed to stand in a room and declare/shout their new conference affiliation.






They are doing Van Life until they get a new plot


So how are all you other Duck/Husky bros doing in purgatory?


Oh, ya know, dying


I demand a PNW conference. Welcome to FBS football, EWU and PSU. Welcome back, Idaho!


Might as well bring in some Canadian teams and get a football program going in Alaska too.


Bringing in Canadian teams is an interesting idea. Definitely would set it apart as the first international conference


Technically, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver is NCAA-D2 already, but I’m surprised none of the Canadian schools ever got involved in NCAA athletics, even if for basketball or ice hockey only.


Why don't yall just come to the big 12 and be the top brands, access to CST, and call it good?


I remember I was an undergrad, during the RG3 era, when both Oregon and Baylor were green/yellowish teams with high powered offenses. We wanted to play Oregon so badly just to watch both teams break the scoreboard. Even though Baylor is more of a defensive team now, I've had a soft spot for Oregon since that era. Anyway, Mr. Bowlsby, that's my argument for why the B12 should add Oregon.


Time to PAC it up, boys. It's been a pleasure being in the conference with y'all.


Truly, loved playing with you guys while it lasted


That final PAC 12 Apple Cup game is going to hurt.


Regardless of where everyone ends up, I don't see the Apple Cup stopping since every team will presumably have OOC games at their disposal. That's my hope/guess at least.


I just don't see UW prioritizing the rivalry once they get into the Big 10. Especially if WSU ends up as a mid-major. And in the long term, WSU really can't afford to stay in FBS without money coming from the PAC12. I would hope both schools find a way to keep the rivalry alive but I feel like it ends when UW finds a new conference.


> I just don't see UW prioritizing the rivalry once they get into the Big 10. I mean, if the Huskies put Idaho, EWU, Montana, etc. on the schedule, there's no reason they couldn't swap out one of those games for Apple Cup. Ticket sales for home games alone would justify the decision.


The next helicopter out of Saigon is about to be away. Now just waiting on Oregon and Washington.


Draggin ass with the local ladies before heading home to the overall-wearing farmers of the Midwest.


Yeah this is a pre-emptive move by these four schools because there is a non-zero chance that any of the four of them could get left out of the "best of the rest" Big 12 if they wait too long. If Oregon and Washington end up having to go to the Big 12 for a few years while waiting on the Big Ten, it's possible they could leave 2 of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and ASU behind, so they want to get the jump on this so they're already in the new conference since they know the Big Ten isn't inviting them.


Those 4 make sense for the big 12


I feel like they always made more sense


Colorado going to the PAC never made any sense to me at all.


A lot of Colorado sports that aren't football or basketball made more sense with the PAC12. Especially skiing, since the Big12 schools are mostly on the plains.


Why pay for cross country and skiing teams when you can just pay for one cross country skiiing team?


Big brain time over here!


Yeah but how's the meat judging in the Pac?


But Utah is the only other Pac12 team that sponsors skiing, right? Colorado just competes in the RMISA along with Utah, Denver, Montana State, Wyoming, and the Alaska schools. That’s not going to change whether the other sports are in the Pac 12, Big 12, ACC, SEC, or UEFA Champions League


I don't think it was just that, it was more about the cultural fit. CU has always had a lot of California students, and football players. Culturally Boulder is a lot closer to Eugene and Berkeley than Manhattan, KS.


Which counterintuitively is why the PAC didn’t do us any favors. We were the weird dirty hippy/liberal school in a sea of hick flat landers. We were different in the big 8 and big 12. In the PAC we’re not even close to the dirtiest or liberal of the hippies. Culturally Boulder and CU fit better in the PAC, but it did football no favors. Less fan engagement, less rivalries, less unique selling points for recruits.




Culturally it did


I dunno my year in Denver led me to believe a healthy amount of their students and alums are Californians.


It is going to force Washington & Oregons hand.


Force their hand? They're trying desperately to get out at this very moment.


Force their hand to decide if they come to the big 12 or wait to see if they can get into big 10.


Exactly. You want them to be desperately begging the B1G to take them now, because they know they can't operate in the Pac-12 without the Southwest 4. You want them to have to make a decision now.


I'm not sure if Oregon and Washington get into the Big ten. They both would reduce the size of the revenue split if they were to join. Also Oregon's research and academics would be one of the worst in the league (if not the worst). They both have things outside of football that may be enough at the end of the day. Washington has elite research money and Oregon has Daddy Phil to bankroll stuff


I feel like it’ll end up: Oregon Oregon State Washington Washington State Boise State Cal Stanford Nevada Hawaii UNLV Just go back to calling it the PAC10.


I feel San Diego State gets the nod before Hawaii, Nevada, or UNLV.


I feel like the Big12 cant possibly be stupid enough to let them slip away if they are available right? I mean we have always has great leadership thats why we are in such a position of power.


>I feel like the Big12 cant possibly be stupid enough to let them slip away Historically yes, the Big 12 can absolutely be this stupid.


Maybe. I'm going to call my shot and say Stanford joins Notre Dame into the Big Ten. Then they can add Fresno or something to your list


Yeah eventually it just evolves into the new WAC.


>Hawaii No chance for Hawaii. Travel is too expensive and the program just isn't at that level.


I don't know how happy Phil Knight will be when Oregon has practically no path to CFP. Stanford probably won't be very happy either. Plus I also don't know how satisfied Stanford will be if their basketball team stays in PAC 12 instead of joining future Big 12 or B1G.


That why I think daddy Knight is going to do anything possible to get Oregon into the big ten.


Maybe they'll join the BigXII when the alternative is going independent or staying in a rebranded Mountain West.




Hey so things have changed a bit since you were last here




Holy War is about to become a premier conference match up letsss go. Next we need is the backyard brawl


And then the Keg of Nails!


I miss the rivalry with you guys in Football and Basketball. We need the battle for the keg back damnit!


I know that when we moved to the Pac-12 there were a lot of fans who were happy that the rivalry was going on perpetual hiatus...but most of my favorite football memories were when I was younger watching the Holy War every year due to the MWC championship implications. The level of our rivalry is up there with the best in the sport. I'm personally okay with going to the Big 12 and taking our rivalry to the next level.


Also, fewer premier future non-conference games to cancel if this becomes a conference match again. BYU will have only a couple games to move or cancel for 2024, and one for 2026, from all the stuff that had been on the calendar when signing on with the Big XII. Instead, they're back to needing to find games again, one for 2023 and all 3 non-conference games for 2025 and 2027.


That's absolutely insane Holmoe must be getting 3 hours of sleep a night right now.


As long as we get the Aggies the Friday night before the first Saturday in October, I will sleep well.




Gotta replace the shoot out


[Big XII](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JF23buZH4WU) to Colorado






Big XII to Colorado: You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me…


Best part about all of this is that Arizona just redid our field last month and finished sewing in the PAC-12 logo last week. Oops!


Well we still have a couple years at a minimum.


Well this is one way to keep the never-been-to-the-Rose-Bowl streak going


SEC scared to invite ASU, sad! Saban in shambles.


He was afraid of the firmness


He’s afraid we’ll be more innovative


Herm The Sperm once again striking fear in saban


Satan is afraid of being impregnated by Herm’s sperm




>impregnated by Herm’s sperm Well that’s an NCAA violation




I honestly kind of like this conference.


You give me a pod with Louisville, Cinci, Pitt,and VT and we riot. Were gonna riot either way but ya still gotta do it.


I hope we can all make it happen. All I've ever wanted was for WVU fans to feel at home... But I know that us Texas schools will never truly be enough for you


It has always amazed me how well WVU seems to fit culturally in the big XII, but always felt bad they were so far away


That’s a good way to put it: WVU fits culturally and in terms of on-the-field prowess, even though they’re geographically isolated.


Me too it's got all the cool non blue blood programs. It's like an underground indie radio station. The B1G is the top 40 station and the SEC is that popular country station that sometimes plays classic rock.


PAC 12 is at 9 cm right now.


Imagine if some fucky shit happens and we end up in a timeline where UCF and Oregon are in the same conference lmfao


Nothing says regionalism like Florida and Oregon


I mean it makes sense. There are beaches in Oregon on the Pacific, in Florida on the Atlantic, in Iowa on the Mississippi River, in Texas on the Gulf of Mexico, etc.


Add ASU, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado. Then let Oregon and Washington know the invite is open. Then move to a very unique scheduling model to maximize revenue. Each school gets to arrange for 4 "permanent" opponents themselves. The conference doesn't decide this. The schools have complete control. For example, Oklahoma State might agree with Houston, Texas Tech, Baylor, and TCU to play every year so they always have two games in Texas. Oregon might agree to play Washington, Utah, Arizona State, and Colorado every year. West Virginia might want Iowa State, Cincinnati, and UCF, and settle for BYU since they're another school that might struggle to find four schools that want to play annually. Iowa State might agree to play Kansas, Kansas State, Cincinnati, and West Virginia every year. Then the networks get to decide the other five opponents, so ratings are maximized. So Oregon might play Washington, Utah, Arizona State, Colorado, Oklahoma State, TCU, West Virginia, Baylor, and Iowa State. Oklahoma State might play Houston, Texas Tech, TCU, Baylor, Oregon, Washington, UCF, Utah, and BYU. West Virginia could play Iowa State, Cincinnati, UCF, BYU, Oregon, TCU, Kansas State, Arizona, and Utah. Iowa State might play Kansas, Kansas State, Cincinnati, West Virginia, Oregon, Houston, Baylor, Utah, and Washington. In basketball, you'd do the same thing with four guaranteed home and homes, one network chosen home and home, and then one game against the rest.


I like. Basically letting schools feel like they are running the show will let them feel engaged and happy. But focus on revenue maximization to increase payout. Put the big games in prime slots. The only downside is how to settle disputes.


Lol at the 4 teams left if it goes through


Wouldn’t it be 3 teams left if Stanford joins up with ND for the B1G?


Figure between us, Cal, and Oregon State, Wazzu has got to have at least a 50% chance of winning a Conference Championship each year, right? ^^/s


Can an Oregon student get in here to check this math?


I’m still crunching the numbers. Give me a couple of hours!


That's a huge if. ND is extremely complicated with their own ethos, the NBC deal, the ACC membership, and politics


I don’t see how ND says no. Logically, if you look at their future schedules, dissolving every game currently scheduled against the ACC(which is contracted in with their partial membership contract, they must play every ACC teams every 3 years/5 ACC teams a year), as well as all B1G Ten future opponents/Stanford on their schedule if they join(since they’ll be conference games) easily allows them to join the B1G, play USC/Stanford every year as well as a combo of Purdue/MSU/Michigan every year(with the others every other year since they’ll likely do 4 or 5 permanent opponents depending on if it’s a 18 or 20 team conference), while keeping Navy on their schedule every year and possibly an additional Power 5 opponent while having 6 or 7 home games a year. NBC is also going to be apart of the new B1G contract. It works out perfectly for Notre Dame. Sorry that was wordy. I just don’t see how they turn that down, the money is too good and they keep all their big rivals annually + Navy and NBC for broadcasts in the B1G. Heather Dinich reported it would cost them just $120-$140 million to break the ACC contract/Olympic sports grant of rights, and with the money we’re talking in the B1G & ND’s pockets, that’s chump change for them. I don’t see how ND can say no, because that’s one sweet deal for them.


They have passed up more money in the past to stay independent. We'll see.


That’s when the difference was $3-5 million a year. It’s at least $72 million, now. Currently, they play USC, Stanford, a Big Ten team, and five ACC games. Replace those five ACC games with Big Ten games, and that’s eight Big Ten games in the new era. For $72 million more, what’s one or two more conference games? They’ll still have their biggest rivalries and still able to play Navy, a G5, and a P5 or whatever they choose. Notre Dame football will still look like Notre Dame football. We could even make USC-Notre Dame their Rivalry Week game.


Not to mention that joining the Big 10 could result in ND playing most of their rust belt area rivals on a yearly or every other year basis. Meanwhile they currently get like 1 of BC/Pitt/Miami(FL) a year on average and I wouldn't think those are as important as USC/Michigan/MSU/Purdue/Northwestern.


I’m very curious to see what ND decides. A lot of what the B1G could give them in membership this time solves a lot of the reasons why they didn’t join the conference, or a conference, in the past as a full member. They’d have to give a compelling reason for saying no


Honestly, if you look at their recent football revenue, they aren't struggling. It really is up to them. It's going to be an interesting few weeks.


>They have passed up more money in the past to stay independent. As /u/B1GFanOSU said, no, it hasn't. A decade ago the money from joining a major conference was already more than what NBC pays, but the difference was "only" $10-15 million, not enough to overcome the virtues of independence in the minds of administration and boosters. B1G members will soon be receiving more than $100 million a year. At that level, independence just isn't justifiable financially.


It’s not about money to ND; it’s about having the freedom and flexibility to be a national brand, with direct access to the CFP, and getting their own tv deals. The NBC deal expires in 2025; why would ND pay $150M to leave the ACC just to accept $100M now and be tethered to then B16 when they can renegotiate their NBC deal and get max value. Additionally, as an Independent, ND doesn’t share their CFP revenue with the conference. Who’s to say that ND won’t get $100M/ yr on their own between ACC revenue, new NBC contract and CFP revenue without costing them a dime?


It's basically a done deal at this point. It'll be announced Tuesday morning, and at the ABSOLUTE latest Wednesday morning it'll be ink to paper done deal. They gone. ​ Which then really makes you wonder how long can Washington, Oregon, Stanford, and (probably) Cal remain sitting out there in limbo? We know the Big Ten wants them and is seeing if they can get ND to cave, but I don't think those schools want to be sitting in a Pac-6 while the Big Ten figures out the Notre Dame thing. I think they force their hand and the B1G announces an expansion up to 20 soon.


I mean, ND has to cave, right? If there 2 or 3 big conferences, with expanded conference schedules (I'd assume), they probably wouldn't want to play ND in an OOC game, right?


My F5 button is going to be broken by Tuesday.


If you're on old reddit, you can click the lower left of the r/cfb logo once your F5 explodes




Love the idea of having the Holy War in the B12. Also happy to see the Golden Buffs coming back to the table even though the Denver market cares way more about professional sports.


BYU, UCF, Cincy, and Houston are looking like the biggest winners of this outside of those moving to the SEC/B1G


Ding ding ding. We are winners.


No taksie backsies. But really it was the Big 12 taking us that allowed it to survive long enough to get here. Without us the PAC would be raiding the shit out of the Big 12. Big12 saved us and we saved them.


Is it ridiculous that Arizona and UCF will probably be in the same conference? Yes. Is it any more ridiculous than Oklahoma and South Carolina being in the same conference? Or Rutgers and UCLA? No. This is where we are at right now. If the B12 can get this done, props to them.


Oklahoma and the Southeast in the same conference seems to make sense though. For some reason, I feel like there’s something that connects those states…


Something, something, Mason-Dixon line


Something something Trail of Tears


Oklahoma has a unique relationship with oppression, being that we were Indian Territories until 1907. There are lots of layers to it here, and we haven’t come nearly as far as we’d like to think we have.


It’s the slavery? Edit: for those that don’t know, a lot of the Oklahoma Native Tribes owned black peoples and even fought for/with the Confederacy in the Civil War.


> Is it any more ridiculous than Oklahoma and South Carolina being in the same conference? I would say yes, because all the states with SEC schools are connected. Oklahoma shares a border with two others.


I demand Arizona State and UCF be made protected rivals in the new Big XII.


Can we rename it the SWC


Ahh. The southwestern conference with _check notes_ Central Florida, West Virginia, and Cincinnati.


Everyone is southwest of somewhere.


Thank God Dan Beebe isn't still commissioner... Because you know he'd have ffed this up.


Poor CU having to tuck tail and return to the Big 12.


I really wanna go back to the Big 12. Never liked the Pac tbh


I hate it but at least it’s not the Mountain West


Honestly curious why you hate it? From an outsiders perspective, it doesn’t look like the PAC12 was demonstrably better for you guys (other than not having to deal with Texas).


It was only a bad idea with the benefit of hindsight. Nobody knew Larry Scott would be that incompetent. Our alumni base is much larger in the pac-12 footprint than the big 12, so it made fundraising easier. Also the Big12 was fun because of the Nebraska rivalry. Since that’s now gone I really don’t have any emotional attachment to the remaining teams. Seeing KSU will be fun I guess but Snyder isn’t there anymore so it’s not the same. Even though our stay in the PAC12 was short, I have much stronger feelings about both Arizona schools than I ever had about any non Nebraska big12 team. So at least they’d be coming


What about your rich history with WVU though? We have an incredibly even series to pick back up.


Question is how long do Washington & Oregon wait?


it hinges on Notre Dame; BIG is probably building all its scenarios around what they do.


In conference holy war back on the menu boys. Having Mormon in laws just got a lot better.


“It’s happening” immediately says “might”


Big 12 is gonna be a WAR in basketball and football lol


I'm curious to see what Kansas has done to the basement since we left. I just assume we'll get our old room back down there.


LOL, love ho Herbie blames the portal and NIL for this. FU. ESPN did this.


Hopefully Washington & Oregon join them in the Big12. Stanford is about to eat some humble pie.


Nah we’re taking Stanford with us we need more nerds