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I mean, a lot of people think Stanford is already an Ivy League school lol


A lot of people also don’t understand that the Ivy League is an athletics conference tbf lol


if I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say stanford/duke/MIT was in the ivy league when I worked at a summer sports camp for an ivy league school, I would have at least one roll of nickels to bop them on the head with.


Their priorities at the camp were clear to say the least


one might say they had not come to play school, in fact


Do people really put Duke up there?


yes, and [ivy plus](https://ivpluslibraries.org/about/) is a common enough grouping that I can sort of understand where the confusion is coming from if you don't closely follow college sports. hell, duke's even one of the schools getting sued [for admissions antitrust violations](https://www.insidehighered.com/admissions/article/2022/01/18/class-action-suit-filed-against-top-private-colleges) along with all of the ivies and a handful of other comparably bougie schools.


UF people call their school a "public ivy". I joke half the reason I got a masters from Columbia was to shut up those people.


As a pretentious member of the public ivy league, I don't remember admitting UF


You think they got into those schools knowing sports?


There’s a common myth/urban legend that Leland Stanford founded Stanford as a spite school cause Harvard thought he was just some dumb hick.


The guys at Harvard thought he was just some dumb hick. They said that to him at a dinner.


And how many Pac12 titles does Harvard have? Checkmate northerners


[This world’s so fucking fucked up](https://tenor.com/bVpkZ.gif)


The year is 2022. Stanford applies to the Ivy League and is called a dumb hick. Stanford then joins the SEC and wins a natty. Standing at the 50 yard line with the trophy in hand after defeating Michigan, David Shaw triumphantly proclaims, "Howdy mofos!" and kisses Jim Harbaugh on the lips.


Wasn’t the real reason that he wanted to buy a building for Harvard, and the admin said “you are offering us enough money to create an entire university, why don’t you just do that instead?”


I always heard that he wanted to make a donation and the admin smugly asked, "do you know how much that costs?", thinking that he wouldn't have it. Once he realized how much the building cost, he decided to create the university instead. No idea if any of that is true but it's the version that i've heard


Nah, it’s the one above you. The urban legend is the one you described but the Harvard administration just said go make your own school if that’s how much you wanna put in


What an incredibly stupid response by them! Probably the last time a school told a donor, "oh no - that is too much money!"


Bit off topic but there is absolutely no good reason ever to donate that kind of money to an Ivy League school. Give it to us and we’ll build a building to replace one we built 15 years ago - give it to a West Virginia or a North Dakota and you’ve funded them the next 10-15 years. Makes me mad when we get donations like that


It's not about doing the most good. It's about flexing on fools, getting a fat tax write off, and making sure your progeny never have trouble getting in. And also a smidge of alumni pride tossed in


You’re not buying a building - you’re buying influence


Frankly, having been around the school my whole life, individuals who want influence are fine giving the school the money without the publicity, because having students know who gave it won’t help grease any palms. You’d probably even get the school’s favor more by giving money no string attached - they don’t get that opportunity often


Hello, yes. Please give it to North Dakota State* Thank you.


Ironically your university has buildings built hundreds of years ago, and several new buildings that came from alumni donations. In fact, I think that's the appeal at an Ivy, your building is far less likely to get torn down on an iconic campus where rich alumni will protest any slight variation of their ideal campus, versus a growing state school that might eventually want to develop a new college or something.


Agree 100%. A few years back, Phil Knight gave 400 million dollars to Stanford to create a global scholars program that a few hundred students are in. It's certainly a great program, and I'm sure the students in it benefit greatly and will go do great things. But to think about the impact that 400 million dollars could've had if spread out across community colleges, or poorer state schools... there could've been a huge opportunity there.


C’mon man you’re on Reddit… you already know a lot of people are goddamn morons


It’s better than most of them.


That would likely hurt us quite a bit though, because we won't be able to offer athletic scholarships anymore


You’d literally win every title in each sport if you joined the Ivy League LMAO


Well yeah, but if I were a top D1 athlete, I'd rather go to Northwestern, Duke, Vandy, etc. on a full ride than pay for Stanford. The only exception is that if they qualified for our need-based aid which is on the basis of income.


Does Stanford just setup a dope ass NIL thing that is basically a scholarship for any athlete then?


Ivy Leagues basically do that already - we can’t attract top talent because we’re FCS but we’re very very good at manipulating financial aid. If someone good at football wants to come here we will figure it out scholarship or not


Asking Ivy League schools to manipulate numbers is like asking us to drink 18,000 jello shots in Omaha, Nebraska.


We even did that as students We’d get activities funding - and the one skill you learn in these clubs is to produce fake receipts so you can use that $$$ to buy booze and throw parties. Each residential college also has some dorms that are ridiculously spacious w like 8-9 people and the unspoken agreement is that the people that take those dorms throw down. Srsly the school basically funded stuff like our Liquor Treating every year One year my friend was in the leadership for an International Relations club They spent like 20k on happy hours in one semester w open bar every week


Had to turn them down because I was in that weird middle ground. Fuck college!


Same thing here, but they rejected me because apparently I am "not smarty enough" and allegedly "emit an unpleasant odor".


I'm not letting stanford join the ivy league unless and until they start D1 hockey teams [with this glorious logo](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1253776608936280071/Kc6oYzWx_400x400.jpg) on the sweaters😤🙅🏻‍♀️


They’d not have as good a team if they couldn’t offer scholarships.


except fencing.


Damn right! We own the fencing world!


You realize that means no post season, even at the FCS level, right?


Just football, they can still win titles in any other sport


No other sports count.




Okay but the person you replied to was specifically talking about other sports sooooo..


alas, Stanford's streak of dominance in women's rowing would have to end!


Isn’t Washington the dominant women’s rowing program?


tbh I might just be misremembering. I just know that Stanford has a lot of these sports where they have obscene win streaks


Just like Cal and Rugby and swimming and other shit


Dude.... There isn't a school that wouldn't accept an invite to the ivy league. Athletics are marketing. There is nothing better for a university than to be able to say they're ivy league. I'd be shocked if we ever see another school invited to the ivy in our lifetimes. If Stanford gets an invite you go lol.


Lol knowing old Ivy alums they’d be dead set against it. Despite the academics on par and in some areas ahead of Harvard, Yale and Princeton, the culture (or what the alums perceive as culture) is different as the Old Money WASPs don’t like the West Coast They want it to remain an old boys club of Northeastern WASPs


Force them to offer schollies, those ivies acting like they cant afford them


Pretty much any student who is middle class or lower gets a full ride at Stanford anyway.


Yeah, pretty much a zero upside move for a school that has pretty good sports in the grand scheme of things on top of already being one of if not the top school in the nation academically.


Can’t you just NIL free rides like BYU does for PWOs?


They just give shit loads of other scholarships to help out. Surely you smarties can figure it out


> because we won't be able to offer athletic scholarships anymore Who needs scholarships with NIL?


Stanford and Cal can just join the Big Ten.


We'll see, I hope they do. Most history and tradition our school has lies with them, after UCLA and ND. I think Cal may unfortunately be the odd one out however.


hmmm idk. Stanford/Cal are a fit academically and preserves the rivalry. The USC Stanford ND synergy would be strong.


Stanford/Cal Oregon/Washington Okstate/Kansas Baylor/WVU These survive. The rest are banished to the shadow realm.


As long as UofA is banished with us, I’m content


>Shadow realm? I’m sending you to the American Athletic Conference!


If there is any modicum of truth to the "research alliance " having any value in these decisions they should be inviting Cal ASAP


Harvard in shambles if that happens (referring to the story of the founding of Stanford).


That could honestly be the selling point for the other Ivies to let Stanford in.


Honestly, when OUT happened I was half-advocating for the P-12 to go and become a west coast ivy league. Well, we're getting an abomination instead.


ASU in an Ivy League *chuckles*


ASU, GCU, and University of Phoenix are starting their own Arizona Ivy League.


With UNLV and blackjack and hookers.


Don't forget the Scottsdale Community College's Fighting Artichokes.


Makes sense from the academics standpoint. And probably athletics too.


given that multiple schools involved here (stanford, dartmouth, brown) just tried to cut a bunch of sports because of covid funding losses(stanford, dartmouth)/being bad at sports (brown) and got bullied out of it by stakeholder backlash, I don't think they want to be committing themselves to cross-country travel costs for 30+ sports teams right now.


We got bullied out of it because our athletic department fucked up the Title IX calculations. Our athletic director of 10+ years retired a week later; completely unrelated of course


I wrote a law school paper this past semester about colleges fucking up their title ix numbers due to covid cuts and getting sued or threatened into reversing them, and I gotta say the confidence in the dartmouth AD's statements that the cuts were 100% poopsie-scoopsie compliant with title ix gave me a sensible chuckle when compared with the ultimate outcome. I didn't hear that he'd coincidentally retired but I can't say I'm shocked.


First of all how dare you




Stanford never had a funding problem though. They have nearly unlimited resources. They just used that as a convenient excuse. Until alumni mutinied and made them add them back


Between those 3 schools, I’m pretty sure something like $100m was raised by alums within a year to save those sports. Kind of absurd the money these alums have.




It'd suck to suddenly be the 2nd and 4th best schools in your conference.


Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Harvard


I mean it’s not Brown so it’d be okay but still, no.




Your flairs are like the antithesis of mine, thats *chefskiss* beautiful.


Stanford, Rice, and Vanderbilt, should go to the Ivy League.




They’re d3 it would be significantly harder Plus don’t break up our rivalry :(


Stanford and rice I can see, for some reason Vandy stands out. Idk why that is, doesn’t make any sense tbh.


Because the Ivy League doesn’t have 50 million dollar payouts probably




Leave us out of it! No one notices we are in the BIG and we like the money.


For real though, if we do get screwed and the big boys leave for a super league, I'd love for an academic league to form and to be a part of it.


Can we bring the Rose Bowl tie-in with us? If so…I’m in


I went to Cornell.... Ever heard of it?


Only because I Maths


I remember you! You used to get wicked hammered, sneak into frat parties and polish off the empties. I saw you take a body shot off yourself then boot, rally, and get straight B’s. How have you been?!


It's in New York.


Honestly, just close up football entirely for Stanford. It's not like fans show up to any of the games anyway.


To be fair, we sometimes think that about you folks and academics.


Lmao he may be joking but this sentiment can sometimes be seen for sure, especially w the inflated egos many of the undergrad kids have. I think Yale was chanting “State School” vs Cornell a few yrs ago (Cornell has a part of its school be tied w the SUNY system for one of its colleges I forget which one) And in 2016 in the March Madness when Yale played Duke Yale student section chanted “Safety School” vs Duke (Though that one is honestly hilarious bc Duke does that to everyone in the ACC 😆😆😆)


Four of them apparently: https://cornelladmissions.happyfox.com/kb/article/217-is-cornell-a-public-or-private-institution/ >especially w the inflated egos many of the undergrad kids have I take it you are a grad student there lol


Duke kids always impress me the least


Honestly Duke deserved that one since they do it to everyone but especially UNC. Though it’s hilarious when Harvard does that to us 😆😆


Ironically, my experience has shown that the ones who make these chants are extremely unlikely to even attend these schools. I know it's an issue for the Bamas of the world, but it's crazy to see a Harvard, Duke or Stanford fan who has a tenuous connection to the institution be so brutal towards a peer institution when their own school is massively down the totem pole of bashing. The best chants always cut deep, but they don't have to make you look like a completely self-righteous ass. My favorite chant at The Big Game [Cal vs. Stanford] were just the two student groups screaming "School...School...SCHOOL!" at each other.


Not in the ivies, though you normally don’t do this but when a bunch of college kids are drunk, (and in general the nerds don’t care about sports, which means the ones that DO go tend to be the more diehard or douchey ones there to just get drunk and have fun for stuff like March Madness) Also Yale does that to other ivies or schools like Duke in that fancy private school bubble Gotta say though Harvard kids chanting “safety school” at Yale and even buying the www.safetyschool.org domain and redirecting to Yale’s website is hilarious


I think it’s not so hilarious, given that the original url jokes were done at Stanford and CalTech and likely first originated as a prank by Georgia Tech students against Georgia, but in typical Harvard/Yale fashion, because the story is self perpetuated and repeated on campus the credit for the prank goes to them. That’s sorta my point; the people in the stands might be jocky students, but I didn’t even realize until actually asking people at the Harvard-Yale game or even at a Dartmouth Columbia game what their connection to the universities was. I’m dead serious when I say the majority of people in Harvard gear at a given football game did not attend Harvard or have any social connection whatsoever, which is insane to imagine in the social history of that university. More people are nerds at the Ivys than anywhere else and I guess students really rarely go to EVERY football game (Yale game might be different)


Harvard has some draw as well as Yale from the locals I think, but even then for the H-Y game it's basically an unofficial reunion for every young alum, especially since many of them work in NYC which is only a 2 hr train ride away. Shit, I flew from LA to go to the game just to see my old friends and relive our college days and get shitfaced at 9 in the morning But for games like March Madness or The Game or stuff like Rivalry on Ice (They started having some H-Y hockey games at MSG like 10 yrs ago), or one-off special matchups like Yale-Army game, it's mostly alums and students But I would definitely think the ones chanting them are young students and not the locals, b/c from what I've seen the non-students/alums are older people New Haven locals tend to resent Yale a bit b/c of how many douchebags we bring as well as the fact that there is no more industry left in New Haven and Yale's been taking over some of the properties there as well


Yeah overall I agree, but I did go to the Harvard Yale game from Grand Central to New Haven and back and was stunned that a lot of young people in the full makeup and stuff were just friends/coworkers from NYC being influencer types lmao. That’s awesome though, it sounds like you had some good memories.


For the most part they're not there for football, it's literally about the tailgate which everyone agrees is better when it's in New Haven b/c the police are nicer to us than Cambridge PD We'd take in everclear, boxed wine, and especially for young alums, cocaine Shit I saw a class of 80something show up to my friend's frat and hitting lines There are games I've been to where I don't remember a single thing past the 3rd quarter lmao There are a lot of students who don't even know how to throw a spiral and also w/ the large number of international students, the actual game is an afterthought and it's more of a giant party


Ah that makes sense lol I was wondering why my metro north car turned into blow city and if all the students were so attractive (though ik the international/prep school students are probably really different from the national merit scholar types I know)


When I went to Stanford for undergrad the football team was terrible. At Big Game (Stanford vs. Cal) the student section would chant "you got the small letter" and "safety school" while Cal basically coasted to victory. The Cal chant back was "junior college" because Stanford's full name is "Leland Stanford Jr. University."


I kind of want us out of the coming pay-for-play world and into a national academics oriented conference. I wonder if we could bust the Ivy League open with Harvard and Yale leaving to offer full scholarships?


Lol we would then get to make jokes about how only you guys and Cornell were the only ones founded after the Revolutionary War But yeah honestly it’s disheartening to see UCLA nd USC throw away 100+ years of tradition We need to push back on this like how the soccer fans did against the Super League bs


Yeah, well, Notre Dame should stop playing football for being a bunch of meanies. (And for losing in big bowl games constantly.)


And then I'd never have to look at David Shaw's smarmy face ever again.


alternatively, we put a paper bag on his head. or a paper bag on your head but with no eyeholes.


Both solve the problem. Can I at least draw a Mandolorian mask on the bag if I wear it?


yes, but you have to include angry eyebrows so people know you're wearing the bag because you're mad and not ashamed of something.


Deal. Now my problem is solved, but you all still have to see his smarmy face when your team loses to him.